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兽医公共卫生学是研究一切与人类和动物健康问题有关的理论知识、实践活动和物质资源的综合性学科。在目前的形势下,兽医公共卫生在人畜共患病和动物源性食品安全方面发挥着重要防线作用。本文就当前我国公共卫生形势下,阐述了兽医公共卫生学的重要性,对教学改革与实践进行了总结,以期加强人们对兽医公共卫生意义的认识,并为提高教学质量提供指导。  相似文献   

兽医公共卫生学是利用一切与人类和动物健康问题有关的理论知识、实践活动和物资资源,为人类健康事业服务的一门综合性应用学科,在动物性食品安全、动物疫病及人兽共患病方面发挥着重要的防线作用。针对当前我国发生的非洲猪瘟疫情,在阐述兽医公共卫生学重要性的基础上,分析了兽医公共卫生学课程的教学策略,以期打破对兽医专业认识的局限性,强化理解兽医公共卫生的意义,提升兽医公共卫生学的课程价值,并为优化教学内容、提高教学质量提供指导。  相似文献   

一、传统兽医职责1.兽医是动物医生。2.兽医公共卫生的早期焦点:狂犬病控制、肉类和家禽的检验、牛布氏杆菌病和肺结核病控制、增加动物生产。二、20世纪兽医公共卫生进展1.兽医担任顾问。2.兽医公共卫生更广泛的作用:经济实惠,安全和有营养的食物;人畜共患疾病的预防、控制;通过伴侣动物来促进人类心理健康;医学研究的进步。三、21世纪扮演更多的角色1.兽医担任领导。2.VPH作为调查者和政策分析  相似文献   

由吉林大学人兽共患病研究所柳增善教授主编的高等学校教材《兽医公共卫生学》已于2010年1月由中国轻工业出版社出版,全书共7篇13章,定价68元。该书对兽医公共卫生学科框架给予了科学规范,特别是现代社会赋予兽医公共卫生新的社会职能作了简要阐述;对人兽共患病、动物性食品安全、动物疫病和食品安全风险评估、兽医实验室生物安全管理、生态环境与外来生物入侵、兽医在国家生物安全中的作用、进出口动物及产品检验检疫、  相似文献   

近年来,动物源性传染病在全球范围内发病呈上升趋势,给公共卫生安全带来巨大冲击。我国畜禽和宠物养殖数量大、增长快,野生动物资源丰富,在防控动物源性传染病方面面临巨大挑战。通过阐述动物在重症急性呼吸综合征、中东呼吸综合征、新型冠状病毒肺炎、鼠疫、狂犬病及布鲁菌病等新发及再发人类疫病发生和传播过程中所起的作用,从病原、畜禽及宠物养殖和生物防护等角度分析了动物源性传染病多发的原因,并针对引起动物源性传染病多发的客观情况,提出加强兽医公共卫生法律法规建设及宣传、野生动物保护、畜禽养殖防护、基层防控能力建设及动物疫病研究等措施,从而强化兽医公共卫生在防控动物源性传染病的重要作用,为我国动物源性传染病的监测和防控,加快新型兽医公共卫生体系构建提供一些有用信息和参考。  相似文献   

动物健康体系建设与公共卫生一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用。本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策。  相似文献   

动物健康体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用。本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策。  相似文献   

动物健康体系建设与公共卫生一体化构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用.本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策.  相似文献   

正尊敬的各位会员、畜牧兽医界的同行:经上海畜牧兽医学会公共卫生分会常务理事会研究决定,上海市畜牧兽医学会兽医公共卫生分会定于2016年9月21~23日在上海召开"兽医科技国际发展论坛暨2016上海兽医公共卫生论坛"。本次会议主题为"动物疫病防控与疫苗研制"。会议将就当前国内外动物疫病流行状况、发病原因与致病机制、防控中存在的问题及其对策、兽医公共卫生问题等作专题学术报告和学术交流,以展示世界动物疫病研究与防控中所取得的新成果、新技术与新  相似文献   

<正>11月8日,由中国兽医协会主办的第六届中国兽医大会在福州海峡国际会展中心开幕。本届大会主题为"执业兽医的作用",旨在全方位宣传执业兽医在动物卫生安全、动物源性食品安全和公共卫生安全中发挥的重要作用。农业部副部长于康震、福建省人民政府副省长黄琪玉、农业部兽医局局长冯忠武、中国动物疫病预防控制中心主任陈伟生、台湾兽医师公会理事长陈培中、美国兽医协会会长约瑟夫·休伯特·肯纳尼、世界动物保护协会人道与可持续农业总监查理·鲍威尔、世界兽医协会会长莲恩.卡  相似文献   

Since the early days of veterinary science, vets have played an important part in protecting public health through controls over the safety of food of animal origin. Traditionally, public health has been treated as a topic separate from the mainstream veterinary subjects of diagnosis and treatment of animal disease. However, there is now increasing awareness of the interconnection between animal and human health, and between the work of vets in production animal practice and those in food safety and other disciplines, as Kenneth Clarke explains.  相似文献   

动物性食品安全问题与公共卫生   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
动物性食品安全问题是食品安全的重大问题之一,关系到人类健康和公共卫生安全.通过对人兽共患病、化学污染、动物食物链污染、动物性食品加工过程污染等影响动物性食品卫生与安全的主要问题进行系统的阐述,同时对防范动物性食品安全问题采取的措施和公共卫生安全方面进行论述,从而为动物性食品安全的防范提供理论依据.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的持续发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对动物源性食品的需求产生了由量到质的转变,动物源性食品安全问题也逐渐显露,对公共卫生安全和人类的健康已造成严重的威胁,引起了各方面的高度重视。文章针对目前动物源性食品安全现状,对其存在的问题及带来的危害提出相应的解决办法,以保证动物产品的健康使用,促进畜牧业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

人类健康和生命安全正面临动物疫源性疾病、动物性食品安全、动物源性耐药菌、兽药生态毒理作用、养殖污染、生物剂及生物恐怖袭击的威胁,尤其是人畜共患病的增加,动物疫病已上升为影响公共安全的一个重大社会问题。针对我国现行公共卫生体系存在的不足,应建立动物医学、动物科学与人医学一体化的公共卫生体系和长效运行机制。  相似文献   

产单核细胞李斯特菌毒力因子及免疫预防研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产单核细胞李斯特茵在病原学上已被公认为一种人兽共患病和食源性疾病的致病菌,在各国已引起食品加工部门、公共卫生部门的高度重视和研究者的兴趣.文章就该菌的毒力因子及免疫预防研究做一简述.  相似文献   

动物源性食品安全问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代化经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,对动物源性食品的需求也越来越多,然而,动物源性食品安全问题也日益显露无疑,严重威胁着公共卫生安全及人体健康,已造成严重后果,引起了各方面的高度关注。本文系统分析认为,饲料的污染、养殖场生态环境的严重污染、养殖生产中滥用抗生素、使用违禁添加剂、动物源性食品加工和储藏过程中违规或超量使用食品添加剂、检出手段落后、法律法规体系不健全、管理部门多、政务分割是产生动物源性食品安全事故的根源。针对目前的现状,提出了动物源性食品安全的控制对策是加强宣传,提高人们对畜产品安全重要性的认识,发展生态畜牧业模式,完善疫病防控体系,强化动物疫病防控意识,加强监管,确保动物源性食品源头的质量安全、强化监管职责,确保畜产品的屠宰加工质量、加强动物疫病监测体系建设、建立与国际标准接轨的奶业标准体系,各职能部门应切实承担起这项工作,加强此方面的监管力度,以保障人体健康,维护社会安定。  相似文献   

The last century of food animal agriculture is a remarkable triumph of scientific research. Knowledge derived through research has resulted in the development and use of new technologies that have increased the efficiency of food production and created a huge animal production and food manufacturing industry capable of feeding the US population while also providing significant quantities of high-quality food for export to other countries. Although the US food supply is among the safest in the world, the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control estimates that 76 million people get sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die each year from foodborne illness. Consequently, preventing foodborne illness and death remains a major public health concern. Challenges to providing a safe, abundant, and nutritious food supply are complex because all aspects of food production, from farm to fork, must be considered. Given the national and international demand and expectations for food safety as well as the formidable challenges of producing and maintaining a safe food supply, food safety research and educational programs have taken on a new urgency. Remarkable progress has been made during the last century. Wisdom from a century of animal agriculture research now includes the realization that on-farm pathogens are intricately associated with animal health and well-being, the production of high-quality food, and profitability. In this review, some of the developments that have occurred over the last few decades are summarized, including types, sources, and concentrations of disease-causing pathogens encountered in food-producing animal environments and their association with food safety; current and future methods to control or reduce foodborne pathogens on the farm; and present and future preharvest food safety research directions. Future scientific breakthroughs will no doubt have a profound impact on animal agriculture and the production of high-quality food, but we will also be faced with moral, ethical, and societal dilemmas that must be reconciled. A strong, science-based approach that addresses all the complex issues involved in continuing to improve food safety and public health is necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses. Not only must research be conducted to solve complex food safety issues, but results of that research must also be communicated effectively to producers and consumers.  相似文献   

饲料“禁抗”势在必行,行业如何应对?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘国信 《猪业科学》2020,37(6):118-121
抗生素自问世以来,在防治动物疾病、促进畜禽健康生长,提高养殖效益方面发挥了重要作用。但随着抗生素的不规范使用甚至滥用,药物残留和动物源细菌耐药性等问题逐渐浮出水面,给动物源性食品安全和公共卫生安全带来风险隐患。对此,农业农村部发布公告,实施促生长类药物饲料添加剂退出行动(简称饲料"禁抗")。从长期发展来看,饲料"禁抗"对行业可持续发展有积极正向作用,但短期对饲料养殖行业会带来一定的冲击。饲料"禁抗"是提高动物源性食品安全和公共卫生安全水平,促进畜牧业持续健康发展的必然要求,无论是饲料企业,还是养殖场户,应以冷静积极的心态面对,积极找寻饲用抗生素减量替代方案,并加速推广应用,以助力养殖业绿色健康发展,满足人们对安全优质动物源性食品的需求。  相似文献   

Contemporary animal agriculture is increasingly criticized on ethical grounds. Consequently, current policy and legislative discussions have become highly controversial as decision makers attempt to reconcile concerns about the impacts of animal production on animal welfare, the environment, and on the efficacy of antibiotics required to ensure human health with demands for abundant, affordable, safe food. Clearly, the broad implications for US animal agriculture of what appears to be a burgeoning movement relative to ethical food production must be understood by animal agriculture stakeholders. The potential effects of such developments on animal agricultural practices, corporate marketing strategies, and public perceptions of the ethics of animal production must also be clarified. To that end, it is essential to acknowledge that people's beliefs about which food production practices are appropriate are tied to diverse, latent value systems. Thus, relying solely on scientific information as a means to resolve current debates about animal agriculture is unlikely to be effective. The problem is compounded when scientific information is used inappropriately or strategically to advance a political agenda. Examples of the interface between science and ethics in regards to addressing currently contentious aspects of food animal production (animal welfare, antimicrobial use, and impacts of animal production practices on the environment) are reviewed. The roles of scientists and science in public debates about animal agricultural practices are also examined. It is suggested that scientists have a duty to contribute to the development of sound policy by providing clear and objectively presented information, by clarifying misinterpretations of science, and by recognizing the differences between presenting data vs. promoting their own value judgments in regard to how and which data should be used to establish policy. Finally, the role of the media in shaping public opinions on key issues pertaining to animal agriculture is also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Non-typhoidal Salmonella represents an important human and animal pathogen world-wide. Most human salmonellosis cases are foodborne, but each year infections are also acquired through direct or indirect animal contact in homes, veterinary clinics, zoological gardens, farm environments or other public, professional or private settings. Clinically affected animals may exhibit a higher prevalence of shedding than apparently healthy animals, but both can shed Salmonella over long periods of time. In addition, environmental contamination and indirect transmission through contaminated food and water may complicate control efforts. The public health risk varies by animal species, age group, husbandry practice and health status, and certain human subpopulations are at a heightened risk of infection due to biological or behavioral risk factors. Some serotypes such as Salmonella Dublin are adapted to individual host species, while others, for instance Salmonella Typhimurium, readily infect a broad range of host species, but the potential implications for human health are currently unclear. Basic hygiene practices and the implementation of scientifically based management strategies can efficiently mitigate the risks associated with animal contacts. However, the general public is frequently unaware of the specific disease risks involved, and high-risk behaviors are common. Here we describe the epidemiology and serotype distribution of Salmonella in a variety of host species. In addition, we review our current understanding of the public health risks associated with different types of contacts between humans and animals in public, professional or private settings, and, where appropriate, discuss potential risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

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