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Antithrombin III activity in horses with colic: an analysis of 46 cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antithrombin-III (AT-III) activity was measured at the time of admission in 46 horses referred with colic. Differences in AT-III activities between animals treated medically or surgically and survivors or non-survivors were compared. The mean AT-III values for the horses treated medically (76.2 per cent), surgical survivors (69.5 per cent) and surgical non-survivors (55.9 per cent) were significantly different from the reference value for healthy adults (92 to 108 per cent). The mean AT-III activity of the survivors was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that of the nonsurvivors. The majority of the survivors (11 to 13 horses) had AT-III activities exceeding 60 per cent of normal, whereas that of 10 of the 14 non-survivors was less than 60 per cent of normal. There was an apparent distinction between the survivors and non-survivors at approximately 60 per cent of normal AT-III activity.  相似文献   

Colic surgery is a frequently performed operation with high postoperative mortality. This study was undertaken to identify variables associated with decreased postoperative survival. We used data from 321 horse years of postoperative survival time to model the probability of survival following recovery from colic surgery. Continuous variables were modelled using a 6 variable, penalised Cox regression model. This demonstrated approximately linear relationships between survival and the following variables: increase in packed cell volume (PCV), intestinal resection length, time to surgery (interval between onset of colic and surgery) and duration of surgery. No significant decrease in survival was demonstrated with increasing age of the patient or with heart rate. The only categorical variable to be significantly associated with decreased survival was epiploic foramen entrapment. The final, fixed effects Cox proportional hazards model of postoperative survival included the variables epiploic foramen entrapment, PCV, resection length and duration of surgery, each variable adjusted for the nonlinear relationship with time to surgery. Residual variation in postoperative survival attributable to professional personnel (referring veterinary surgeon, anaesthetist and surgeon) was explored by fitting each as a random effects term in the model. Little of the residual variation could be attributed to any category of personnel. Model diagnostics indicated little influence by individual outliers on model parameters and little evidence of subjects poorly predicted by the final model. The study highlights factors influencing the long-term survival of horses recovering from colic surgery and proposes a model that can be used to inform prognosis.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, the prognostic value and individual merit of seven variables, used in routine examination of colic cases, were tested. The following variables proved to be significant in discriminating between horses which survived and those which died: heart rate (P less than 0.00005), packed cell volume (P less than 0.00005) and intensity of colic signs (P less than 0.0001).  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of sand colic in equids: 48 cases (1978-1985)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medical records of 48 equids (47 horses, 1 pony) with surgical sand colic were reviewed. The diagnosis of sand colic was made if a sand impaction(s) was palpated during exploratory abdominal surgery or if a large quantity of sand was found during colotomy. Most equids did not experience a previous episode of sand diarrhea or sand colic. Clinical findings and results of clinicopathologic determinations were not diagnostic. Rectal palpation findings in 40 of 46 horses were compatible with large-colon and/or cecal distention. Impactions were palpable per rectum in only 7 horses, but emergency abdominal surgery revealed one or more impactions in 46 of 48 equids. Single impaction most commonly was observed at the pelvic flexure. Twenty-six horses had concurrent large-colon torsion or displacement. Pelvic flexure colotomy was performed in 44 horses. Of 48 equids, 44 survived and were discharged.  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the rationales for the medical management of colic during the initial treatment period. The issue of colic pain control and the masking of clinical signs that may indicate severe gastrointestinal disease is addressed. Therapeutic considerations related to dehydration, metabolic imbalances, hemostatic disorders, antimicrobial therapy, fecal consistency, gastrointestinal decompression, and regulation of intestinal motility are reviewed.  相似文献   

Postoperative complications and mortality can occur many weeks or months after colic surgery. We are interested in the long-term outcome of these cases. This study documents patterns of mortality and morbidity among 341 horses that recovered from colic surgery March 1998-August 2000. The progress of each horse was rigorously followed by periodic telephone and postal questionnaires. Event time data were recorded for each animal and a total of 321 horse years of survival, together with death from all causes, colic-related death and various postoperative complications. Postoperative survival (of all horses excluding grass sickness cases) was triphasic over the first 600 days and there was marked mortality in the first 10 days postoperatively. The probability of survival postoperatively decreased to 0.87 by 10 days, 0.82 by 100 days and declined slowly to 0.75 at 600 days. Horses suffering from epiploic foramen entrapment had a significantly reduced probability of postoperative survival (RR = 2.1, P = 0.033). The causes of death for 104 horses that died postoperatively and the prevalence of postoperative complications are recorded for the study population. Postoperative colic was the most prevalent complication with 100 horses (29%) suffering one or more episodes. However, only 16 horses (4.6%) suffered 3 or more episodes. The incidence of postoperative colic was 0.55 episodes/horse year at risk. This study provides data that will inform the prognosis for postoperative colic cases and identifies epiploic foramen entrapment as carrying a worse prognosis for survival than other strangulating lesions.  相似文献   

A study of 15 American miniature horses (AMH) that underwent surgical treatment for colic was performed. Information obtained from the medical records included signalment, clinical signs, type and location of gastrointestinal lesion, and postoperative complications. All 15 AMH had intraluminal obstructions, attributable to feed impactions (11 horses), enteroliths (2), and sand (2). The most common location of obstruction was the small colon, which was involved in 9 of the 15 cases. All 15 AMH survived and were discharged from the hospital. Six of the 15 AMH underwent subsequent surgical treatment for abdominal disorders. Elapsed time between the first and second operations ranged from 1 month to 5 years. Intestinal adhesions were observed in all AMH that were surgically treated twice. Thus, despite the fact that most of the AMH had a simple intraluminal obstruction, 40% (n = 6) developed adhesions that required or complicated a second surgery. Of the 15 AMH, 87% (n = 13) survived at least 12 months after the initial exploratory celiotomy. These findings suggest that most surgical abdominal conditions in AMH can be corrected; however, precautions should be taken to avoid or minimize adhesion formation.  相似文献   

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