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A ruptured right kidney was diagnosed in a cow with clinical signs of mild intermittent abdominal pain and no laboratory evidence of renal failure. Ultrasonography of the kidneys demonstrated unilateral hydronephrosis and retroperitoneal fluid. A unilateral nephrectomy using a staple instrument was performed. Ultrasonographic evaluation allowed an early and accurate diagnosis with subsequent successful surgical intervention and treatment.  相似文献   

A deep muscle abscess was diagnosed in a horse with a clinical history of a painful swelling in the left gluteal region. The thick walled hypoechoic structure seen on presentation and the multiloculated hyperechoic mass seen on reevaluation are common Ultrasonographic appearances of abscesses. Ultrasonographic evaluation allowed characterization of a chronic mass with subsequent successful surgery and treatment.  相似文献   

B-mode ultrasound was utilized to define the borders of the lungs and surrounding viscera in a normal horse. Characteristic reverberation artifacts produced by the air-filled lung allowed accurate definition of the lung borders. The liver on the right and the spleen on the left were the predominant parenchymal organs identified. These two organs were seen adjacent to the lung and medial to the diaphragm. Recognition of the liver and spleen is important in evaluating equine pleural effusion.  相似文献   

We describe the ultrasonographic diagnosis of diplomyelia in a 40‐day‐old calf. The acoustic window was the lumbosacral junction, which, in cattle, corresponds to the L6–S1 intervertebral space and enables the evaluation of approximately 1 cm of the length of the spinal cord. Despite this limited length, this acoustic window yields good anatomic details and can be helpful in assessing anomalies of the caudal aspect of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Collagenase-induced lesions of the superficial digital flexor tendon were monitored using diagnostic ultrasound and subsequently compared with gross and microscopic findings. The postinjury sonograms demonstrated hypoechoic or anechoic areas corresponding to areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. The size of the lesion increased and the echogenicity decreased with increasing units of collagenase injected into the tendon. As postinjury time increased, echogenicity increased, which corresponded to fibrous-tissue invasion and collagen deposition. The extent of tendon injury produced correlated with the amount of collagenase injected into the tendon. Diagnostic ultrasound is useful in evaluating injury and healing in collagenase— induced tendinitis.  相似文献   

An ultrasonographic study was made at several levels of the palmar metacarpal region of 23 horses (Anglo-Arabian-Andalusian) aged over three years. Lateromedial and palmodorsal measurements were made of tendons and ligaments, following clinical examination to confirm the absence of pathology in this region. Dissection was performed on 23 forelimbs, and these were measured at the same levels to establish a base of reference for the study. These measurements should prove useful in the evaluation of possible pathology in this region.  相似文献   

Sammy  Ramirez  DVM  MS  Jamie  Williams  MS  DVM  Thomas L.  Seahorn  DVM  MS  Uriel  Blas-Machado  DVM  Beth Paugh  Partington  DVM  MS  Miguel  Valdes  DVM  MS  J. Raymond  McClure  DVM  MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(2):143-146
A 3-month-old foal was presented for correction of bilateral angular limb deformities. Azotemia was detected as an incidental finding. Small, misshapened, hyperechoic kidneys with decreased corticomedullary demarcation were noted with ultrasonography. Additionally, the internal renal architecture was abnormal in that the intrarenal vessels and distant collecting system were not clearly seen in either kidney. Ultrasound-guided renal biopsy was suggestive of congenital renal dysplasia, which was later confirmed at necropsy. Clinical, sonographic, and pathologic features of equine renal dysplasia are discussed.  相似文献   

The brains of 23 canine patients and six random-source dogs were examined ultrasonographically through the bregmatic fontanelle or a surgical craniotomy. Fifteen dogs had abnormal neurologic signs; the others were normal on neurologic examination. Untrasound results were compared with signalment, clinical signs, electroencephalography, computed tomography, radiology and histopathology. The purposes of the study were to demonstrate the use of ultrasound for the diagnosis of canine hydrocephalus and to determine whether there is a relationship between ventricular size and clinical signs. Lateral ventricles were considered enlarged if lateral ventricular height, ventricle-mantle ratio, or ventricle-hemisphere ratio, at the level of or caudal to the interthalamic adhesion in the transverse plane, exceeded 0.35 cm, 0.25 or 0.19, respectively. Of the 29 dogs examined, 14 had enlarged lateral ventricles and abnormal neurologic signs. Five dogs had enlarged lateral ventricles but appeared neurologically normal (occult hydrocephalus). Correlation was poor between ventricular size and clinical signs.  相似文献   

Three horses with clinical signs compatible with pleural effusion were examined with diagnostic ultrasound. In one of the three horses, confirmed septic pleural effusion was monitored with ultrasound during a successful treatment regimen. Eficacy of thoracentesis and detection of recurrence of fluid were readily determined. In the second horse, diagnosis of diffuse pleural neoplasia (lymphosarcoma) was made. In the third horse presented for pleural effusion, the effusion was documented and concurrent ascites detected with ultrasound. Carcinomatosis was found at necropsy. Ultrasound examination proved to be a sensitive, noninvasive modality useful in diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusion.  相似文献   

Phillip F.  Steyn  BSc  BVSc  MRCVS  David  Schmitz  DVM  MS  Jeffrey  Watkins  DVM  MS  Jay  Hoffman  BS  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1989,30(3):125-127
Chronic proliferative synovitis is an insidious condition affecting the metacarpophalangeal joints of horses. It results in proliferation of the synovium in the dorsal pouch of the joint in question. Treatment involves surgical excision, thus confirmation of the lesion is important. Classically this has been achieved by means of positive-contrast arthrography, but this article addresses the attributes of ultrasonography, a less invasive imaging technique.  相似文献   

Mitsuyoshi  Takiguchi  BVSc  MS  Jun  Yasuda  DVM  PhD  Kenji  Ochiai  DVM  PhD  Yutaka  Morita  DVM  Akira  Hashimoto  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1997,38(5):398-399
A three-year-old, intact male, Siberian husky was evaluated for a two day history of dysuria. Sonographically there was an anechoic cyst-like structure in the urinary bladder. The abnormality appeared to be a'cyst within a cyst', which is a characteristic ultrasonographic feature of ureterocele in humans. Ultrasonography may be a useful means of establishing a diagnosis of ureterocele in dogs.  相似文献   

The clinical and ultrasonographic features of seven horses with coxofemoral subluxation are presented. Affected horses included five adult geldings (11–20 years), one large pony (6 years) and a 3-month-old filly. All were lame at the walk except for the pony with grade 3/5 lameness. Lameness was acute in all horses, but three horses progressed after initial improvement. Crepitus, muscle atrophy, and pelvic asymmetry were inconsistent findings. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of subluxation required dynamic visualization of femoral head displacement from the acetabulum while placing weight on the affected limb and subsequent replacement into its normal position upon limb resting. Acetabular rim fractures and joint effusion were visible regardless of weight bearing status in six horses each. No fractures were identified in the pony; the only patient with a good outcome. Six horses had a poor outcome with severe chronic lameness, four of which were euthanized. Postmortem ventrodorsal radiographs obtained in two horses confirmed subluxation only on extended limb projections, but not on hip-flexed projections. Acetabular rim fractures were not visible radiographically in either horse but were confirmed at necropsy. Subluxation was due to an elongated but intact ligament of the head of the femur in both horses. Osteoarthrosis was evident ultrasonographically, radiographically, and at necropsy. Dynamic ultrasonography was readily performed in the standing horse and produced diagnostic images with a low frequency curvilinear transducer. The apparent poor prognosis for horses with subluxation and acetabular fracture illustrate the importance of this imaging technique to identify affected horses.  相似文献   

A pulsed wave-Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of common carotid arterial blood flow was carried out on 63 healthy Italian Saddlebred horses. Vessel diameter and tracing morphology were evaluated were evaluated and blood flow parameters (systolic, diastolic and mean velocity, acceleration and deceleration of the systolic wave, cartid pulse volume) were calculated and correlated with class variables (sex, age and body weight). On the basis of the presence of an incisure in the ascending branch of the systolic curve, subjects were divided in two groups: one with a bifid systolic curve and the other with a monophasic aspect. Correlations between: 1) diameter of the vessel and body weight and 2) carotid pulse volume and flow velocity (systolic, diastolic and mean) were found. A greater systolic pulse volume was found in male subjects, in subjects with greater body weight and in those which had a monophasic systolic wave.  相似文献   

Yunsang Seong  DVM    Kidong Eom  DVM  PhD    Haeoon Lee  DVM    Jeongmin Lee  DVM    Jinhee Park  DVM    Keunwoo Lee  DVM  PhD    Kwangho Jang  DVM  PhD    Taeho Oh  DVM  PhD    Junghee Yoon  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2005,46(1):80-82
Ultrasonographic examination of both stifle joints of five clinically and radiographically normal adult dogs was performed before and after surgical transection of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). At pre- and postsurgery, the hyperechoic patellar ligament and the infrapatellar fat interfered with sonographic visualization of the CrCL. When the stifle joint, however, was imaged via dynamic intra-articular saline injection, the hyperechoic ligament was visualized because of the separation of the infrapatellar fat and the CrCL and the contrasting effect of anechoic saline. When the stifle joint was imaged by real-time scanning after the transection of the CrCL, flutter of the ligament and an anechoic area between the bone and the CrCL were identified. The increased diameter of the ligament and the increased thickness of the joint space were identified as well. Ultrasonographic examination via dynamic saline injection into the joint space has potential as a diagnostic tool for assessing CrCL rupture.  相似文献   

This is a retrospective study that describes the historical, physical exam, radiographic, fistulographic, ultrasonographic, and surgical findings associated with non-gastrointestinal and extrathoracic foreign bodies in six dogs. All dogs had a chronic draining tract or abscess. Although radiographs were obtained in five of the six dogs, no foreign bodies were identified with this modality. Fistulography was performed in four of the six dogs, and a filling defect consistent with a foreign body was found in two of four dogs. A foreign body was identified in five of the six dogs with ultrasound. Foreign bodies were removed surgically in five of six dogs. This report clarifies the importance of ultrasound in the evaluation of chronic draining tracts and abscesses in dogs.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis in dogs is currently based on fluoroscopic detection of unequal movement between the crura. Bilateral paralysis may be more difficult to confirm with fluoroscopy because diaphragmatic movement is sometimes produced by compensatory abdominal muscle contractions. The purpose of this study was to develop a new method to evaluate diaphragmatic movement using M‐mode ultrasonography and to describe findings for normal and diaphragmatic paralyzed dogs. Fifty‐five clinically normal dogs and two dogs with diaphragmatic paralysis were recruited. Thoracic radiographs were acquired for all dogs and fluoroscopy studies were also acquired for clinically affected dogs. Two observers independently measured diaphragmatic direction of motion and amplitude of excursion using M‐mode ultrasonography for dogs meeting study inclusion criteria. Eight of the clinically normal dogs were excluded due to abnormal thoracic radiographic findings. For the remaining normal dogs, the lower limit values of diaphragmatic excursion were 2.85–2.98 mm during normal breathing. One dog with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis showed paradoxical movement of both crura at the end of inspiration. One dog with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis had diaphragmatic excursion values of 2.00 ± 0.42 mm on the left side and 4.05 ± 1.48 mm on the right side. The difference between left and right diaphragmatic excursion values was 55%. Findings indicated that M‐mode ultrasonography is a relatively simple and objective method for measuring diaphragmatic movement in dogs. Future studies are needed in a larger number of dogs with diaphragmatic paralysis to determine the diagnostic sensitivity of this promising new technique.  相似文献   

Because urinary bladder rupture can be life threatening, a simple, safe technique for evaluating patients is desirable. Current diagnostic protocols involve radiographic imaging, but ultrasound-based contrast techniques have not been methodically evaluated in veterinary patients with urologic trauma. Ultrasound contrast cystography (contrast cystosonography) involves infusion of microbubbled saline solution through a urinary catheter. It was performed in an in vitro model and in 2 dogs with naturally occurring urinary bladder rupture. A positive result consisted of visualizing microbubbles sonographically in fluid surrounding the bladder immediately after infusion of contrast into the urinary catheter. A positive result was obtained both in the in vitro model and in the 2 dogs, with radiographic and surgical confirmation of naturally occurring intraperitoneal urinary bladder rupture in the dogs. Based on the results of this study, ultrasound contrast cystography appears to be more sensitive than two-dimensional (2D) abdominal sonography for detecting naturally occurring urinary bladder rupture in dogs.  相似文献   

Angiography in a horse was used to confirm a pseudoaneurysm of the dorsal metatarsal artery originating from trauma. Gradual clinical resolution of the pseudoaneurysm occurred within days following the procedure. A follow-up angiogram confirmed the clinical impression. An etiology of the spontaneous resolution is presented. Probable influences included technical factors of the injection procedure that caused prolonged presence of the contrast medium within the aneurysmal sac and factors that enhance thrombus formation during angiography.  相似文献   

Twenty-one cats and six dogs that presented to a first-opinion clinic with signs of dyspnea and muffled cardiac auscultation received ultrasonography to look for signs of diaphragmatic rupture. The presence or absence of diaphragmatic rupture was subsequently determined on the basis of unequivocal radiographic signs, surgical findings, or necropsy. Consistent findings in animals with diaphragmatic rupture were irregular or asymmetric cranial aspect of the liver and abdominal viscera in the thorax. Accuracy of ultrasonography was 25/27 (93%). One false-negative result occurred in a cat with a chronic diaphragmatic rupture in which adhesions between the liver and lung simulated the appearance of an intact diaphragm. One false-positive result occurred in a dog with an abscess involving the left lung and pleural cavity, which was misinterpreted as the stomach. The results of this study support use of ultrasonography in animals with suspected diaphragmatic rupture.  相似文献   

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