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兰考泡桐木材成分的变色行为及其变色过程   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
祖勃荪  周勤 《林业科学》1998,34(3):97-103
从兰考泡桐木材的含水甲醇浸提物分离出梓醇、泡桐素和芝麻素三种成分,在不同条件下进行模拟变色试验。结果显示,pH值是影响梓醇变色的主要因素,光照和氧气同时作用可导致泡桐素和芝麻素变色。温度和湿度变化对兰考泡桐木材成分变色也有明显影响。泡桐木材变色是多种因素共同作用的结果。根据对实验事实的分析,提出了这些成分在变色过程中可能发生的一系列反应。  相似文献   

泡桐木材防变色处理配方优选试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为防止泡桐材的变色降等,采用防变色剂、耐光剂、渗透剂组成的防桐木变色剂配方处理桐木板材,观察其对色度a*、b*、色差DE*、明度L*的影响。通过正交试验选择最佳工艺参数。处理后的泡桐板材可达到出口一级品之指标,颜色纯洁,保持木材天然本色。  相似文献   

泡桐材变色类型的确定及变色真菌的鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
常德龙  陈玉和 《木材工业》1998,12(2):20-21,32
对泡桐材变色类型的研究表明,泡桐材变色存在着真菌变色。同时从新伐的泡桐木材中分离出两种真菌,经鉴定是链格孢菌和一种根霉菌,这两种真菌可引发泡桐木材变色。  相似文献   

防止兰考泡桐木材变色的初步试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对多种化学药品配方防止兰考泡桐(Paulownia elongata)木材变色的效果进行了试验,并观测了处理前后材色的变化,探索到4种对防止变色有一定作用的配方。同时,初步观察了干燥条件和木材含水率对变色的影响,讨论了各种处理方法对防止兰考泡桐材变色的适用性。  相似文献   

为了提高泡桐的密度、硬度和尺寸稳定性,将试材分成水分组、温度组、时间组、化学处理组,对水分组试材进行恒温恒湿处理,对化学处理组进行不同质量分数的酚醛树脂液浸泡处理,然后将各组试材进行不同温度、不同时间的热压试验.再将试材置于常温的水中浸泡,测定各处理试材的回弹率.分析试材含水率、热压温度、热压时间和酚醛树脂溶液质量分数对热压试材水浸泡回弹率的影响.结果表明;各试验因素对泡桐压密硬化效果有明显的影响,木材含水率为13.89%时.材面光滑,尺寸稳定性最好,热压前的喷湿处理可增强木材尺寸稳定性;用10%的酚醛树脂溶液处理试材可降低回弹率45.51%;最佳热压温度为190℃,最佳热压时间为8min.  相似文献   

研究了负压场中相对湿度的影响因素:干湿球温度、罐体内压力及罐体内湿空气和冷凝器冷却水的温度差,并考察了负压场中木材表面的水分蒸发现象。结果表明,负压场中的相对湿度受干湿球温度及罐体内湿空气和冷凝器冷却水的温度差影响,当冷凝器中水温不变时,相对湿度随罐内温度升高而减小。罐内压力对相对湿度有较小的影响,当压力从50kPa上升到101kPa时,相对湿度从70%降低到65%。在负压场下若无外部加热将基本上不发生蒸发。图6参12。  相似文献   

In order to increase its hardness and gravity as well as dimension stability, the technology of hotcompressing on Paulownia wood was studied. The main factors of affecting the spring back of the compressed Paulownia samples were discussed. It was discovered that every factor in the experiment had obvious effects on wood hardness and dimension stability of compressed wood. When the MC (Moisture Content) of experimental specimens was 13.89%, it was useful to spray water on the surface of samples before hot pressing. The best resuit was the recovery of compression set could decrease from 90.69% of untreated wood to 45.51% of soaking specimens into PF (Phenol Formaldehyde) water solution. The hot pressing time was 8 min at 190 ℃.  相似文献   

在四川省资中县集约栽培的试验林内采集了泡桐无性系CO20和泡桐各五株进行了多项试验研究。证实了泡桐无性系CO20的木材纤维长度、微纤丝角和纤维素的相对结晶度优于泡桐;综纤维素、α-纤维素以及木材物理力学的主要性能指标低于泡桐。制浆得率低。浆张物理性能接近或燬过两种相思树木材指标。  相似文献   

The effects of screw type, moisture content, and grain direction on the screw and nail withdrawal strength and bonding strength were investigated for paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa Steud.) wood grown in Turkey. The withdrawal strength was carried out according to the ASTM-D 143 and ASTM-D 1761 and Turkish Standard 6094 in three directions (tangential, radial, and longitudinal) on 60 samples. The moisture content of half of the samples was 12 % and that of the other half 28 %.The experiment of bonding strength (BS EN 205) was applied to both sanded surfaces jointed by poly-vinly acetate and Desmodur-VTKA adhesives. Results of the tests indicate that, the withdrawal strength values at 12 % moisture content were higher than the 28 % for screws whereas the withdrawal strength for 28 % moisture content was higher than 12 % for nails. The maximum withdrawal strength value was found in the chipboard screw. In the case of directions, the withdrawal strength values of radial direction were found to be higher than the others for all parameters. The lowest withdrawal strength values were found in the longitudinal directions for both nails and screws. For adhesive types, the highest bonding strength of D-VTKA was found to be 5.64 N mm?2 and it was higher than the bonding strength with PVAc (5.33 N mm?2). However, there were no significant statistical differences between the two adhesive types. The results show that paulownia wood can be used for different purposes such as house construction, roof systems, and box cases as it possesses enough strength.  相似文献   

利用正交试验法,探讨了密度、施胶量及热压压力对板材物理性能的影响,提出较佳的工艺参数。研究表明:在试验范围内,密度增大,力学强度和吸水厚度膨胀率随之增大;施胶量增大,力学强度和甲醛的释放量增加,吸水厚度膨胀率减小;热压压力增加,内结合强度降低,静曲强度、弹性模量以及吸水厚度膨胀率几乎不变,热压压力由1.5 MPa增加到2.25 MPa时,内结合强度约降低了3%,热压压力由2.25 MPa增加到3 MPa时,内结合强度约降低了6%。  相似文献   


The present work reports on the main physical and mechanical properties of Pinus leucodermis mature wood, one of the least studied coniferous species in south-east Europe. Pinus leucodermis heartwood specimens were found to have average density values of 0.73 g cm?3 at equilibrium moisture content of 11.5% and average density of 0.64 g cm?3 under oven-dry conditions. The overall tangential shrinkage was 3.4% and the radial shrinkage was 1.9%. The modulus of rupture was on average 77 N mm?2, while the static modulus of elasticity averaged 7087 N mm?2. The hardness of P. leucodermis heartwood using the modified Janka test was 33.4 N mm?2 in the transverse direction and 48.0 N mm?2 in the longitudinal direction, while its compression strength parallel to grain was approximately 41.6 N mm?2.  相似文献   

Physical and mechanical properties of wood after moisture conditioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some properties of wood (hinoki:Chamaecyparis obtusa) moisture-conditioned by an adsorption process from a dry state and by two desorption processes (from a water-saturated state and from a state with a moisture content slightly below the fiber saturation point) were investigated. The moisture contents of wood conditioned by the adsorption process and by the desorption process continued to approach to one another for the moisture-conditioning period of over 50 weeks. Accordingly, sorption hysteresis should be regarded as a transitional phenomenon that occurs during the process of approaching the true equilibrium, which requires a long time. The wood conditioned by the desorption process beginning from a water-saturated state showed slightly smaller dimensions than those conditioned by the adsorption process with the same moisture content; however, the wood conditioned by the desorption process from a moisture content below the fiber saturation point showed slightly larger dimensions than those conditioned by the adsorption process. The wood conditioned by the adsorption process from a dry state showed a higher modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture than did the wood conditioned from a water-saturated state with the same moisture content. The mechanical properties of the wood also varied based on the states at which the desorption process was started. This is a notable characteristic of the relation between the drying condition and the mechanical properties of wood.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the rigidity and stability of wood in different growth rings taken from young radiata pine trees. The stability of dried wood to moisture changes was deduced from changes in the rigidity under constant torque after wetting. Stability increased with increasing temperature and time of drying, with increasing age of the sapwood and it varied according to the origin of the tree and between trees. Evidence indicated heartwood would be more readily dried to a stable form than sapwood.The authors thank Mr. R. M. Cowan and associates, Woods and Forests Department of South Australia, Mr. R. Cherry, Australian Forest Industries, Myrtleford, the Forests Commission Victoria for material and to Dr. P. U. A. Grossman for discussion  相似文献   

High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The increasing supplies of fast-grown woods grown on short roations contain significantly higher proportions of juvenile wood with properties different from those of mature wood. Improved processes will be required to produce dried wood that is satisfactorily stable with few distortional or dimensional changes. The basic wood features affecting different forms of instability are considered. Variations in the amounts of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignins in wood, the changes in them and the degradation products formed under different conditions are discussed. Changes in the nature of hemicelluloses appear to play an important role in conveying stability. The different volumes of heartwood in green timber have an effect on moisture levels and other properties. As industry is increasing kiln temperatures for high-temperature drying, the effect of time-temperature-moisture relationships on stability and degradation are discussed. The effect of ammonia and other chemicals on stability is considered.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the softening curves of wood in different growth rings taken from young radiata pine trees. The curves were determined from the rate of twist of a strip of wood under constant torque when heated at a steadily increasing temperature. The softening points of about 80° and 100°C are attributed to hemicelluloses and lignins respectively and were indistinct in sapwood taken from the 3rd and 4th growth rings from the pith but became increasingly distinct in growth rings further from the pith. Heartwood in the juvenile wood zone had two distinct softening points. Differences in the softening curves are attributed to differences in the chemistry of the hemicelluloses.The authors thank Mr. R. M. Cowan and associates, Woods and Forests Department of South Australia, Mr. R. Cherry, Australian Forest Industries, Myrleford, the Forests Commission Victoria for material and to Dr. P. U. A. Grossman for discussion  相似文献   

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