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1.缺乏维生素A 因饲料成分单一,青饲料缺乏而引起的常见病。症状:皮肤粗糙,皮屑增多,生长慢,咳嗽下痢,眼干,行走摇晃,肌肉痉挛等。 相似文献
油菜在生长发育过程中,往往因管理不善,或缺乏某种营养元素,导致生长发育受阻,出现不同程度的黄叶、暗紫色叶、褐色叶、红叶、紫蓝色叶和灰白色叶等现象.根据叶色变化,可以诊断出引起叶色不良变化的原因,及时采取相应的对策补救,以利夺取高产. 相似文献
<正>油菜抽薹前的长势和长相对油菜产量影响很大。通过观察油菜叶色的变化,可以及时了解油菜缺乏何种营养元素,并采取针对性措施。一、红叶。全株发生顺序:先从老叶开始,后向新叶发展。叶片发生顺序:从叶缘开始逐渐扩展至全叶。发生原因为缺氮。每667平方米(1亩)追 相似文献
多年来,在农作物生产上人们为了追求高产,导致土壤养分失衡,农作物易出现缺素症状,给生产造成了很大损失。油菜在生长发育过程中,如果某种营养元素缺乏会影响油菜体内正常的物质代谢,出现不同程度的黄叶、暗紫色叶、褐色叶、红叶、紫蓝色叶和灰白色叶等现象。随着测土配方施肥项目的实施, 相似文献
1、缺氮:叶片出现青铜色斑块渐变黄而干枯,生长缓慢,基部叶片首先脱落,茎瘦长。植株生长缓慢,显得瘦小,瘦弱。花荚稀少,根瘤少,发育差。 2、缺磷:植株瘦小,叶色浓绿,叶片狭而尖,向上直立,开花后叶片出现棕色斑点,种子细小。严重缺磷,茎及叶片变暗红,根瘤发育 相似文献
油菜在生长发育过程中,往往由于管理不善或因缺乏营养元素,生长发育受阻,因而产生不同程度的红叶、黄叶、褐叶、暗紫叶、紫蓝叶、灰白叶等叶色异常现象. 相似文献
<正>1缺铁症1.1症状。小麦每形成1t干物质,需要吸收232g铁。缺铁时,叶色黄绿,发生小斑点,嫩叶出现白色斑块或条纹,老叶早枯。 相似文献
<正>1缺氮症1.1症状。叶小,上部叶更小。黄化从下部叶开始,依次向上部叶扩展,整个植株较矮小。坐果少,果实过早膨大。1.2发生原因。土壤中氮素含量低;施用作物秸秆或未腐熟的有机肥太多。 相似文献
Nutrient deficiency limits population development,yield formation,and nutrient uptake of direct sown winter oilseed rape 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Direct-sowing establishment method has great significance in improving winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.) production and guaranteeing edible oil security in China. However, nutrient responses on direct sown winter oilseed rape(DOR) performance and population development dynamic are still not well understood. Therefore, five on-farm experiments were conducted in the reaches of the Yangtze River(RYR) to determine the effects of nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K) deficiencies on population density, dry matter production, nutrient uptake, seed yield, and yield components of DOR plants. Four fertilization treatments included the balanced NPK application treatment(NPK, 180 kg N, 39.3 kg P, 100 kg K, and 1.8 kg borax ha–1) and three nutrient deficiency treatments based on the NPK treatment, i.e., –N, –P, and –K. The results indicated that DOR population density declined gradually throughout the growing season, especially at over-wintering and pod-development stages. Nutrient deficiency decreased nutrient concentration in DOR plants, limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, and thereby exacerbated density reduction during plants growth. The poor individual growth and reduced population density together decreased seed yield in the nutrient deficiency treatment. Averaged across all the experiments, seed yield reduced 61% by N deficiency, 38.3% by P deficiency, and 14.4% by K deficiency. The negative effects of nutrient deficiency on DOR performances followed the order of –N>–P>–K, and the effects were various among different nutrient deficiencies. Although N deficiency improved DOR emergence, but it seriously limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, which in turn led to substantial plants death and therefore resulted in a very low harvested density. The P deficiency significantly reduced initial density, limited plants growth, and exacerbated density reduction. The K deficiency mainly decreased individual growth and yield, but did not affect density dynamic. Our results highlighted the importance of balanced NPK application in DOR production, suggesting that management strategy of these nutrients should be comprehensively considered with an aim to build an appropriate population structure with balanced plant density and individual growth. 相似文献
Direct-sowing establishment method has great significance in improving winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) production and guaranteeing edible oil security in China. However, nutrient responses on direct sown winter oilseed rape (DOR) performance and population development dynamic are still not well understood. Therefore, five on-farm experiments were conducted in the reaches of the Yangtze River (RYR) to determine the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) deficiencies on population density, dry matter production, nutrient uptake, seed yield, and yield components of DOR plants. Four fertilization treatments included the balanced NPK application treatment (NPK, 180 kg N, 39.3 kg P, 100 kg K, and 1.8 kg borax ha–1) and three nutrient deficiency treatments based on the NPK treatment, i.e., –N, –P, and –K. The results indicated that DOR population density declined gradually throughout the growing season, especially at over-wintering and pod-development stages. Nutrient deficiency decreased nutrient concentration in DOR plants, limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, and thereby exacerbated density reduction during plants growth. The poor individual growth and reduced population density together decreased seed yield in the nutrient deficiency treatment. Averaged across all the experiments, seed yield reduced 61% by N deficiency, 38.3% by P deficiency, and 14.4% by K deficiency. The negative effects of nutrient deficiency on DOR performances followed the order of –N>–P>–K, and the effects were various among different nutrient deficiencies. Although N deficiency improved DOR emergence, but it seriously limited dry matter production and nutrient uptake, which in turn led to substantial plants death and therefore resulted in a very low harvested density. The P deficiency significantly reduced initial density, limited plants growth, and exacerbated density reduction. The K deficiency mainly decreased individual growth and yield, but did not affect density dynamic. Our results highlighted the importance of balanced NPK application in DOR production, suggesting that management strategy of these nutrients should be comprehensively considered with an aim to build an appropriate population structure with balanced plant density and individual growth. 相似文献
金叶女贞叶色变化的观测 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
通过观察和测定,一年当中,奏金叶女贞表层叶最黄,全光照下叶色较黄,遮荫条件下叶色较绿;同样光照条件下,嫩叶和老叶的叶色差别不明显。 相似文献
采用田间小区试验,研究了总施肥量一定条件下,不同养分配比对油菜生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,总施肥量一定的情况下,较高施氮比例的油菜营养生长和生殖生长均比较差,最终产量较低,经济效益较差;较低的施氮比例下油菜的整体生长状况都达到比较好的水平,而且变异程度较低,生长状况稳定,最终获得高产稳产,产量达到3 207.16 kg/hm2,比不施肥处理增产292.51%,比农民习惯施肥处理增产28.79%,产量显著高于其他处理,经济效益也达到最高;N颐P2O5颐K2O=14颐4颐7 处理的油菜营养生长最好,产量略低于低氮比例处理,但是变异程度较高,油菜各性状生长不稳定,有较大的提升空间与配比改进的必要。综上所述,供试6 种氮磷钾配比处理中,以N颐P2O5颐K2O=12颐6颐7 的处理有利于油菜的生长以及获得较高的产量,值得在当地推广。 相似文献
采用湿法消解处理5种不同发育时期香石竹器官,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES法)测定K、Ca、Mg、B、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn的含量,研究香石竹体内的营养分布规律。结果表明:K在香石竹各器官中的含量逐渐增大;Ca在前期浓度增加较快,在花蕾膨大后期有剧烈降低,"十字期"又略有增加;Mg在前期浓度增加较快,开花前逐渐降低;B在前期浓度逐渐加大,在"十字期"剧烈增加,达到叶含量的4.4倍;Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn的含量随着花蕾的形成逐渐增大,在"十字期"浓度开始减小;Mn含量减少较为迅速。 相似文献
缺硫条件下油菜对镉毒害的敏感性 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
研究了不同浓度 (0 ,10 ,2 0 ,30和 4 0 μmol·L-1)镉对油菜油研 8号在缺硫和供硫状态下的毒害作用。结果表明 :镉促进油菜对硫的吸收 ,缺硫则加重镉对植株的毒害 ;缺硫处理阻碍了镉向地上部的运输 ,而使根部镉的积累量增加 ;在地上部和根部 ,镉均以蛋白质结合态占优势 ,缺硫处理可增加地上部和根部蛋白质结合态镉的量。 相似文献
过量施磷对油菜吸收矿质养分的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过盆栽试验系统研究过量施磷对油菜生长和吸收氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、锌养分的影响。结果表明:合理施用磷肥显著增加了油菜的生物量,但过量施用磷肥油菜的生物量无显著变化。随着磷肥用量的增加,油菜地上部和根部全磷的含量显著增加,过量施用磷肥油菜表现出奢侈吸收磷养分。磷肥用量与油菜地上部和根部的全氮和全钾含量均无显著相关性。随磷肥用量的增加,油菜地上部钙、镁、锌的含量显著降低,而铁含量呈先增加后下降的趋势。油菜地上部全磷含量与地上部钙、锌含量呈显著负相关关系;磷肥用量对油菜根系钙和镁的含量无显著影响,而根中锌和铁含量呈显著下降趋势。 相似文献
采用温室营养液培养法,研究了土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Gilg)幼苗在9种营养元素(即氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、锰、硼、锌)缺乏的条件下,叶片表型特征、苗木生长和叶片解剖结构的差异和响应机制.结果表明:(1)缺素处理均对土沉香幼苗叶片表型特征产生一定的影响,主要表现为叶片发黄、叶脉突出,出现锈斑及坏死现象,植株长势较弱,症状出现最快的是缺氮、缺钾和缺铁处理;(2)9种缺素处理土沉香幼苗的苗高、地径、各部分生物量均低于全素处理(对照),其中主要限制元素是氮和铁;(3)9种缺素处理的根、茎、叶生物量比显著低于对照,减少量分别为0.06-0.44 g·g-1、0.02-0.08g·g-1和0.05-0.48 g·g-1;(4)在缺素条件下,土沉香幼苗的叶片解剖结构有一定的变异,尽管组织排列顺序未发生变化,但构成组织的细胞形状各异,排列比较疏松.缺素处理中,对叶片解剖结构影响最大是缺硼处理. 相似文献