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水产品生产以群众渔业为主,点多面广,并且作为消费品最终要进入千家万户的“菜篮子”,在市场经济条件下,作为连接渔业生产与水产品消费纽带的水产品流通,其运行的正常与否将直接关系到渔业生产的稳步发展和市场水产品供应的稳定。为了促进渔业生产的快速发展,保障市场供应,去年农业部将水产品流通工作第一次写进渔业发展方针,把水产品流通与渔业生产放到了同等重要的地位。 十几年的实践证明,水产品流通体制的改革促进了渔业生产的稳步发展。自七十年代末以来,我国水产流通体制从突破统一收购,实行派购与议购相结合,到逐步缩小派购范围、降低派购比例,扩大市场机制的作用,最后走向全面开放水产品市场,价格放  相似文献   

<正>2017年上半年全国水产品批发市场运行总体平稳,市场交易呈现量减价涨格局,渔业"减量增收"成效初显。据对全国80家水产品批发市场成交情况统计,水产品综合平均价格稳中有涨,同比涨幅达1.45%。其中,海水产品综合平均价格与上年同期基本持平,淡水产品价格同比上涨3.41%,淡水鱼成为价格上涨的主力军。一、水产品价格总体涨势趋稳、涨幅收窄2017年上半年全国渔业生产平稳发展,水产品市场供应稳定,价格整  相似文献   

我国水产品价格放开,实行市场调节以来,极大地推动了渔业生产的发展,一个多渠道、少环节、开放型的水产品流通体制的雏形开始形成。但是价格放开后,逐步孕育、发展的水产品市场组织化程度仍比较低,致使流通秩序紊乱,阶段性地出现价格暴涨暴跌,使生产者和经营者都蒙受损失。因此,研究和总结水产品市场的组织化程度,完善市场机制,保持水产品生产的稳定发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

2001年广东省增城市渔业生产保持了健康稳定可持续发展的良好势头,形成了渔业增产、渔(农)民增收,城乡市场水产品丰富繁荣,价格稳定.全市水产养殖面积4386公顷,总产量31794吨,总产值31768万元.  相似文献   

<正>水产品价格是渔业生产成本和水产品供求关系的具体反映,一直都是政府相关部门、科研单位所关注的。了解水产品价格及水产品市场的价格变化趋势,一方面跟踪水产品市场的价格变化趋势,可以及时把握市场需求,服务于各级主管部门决策;一方面服务于社会公众的信息需求,引导和促进水产业持续、健康发展。2013年天津市开始对水产品产地价格进行连续监测,经过一年的运行,积累了一定数据,在此基础上选取了我市比较有代表性的品种:淡水鱼代表品种为鲤鱼、鲫鱼;海水鱼代表  相似文献   

<正>上半年,渔业生产保持稳定发展态势,市场交易活跃、供给充足,渔业经济在高起点上实现了新发展;同时水产品价格下行,出口难度加大,资源状况不佳等问题逐步凸现。今年以来,在宏观经济下行压力加大的背景下,渔业生产保持稳定发展态势,市场交易活跃、供给充足,渔业经济在高起点上实现了新发展。同时,水产品价格下行,出口难度加大,资源状况不佳等问题逐步凸现,保持全年渔业经济平稳较快发展面临诸多挑战。  相似文献   

<正>今年1月~4月,渔业生产基本稳定,水产品价格温和上涨,加工企业盈利好转,出口量额双升,同时近海捕捞产量实现负增长,渔业转方式调结构和供给侧结构性改革持续深入推进,取得成效。一、渔业生产基本稳定。据全国20个渔业主产省统计数据,1月~4  相似文献   

<正>农业部:1~4月份我国渔业经济运行平稳向好今年1~4月,渔业生产基本稳定,水产品价格温和上涨,加工企业盈利好转,出口量额双升,同时近海捕捞产量实现负增长,渔业转方式调结构和供给侧结构性改革持续深入推进,取得成效。渔业生产基本稳定。据全国20个渔业主产省统计数据,1~4月份国内水产品总产量(不含远洋渔业产量)1 811.66万t,同比增长  相似文献   

●上半年全国渔业经济形势分析 2000年上半年,我国渔业经济继续保持持续、稳定发展的态势,渔业生产稳步发展,结构调整取得了新进展,名特优新水产养殖发展势头迅猛,质量效益意识有所提高,水产品市场运行平稳,价格止跌回升,进出口贸易继续保持增长,远洋渔业结构调整力度加大。据对全国主要省、自治区、直辖市渔业生产情况统计, 1~ 5月全国水产品产量达到 1220.38万 t,比 1999年同期增加 36.71万 t,增长 3.10%。其中淡水产品 484.64万 t,比去年同期增长 6.11%;海洋捕捞产量 482.45万 t,比 1999年同期减少 1.50%,“零增长…  相似文献   

张合成谈渔业发展面临的问题 农业部渔业局副局长张合成在分析渔业形势时说,目前我国渔业经济呈持续发展态势,渔业生产形势稳定,结构调整取得新进展,名特优新水产养殖发展势头较好,质量效益有所提高,水产品市场运转平稳;价格有所下降,进出口贸易继续保持增长。但应该看  相似文献   

全球主要渔业国家2011年水产品生产和与国际贸易回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年,全球渔业生产和水产品国际贸易基本保持平稳。渔业捕捞产量出现上升,水产品国际贸易保持活跃。全球主要渔业国家的渔业生产大多呈现了不同程度的增长。本文针对不同国家的渔业特征,对全球主要渔业国家2011年的渔业生产和国际贸易状况进行了回顾与分析。由于发达国家经济滞长,亚洲和拉美的新兴经济体和国家将成为今后全球渔业发展的主要推动力。  相似文献   


This paper reviews recent developments in China's fishery and aquaculture sectors, as well as the policies affecting rural households in general and fisheries households in particular. It explores how China's policies may change as a result of the nation joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 and the likely impacts of these changes on China's fishery and aquaculture sector. It was found that the domestic fish markets are gradually integrating, suggesting that fish price shifts in one area will affect prices in most parts of the country. It was also found that, compared with the prices of other agricultural commodities, the domestic prices of most aquatic products are well below world prices. This suggests that exports of aquatic products would be able to expand now that the nation has joined the WTO and that fishers would gain from this move.  相似文献   

文章以浙江省为例,通过定性和定量的综合分析发现,随着生活水平的提高,人们消费结构不断转变,水产品尤其鱼虾等越来越成为人们消费的主流食品之一。水产品消费需求日益增长,为海洋渔业生产带来强大的动力,海洋捕捞量跟着大幅度上升,给海洋渔业资源带来巨大的影响。  相似文献   

我国是当今世界水产品产量最高的国家,渔业呈现地区发展不平衡、不充分的格局,内陆地区渔业发展水平总体上远低于沿海地区。在当前“碳达峰”和“碳中和”双碳战略背景下,渔业迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战尤其是对于内陆淡水渔业,碳汇渔业将成为未来的一个重要发展方向。该文主要根据《中国水产统计资料》和《中国渔业统计年鉴》,以贵州省为例,结合贵州地区近年来的渔业发展现状,估算了贵州省近五年(2016—2020年)的渔业碳汇强度,分析了贵州地区发展碳汇渔业的潜力。渔业碳汇强度估算结果显示,2016—2020年贵州省渔业碳移出量在1.4 t到1.7 t之间,平均碳移出量为1.5 t。贵州省渔业发展相对落后,水产品捕捞产量和养殖产量均远低于全国平均水平,但贵州省近年来大力推广稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业模式,到2020年稻田养殖和湖库养殖面积分别占全省水产养植总面积的74.2%和19.2%,二者产量达到全省总产量的一半以上,远高于全国平均水平。稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业成为贵州省水产养殖业的重要养殖模式,未来这类具备碳汇功能的生态渔业规模将会进一步扩大,是贵州地区扭转渔业养殖模式和渔业经济增长方式的机遇,对碳汇渔业的全面推广和渔业的可持续发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   


Often, increases in farmed seabass and seabream production surpluses from Turkey and Greece have been blamed to lead to price declines and aquaculture sector crises. In this study, we investigate whether Turkish exports of farmed European seabass affect prices of European Union (EU) farmed European seabass. This is done by examining the existence of market integration between the prices of Turkish exports of farmed European seabass into the EU and the prices of farmed European seabass commercialized in wholesale markets in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris. Market integration and competition studies in fisheries and aquaculture products have generally focused on analyzing substitutability between species and between wild and farmed conspecifics. Few studies have focused on analyzing market integration between different geographic areas. Market integration analyses between different geographic areas have proven useful in anti-dumping investigations. Results show the lack of market integration between EU imports of Turkish farmed European seabass and main EU wholesale markets; in other words, farmed European seabass prices in EU markets do not seem to be affected by export prices of Turkish farmed seabass.  相似文献   

水产品是农产品的一种,水产品供给受价格的影响,不同时期的供给价格对水产品的供给影响是不同的。本文采用1978-2009年我国渔业产量和价格指数的年度数据,运用Neflove模型对我国的水产品供给反应进行了动态的分析。结果表明,水产品供给的短期弹性为0.6994〈1,弹性较低,表明水产品供给受短期的价格影响不大;水产品的长期供给弹性为13.9323,表明水产品的长期供给具有弹性,水产品的供给受长期价格影响较大。本文通过对水产品这种供给弹性特征的分析,提出要保障渔业政策的持续性和稳定性,加快技术投入推广和提高技术转化率以及加大对渔民的教育培训的建议。  相似文献   

Compared to a century ago, the world's fishing fleets are larger and more powerful, are travelling further and are producing higher quality products. These developments come largely at a cost of high‐fossil fuel energy inputs. Rising energy prices, climate change and consumer demand for ‘green’ products have placed energy use and emissions among the sustainability criteria of food production systems. We have compiled all available published and unpublished fuel use data for fisheries targeting all species, employing all gears and fishing in all regions of the world into a Fisheries and Energy Use Database (FEUD). Here, we present results of our analysis of the relative energy performance of fisheries since 1990 and provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on fuel inputs to diverse fishing fleets. The median fuel use intensity of global fishery records since 1990 is 639 litres per tonne. Fuel inputs to fisheries vary by several orders of magnitude, with small pelagic fisheries ranking among the world's most efficient forms of animal protein production and crustaceans ranking among the least efficient. Trends in Europe and Australia since the beginning of the 21st century suggest fuel use efficiency is improving, although this has been countered by a more rapid increase in oil prices. Management decisions, technological improvements and behavioural changes can further reduce fuel consumption in the short term, although the most effective improvement to fisheries energy performance will come as a result of rebuilding stocks where they are depressed and reducing over‐capacity.  相似文献   

Southeast Asian rice farmers often manage aquatic habitats and resources on their land to increase production of aquatic animals. We introduce the concept of ‘farmer-managed aquatic systems’ (FMAS) to capture the diversity of these resource systems at the interface of aquaculture and capture fisheries and characterize FMAS in contrasting agro-ecosystems of Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodian and Thai FMAS yielded primarily self-recruiting species (SRS) and were managed to allow or attract them, while Vietnamese FMAS were managed more intensively to produce mostly hatchery-reared species. More than 90% of rice farming households in the study areas of Cambodia and Thailand harvested aquatic animals from their land, and about 70% created aquatic habitats such as ponds in addition to rice fields in order to increase aquatic resource production. Cambodian households created and utilized a wide variety of man-made aquatic habitats, while Thai households created predominantly trap ponds. In contrast, less than half of Vietnamese farming households harvested SRS and very few undertook FMAS management specifically for them. Vietnamese FMAS were intensively stocked and managed as aquaculture systems, with SRS accounting for less than 30% of production. Nonetheless, SRS production per area of FMAS was comparable in the three countries. Contrasting FMAS characteristics in different study areas reflect underlying differences in agro-ecosystems, aquaculture technologies, farmer livelihoods and markets.  相似文献   

欧盟共同渔业政策自1983年正式实施以来,对促进欧盟政治、经济一体化、发展渔业经济、改善渔区人民生活水平、促进水产品贸易标准化、提高水产品质量、保护消费者健康和环境以及增强欧盟渔业国际竞争力发挥了积极作用。但30年来,随着欧盟渔业的发展和新问题的出现,共同渔业政策也经历了多次调整和改革,如2002年的改革、2008年应对燃油危机措施、2010年的IUU法规,以及最新的2013年改革。本文将从欧盟共同渔业政策的起源、早期内容和改革历程及最新的改革内容等方面来详细介绍共同渔业政策的演变,并对其最新改革方向进行总结预测,以期为我国渔业政策发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this study, we describe what we term a Blue Transition, defined as the passage from fish biomass reduction to recovery in exploited aquatic resources, enabled by aquaculture. A Blue Transition is a key component of emergent “blue” discourses which support that the expansion of aquaculture would relieve pressure on declining capture fisheries, thus contributing to global food security, particularly of the poorest populations. Based on global secondary data and the case of Chile, we explore the evidence of such claim and the implications of a Blue Transition for fisheries and aquaculture development. In 2012, worldwide aquaculture production surpassed wild captures; nevertheless, such turnaround would have not taken place without China's contribution. In Chile, this turnaround occurred in 2014, concurrently with the lowest industrial landings registered since the 1960s (1,227,359 tons). Chile's aquaculture is not relieving wild fisheries or satisfying food demands of the lower income population, in the country or elsewhere. Salmon, the main aquaculture product, is destined mainly to Japan, Russia and United States where, due to its high prices, it is consumed mostly by wealthy consumers. For the case at hand, evidence suggests that a blue transition may be underway but is going in the wrong direction: from what may have been sustainable fisheries management before the 1970s to the overexploited wild fisheries of today.  相似文献   

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