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东太平洋金枪鱼渔业及管理概况 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
一、概述 东太平洋金枪鱼渔业具有悠久的历史。20世纪初叶,美国加利福尼亚州圣佩德罗市就开始生产金枪鱼罐头食品,并发展迅速,二战前,东太平洋的金枪鱼比重已占全世界金枪鱼产量的60%以上;二战期间,渔捞努力量和渔获量都急剧下降,战后藉助于渔业投资,渔船数和金枪鱼总产量又获得迅速增长。 相似文献
中国水产学会赴日考察团 《海洋渔业》1986,8(1):43-46
<正> 日本栽培渔业是在海水养殖业的基础上发展起来的。也就是我们通常所说的增、养殖事业。日本的海水养殖,历史最悠久的是紫菜,牡蛎、珍珠的养殖。1965年以后,发展了鰤鱼、扇贝、海蛸、海带、裙带菜等养殖。近年来又开展了真鲷、缟鲹、河豚、对虾、梭子蟹等的养殖。对银鲑、金枪鱼等也开始了养殖技术的研究。 相似文献
纳米比亚的渔业及其管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、一般情况 纳米比亚位于非洲大陆的西南面,其国土面积有82.4292万km~2,人口(1996年)约158万。英语为该国的官方语言,非洲人讲当地语言,首都位于温得和克(Windhock),该国的货币使用南非兰特(TheSouth African Rand),2000年1月,1美元相当于61525兰特。纳米比亚的海岸线有1500km,领海为12海里,专属经济区为200海里。水深200m以内的大陆架面积为12.25万km~2,并划分为三个分区:1.3分区,面积为1.95万km~2,其中一半属安哥拉;1.4分区,为4.51万km~2;1.5分区,为5.79万km~2。1990年3月21日独立,3月22日同中国建交。 纳米比亚沿海由于本格拉寒流形成强大的上升 相似文献
渔业管理中生物学参考点的理论及其应用 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
生物学参考点常被表示为与渔业管理相关联的捕捞死亡率和生物量,是单从生物学角度来衡量渔业资源及其开发状况的指标。通常可分为目标参考点、限制参考点和阈值参考点。目标参考点是为了持续获得某一目标渔获量所需的最小生物量和相应捕捞死亡率,包括目标生物量(Bmsy)、目标产卵亲体量(Smsy、SSB35%、SSB40%)、目标捕捞死亡率(Fmsy、Fmax、F0.1、Fmed、F40%、F40%)等参数。限制参考点用于保证捕捞死亡率不会高到危害鱼类种群的可持续利用和其生物量不会低到危害其生存,主要包括Fmsy、Fmax、F0.1、Fcrash、F20%、Bloss等参数。阈值参考点介于目标参考点和限制参考点之间,包括预防性捕捞死亡率Fpa、预防性生物量Bpa,主要对渔业资源的开发和管理进行预警,防止生物量小于BL。生物学参考点主要应用动态综合模型、产量模型和亲体量补充量关系模型来估算,估算过程中需要考虑到补充、生长、死亡等生命史过程中的不确定性。本文对生物学参考点的发展和应用进行了综述,并以金枪鱼渔业为例阐述它在渔业管理上的应用。近几十年来,我国近海渔业资源出现衰退,亟需利用生物学参考点的原理和方法对重要渔业资源种类进行... 相似文献
Freshwater fish populations in England and Wales form an important resource with up to 2.2 million anglers involved in the recreational fishery. The resource consists principally of indigenous and naturalised cyprinids, and strongholds of species endangered elsewhere in Europe. Each component is under pressure from a range of sources including water abstraction and climate change. Water resources are under significant pressure and droughts in parts of England and Wales exposed the fragility of water supply systems. Climate change is a major concern, driving a re-assessment of water supply yields. There are no objective methods available to predict changes in fish communities likely to arise from different water resource management options, except for simple systems. It is difficult to manage water resources using anything other than a precautionary approach. Accurate assessment of environmental requirements are required to strike the right balance between the needs of aquatic ecosystems and of economic efficiency. 相似文献
双牌水库位于湘江的一级支流潇水下游。永州市双牌县琥泊镇(原城关镇)上游周冲,以灌溉为主,结合发电、航运、防洪。双牌水库是永州市2座大型水库之一,既是综合开发水资源.又是综合利用水资源,对发挥永州市水资源优势。解决干旱和洪涝问题,促进工农业生产的发展和城乡人民生活改善都发挥了重要作用。本研究通过调查双牌水库的水域自然条件.分析测定双牌水库的水化学因素,开展双牌水库的水生生物调查和鱼类资源调查,探讨和寻求双牌水库渔业生态资源开发利用的途径。 相似文献
Community-based management of subsistence fisheries in Samoa 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Much subsistence fishing in tropical regions is based in discrete communities which have a high level of marine awareness and some degree of control of adjacent waters. These factors provide an ideal basis on which to motivate communities to manage their own marine resources. A fisheries extension programme in Samoa encouraged each village community to define its key problems, discuss causes, propose solutions and take appropriate actions. Various village groups, including women's and untitled men's groups, provided information which was recorded (as problem/solution trees) on portable white-boards. The extension process culminated in a community-owned Fisheries Management Plan which listed the resource management and conservation undertakings of the community. Undertakings ranged from enforcing laws banning destructive fishing methods to protecting critical marine habitats. Within the first 2 years, the extension process commenced in 65 villages, of which 44 have produced Village Fisheries Management Plans to date. A large number (38) of these villages chose to establish community-owned Marine Protected Areas. 相似文献
The French fisheries management regime is based on public and private ownership of fishing waters associated with a complex multilevel management system. A total of 730 operational commercial inland fisheries were examined by analysis of thematic interviews and questionnaires. Commercial fishermen are beginning to understand the nature of their own activity and its relationship to the concept of sustainable management. Nevertheless, fishermen have to face two major problems: first, they are poorly represented on decision making bodies where anglers are dominant, and secondly their activities are governed by two separate ministries. Opportunities for future development may lie in decision making at the catchment level. 相似文献
GARY D. SHARP 《Fisheries Oceanography》1995,4(4):324-341
Views about aquatic resource management are changing, particulaly now that resource yields from world fisheries have been shown to be not only unsustainable, but steadily declining under conventional management practice. There is ample reason for re-examination, and more pragmatic definitions of what is meant by sustainability There have nearly always been clear, reasonable means for making appropriate decisions that would have safeguarded most of the ocean's living resources, hut in general greed and lack of societal will, as articulated it national governmental levels, have promoted the present resource deterioration. I also posit that the underlying science in support of sustainable fisheries decision-making has been responsible for a great proportion of this deterioration. Revitalization of fisheries science, indeed rehabilitating the affected fisheries, will he required to regain the losses in credibility of the agencies and of the underlying science. This will depend upon resumption of integrated environmental monitoring, more enlightened application of what is already known, and reconnection of the science to the several industries involved, i.e. fishing, processing and marketing. Management implemented at the market place may be one of the few remaining options to secure the sustainability of natural resources 相似文献
改革开放以来,随着渔业经济的快速发展,我国的渔业发展面一临着渔业资源严重枯竭、渔业监管困难、渔民收入增长幅度放缓等诸多问题。为此学术界在渔业资源管理方法上提出了许多意见,同时也存在着一些分歧。文章通过理论推演,结合文献数据,探讨了渔村社区组织与我国渔业协会的关系,分析了包括渔业协会在内的渔村社区组织对渔业资源管理的作用,通过对代表性渔业资源管理理论的利弊分析,剖析了渔民协会等渔村社区组织的渔业资源管理职能。同时指出由于渔业协会在资源管理中具有重要作用,但因其自身也存在着一定局限性,因此,培育渔业协会、完善其资源管理职能,实行基于渔业协会等渔村社区组织的合作管理也就成为我国加强渔业资源管理的一种制度选择。 相似文献
The increasing need to account for the many factors that influence fish population dynamics, particularly those external to the population, has led to repeated calls for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). Yet systematically and clearly addressing these factors, and hence implementing EAFM, has suffered from a lack of clear operational guidance. Here, we propose 13 main factors (shift in location, migration route or timing, overfishing (three types), decrease in physiology, increase in predation, increase in competition, decrease in prey availability, increase in disease or parasites and a decline in habitat quality or habitat quantity) that can negatively influence fish populations via mechanisms readily observable in ~20 population features. Using these features as part of a diagnostic framework, we develop flow charts that link probable mechanism(s) underlying population change to the most judicious management actions. We then apply the framework for example case studies that have well‐known and documented population dynamics. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to provide a clearly defined matrix of all the probable responses to the most common factors influencing fish populations, and to examine possible diagnostics simultaneously, comparatively and relatively in an attempt to elucidate the most probable mechanisms responsible. The framework we propose aims to operationalize EAFM, thereby not only better diagnosing factors influencing fish populations, but also suggesting the most appropriate management interventions, and ultimately leading to improved fisheries. We assert the framework proposed should result in both better use of limited analytical and observational resources and more tailored and effective management actions. 相似文献