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巴西彩龟常规养殖效率测试   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
400只龟经200d试养起水362只,成活率为90.5%,最大个体660g,最小个体80g,平均只重360.2g,只增重312.2g;起水龟362只,毛产量130kg,净产113kg;饵料系数为2。  相似文献   

温室中巴西彩龟生长速度的观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王育锋  孙运刚 《内陆水产》1997,22(10):23-23
巴西彩龟又称七彩龟、麻将龟、翠龟,是集美食、食疗和观赏三种用途于一身的淡水龟。一般认为生长较快。但对其生长的定量研究尚未见报道。我们于1997年元月27日起,用2个仿生养龟池对该种龟的生长做了初步研究,并于1997年6月6日由山东省海洋与水产厅组织了现场测产。现报告如下:1材料与方法1.1龟池条件仿生水泥龟地2个(4#、5#,每池有效养殖水面均为9.3m2,龟池建于温室内,由锅炉加热,调温池供水,水源为露天鱼池池水,龟池除进排水设施外,另配有1个吊盘式饵料台,池内放养适量浮萍、基技藻及盆栽菊花。池水深维持20~30cm。1.2龟…  相似文献   

田随成  徐锋 《淡水渔业》1999,29(5):35-35
巴西彩龟又名七彩龟、红耳水龟、麻将龟、翠龟。是淡水龟类的优良品种。原产于密西西比河沿岸,近年引入我国。在温室控温的生长观测,目前仅见王育峰对此作过报道。研究对象是均重7333g/只———10548g/只的成龟。本文将报告1996年10月6日至19...  相似文献   

黄益民 《科学养鱼》1997,(12):36-36
巴西彩龟又名红耳水龟、翠龟,是龟类中的优良品种。原产南美洲,近年引入我国。巴西彩龟具有很高的食疗、药用、观赏价值,很适宜人工养殖。一、生物学特性巴西彩龟的头部宽大,吻钝,头颈处具有黄绿相镶的纵条纹,眼后有一对红色条纹。背甲扁平,为翠绿色或苹果色,背部中央有条显著的脊校。盾片上具有黄、绿相间的环状条纹。腹板淡黄色,具有左右对称的不规则黑色圆形、椭圆形和棒形色斑。四肢淡绿色.有灰褐色纵条纹,趾、指间具蹼。巴西彩龟属水栖性,可生活在深水域,幼龟喜栖息在浅水中,群居习性。喜阳光,晒背习性较其它龟类强。11…  相似文献   

巴西彩龟家庭饲养技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴西彩龟又名七彩龟、红耳水龟,是龟类中的优良品种。原产于密西西比河沿岸,近前引入我国。该龟色彩斑谰、背甲上呈红、黄、白、棕、绿、灰、紫等七种颜色规则的几何图案;腹板有黄,白、黑相间的甲骨文字式花纹,且每龟不尽相同。行动敏捷逗人。并具适应性广,耐饥饿,无异味,繁殖率高等特点。不但有很高的食药用价值,更具观赏性。故家庭观赏养殖日见普及。由于缺乏一定的饲养经验、发生死亡现象也较多,现将多年实践所积累的经验介绍给广大养龟爱好者参考。1选择优良龟苗:选购龟苗时,注意形体规则完整.无畸形,无病无伤、较活泼者…  相似文献   

刘伟光 《内陆水产》2001,26(3):18-19
3巴西彩龟的人工繁殖 3.1亲龟池的建造 亲龟池要求建在水源充足、水质良好、向阳避风、僻静安全之处,池周要砌高 2米以上的围墙,以防逃、防盗、防敌害。池底要求有泥土或沙质泥土,无冷浸水,无渗漏。亲龟池由培育池 (水池 )和产卵场 (陆地 )两部分组成,池形不限,但以长方形较好,便于实行鱼龟混养和操作管理。 培育池是亲鱼常年栖息场所,要求面积 800~ 1 600米 2, 池深 1.5米。池塘东、南、西三方用砖石或水泥板护坡,不留坡度,北方以缓坡与产卵场相接,这样既可防亲龟逃走,又便于亲龟集中产卵。池底应保持 20厘米左右的软泥层。…  相似文献   

一、选择优良龟苗:选购龟苗时,注意形体规则完整,无畸形,无病无伤,较活泼者为佳。尽量挑选背甲长度在3厘米以上,体重在6克以上的龟苗。二、建池:利用窗前、阳台、屋角处,建长80厘米、宽40厘米、高30~40厘米的水泥池,池底1/3成30度左右坡度高出水面,形成水陆两处,池内壁贴瓷砖。  相似文献   

刘伟光 《内陆水产》2001,26(4):29-30
4巴西彩龟的饲养管理 4.1稚龟的培育 4.1.1稚龟池条件 稚龟池建于室内外均可,以内壁光滑的水泥池较好,面积 50~ 60米 2,池深 100厘米,水深 30~ 60厘米。规模生产,最好将池建成长条双排式,共用注、排水沟,整个龟池四周应砌 50厘米高的矮墙。池中用水泥瓦搭设食台,兼作休息陆地,其面积为水面积的 1/6左右。每个池应有注、排水口,并设有防逃拦栅。 4.1.2稚龟的收集与暂养 初出壳的稚龟娇嫩,易受伤而感染疾病,生产中宜采取自然出壳法,让其自然爬出孵化基质 (沙层 )后再行收集。收集到的稚龟用 30克 /升的食盐水或 30毫克 /升的呋…  相似文献   

吴建军 《内陆水产》2007,32(5):8-10
长沙地区巴西彩龟性成熟年龄为6龄,个体重量为雌龟1100g以上、雄龟250g以上,同龄雌雄龟个体差异明显。挑选体质健壮、无病无伤的龟按1∶1、2∶1、3∶1、4∶1雌雄比放养在条件一致的种龟池中进行对比试验,试验表明,2∶1为最合理的雌雄配比,综合经济效益最佳。  相似文献   

中华鳖脑膜炎败血性黄杆菌病的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从垂死病鳖的肝脏分离到96-12-Ⅳ菌株,用该菌株人工感染健康鳖,感染率100%,由感染发病鳖的肝脏到96-12-Ⅳ‘菌株,经生理生化反应测定,与96-12-Ⅳ菌株的测定结果一致,鉴定为脑炎败血性黄杆菌。该菌通过血道传播,侵袭全身各脏器,使各脏器组织发生变质性病变,淤血,出血,呈败血症。选择14种药物以纸片扩散法对该菌进行药敏试验,证实其中4种药物抑菌作用较强,用它们配制了鳖必康Ⅲ号,临床验证效果  相似文献   

光合细菌液态浓缩制剂的保藏研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对实验室选育保藏的具有高效降解养殖水体氨氮,亚硝基氮的耐盐红螺菌进行菌种扩大培养和研制成10倍浓缩制剂。用正交实验方法探讨菌剂保藏的光线、温度及pH对液态浓缩制剂保藏期的影响,以及在菌剂中添加化学物质后的保藏效果。正交试验结果表明,光合细菌浓缩菌剂在pH值5.5、室温及避光条件下保藏效果最好。而在菌剂中添加1%甘油、7%二甲亚砜和0.5-1.1ug/ml红霉素对延长菌剂的保藏均较为有效,其中以添加1%甘油的保藏效果更好。  相似文献   

甲鱼配合饲料中蛋白质,脂肪以及醣类适宜含量初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改变饲料中蛋白质,脂肪以及醣类的含量,设计一个三因素三水平的正交试验,初步探讨二龄甲鱼配合饲料中这三种成分的适宜含量,试验结果,配合饲料中蛋白质,脂肪和可消化醣类的适宜含量分别为45%-48.3%、4.2%-6.7%和20%-25%。  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the effect of four cycles of 5 weeks starvation followed by 10‐week refeeding compared with daily feeding under either natural photoperiod or continuous light (LL) regime on body composition and flesh quality in Atlantic cod in sea cages, northern Norway. The fish were sampled for body composition and flesh quality parameters at the start of the trial, twice at the end of a 10‐week feeding period and twice at the end of a 5‐week starvation period. There was effect of both feeding and light regime on growth, the two starving groups losing weight during starvation and regaining weight during refeeding, and the group under LL being heavier. But, the mean overall growth did not vary between groups. Starvation/refeeding regime resulted in higher slaughter yield, but no overall effect was seen on hepatosomatic index, water content, water holding capacity (WHC), muscle pH, hardness or flesh colour compared with control groups. Continuous light increased gutted weight and slaughter yield, lowered WHC and depressed maturation compared with fish under natural light regime. Increased growth rate resulted in softer fillets and lower muscle pH.  相似文献   

对池养条件下瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)早期发育阶段的摄食节律进行了研究。结果表明:每日5:00~9:00及17:00~21:00瓦氏黄颡鱼的饱满指数相对较高,15:00~17:00最低,表明瓦氏黄颡鱼属于晨昏摄食型;在仔鱼出膜后的第5、10、15、20、25和30天瓦氏黄颡鱼的日摄食率分别为44.79%、33.72%、23.21%、19.92%、16.58%和10.27%,呈逐渐下降趋势。  相似文献   

  • 1. Sea turtles may migrate vast distances from their feeding areas to home rookeries where they nest. During these migrations sea turtles are subject to many threats, among which are interactions with pelagic longlines.
  • 2. This gear is used frequently in the summer period in the Gulf of Gabes targeting mainly the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus). Hooks are baited with mackerel (Scomber scombrus) or pieces of stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca).
  • 3. Twenty‐one fishing trips (48 sets with a total of 35 950 hooks deployed) were conducted using onboard observers in the south of the Gulf of Gabes during the months of July, August and September in 2007 and 2008. Stingray and mackerel bait were used in 19 and 29 sets, respectively.
  • 4. In total, 29 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) were captured; the majority of them were juvenile and active. Turtles were caught at a statistically greater frequency on sets with hooks baited with mackerel than on sets with hooks baited with pieces of stingray.
  • 5. The type of bait also affected the catch of the target species by increasing the efficiency when pieces of stingrays were used.
  • 6. These results encourage further research into new baits to mitigate turtle catch by longline fisheries without affecting the catch of target species. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Feeding strategies of tilapia (initial average weight: 32 g) cultivated with Biofloc technology (BFT) (carbon source: sugarcane, C:N ratio: 6:1) for 56 days were studied. A 4 × 3 factorial experimental design was used with four feeding frequencies (one, two, three and four times a day) and three feeding rates (50%, 75% and 100% consumption in relation to apparent satiety), with four replicates. Lower levels of dissolved oxygen, protein retention rate and body protein content were found in fish fed once a day. The reduction in feeding rate resulted in lower average final weight and reduced growth but promoted a decrease in the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen, solids, hepatosomatic index and body lipids. We found better efficiency of protein utilization at 75% feed. The nutritional value of the floc was not affected by the feeding frequency, and the feeding rate reduction from 100% to 75% did not alter the protein content of the floc. Thus, twice‐daily feeding frequency is sufficient for Nile tilapia fingerlings reared in BFT. Although the feeding rate of 100% satiety has led to better performance, it may not be the best option in BFT due to higher feed conversion and reduction of water quality.  相似文献   

The conversion of mangrove areas into shrimp farming ponds has been indicated as the main activity responsible for the reduction in the area of this ecosystem along the northeastern coast of Brazil. The present study was conducted using remote sensing methods and a geographical information system with the aim of quantifying the participation of this activity in the reduction of the mangrove areas along the northern coast of the State of Pernambuco (northeast, Brazil), where shrimp farming has been implanted in last recent years. From 1973 to 2005, there was reduction of about 2.052 ha of mangrove, 197 ha of which were converted into shrimp ponds. Thus, the real contribution of shrimp farming to this reduction was just 9.6% of the total area. Other anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture, urban expansion and tourism, contributed greatly to the reduction in the mangrove areas along the northern coast of the State of Pernambuco.  相似文献   

鳖保宁对中华鳖气单胞菌病的药效学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用常规方法对中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)常见病害进行细菌学检查,测定了鳖保宁及相关单味药对中华鳖主要病原菌温和气单胞菌(Aeromonas sobria)和豚鼠气单胞菌(A.caviae)的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC),并观察鳖保宁预防鳖病害的效果,结果表明:20例患病鳖中共分离到28株细菌,其中温和气单胞菌和豚鼠气单胞菌分别占32.14%和21.43%;鳖保宁及相关单味药对温和气单胞菌和豚鼠气单胞菌均有不同程度的抑制和杀灭作用。其中鳖保宁的作用最强;鳖保宁预防鳖病害的效果优于对照组。  相似文献   

鱼类早期生长的细微差别对其存活以及整个生活史阶段的生长,有着不可估量的影响,而摄食是影响仔鱼期生长的最重要的外界影响因子之一。在水温19.5~20.5℃下,对匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)仔鱼的开口时间、适宜开口饵料和投饵率进行了研究。结果表明,匙吻鲟仔鱼在6日龄初次摄食,摄食率在7—8日龄迅速升高,9—10日龄达到100%,11-13日龄略有降低,14-15日龄迅速降低,不可逆点(PNR期)出现在15日龄;以轮虫作为开口饵料,仔鱼的存活率和生长优于丰年虫和颗粒饲料组;养殖水体中轮虫密度在120—150个/mL可满足仔鱼的生长需求。  相似文献   

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