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黑龙江省西部枸杞负泥虫防治技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来枸杞负泥虫在黑龙江省西部发生较为普遍。文章介绍了枸杞负泥虫形态、特性以及危害状况,并提出了防治该虫害的综合治理措施。  相似文献   

<正>枸杞负泥虫(Tema decempunctata Gebler)属于叶甲总科,负泥虫亚科,主要分布在青海、华北、东北等地区,2001年在河北围场县大面积发生,对枸杞生产造成了很大的危害,影响了经济收入,作者经过9a的观测和防治试验,掌握了该种害虫的生物学特性,并采用了生物制剂进行防治试验,效果较为理想,延缓了该种害虫的发生周期,并对该种害虫进行了有效的控制。  相似文献   

在全面系统地调查景泰县枸杞栽培区的主要虫害、危害程度和发生规律的基础上,以当地最常见的枸杞蚜虫、枸杞红瘿蚊、枸杞瘿螨、枸杞木虱和枸杞负泥虫5种害虫的防治为突破口,提出以农业、生物和物理防治为主,以化学防治为辅,兼顾利用天敌的枸杞无公害栽培技术方案。  相似文献   

枸杞种植既是一项高投入、高产出的劳动密集型林果产业,同时枸杞本身又是一种病虫高发生、高为害的林木品种。由病虫为害引发的化学防治造成果品药物残留已经成为构杞产业健康发展的严重阻碍。从监测入手,以当地最常见的枸杞蚜虫、枸杞红瘿蚊、枸杞瘿螨、构杞木虱和构杞负泥虫5种虫害的防治为突破口,提出以农业、生物和物理防治为主,避开采果期用高效低残药物的化学防治为辅的综合防治方法。  相似文献   

枸杞负泥虫是一种暴食性食叶害虫,食性单一,主要为害枸杞叶子。该害虫在张家口坝上1年发生2代,世代极不整齐。在防治上,一般的胃毒型农药效果都比较明显,生物防治有待开发。  相似文献   

本文报道采自河南省民权县、寄生枸杞负泥虫 Lema decempunctata Gebler 的长凹姬蜂属一新种:民权长凹姬蜂 Diaparsis minquanensis Sheng et Wu, sp.nov.及采自辽宁省沈阳市的一中国新记录种:皱长凹姬蜂 Diaparsis multiplicator Aubert.标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站.  相似文献   

<正>枸杞是药食兼用的一种小浆果。果实总糖、蛋白质、甜菜碱、胡萝卜素等含量较高,甘甜味美,深受消费者欢迎。在实际栽种中受多种害虫害危害,常造成果实品质下降和严重减产。目前已发现枸杞病害5种、虫害50余种,在尉犁县危害较为严重的病害有枸杞根腐病、白粉病2种,虫害有枸杞蚜虫、枸杞木虱、枸杞锈螨、枸杞瘿螨、枸杞负泥虫5种。枸杞病虫害危害及化学防治产生的农药残留问题,对枸杞安全生产及果品质量构成了极大威胁,如何采取有效的综合管  相似文献   

结合野外调查和室内饲养观察,对枸杞负泥虫各虫态形态特征和生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明;该虫食性单一,在甘肃省兰州市1年发生3代,有世代重叠现象,以蛹在被害株树冠下土中越冬,翌年4月上旬成虫出蛰危害。各虫态在不同世代历期不同,10月下旬入土越冬,越冬代有滞育现象。  相似文献   

白杨透翅蛾生活史及防治技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在观察了白杨透翅蛾的虫态、生活史的基础上,采用80%敌敌畏100倍液注入虫孔用湿泥封口的防治方法,效果十分显著。  相似文献   

六、枸杞主要的病虫害及防治方法1虫害(1)枸杞蚜虫。俗称蜜虫,以卵在枸杞枝条芽腋处或枝条缝隙处越冬。翌年5月上旬孵化危害新芽,6月盛发,7月随着气温升高虫口下降,8月又上升延续危害至10月。虫口密集危害叶片、花蕾和幼果,使枝梢萎缩,花果变小。10月上旬性蚜交配产卵越冬,一年约发生15代。防治方法:4月下旬枸杞杞植株展叶拍新梢时,可采用40%氧化乐果1000倍液或50%马拉硫磷1000倍液树冠喷雾防治,6月进入座果期时.用20%杀灭菊脂3000倍液树冠喷雾。秋季采用杀灭菊胎3000倍液)Jg50%久效磷1200信液树冠喷雾,杀灭性蚜,控制…  相似文献   

金缘吉丁虫是梨树的毁灭性蛀干害虫。虫蛹发生期主要与温度相关,4月下旬为始期,5月中旬为盛期,6月初为末期;成虫羽化喜温暖、高湿天气,与降雨关系密切,5月中旬为始期,5月下旬为盛期,6月中旬为末期;成虫具假死性,雄成虫寿命比雌成虫短;为害梨树和死刺槐,后者比前者虫口密度高7.9~12.9倍;梨树树势越强,受害越低,反之就高。成虫期树上喷药、捕捉成虫,幼虫期药剂熏蒸主干、涂刷虫部枝干以及加强管理、增强树势等措施,均能取得良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

为探究云杉花墨天牛Monochamus saltuarius Gebler的取食倾向,在养虫箱内对红松Pinus koraiensis、油松Pinus tabulaeformis和日本落叶松Larix kaempferi枝条饲喂的云杉花墨天牛成虫体质量和取食选择性进行研究。结果发现,云杉花墨天牛对红松、油松和日本落叶松均具有取食行为,取食红松和油松的体质量显著高于取食日本落叶松的;对不同松树取食部位也有较大差异,主要取食红松新梢,油松新梢、新枝和针叶,落叶松针叶;对3种寄主植物的取食倾向由高到低为红松,油松,日本落叶松。  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of a new record pest insect Acanthocinus carinulatus Gebler has been reported in China. During the last few years, outbreaks of this insect in larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) plantations of Aershan, Inner Mongolia have occurred. Each year one generation is born. The insects only damage the phloem in L. gmelinii, overwinter in galleries as larvae and pupate in May of the following year. The pupation culminates in late May. The pupal phase lasts about 45 d. Adults emerge in early June and require nutrition after emergence. Mating and oviposition occur from late June to early August and the adult males and females and may copulate many times in their lifetime. The female adults lay eggs in bark crevices. Oviposition sites with one egg occupy 70.5% of all sites, sites with three eggs occupy 6.8% and 22.7% of all crevices are without eggs. Eggs stay in this stage for a period of 7 to 11 d. Larvae hatch in early July and hibernate in early September. The rate of successful hatching is only 37.8%.  相似文献   

为探究辽宁省松材线虫病发生区林间云杉花墨天牛Monochamus saltuarius Gebler种群发生规律,验证F2型引诱剂对云杉花墨天牛诱捕效果,2018年5—8月在辽宁省抚顺市和丹东市开展了诱捕天牛试验.结果显示:F2型引诱剂对云杉花墨天牛具有较好引诱效果,在抚顺、丹东试验松林内,F2型引诱剂共诱捕到天牛14...  相似文献   

Carabid beetles,predatory insects,are abundant in forests and sensitive to environmental changes.The dis-tribution patterns and diversity of carabid beetles in several natural forests were studied to provide a basis for evaluating the importance of a forest in the protection of carabid beetle diversity.Carabids were captured by pitfall traps during their seasonal activity from 2012 to 2013 in a poplar-birch forest,ash-walnut forest and broad-leaved Korean pine forest.A total of 5252 individuals,representing 21 species,were col-lected.Carabid abundance was highest in the broad-leaved Korean pine forest and lowest in the ash-walnut forest.Carabus billbergi Mannerheim and Pterostichus pertinax(Tschitscherine) were the dominant beetle species in each stand.Carabus canaliculatus Adams was dominant in the poplar-birch and ash-walnut forests,and Leistus niger Gebler was dominant in the ash-walnut forest.The carabids were affected differently by stand factors.C.billbergi and P.per-tinax was positively correlated with mean DBH.C.cana-liculatus and L.niger were not positively correlated with any stand factors.The broad-leaved Korean pine forest with greater age,large DBH and thick leaf litter fostered a high diversity of carabid species.The main yearly activity period for most carabids was during July.Different carabid species responded differently to seasonality,and the activity period of several species was relatively late (August) in the year.  相似文献   

After the outbreak of Dendrolimus superans Buter in 2002, many insect borers quickly invaded larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) forests in the Aershan of Inner Mongolia. Methods involved included setting sample plots, collecting adults in iron traps and measuring areas of galleries to study the invasive sequence, their ecological niche and the extent of the different effects by the main insect borers to their hosts. The results showed that the damage of D. superans weakened L. gmelinii, first Ips subelongatus Motschulsky invaded, followed by Acanthocinus carinulatus Gebler, Monochamus urussovi Fisher and M. sutor L. After the outbreak of D. superans, the average density of longhorn beetles per L. gmelinii tree increased. The ecological niche of Ips subelongatus stretches almost from the base to the top of the trunk. The number of insects in older stands of L. gmelinii is larger than those in middle aged stands. They do not damage healthy trees of L. gmelinii. The ecological niche of A. carinulatus is higher in dead L. gmelinii trees than in weak ones. The degree of damage is directly proportional with age and depth of bark. M. urussovi mainly damages trunks below 4 m in weak trees; in dead trees they can do damage up to 6 m in height. M. sutor mainly damages trunks below 5 m in weak L. gmelinii trees; in dead trees they cause damage up to 7 m. Again, the degree of damage is directly proportional with age. None of the three species of longhorn beetles damage healthy L. gmelinii and younger trees. Among the main insect borers, the degree of damage caused by I. subelongatus is more serious than that of other insects.  相似文献   

为筛选出杉木种子园最佳的促花方法,为杉木生产提供更多的优良种子,设拉枝法、断顶法、环扎法、环割法4个处理,1个对照,重复4次。结果表明:4种处理方法的球花形成值均明显高于对照值,其中以环扎法最佳,球花形成值高于对照值的1.15倍;环割法、拉枝法及断顶法3个处理值分别高于对照值的0.60、0.36、0.35倍;从雄、雌球花形成分析看,环扎法的雄球花形成值高于对照1.64倍,而雌球花形成值仅高于对照0.65倍;环割法、断顶法的雌球花形成值分别高于对照的0.82、0.71倍。  相似文献   

"注射法"防治光肩星天牛试验初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了找到一种防治光肩星天牛切实有效、安全可靠的方法,对光肩星天牛进行了“注射法”防治实验。结果表明,其防治效果明显好于“喷雾法”,且药效持续时间长,同时省工、省力,方便实用,对于防治光肩星天牛及其他乔木树种害虫不失为一种简便、成本低、效果好的方法。  相似文献   

本试验选用高效氯氟氰菊酯、啶虫脒和氧化乐果对泰安市徂徕山林场内板栗透翅蛾进行防治。结果表明采用注射法施用3%的啶虫脒乳油防治效果最好,施药15天后平均防效为94.7%,40%氧化乐果乳油的平均防效为91.3%,2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯乳油的平均79.6%;直接涂抹药剂比注射法施药防效略低,三种药剂的平均防效分别为93.1%、89.2%、78%。  相似文献   

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