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在闽东地区收集柳杉人工林样木材料,选择一致性削度方程d^2=4/πVL^B-1.B/H^B和一致性材积比方程V/V=1-(1-h/n)^B作为基础模型,结合累积商品材长度比和树皮率的回归方程,编制了柳杉人工林单株木二元材种出材率表,检验证明,该表精度符合要求,可在生产中应用 。  相似文献   

在闽东地区收集柳杉人工林样木材料,选择一致性削度方程d2=4πVLB-1·B/HB和一致性材积比方程VV=1-(1-hп)B作为基础模型,结合累积商品材长度比和树皮率的回归方程,编制了柳杉人工林单株木二元材种出材率表,检验证明,该表精度符合要求,可在生产中应用。  相似文献   

建立削度方程是编制材种出材率表的基础.以寻甸县境内的人工华山松造材样木为研究对象,选择有代表性的或拟合效果较好的一些削度方程对其削度方程进行拟合,根据精度分析,选择d/D=0.0767 2.2597[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]-3.0707[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]2 1.7169[(H-h)/(H-1.3)]3模型作为编制华山松人工林单株木材种出材率表的最佳削度方程.经分别与检验样本树干的各部位直径实测值与削度方程理论估计值的差异进行检验,表明模型无系统偏差,检验指标的绝对值小,方程的拟合效果好,具有较好的适用性.  相似文献   

河南省杨树材种出材率表的研编   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用削度方程和单株带皮—去皮胸径的转换关系式两个模型对河南省杨树进行计算机理论造材.经精度检验,满足要求,方法可行,依此编制了河南省杨树材种出材率表。  相似文献   

关于材种出材率表的编制方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用削度方程编制出材率表已经成为未来的发展方向。本文对编制材种出材率表的全过程,从资料的收集到削度方程的选择、拟合、评价,以及利用削度方程进行理论造材、计算出材率等各个环节进行了系统阐述,对林业生产实践具有指导意义。在建模样本的组织、削度方程的建立等方面融入了作者的新思想,有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

文章通过削度方程和有关材种造材标准对理论摸拟造材公式进行了推导验证,达到了造材标准系统差要求,解决了当前国内外利用削度方程编制出材率表时缺乏材种造材系统完整的造材理论公式问题。  相似文献   

利用在吉林省各县(市、区)所采集3 157株蒙古栎编表、验表样木数据,运用削度方程计算立木材积和材种出材率表,结果表明:运用削度方程可以灵活地反映树干上任意部位直径、既定直径处材长、材积、出材率、树干上任意分段材积和全树干材积;同时根据林分树高差异调整树高式参数,编制的材种出材率表精度高、适用性强,更符合林分中林木生长实际状况  相似文献   

西江林业局尾巨桉人工林一元材种出材率表编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在广东省西江林业局尾巨桉无性系人工林中选择并设置70个标准地,分别进行林分因子调查,同时选择163株样木以2.0 m或2.6 m段材长分径阶进行样木伐倒造材,以实际经济材造材出材率为基础拟合并选择较优的单株木一元材积比方程,然后根据材积比方程进行理论造材并编制尾巨桉单株木一元经济材出材率表;接着利用单株木一元经济材出材率表对所调查的标准地进行理论造材,以林分理论造材出材率为基础拟合并选择较优的林分一元材积比方程,最后根据材积比方程研制尾巨桉林分一元经济材出材率表。所编制的数表均符合国家精度检验标准,可为本地区桉树生产经营提供参考。  相似文献   

根据林业生产中立木材积、原木材积及出材率的计算方法,在杉木人工林树干形状研究的基础上,建立树干削度方程和树干断面去皮最短径方程,模拟实际造材,进而编制杉木人工林二元出材率表,经检验误差较小,精度较高,可在林业生产上应用和推广。  相似文献   

湿地松材积出材率表的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据532株湿地松伐倒木测径数据,通过14组削度方程的比选,选定了符合湿地松树种的削度方程。此削度方程对任意直径限处的材长、任意高度处的直径及树干全材积等可获得高精度的估计。通过计算机理论造材,编制出湿地松一元和二元材种出材率表,各技术程序全部采用数学模型进行模拟,改变了过去用图解法传统编制材种数表的技术方法,提高了材种数表的精度  相似文献   

Five stem taper models belonging to three different taper function categories were fitted to data corresponding to 282 Pseudotsuga menziesii trees. The trees were selected in the area surrounding 61 research plots installed in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country, northern Spain. The models were simultaneously fitted to observed values of diameter outside bark and inside bark. A third-order continuous-time autoregressive error structure was used to account for autocorrelation. Selection of the best model was based on both numerical (goodness-of-fit statistics) and graphical analysis (plots of residuals against position along the stem and against tree size). The three-segmented taper model finally selected has the advantage of being compatible with both a merchantable and a total stem volume equation.  相似文献   

The study purpose selected among several candidate models for best individual tree, over bark, total volume model, volume ratio model to any top height limit and taper model for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in the regions of Pinhal Interior Sul and Beira Interior Sul, Portugal. The data used in the study were collected from 144 felled trees, corresponding to 995 diameter/height measurements. To select among the best models, several statistics were computed during model fitting, and the independent validation procedure was used to evaluate model fitting, collinearity and prediction performance. A ranking index was used to support the final decision. The analysis of models studentized residuals distribution showed that some regression model assumptions, such as normality and homogeneity, were not met. To overcome this unideal situation, the models selected were then fitted again using robust regression and weighted regression techniques. The set of adjusted models will allow the prediction of individual tree, over bark, total volume and merchantable volume to any merchantable limit, for both species and region to support management decisions.  相似文献   


? Context

Despite the economic importance of Castanea sativa Mill. in northwest Spain, studies of its growth and yield are practically non-existent.

? Aims

A compatible system formed by a taper function, a total volume equation, and a merchantable volume equation was developed for chestnut (C. sativa Mill.) coppice stands in northwest Spain.

? Methods

Data from 203 destructively sampled trees were used for the adjustment. Outliers were removed with a non-parametric local adjustment, providing a final data set of measurements taken from 3,188 sections which was used to test five taper models (compatible and non-compatible). A second-order continuous autoregressive error structure was used to model the error term and account for autocorrelation. Presence of multicollinearity was evaluated with the condition number. Comparison of the models was carried out using overall goodness-of-fit statistics and graphical analysis.

? Results

Results show that the models developed by Fang et al. in For Sci 46: 1–12, 2000 and Kozak in For Chron 80, N 4: 507–515, 2004 were superior to other equations in predicting diameter for chestnut coppice stands.

? Conclusion

The compatible volume system developed by Fang et al. in For Sci 46: 1–12, 2000 was finally selected as it provided the best compromise between describing stem profile and also estimating merchantable height, merchantable volume, and total volume and therefore provides the first specific tool for more effective management of chestnut coppice stands.  相似文献   


Although sustainable forest management is accepted worldwide in concept, challenges in the methods of implementation remain. Using local data sets from Alberta, Canada, we show that a simulation approach can assist the implementation of sustainable forest management by improved understanding of product potential and other forest ecosystem goods and services that forests can provide for a given forest inventory. This will assist facilitating trade-offs among them for an optimal wood utilization strategy to achieve sustainable forest management. In this example, effects of wood utilization standard on merchantable volume, lumber volume, and number of trees that can produce at least one piece of lumber are quantified, and a conversion method for wood volumes under different wood utilization standards is presented. Wood utilization standard is the combination of stump height and diameter inside bark at merchantable height, which considerably influences available volume quantity of forest resource. However, such influences have not been quantified for sustainable forest management implementation. Our results not only confirmed that merchantable and lumber volumes increased with decreasing stump height and diameter inside bark at merchantable height, but also revealed that this trend will not hold when diameter inside bark at merchantable height is less than 7 cm.  相似文献   

A stem taper equation compatible to the volume equation was derived from the data of 172 trees sampled in the three plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria in Pare, East Java. The stem taper equation in this study was based on a conventional logarithmic volume equation, with the addition of one free parameter that minimized the standard errors of estimate to the observed diameter of stems at 1.0-m intervals. The derived equation was able to predict the stem taper of P. falcataria reasonably well, while it was not flexible enough to describe delicate changes of the taper in the upper portion of stem. The equation was able to predict bole length and the volume up to the top diameter 20 cm, the diameter size merchantable for sawn timber in Indonesia, with reasonable accuracy. An appropriate rotation age for sawn-timber production was found to be 8–9 years old, at which the mean annual increment of sawn timber would be maximized.  相似文献   

以马尾松人工林作为研究对象,用伐倒木样木数据,经干形分析和多指标精度比较,选定最佳的削度方程;通过树皮率方程和树高曲线方程进行计算机理论造材,依据各经济材种规格,编制出马尾松胸径树高二元经济材出材率表。经检验,以该方法编制的出材率表达到林业数表模型编制的精度要求。  相似文献   

不同栽培措施对尾巨桉生长的影响及经济效益分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
试验采用列区试验设计,设造林密度和追肥2个因素,每个因素6个水平,4次重复.密度因子作主区,追肥因子作副区,各个因素和各处理按随机区组排列.每个试验小区面积0.04 hm2(20 m×20 m),共计144个小区,连续5 a观测.经过方差分析得出,造林试密度对林分平均高、平均胸径和蓄积量都有极显著的影响.在6种参试密度中,造林密度越大,林分平均高、胸径越小,蓄积量越大;6种配方追肥对林分平均高影响不显著,对胸径和蓄积量生长影响显著;密度与追肥的交互作用不显著.在所有36个列区试验组合中,按经济效益排列前5名的密度和追肥最佳组合分别为:2 222株.hm-2和每公顷施N、P、K分别为200、150、100 kg,1 667株.hm-2和每公顷施N、P、K分别为300、200、200 kg;1 667株.hm-2和每公顷施N、P、K分别为200、150、100 kg;2 222株.hm-2和每公顷施N、P、K分别为100、50、50 kg;1 250株.hm-2和每公顷施N、P、K分别为200、150、100 kg.它们的蓄积量分别为183.94、188.43、169.95、164.33、163.03 m3.hm-2;利润值分别为14 977.44、14 965.09、13 832.83、13 785.80和13 345.18元.hm-2.  相似文献   

A total of 31 taper functions from 3 different groups of models (single, segmented and variable-form taper functions) were fitted to diameter-height data from 203 Pinus pinaster trees sampled across even-aged stands in Galicia (northwestern Spain). Most of the taper functions analyzed showed problems of multicollinearity as indicated by the condition number. A second-order autoregressive CAR(2) error process was incorporated into the models to minimize the effect of autocorrelation inherent in the longitudinal data used, and to provide valid tests of significance for model parameter estimates. In general, variable-form taper functions provided the most accurate predictions. The flexibility and predictive performance of the variable-form model developed by Kozak (For Chron 80(4):507–515, 2004) indicated its usefulness for estimating diameter at a specific height, merchantable volume, and total volume of Maritime pine in the study area.  相似文献   

Forest biomass estimation at large scale has become an important topic in the background of facing global climate change, and it is fundamental to develop individual tree biomass equations suitable for large-scale estimation. Based on the measured data of biomass components and stem volume from 100 sample trees of two larch species (Larix gmelinii and L. principis-rupprechtii) in northeastern and northern China, an integrated equation system including individual tree biomass equations, stem volume equation and height–diameter regression model were constructed using the dummy variable model and error-in-variable simultaneous equations. In the system, all the parameters of equations were estimated simultaneously, so that the aboveground biomass equation was compatible to stem volume equation and biomass conversion factor (BCF) function; the belowground biomass equation was compatible to root-to-shoot ratio (RSR) function; and stem wood, stem bark, branch and foliage biomass equations were additive to aboveground biomass equation. In addition, the system also ensured the compatibility between one- and two-variable models. The results showed that: (1) whether aboveground biomass equations or belowground biomass equations and stem volume equations, the estimates for larch in northeastern China were greater than those in northern China; (2) BCF of a larch tree decreased with the growing diameter while RSR increased with the growing diameter; (3) the proportion of stem wood biomass to aboveground biomass increased with the growing diameter while those of stem bark, branch, and foliage biomass decreased.  相似文献   

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