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The study was conducted to determine the optimum stocking density for rearing tilapia. Oreochromis spilurus (Günther), fingerlings in tanks during winter using warm (21-26°C) underground sea water (37%o). Seawater-acclimated fingerlings with mean weight of 2 g were stocked in eighteen 400-1 fibreglass tanks at 750 and 1000 fish m?3. Fish were fed at the rates of 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5% day?1 of the fish biomass. After 83 days, the mean individual daily weight gain was significantly higher (P < 0.028) at stocking of 750 fish m?3 than at 1000 fish m?3. Feed conversion ratio was significantly higher at stocking of 1000 fish m?3 than at 750 fish m?3 and at feeding rate of 3.5% day1 than at 2.5% day?1. However, because no significant differences were observed on survival rates between the two stocking densities and among feeding rates, it is recommended that the stocking density of 1000 fish m?3 and a feeding rate of 2.5% day?1 be used for optimum production of tilapia fingerlings in tanks during winter using warm underground sea water.  相似文献   

The effect of size and acclimation period to full-strength sea water was investigated using the mortality, growth, chloride cell proliferation and plasma Na concentration in four size groups (0.03-1.6 g mean initial weight) of mixed-parentage, sex-reversed, all-male fry and fingerlings of Oreochromis spilurus spilurus Günter obtained from University of Stirling. The fish were transferred from fresh water to sea water (36.6%0) through a continuous salinity increase during a 48, 72 or 120 h acclimation period. Survival was high in all groups, although the smallest fish (0.03 g) showed significantly higher mortality than the larger fish. The acclimation regime had no effect on growth rate, but 120 h acclimation gave highest final weight in the newly released group. Regardless of acclimation period, size and plasma Na concentration during the acclimation period, the plasma Na level stabilized within 12 h after full salinity in the two largest size groups. Ovoid voluminous chloride cells proliferated in all groups during the acclimation period, and numbers stabilized with stable salinity. It is concluded in this study that O. spilurus spilurus can successfully be acclimated to sea water with a gradual continuous acclimation period of 48 h, even as newly released fry (0.03 g). However, an acclimation period of 120 h gave the highest final weight for this size group.  相似文献   

Abstract. A preliminary study was conducted to assess the performance of the tilapia, Oreochromis spilurus (Günther), cultured in seawater cages at different stocking densities during the nursing and rearing phases. The stocking densities tested were 200, 400 and 600 fish/m3 during the nursing phase and 100, 200, and 300 fish/m3 during the rearing phase.
In both growth phases, no significant differences (P>0.05) were observed among the different stocking densities on the mean individual final weight, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio and survival rate. Yields in cages stocked with 400 and 600 fish/m3 during the nursing phase, however, were significantly (P<0.05) higher compared with cages stocked with 200 fish/m3. No significant differences (P>0.05) were observed between 400 and 600 fish/m3. A density of 600/m3 is therefore considered to be optimum for the nursing phase.
Yields of cages during the rearing phase increased significantly (P<0.01) with the increase in stocking density. After grading the fish, however, no significant differences (P>0.05) were observed when only fish bigger than 150g were considered. The occurrence of exophthalmia (cataract) was observed in two of the four replicates at the highest stocking density (300 fish/m3) during the rearing stage. Therefore, a stocking density of 200 fish/m3 is considered optimum for the rearing phase.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare the seed production of tilapia, Oreochromis spilurus (Günther), under ambient water temperature and photoperiod, and under controlled water temperature (29.0 ± 2.0 °C), and photoperiods of 13 and 14 h day?1. Male and female breeders with average weights of 155.4 and 78.7 g, respectively, were stocked in nine 1.04 X 1.04 X 0.40 m (L X W X H) fibreglass tanks. Each tank was stocked with two males and six females. Seed collection was carried out biweekly for 300 days. The results showed that the seed kg?1 female day?1, seed m?2day?1, total seed production per tank and spawning rates of females were highest during the 14 h day?1 photoperiod (112.4, 77.4, 24 724 and 42.1%, respectively), followed by ambient spawning conditions (104.0, 57.9, 18 356 and 36.6%, respectively), and lowest during the 13 h day?1 photoperiod (49.5, 36.5, 12 021 and 25.7%, respectively). Under ambient spawning conditions, peak spawning occurred in May. Monthly seed production was affected by changes in temperature and light duration. In both controlled photoperiods, the peak of seed production was observed during the first month after stocking. In all treatments, spawning declined gradually after the peak, which can be attributed to exhaustion of the breeders. The findings of this study indicate that seed production of O. spilurus in Kuwait can be extended beyond the restricted spawning season of 6-7 months by maintaining water temperature at 29.0 ± 2.0 °C and photoperiod at 14 h day?1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Kuwait, the culture of tilapia, Oreochromis spilurus (Günther), in sea cages is limited by water temperature for mid-April to mid-November only. Using fry spawned in April, one production cycle is passible, but marketing time is limited to less than 20 days. With a market capacity of 1 tonne/day, the production of 100 tonnes/year planned for a commercial farm requires 100 marketing days. It is therefore necessary to shorten production time by stocking larger fingerlings to extend the marketing period. Four fingerling production schedules were tested, using fry spawned (1) in May, grown normally; (2) in May, stunted; (3) in August; and (4) in December. The fish were initially stocked and overwintered in fibreglass tanks. On 19 April, the fish were transferred to 1-m3 net cages at 150 fish/cage and grown to marketable size (<300g). Results showed that fish spawned in May (normal and stunted), August and December were harvested in July, August and October and can be marketed for 125, 100 and 60 days, respectively. It is apparent that the production of 100 tonnes of tilapia to be marketed over a period of 100 days is possible using fry produced in August; the profit, however, is marginal. Fry spawned in December gave the highest profit.  相似文献   

Abstract. An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of 17α-methyiteslosterone (17-MT) on the sex reversal and growth of tilapia, Oreochromis spilurus (Günther), in brackish water (3–5 ppt) and sea water (40 ppt). Seven experiments were performed; four in brackish water and three in sea water. Yolk-sac fry (1 or 3 day age) were immersed (7 or 24 h/day) in water containing hormone at a concentration of 0–10mg/l for 4–25 days. The swim-up fry were subsequently fed either normal or hormone-impregnated diets (30–70 mg/kg) for another 35 days starting from first feeding. The growth and SGR of fry were better in groups which received hormone both in water and food as compared with water or food alone. Immersion In 5–10 ppm (24 h/day) brackish water solution for 5 days did not bring any change in growth or sex ratio. However, immersion in sea water solution for 25 days (7 h/day) at a concentration of 1 ppm induced positive growth but no change in sex ratio. Higher doses either did not affect or reduced growth and SGR but induced higher percentages (77–83%) of males. Complete masculinization (100%) was observed only in brackish water when fish were immersed in 2·5 ppm solution for 4 days (24 h/day) and later fed 50 mg/kg in diets for 35 days. These results were further confirmed when the immersion schedule was modified to 10 days (7 h/day) and feeding 50–70 mg/kg hormone. It can be concluded from these studies that in brackish water complete masculinization of O. spilurus is possible through immersion in 5·0 ppm for a minimum of 75 h followed by feeding with 50 mg/kg food for a minimum of 40 days starting from first feeding.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on Oreochromis spilurus (Günther) fry (9.0 mm) in sea water (38-40%o) to evaluate the effects of three doses (40, 70 and 100 ppm) of a synthetic oestrogen, 17α-ethynyloestradiol (17-EE) on the feminization, specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion efficiency (FCE), condition factor (CF) and survival rate. The fry were fed a hormone-impregnated diet for 42 days, followed by a hormone-free diet for another 77 days. At the end of the experiment (119 days), successful feminization was obtained in all groups treated with 17-EE. The dose of 100 ppm was the most potent one and induced 92.2% sex reversal. At the end of the hormone-treatment phase (42 days), all groups treated with 17-EE and the untreated controls showed no significant differences in growth, SGR, FCE, CF, and survival rate. After 119 days, a significant difference was detected only in the mean body weight and total length where the EE-100 group had the highest values. However, this was due to the low survival rate in this group (37.5%) and not to any possible anabolic effect of 17-EE. The findings of this study indicate that seawater sex reversal of O. spilurus is possible and 100% sex reversal could be achieved by slightly increasing the dose and/or duration of the treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of oral administration of 17α-methyltestosterone (17-MT) to Oreochromis spilurus (Günther) in brackish water (3-5 ppt) was studied in terms of masculinization, growth, food conversion efficiency (FCE), specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate. A 38-day hormone treatment followed by 205 days of normal diet yielded a higher percentage of males, differing significantly from the normal 1:1 ratio. The highest proportion of males (90-3%) was in the replicates given 70 mg/kg of 17-MT. After the hormone treatment phase, no effects were observed on growth, FCE, SGR and survival rate. At the end of the experiment (243 days), the treated groups showed significant increases in growth, SGR and FCE. The 50 mg/kg replicates showed the highest growth and SGR, and the 70 mg/kg groups the highest FCE. The maximum survival rate was in the controls, and the minimum in the 50 mg/kg groups. It can be concluded that the androgen-induced sex reversal in O. spilurus is comparable to that in other tilapia species. However, further studies should be carried out to determine the optimum dose and duration to achieve 100% masculinization.  相似文献   

In the present study, the establishment and validation of an ovarian biopsy method for in vivo assessment of oocyte maturation in the snook, Centropomus medius Günther, is described. Diameter and morphological characteristics of intra‐ovarian oocytes siphoned with a polyethylene cannula were analysed fresh, preserved with 1% formalin in 0.7% NaCl solution and also cleared with Serra solution. There were no effects detected of the preservative solution on the opaque oocytes within the 24‐h interval of the test. The clearing solution allowed excellent visibility of the membrane thickness, yolk appearance and germinal vesicle. Oocytes from each of the five ovarian sites of all examined females were in different prematuration stages and those on the tertiary yolk globule stage had a unimodal diameter frequency distribution and their diameter means were not significantly different among sites (P > 0.01) on eight females. In vivo and in vitro samples of the eight females examined were not significantly different (P > 0.05). As samples obtained with the polyethylene cannula are representative of the ovary central portion, an estimate of the coefficient of variation corrected for bias (P < 0.05) for 20 means of repeated in vivo samples was 1.4 ± 0.47. The results obtained demonstrate that for the species studied, the biopsy method is satisfactory, providing representative samples of the ovaries with the required precision.  相似文献   

The dietary total and available requirement of tryptophan of Nile tilapia fingerlings was determined using linear regression analysis. Six hundred fish (3.4 ± 0.0 g) were fed diets containing 296.4 g/kg of crude protein and 14.1 MJ/kg of digestible energy. Five extruded diets containing 2.5, 3.0, 3.4, 3.8 and 4.2 g/kg of total tryptophan were evaluated. Fish were fed four times a day during 45 days. Final body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and net protein utilization of fish fed Trp 3.4 and Trp 3.8 diets were improved compared to fish fed Trp 2.5 and Trp 4.2 diets. No significant differences in survival rate, whole‐body moisture and ash were observed. Whole‐body amino acid profile of fish fed different diets did not differ statistically (p > .05). Fish fed Trp 3.0 and Trp 3.4 diets showed higher tryptophan retention compared to fish fed Trp 2.5 and Trp 4.2 diets. Excepting blood glucose, no effects of dietary tryptophan on haematological parameters were observed. The dietary total tryptophan requirement of Nile tilapia fingerlings based on weight gain was estimated to be 3.4 g/kg (11.0 g/kg of dietary crude protein) or 3.0 g/kg of available tryptophan (11.0 g/kg of dietary digestible protein).  相似文献   

In teleosts, cortisol is one of the key factors regulating the adaptation to environmental challenges, such as salinity changes. This paper compares interrenal function between fully adapted freshwater (FW) and sea water (SW) specimens of the euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (tilapia), combining morphometric and biosynthetic approaches. Interrenal tissue and two tissues producing interrenal secretagogues (ACTH and ANP; atrial natriuretic peptide) were studied. The results demonstrate that sea water adaptation concurs with a sustained stimulation of the interrenal cells, as evidenced by a marked hyperplasia of the cells and the higher initial ex vivo cortisol release in seawater adapted tilapia. This difference was not reflected in ultrastructural differences in the pituitary corticotropes. Plasma ACTH levels were also similar in FW and SW adapted tilapia. Moreover, in vitro data indicate that the ACTH sensitivity of the interrenal cells of both groups was also similar. A second potential interrenal secretagogue (ANP) has recently been implicated in teleost ionic regulation during salinity changes. However, plasma immunoreactive ANP levels and in vitro production of the hormone were also indistinguishable between FW and SW tilapia. ANP pretreatment of tilapia head kidneys in vitro strongly inhibited the response to ACTH, an effect previously undocumented for teleosts. Whereas the sustained stimulation of the interrenal cells under sea water conditions corroborates results obtained with other teleost species, thereby supporting a hypoosmoregulatory role for cortisol, it also is evident that notable species differences exist regarding the regulation of the interrenal gland under these conditions.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxã, Brycon cephalus (Günther) submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride. Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 ± 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed. Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later. Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later. The results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxã to the stress of transport.  相似文献   

Juvenile matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, were submitted to sustained swimming for 72 days at 1.0 body length s?1. Exercised fish (EF) grew more than non‐EF and their feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved; haematological responses demonstrated a decrease in haemoglobin and mean cell haemoglobin contents and increase in the mean cell volume. In the plasma, sodium, ammonia and amino acid concentrations increased; plasma triglycerides decreased while free fatty acids increased. Liver glucose, free amino acids, ammonia, the rate protein per fish weight and total lipid content increased, while the glycogen per fish ratio declined. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity increased while pyruvate kinase (PK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) decreased. White muscle glucose, lactate, the glycogen per fish‐weight ratio and total lipid content exhibited a decrease in their values; ammonia, free amino acids and the protein per fish‐weight ratio increased. GDH and PK decreased their activities. In the red muscle glycogen store, the glycogen per fish‐weight ratio and glucose were reduced. Juvenile matrinxãs, under sustained swimming, were physiologically and biochemically adapted to exercise as indicated by improved blood flow, transport and oxygen uptake, FCR, amino acid and protein incorporation and growth. Continuous exercise is a good practice for B. cephalus cultivation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A simple trial is described to determine the effects of brown fish meal, solvent extracted soybean meal, raw wheat meal, raw starch and dextrin on diet digestibility in juveniles of the Mexican cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Gümher). The effects of possible anti-nutrients in the feedstuffs used were assessed with the purpose of designing practical diets. The results did not show any effect attributable to anti-nutrients, but showed that high dietary fibre levels reduced digestibility. The carbohydrates of soybean meal were poorly digested compared with the other sources utilized. These results suggest that the substitution of fish meal by soybean meat and other plant proteins could be increased to reduce costs of practical diets for this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the histopathological changes observed in the Mexican native cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther) when try with an initial weight of between 160 and 170 mg were fed with diets deficient in vitamin C for 90 days. The epidermis showed an extensive inflammatory response, with spongiosis and also degenerative changes in the basal cells. Muscle showed a range of pathological changes including inflammation, changes in the number and position of the nuclei, vacuolation and necrosis, granular degeneration, and fibre loss. Gills showed thickening of the primary lamellae, oedema, hyperplasia, telangiectasis and atrophy of the bony supporting structures. Ganglia and neurones of nervous tissue were abnormal with changes which ranged from slight inflammation to central chromatolysis. The hepalopanereas was also affected and focal necrosis of the hepatocytes was frequently observed. The pancreas showed major changes with shrinkage of the acinar cells and reduction of zymogen granule content. Fish fed diets containing 0 and 40 mg vitamin C kg-1 of diet were infected with Mycobacterium sp. and miliary tuberculosis was found affecting kidney, spleen, choroid gland, stomach, heart and muscle. The association between fish tuberculosis and vitamin C deficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of oregano essential oil on the growth performance, blood glucose levels, body composition and intestinal morphometry of Nile tilapia reared in salinized water at 10 g/L for 64 days. The experiment was set up as a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates, in which a control diet and four diets containing increasing concentrations of oregano essential oil (0.75, 1.5, 2.25 and 3.0 g/kg) were tested. The best results for the growth parameters were obtained with the oregano essential oil inclusion level of 0.75 g/kg, but did not differ (p > .05) from inclusion levels of 0.0, 2.25 and 3.0 g/kg. Conversely, the treatment including the oil level of 1.5 g/kg was the only one to produce significantly (p < .05) lower results. The body composition and blood glucose were not significantly affected. Intestinal morphometry analysis revealed a significant effect on villus length, which increased with the proportion of oregano essential oil added to the diet; accordingly, the inclusion level of 3.0 g/kg provided the best results for this variable. Therefore, the addition of oregano essential oil at 3.0 g/kg in the diet of Nile tilapia cultured in salinized water may act as a stimulant to intestinal villus development and, consequently, as a growth promoter.  相似文献   

The biofloc technology (BFT) has recently gained attention as an economic and environmentally sustainable system for aquaculture. The use of BFT with salinized water could be used to minimize the negative effects of nitrogenous waste and improve the growth performance of Nile tilapia. This work evaluated the growth performance, survival, gill lesions, and fillet composition of tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) reared during 70 days with different salinities (0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 g/L) in a biofloc previously developed. The results indicated that the use of mature bioflocs alone was sufficient to avoid fingerling mortality due to nitrite peaks. Moreover, the salinized water, especially between 4 and 8 g/L (maximum points around 6 g/L), can be recommended in BFT to improve the growth performance of tilapia in the initial culture phase. The salinity level that was evaluated did not affect fillet composition nor the occurrence of gill lesions. The total ammonia nitrogen concentration was lower in freshwater than in salinized water (p < 0.05). Nitrite peaks in salinities of 12 and 16 g/L appeared later and were higher in comparison to other treatments. Considering minimal water exchange in BFT, the use of salinized water in this system may be environmentally viable.  相似文献   

Total bacterial load, total coliforms faecal coliforms in pond water, sediment, intestine of hybrid tilapia Oreochromis niloticus×Oreochromis aureus and pigeon Columba livia faeces were investigated monthly over a period of 1 year from July 1999 to June 2000. Fish were collected randomly by a cast net. Samples were analysed for coliforms using the multiple‐tube fermentation technique. Results showed total viable bacterial counts in the pond water, sediment, intestine of tilapia and pigeon faeces ranging from 1.8±0.9×102 to 6.0±1.2×104 cfu mL?1, 3.2±1.2×105 to 2.8±1.5×107 cfu g?1, 8.2±1.6×105 to 9.9±1.5×107 cfu g?11.0±0.4×107to9.7±0.2×109 cfu g?1respectively. The most probable number (MPN) of coliforms and faecal coliforms ranged from 287±12 to ≥1600±0 100 mL?1 in pond water; the MPN ranges for sediment, tilapia intestine and pigeon faeces were 257±29 to ≥1100±0 g?1, 237±46 to ≥1100±0 g?1 and 403±98 to ≥1100±0 g?1 respectively. The abundance of normal bacteria coliforms was greater in the warm months than in the cold months. Ground water was free from any sort of coliform organisms, and there were no sources of human faecal matter in the pond. So, it is clear that faecal coliforms from pigeon faeces significantly contaminated (P<0.05) the ponds and tilapia intestines. Escherichia coli was the only coliform organism found in pond water, sediment, intestine of tilapia and pigeon faeces.  相似文献   

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