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In recent years in Finland, Fusarium infections in onions have increased, both in the field and in storage, and Fusarium species have taken the place of Botrytis as the worst pathogens causing post‐harvest rot of onion. To study Fusarium occurrence, samples were taken from onion sets, harvested onions and also from other plants grown in the onion fields. Isolates of five Fusarium species found in the survey were tested for pathogenicity on onion. Fusarium oxysporum was frequently found in onions and other plants, and, of the isolates tested, 31% caused disease symptoms and 15% caused growth stunting in onion seedlings. Fusarium proliferatum, a species previously not reported in Finland, was also identified. Over 50% of the diseased onion crop samples were infected with F. proliferatum, and all the F. proliferatum isolates tested were pathogenic to onion. Thus, compared to F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum seems to be more aggressive on onion. Also some of the F. redolens isolates were highly virulent, killing onion seedlings. Comparison of the translation elongation factor 1α gene sequences revealed that the majority of the aggressive isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae group together and are distinct from the other isolates. Incidence and relative proportions of the different Fusarium species differed between the sets and the mature bulbs. More research is required to determine to what extent Fusarium infections spoiling onions originate from infected onion sets rather than the field soil.  相似文献   


Biochemical and pathogenicity studies of bacterial isolates from onions with discoloured internal tissues indicated the fluorescent pseudomonad Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter, 1872) Migula, 1900 to be the causal agent and that a site of injury was necessary for infection to take place. It is postulated that in the field a likely mode of infection would be through the necks of onion bulbs which are damaged during or after harvest.  相似文献   


Rice hull burning (RHB) is a traditional cultural practice of many onion growers in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, mainly for weed control and increased yield. The resulting carbonized rice hull (ash) is incorporated into the soil during land preparation before transplanting of onion. Studies to evaluate the effect of RHB on the population of the rice root-knotnematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, and onion yield were conducted in a farmer's field naturally infested with the pathogen. Burning of 15-cm-deep rice hulls significantly reduced the nematode populations in the soil and increased onion yield. Increasing the thickness of rice hulls burned to 30 cm deep resulted in a yield increase of 44.2% over no RHB and 11.9% over 15-cm-deep rice hulls, while the yield increase with 15-cm-thick hulls was 28.8% over no RHB. Plots that received rice hulls 30 cm deep also produced 37.7% more large bulbs for export than those plots that received 15-cm-deep hulls, and 151.7% more than those plots with no RHB. Deep ploughing did not significantly affect nematode populations compared with standard ploughing. Organic amendment did not contribute to an increase in onion yield and has no effect on the population of rice root-knot nematode.  相似文献   

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) was shown to be efficiently transmitted between tomato plants grown in a closed recirculating hydroponic system. PepMV was detected in all plant parts after transmission via contaminated nutrient solution using ELISA, immunocapture RT‐PCR, RT‐PCR, electron microscopy, and by inoculation to indicator plants. Detection of PepMV in nutrient solution was only possible after concentration by ultracentrifugation followed by RT‐PCR. Roots tested positive for PepMV 1–3 weeks after inoculation, and subsequently a rapid spread from the roots into the young leaves and developing fruits was found within 1 week. PepMV was only occasionally detected in the older leaves. None of the infected plants showed any symptoms on fruits, leaves or other organs. Pre‐infection of roots of tomato cv. Hildares with Pythium aphanidermatum significantly delayed PepMV root infections. When mechanically inoculated with PepMV at the 2–4 leaf stage, yield loss was observed in all plants. However, only plants of cv. Castle Rock recorded significant yield losses when infected via contaminated nutrient solution. Yield losses induced by infection with PepMV and/or P. aphanidermatum ranged from 0·4 up to 40% depending on experimental conditions.  相似文献   

When infested with Fusarium sp., the cereals Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol. cv. ‘Bombona’, Avena sativa L. cv. ‘Deresz’, and Hordeum vulgare L. cv. ‘Rastik’ can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The VOCs differ both qualitatively and quantitatively from those emitted by non-infested wheat, oat, and barley plants. We detected increased amounts of VOCs released by green leaves (green leaf volatiles – GLVs): (Z)-3-hexenal, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, 1-hexyl acetate as well as the other VOCs like (Z)-ocimen, linalol, linaloloxide, benzyl acetate, indole, and β-caryophyllene. The lipoxygenase pathway resulted in the highest release of GLVs in comparison to the other biochemical pathways of volatile production. As a result of Fusarium infestation, the amounts of VOCs varied between tested cereals. We also subjected uninfested wheat, barley, and oat plants to infested wheat plants, and found that these cereals released larger amounts of VOCs compared to control plants. Emitted amounts of VOCs were significantly higher the shorter the distance between uninfested and infested plants.  相似文献   

Black rot, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, (Xcc), is one of the most serious diseases of crucifers world-wide. Forty-nine genotypes were evaluated for resistance under field conditions in Tanzania after artificial inoculation with Xcc race 1. Open pollinated white cabbage cultivars were generally susceptible, while Portuguese and pointed cabbages exhibited partial resistance. Some F1 white cabbage cultivars were highly susceptible, whereas others exhibited a high level of partial resistance. The most promising of the hybrid cultivars were T-689 F1, Gianty F1, No. 9690 F1, N 66 F1, and SWR-02 F1. Breeding line Badger I-16 exhibited the highest level of resistance of all genotypes. The genotypes accounted for 72.9–75.5% of the variation of the disease severity when assessed on the leaves, and 71.4% of the variation when assessed as internal black rot in heads at harvest. High correlations (equal to or above 0.7) were found between disease severities assessed on leaves three times during the growing season and also with the amount of internal black rot in heads. Leaf loss also was correlated with disease severity. The high genetic determination of the trait and the high correlations between disease assessments indicate that selection for resistance to black rot will be efficient when field screenings are carried out. Evaluation of genotypes for disease severity on leaves during the growing season combined with evaluations of head resistance in the most promising genotypes may be a simple method to select resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

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