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上海市区公园表层土壤铅含量及其污染评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
史贵涛  陈振楼  许世远  王利  李海雯  张菊 《土壤》2006,38(3):287-291
通过对上海市区44个公园土壤中Pb含量的调查,发现表层土壤中Pb的平均含量为55.06 mg/kg, 变幅为26.39-174.35 mg/kg,为上海市土壤环境背景值的1.04-6.85倍。运用地积累指数法对公园表层土壤Pb 污染进行评价,结果表明:超过半数的公园为轻度污染至中等污染,近1/3的公园无污染, 6个公园达到中等污染和中等污染至强污染水平。通过对土壤Pb含量的空间分布分析发现,上海市区公园土壤中Pb主要来源于交通和工业污染,土壤Pb含量与公园建成时间无显著性相关。  相似文献   

广州市蔬菜和菜地土壤砷含量及其健康风险研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了广州市郊区菜地土壤(n=120)、菜地蔬菜(n=109)和市售蔬菜(n=237)中砷含量,结合广州居民蔬菜消费情况,分析了砷对广州居民的健康风险影响.结果表明:不同类型菜地土壤砷含量不同,为菜园土(12.94±9.78)mg/kg>水稻土(8.67±10.24)mg/kg>赤红壤(4.17±3.70)mg/kg,土壤质量主要属于二级标准以内;菜地蔬菜砷含量范围为ND~0.179 mg/kg,均值为(0.017±0.024)mg/kg;市售蔬菜砷含量范围为ND-0.314 mg/kg,含量变化为豆类(0.038±0.047)mg/kg)>根茎类(0.027±0.031)mg/kg>茄类(0.025±0.030)mg/kg>叶菜类(0.024±0.022)mg/kg>葱蒜类(0.019±0.025)mg/kg>瓜类(0.017±0.020)mg/kg,所有蔬菜均没有超过我国食品中砷的限量卫生标准(GB-4810-94).广州市居民从蔬菜中摄入的砷为0.045 mg/d,叶菜类和根茎类蔬菜是主要的贡献者.  相似文献   

生物炭/石灰混施对重金属复合污染土壤的稳定化效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内模拟实验,以南方砷镉铅复合污染的酸性红壤为对象,利用化学钝化原理,探讨钝化材料对重金属稳定化的技术效果及应用配方,以期为砷镉铅复合污染红壤修复与安全利用提供依据。具体做法为:选择生物炭(BC)和石灰(SH)为钝化材料,以土壤重量的1%、4%为材料添加量,单一或混合施用于砷镉铅复合污染土壤,并于恒温(25℃)条件下培养60d,在实验进行至第1天、第30天、第60天时取样,测定红壤酸碱度(pH)和水溶态(Water soluble)有效砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)即WSAs、WSCd、WSPb含量,以及土壤重金属As、Cd、Pb结合态含量与占比的变化,明确生物炭石灰单/混施对重金属的稳定化效应。结果表明:生物炭/石灰无论单施或混施均能不同程度地降低土壤中水溶态WSCd和WSPb含量,钝化效率分别为33.51%~78.89%和9.05%~96.24%。而材料单施(1BC、4SH)和两者混施高用量(4BC4SH)处理,均能大幅降低土壤中有效As含量,钝化效率为10.25%~55.27%,其中以两者混施高用量(4BC4SH)处理对土壤重金属As、Cd、Pb协同钝化的效果最佳,当培养实验进行至第60天时,钝化效率依次达55.27%、76.39%和96.24%。培养后土壤中As形态由易被植物吸收的非专性吸附态、专性吸附态转化为稳定的残渣态,土壤中Cd和Pb则由活性最强的酸可提取态转化为残渣态,土壤中As、Cd、Pb的稳定化效应明显,迁移系数下降;此外,生物炭/石灰的单施及混合施用,均可导致土壤酸碱度(pH)显著提升(P<0.05),有利于南方酸化土壤的改良。总体而言,本研究中生物炭/石灰两者混施高用量水平下(4BC4SH)土壤重金属的钝化效果最优,可实现对As、Cd和Pb复合污染红壤的稳定化修复。  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised of possible human food chain transfer of lead and arsenic from crops grown on orchard soils with histories of lead arsenate use. The objective of this study was to determine arsenic and lead uptake by three cultivars of carrots grown on four orchard soils with histories of lead arsenate use. Total concentrations of arsenic and lead in these soils ranged from 93 to 291 and from 350 to 961 mg kg?1 for arsenic and lead, respectively. Arsenic in peeled carrot ranged from 0.38 to 1.64 mg kg?1, while lead ranged from 2.67 to 7.3 mg kg?1 dry weight. This study demonstrated that carrots will accumulate arsenic and lead in the root, which may become a human health risk when consumed. However, further studies are needed to determine what fraction of arsenic and lead in these carrots are bioavailable to humans when consumed.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) poisoning of groundwater in Bangladesh has become a major environmental and health issue. The extensive use of groundwater in irrigation of rice has resulted in elevated As in soils and crops. A study was undertaken to determine As concentrations in groundwater, soils, and crops in 16 districts of southwestern Bangladesh. Groundwater samples were collected from shallow-tube and hand-tube wells (STW and HTW) used for irrigation and drinking water. Soil and rice plants were sampled from the command area of the tube wells. Arsenic concentrations were determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with flow injection hydride generator. Groundwater samples contained <10 to 552 μg As L?1. Arsenic concentrations in 59% of STW samples exceeded 50 μg As L?1, the national standard for As in drinking water. Unlike groundwater, most of the surface water samples contained <10 μg As L?1. Concentrations of As in the soils from the command area of the tube wells ranged from 4.5 to 68 mg kg?1. More than 85% of the soils contained <20 mg As kg?1. The mean As concentration in the rice grain samples was 0.23 mg kg?1, which is much less than the maximum food hygiene standard. A positive relationship was observed between groundwater and soil As, implying that soil As level increases as a result of irrigation with contaminated water. However, irrigation water As did not show any relation with rice grain As. The findings suggest that surface water bodies are a safe source of irrigation water in the As-contaminated areas.  相似文献   

A total of 65 surface (0–20 cm) soil samples were collected in an effort to estimate the arsenic background values in Kavala area, Northern Greece. Arsenic was extracted by HNO3 from the <200?µm grain size fraction, and its concentrations were determined in all samples by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Arsenic concentrations were log-transformed, and log-normal probability plots (Q–Q plots) were generated. The geochemical background was calculated as the values that lie between g/d and g?×?d (g, geometric mean; d, geometric standard deviation), which are 3.5 and 25.8 mg kg?1, respectively. The baseline value (g) was 9.5 mg kg?1. With the aid of GIS software, arsenic geochemical maps of the study area were created. The majority of the arsenic elevated concentrations were found in the proximity of the industrialized zone of Kavala.  相似文献   

基于文献数据的广西典型土壤铅含量特征及其风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐述广西土壤铅含量现状及其潜在风险,通过检索20世纪90年代至今国内外关于广西土壤铅含量的文献,共筛选出目标文献57篇,涉及广西20多个地区,样品5 807个。结果表明,广西区土壤铅含量范围为18.80~6 350 mg kg-1,几何均值为147.9 mg kg-1。不同功能区的土壤铅含量分布存在较大差异,清洁土壤、城区土壤、工矿土壤、非矿区农用土壤和矿区农用土壤铅含量的几何均值分别为26.17、32.88、244.5、42.93和347.6 mg kg-1,分别是广西土壤铅背景值的1.391倍、1.747倍、12.99倍、2.281倍、18.47倍。调查区域中铅污染指数大于1的样本占总量的23%,有7%的样本属于重度污染,主要分布在南丹县、融安县等地,这可能与该区域的矿业活动有关。基于广西区铅矿产分布及目前未涉及调查的区域,建议对重污染区南丹、金城江、环江、融安、阳朔和崇左县等地采取治理措施,对铅锌矿分布较多的大新县、武宣县、岑溪县、贺县等地区作进一步的调查研究。  相似文献   

上海市区公园土壤重金属含量及其污染评价   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过对上海市区44个公园土壤重金属含量的调查,发现市区公园表层土壤Pb、Zn、Cu和Cr的平均含量分别为55.1mg kg-1,198.5 mg kg-1、44.6 mg kg-1、77.0 mg kg-1。以上海土壤背景值为标准,用内梅罗指数法综合评价上海市区公园土壤重金属污染状况为:绝大部分公园为轻污染,9个为中度污染,7个达重度污染。通过对公园土壤重金属含量的空间分析发现:内环线附近公园土壤Pb、Zn和Cu的平均含量最高,Cr的平均含量以内外环线之间公园为最高。上海市区公园较严重的重金属污染可能来源于交通和工业污染,与公园建成时间无显著性相关。  相似文献   

为探明浙江东部某市周边农用地土壤重金属累积特征及潜在生态危害风险,系统采集研究区表土样品,测定重金属元素(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn)和惰性元素(Li、Eu、Sc、Sm)含量。通过元素相关性分析,筛选出合适的标准因子,按标准化方法建立了研究区土壤重金属As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn环境地球化学基线,获得基线值分别为11.13、0.38、57.48、43.86、0.30、21.55、51.91和132.7mg·kg~(-1)。在应用单因子方法评价土壤重金属污染程度基础上,以环境地球化学基线值作为标准因子,采用富集因子方法判别因受人类活动影响的重金属污染点位,并对土壤重金属累积潜在的生态环境风险进行了评价。结果表明,研究区表层土壤普遍存在不同程度的重金属污染,以轻微至轻度污染级别为主,其中Cd和As存在少量重度污染点位,比例分别为3.00%和0.19%。研究区重金属富集主要受工矿企业活动影响,浓集中心集中在金属矿山和印染企业周边,具有沿水系向低地势平原区迁移趋势。研究区范围Cd和Hg具有潜在的较高生态风险。利用GIS系统,将各样点重金属土壤污染程度、富集因子(EF)和潜在生态危害评价结果,在研究区农用地土地利用现状图斑上进行空间叠加,可实现从地理空间上的土壤重金属污染范围界定、重金属人为成因污染判别和潜在生态危害风险空间预警。  相似文献   

Historic and current agricultural and industrial activities have resulted in accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil. To estimate potential risks for ecosystems, agriculture and water quality, an integrated risk assessment was performed for The Netherlands. Risks of metal contamination were assessed on a national scale by comparing present soil concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn with critical concentrations of those metals in view of agricultural impacts, ecological impacts and impacts on the quality of groundwater and surface waters. Results show that present soil metal concentrations cause few risks for agriculture or ecosystems; for less than 2% of the surface area present metal levels exceed critical limits. Critical limits for groundwater are only significantly exceeded for Pb (17% of the area), but critical limits for surface water are exceeded throughout the country for Cu and Zn. Taking critical limits used in The Netherlands, the area where exceedances take place is nearly negligible for Cd and low for Pb (less than 3%), but much larger (between 40% and 50%) for both Cu and Zn. Results from this study suggest that accumulation of heavy metals in Dutch soils at present primarily affects the quality of surface waters. This stresses the need for harmonization of soil and water policy. Measures to reduce the load in surface waters to meet target levels, under conditions like those prevailing in The Netherlands, are bound to have an impact on land management.  相似文献   

Movement of soil lead (Pb) has been studied, but Pb bioaccessiblity as a function of distance and depth from houses with histories of lead paint use needs to be investigated. This study investigated the effect of distance and depth on total and bioaccessible Pb near two houses with histories of lead paint use. Soil samples were collected at four distances and four depths. Total and bioaccessible Pb were extracted using 1 N ammonia nitrate and 0.4 m glycine, respectively. Bioaccessible Pb ranged from 27 to 886 mg kg?1 and from 187 to 4796 mg kg?1 for houses 1 and 2, respectively. Total and bioaccessible Pb concentrations were greatest at the 0.5 m distance and 2.5 cm depth for both houses. Percentage of total Pb that was bioaccessible at lower horizons was greater than or equal to that of the surface soil. Soil Pb reduction with increasing distance and depth makes it amenable to soil remediation.  相似文献   

The effect of in situ immobilization of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in soil with respectively phosphate and iron is well recognized. However, studies on combined Pb and As-contaminated soil are fewer, and assessment of the effectiveness of the immobilization on mobility and bioaccessibility is also necessary. In this study, a Pb and As-contaminated soil was collected from an abandoned lead/zinc mine in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province of China, which has been treated with three phosphates, i.e., calcium magnesium phosphate (CMP), phosphate rock, and single super-phosphate (SSP) for 6 months in a field study. The ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) at 20 g kg?1 was then amended to the soil samples and incubated for 8 weeks in a greenhouse. The solubility and bioaccessibility tests were used to assess the effectiveness of the in situ immobilization. The result showed that phosphates addition decreased the concentrations of CaCl2-extractable Pb; however, the concentrations of water-soluble As increased upon CMP and SSP addition. With the iron addition, the water-soluble As concentrations decreased significantly, but CaCl2-extractable Pb concentrations increased. The bioaccessibility of As and Pb measured in artificial gastric and small intestinal solutions decreased with phosphate and iron application except for the bioaccessibility of As in the gastric phase with SSP addition. Combined application of phosphates and iron can be an effective approach to lower bioaccessibility of As and Pb, but has opposing effects on mobility of As and Pb in contaminated soils.  相似文献   


The objective of this research was to assess the long‐term effects of broiler litter applications on soil phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and arsenic (As) concentrations in Chesapeake Bay watershed Coastal Plain soils. Litter and soil samples were collected from 10 farms with more than 40 years of broiler production and from wooded sites adjacent to fields and were analyzed for P and metal contents. Averaged over farms, total P and metal concentrations in the litter were 12.8 g kg?1 P and 332, 350, 334, and 2.93 mg kg?1 Cu, Zn, Mn, and As, respectively. Surface (0–15 cm) soil pH values were greater than (5.7–6.4) the 0‐ to 15‐cm depth at wooded sites (3.5–4.3). Surface soil Bray 1 P values (149–796 mg kg?1) in amended fields were greater than wooded sites (4.4–17 mg kg?1). The 1N nitric acid (HNO3)–extractable metal concentrations were higher in amended soils than in wooded areas and were 7.7–32, 5.7–26, 12.3–71, and 0.6–3.0 mg kg?1 for Cu, Zn, Mn, and As, respectively, compared to 0.76–14, 4.6–22, 1.6–70, and 0.14–0.59 mg kg?1 for the same metals, respectively, in wooded areas. Results from this study demonstrated that long‐term broiler litter applications have altered the chemical properties of the Coastal Plain soils of the Maryland Eastern Shore. Metal concentrations were low in the surface layer of amended fields and typically decreased with depth. Phosphorus additions rather than metals are most likely to contribute to the degradation of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of Lead (Pb) sorption and desorption was investigated with samples of a clayic Torrifluvent, a sandy clayic Calciorthid, and sandy Quartzipsamment. The values of activation energy for Pb sorption on the Calciorthid (ranged from 20.7 to 27.7 kJ mol?1) were higher than those of the Torrifluvent (ranged from 3.4 to 17.4 kJ mol?1) and the Quartzipsamment (1.5 to 4.6 kJ mol?1). The energies of activation for adsorption “Ea” were greater than those for desorption “Ed”, indicating that more energy was needed to sorb Pb than to desorb Pb. The enthalpy of activation (ΔH*) values indicate that Pb sorption is endothermic reaction while Pb desorption is exothermic reaction. The entropy of activation (ΔS*) values for Pb sorption were negative and increased with increasing surface coverage. The free energy of activation (ΔG*) values ranged from 81.2 to 89.2 and from 83.6 to 84.0 kJ mol?1 for Pb sorption and desorption respectively.  相似文献   

新疆奎屯垦区土壤重金属风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用网格法采样,对新疆奎屯垦区3个团场土壤中As、Pb、Cu、Cd、Cr和Ni含量进行了测定,系统分析了该地区土壤重金属的含量水平、潜在生态风险程度、主要污染因子和污染来源。结果表明:奎屯垦区土壤重金属As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni的平均值分别为20.21 mg kg-1、35.91 mg kg-1、0.40 mg kg-1、27.18 mg kg-1、77.02 mg kg-1、39.31 mg kg-1,均没有超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准,但As、Cd有个别样点超标。各元素平均含量值均超过新疆土壤背景值,其中Cd、As、Pb最为显著,呈现出累积趋势。各重金属潜在生态风险由高至低顺序为Cd>As>Pb>Ni>Cu>Cr,其中Cd为主要潜在生态风险因子。进一步相关分析和因子分析结果显示,各元素的来源可分为两类,Cd、Pb和As为一类,来源主要受各种人为活动影响,Cu、Cr、Ni为一类,来源主要与成土母质有关。  相似文献   

This study assessed the arsenic and heavy metal contaminations of agricultural soils around the tin and tungsten mining areas in Dai Tu district in northern Vietnam. Among the examined elements, high total contents of As and Cu were found in the agricultural fields at both tin and tungsten mining sites. Although the major part of the accumulated As and Cu were bound by various soil constituents such as Fe and Mn oxides, organic matter, and clay minerals, increases in water soluble As and Cu were observed, especially for the paddy fields. The results suggest that, in the studied area, As and Cu dispersion from their pollution sources into farmlands is mainly via fluvial transportation of mine waste through streams that cross the paddy fields around the tin mining area, and soil erosion at the tea fields located at lower positions of the slope in the tungsten mining area.  相似文献   

菜园土对铅的吸持解吸特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究结果表明,湖南几种常见的菜园土壤对铅的吸持量大小顺序为:红灰菜园土〉紫泥菜园土〉黄沙菜园土〉红菜园土。后3种土壤对铅的吸持过程均可用Langmuir、Freundlish和Temkin方程来描述;红菜园土和黄沙菜园土的最大吸持量是5588.88mg/kg和8516.46mg/kg;除红灰菜园土以外,另外3种土壤的解吸量及解吸率都随吸持铅量的增大而大。  相似文献   

土壤中砷吸附机理及其影响因素研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
土壤中砷(As)的生物可利用性、迁移、转化及归宿在很大程度上依赖于其在土壤中的吸附反应.本文首先概述了土壤中As污染物的主要形态、价态及其与吸附的关系,较为系统地介绍了土壤中As吸附的主要影响因素和土壤中As吸附机理等方面的最新研究进展,并重点对X-射线吸收精细结构光谱(XAFS)、红外光谱(IR)等现代分析技术和方法在As吸附研究中的应用和进展进行了论述.由于土壤组分与结构的复杂性,As在环境介质中的吸附机理研究目前仍集中在单纯矿物上的吸附行为,为As在土壤中的吸附研究提供了理论基础.X-射线吸收精细结构光谱及红外光谱研究结果证明As在土壤中的吸附主要与含Fe、Al等矿物结合,形成以双齿双核结构为主的配位结构;其吸附机理与土壤矿物及As污染物的价态、吸附浓度等有关,主要包括表面络合反应和表面沉淀作用:但是土壤中As吸附机理研究还需要进一步深入研究.文章最后分析了有关土壤中As吸附研究的发展趋势和重要动向.  相似文献   

为了明确外源铅进入不同茶园土壤后其形态的转化及其生物有效性,采用盆栽试验及连续浸提形态分级方法,研究了外源铅在不同茶园土壤中的形态分布规律及其在茶树体内的累积分布规律。结果表明,不同母质茶园土壤中铅总量及各形态的含量有明显差异,无外源铅污染的情况下,临安凝灰岩与金华红壤母质茶园土壤以残渣态占主导地位,嵊州玄武岩和梅家坞鞍山母质茶园土壤则以铁锰态铅占主导地位,4种土壤的交换态含量均较低,均在总量的10%以内。当受外源铅污染后,4种茶园土壤中各形态铅均有不同程度的增加,转变为以铁锰态为主,碳酸盐态及可交换态含量在总量中所占比例明显增加,但不同母质土壤类型差异较大。在小于500mg·kg-1土的外源铅污染下,交换态以嵊州玄武岩、临安凝灰岩增幅最大,金华红壤最小;但外源铅达到2500mg·kg-1土时,金华红壤中的交换态铅急剧增加。低浓度外源铅对金华红壤、梅家坞鞍山斑岩茶园土中的茶树生长发育有促进作用,但对嵊州玄武岩和临安凝灰岩茶园土壤中的茶树生长刺激作用并不明显。高浓度的外源铅则对4种土壤中的茶树生长均产生明显的抑制作用,且碳酸盐态与交换态对茶树生长的抑制作用最大。对新梢中的铅而言,金华红壤茶园土壤以有机态铅对其贡献最大,其余3种母质茶园土壤均以碳酸盐态贡献最大;对老叶与茎杆中的铅而言,嵊州玄武岩母质茶园土壤以有机态贡献最大,其余3种土壤均以铁锰态贡献最大;对须根中的铅而言,梅家坞鞍山斑岩茶园土以有机态贡献最大,其他3种土壤均以铁锰态贡献最大。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了钙镁磷肥和过磷酸钙对土壤砷的生物有效性的影响。结果表明,施用钙镁磷肥和过磷酸钙能显著促进小白菜的生长,与对照相比生物量分别提高了约149%和119%;施磷可显著提高土壤有效态砷含量,其中钙镁磷肥高、低施肥量处理分别比对照增加了52.2%和20.9%,过磷酸钙高、低量施肥处理比对照分别提高了15.0%和5.5%;在同一施磷水平下,钙镁磷肥处理的土壤中有效态砷含量明显高于过磷酸钙处理,施磷可导致小白菜对砷的吸收总量显著增加(P〈0.05),施用钙镁磷肥处理的小白菜砷吸收量的增加幅度较大。磷肥施用可在一定程度上提高土壤中砷的生物有效性,其中施用钙镁磷肥比过磷酸钙的效果更为明显。  相似文献   

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