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共轭亚油酸(CLA)是由亚油酸衍生的一组亚油酸异构体,具有一系列生理活性功能。本文介绍了CLA的健康效应,乳中CLA的来源以及驴乳和驴乳脂中CLA的含量,认为低乳脂率驴乳乳脂CLA浓度高,可作为功能性保健食品的原料。文章对驴乳乳脂率和CLA浓度的关系进行了初步分析,指出乳脂率和全乳CLA浓度呈正相关,和乳脂CLA浓度呈负相关。建议通过改善驴的饲养管理、优化日粮结构、饲喂优质牧草等措施,提高驴乳的乳脂率和全乳CLA浓度,保证驴乳的质量。  相似文献   

富共轭亚油酸乳脂对小鼠免疫特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
应用从牛奶中提取的富共轭亚油酸(CLA)的乳脂对小鼠进行灌胃35 d,检测富CLA的乳脂对小鼠体重,脏体比,脾淋巴细胞增殖的影响,初步探讨富CLA乳脂对小鼠免疫功能的影响。结果显示,日粮添加量为0.1%富CLA的乳脂可显著促进T淋巴细胞增殖反应(P<0.01),但对体重和脏体比没有影响(P>0.05),这提示富CLA的乳脂具有增强小鼠细胞免疫功能的作用。  相似文献   

在特定的日粮条件下,瘤胃氢化过程可以产生一些抑制乳脂合成的特殊脂肪酸。其中trans10,cis12CLA最早被证实能够抑制乳脂合成,而其它脂肪酸也可能是日粮诱导的乳脂降低综合症(MFD)的原因。通过气相和液相色谱技术分析显示,日粮引起MFD的同时,乳脂trans9,cis11CLA含量的升高与乳脂降低相一致。因此本试验通过使用富含9和11位共轭双键的CLA来进一步研究trans9,cis11CLA对乳脂合成的影响。选用4头安装瘤胃瘘管的荷斯坦奶牛采用4×4拉丁方试验设计。试验处理为:连续5 d皱胃灌注①乙醇;②9,11CLA混合物(其中trans9,cis11CLA占32%,cis9,trans11CLA占29%以及trans9,trans11CLA占17%);③trans9,trans11CLA;④trans10,cis12CLA。其中trans9,trans11CLA和trans10,cis12CLA纯度均高于90%,且每天灌注量为5 g,灌注速率一致。结果表明,不同处理之间产奶量和干物质采食量均无显著差异。与对照组相比,9,11CLA混合物和trans10,cis12CLA处理组乳脂产量分别降低15%和27%。而trans9,trans11CLA处理对乳脂产量没有影响,这与以前研究灌注cis9,trans11 CLA取得的结果一致。试验结果表明:trans9,cis11 CLA是第9和第11位CLA混合物中主要引起乳脂降低的异构体,但trans9,cis11 CLA抑制乳脂合成的效果低于trans10,cis12CLA。有趣的是trans9,trans11CLA降低了乳脂去饱和酶指数,这进一步说明乳脂合成过程中脂肪去饱和现象的变化是相对独立与MFD无关。试验中,当每天皱胃灌注含5 g trans9,cis11CLA后可引起乳脂降低达15%,因此,本研究证实了特定日粮条件下trans9,cis11CLA含量的增加与MFD出现存在一定的相关性,也提供了trans9,cis11CLA异构体在MFD中发挥作用的证据。  相似文献   

奶牛日粮引起的乳脂降低综合征(MFD)是由于瘤胃脂类代谢发生改变,产生某些特定的异构体(如反-10,顺-12共轭亚油酸),从而抑制乳脂的合成,然而这些异构体在瘤胃的流出量并不完全代表乳脂下降的观测值。高精饲料日粮引起MFD的同时产生大量的丙酸,这表明丙酸和反-10,顺-12共轭亚油酸(CLA)可能共同抑制乳脂的合成。本试验旨在研究丙酸和反-10,顺-12CLA相结合(均为乳脂合成的抑制剂)对奶牛乳脂分泌的影响,以及2种养分(乙酸和丙酸)对乳脂合成的对立作用。选取6头荷斯坦奶牛,采用6×6拉丁方设计,试验持续21d(养分灌注14d)。试验处理分别为:对照组;瘤胃灌注1500g/d乙酸(A);瘤胃灌注800g/d丙酸(P);十二指肠灌注1.6g/d反-10,顺-12CLA(CLA);瘤胃灌注750g/d乙酸+400g/d丙酸(A+P);十二指肠灌注1.6g/d反-10,顺-12CLA(CLA)+瘤胃灌注800g/d丙酸(CLA+P)。研究结果表明,处理A和P组奶牛干物质采食量(DMI)下降;与对照组相比,处理P和CLA组乳脂率和乳脂产量分别下降了9%和15%;处理A组乳脂率提高了6.5%,但并不影响乳脂产量(奶产量下降的原因);A和P、CLA和P对乳脂和乳脂肪酸率、乳脂产量的作用是可加性的(A+P和CLA+P);当灌注等量的反-10,顺-12CLA时,添加丙酸组乳脂下降高达40%,显著高于反-10,顺-12CLA单独灌注组;CLA+P组与高精饲料引起的MDF乳脂肪酸组成相似。因此,本试验条件下,反-10,顺-12CLA、乙酸和丙酸对乳脂合成均有作用,且具有可加性。高精饲料日粮引起的MDF,除了考虑反-10,顺-12CLA的抑制作用,丙酸也能起到抑制乳脂合成的作用。  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸(CLA)对人体健康和畜牧业生产具有重要意义,是近年来动物营养学领域研究的热点。牛奶中含有丰富的CLA,瘤胃内环境、日粮结构等因素影响瘤胃中CLA前体物的积累,从而影响乳脂CLA合成。本文综述了奶牛乳脂中CLA合成的影响因素及调控手段。  相似文献   

乳脂肪受日粮因素的调控的可塑性大,CLA是乳脂肪中的一种微量不饱和脂肪酸,影响乳脂肪的物理和生物学特性。CLA最初发现于奶牛瘤胃,但牛奶中CLA主要通过乳腺组织Δ9去饱和酶作用于trans11C18∶1而内源合成。研究结果表明,日粮因素、动物个体间的差异和动物组织间SCD酶活性的差异是影响乳脂CLA合成的关键因素。作者针对影响trans11C18∶1和Δ9去饱和酶的因素对CLA合成调控因素作了简要论述。  相似文献   

牛乳脂共轭亚油酸的合成及其营养调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共轭亚油酸(CLA)是存在于动物脂肪和乳脂中的天然活性成分。本文综述了牛乳脂CLA的来源、合成机制及其营养调控。  相似文献   

日粮引起的乳脂降低症(MFD)是通过改变瘤胃脂类代谢产生的,这是因为产生的同分异构体如trans-10,cis-12共轭亚油酸(CLA)能抑制奶牛的乳脂合成。但是,在日粮引起的MFD并不全是瘤胃产生的这些同分异构导致的。能引起MFD的高精料也产生丙酸盐,这提示可能丙酸盐与trans-10,cis-12CLA在MFD期共同起抑制作用。本试验旨在研究丙酸盐和trans-10,cis-12CLA并用(二者均抑制乳脂合成)对乳脂分泌的作用,以及2种作用相反的营养素(乙酸盐和丙酸盐)并用的影响。6头荷斯坦奶牛采用6×6拉丁方设计,试验期为21d(其中14d时营养素灌注期)。试验处理分别为:对照组;瘤胃灌注1500g/d乙酸盐(A);瘤胃灌注800g/d丙酸盐(P);十二指肠灌注1.60g/d trans-10,cis-12CLA(CLA);瘤胃灌注750g/d乙酸盐+400g/d丙酸盐(A+P);十二指肠灌注1.60g/d trans-10,cis-12CLA+瘤胃灌注800g/d丙酸盐(CLA+P)。营养素的灌注量与乳脂成分的比例类似。处理组A和P降低了干物质采食量;与对照相比,P和CLA组乳脂率和乳脂产量降低平均达9%与15%;处理组A乳脂率降低6.5%,但是乳脂产量没有变化。A和P组、CLA和P组对乳脂和脂肪酸比率的影响都有累积效应(处理组A+P与CLA+P)。在trans-10,cis-12CLA添加剂量相同时,额外添加丙酸盐降低乳脂的作用比单独用trans-10,cis-12CLA多40%。CLA+P处理组获得的乳脂肪酸谱与高精料引起的MFD期的相似。本试验结果发现,无论3种营养素单独使用的效果如何,并用时对乳腺脂肪酸合成有累加效应。因此,高精料引起的MFD并不全是trans-10,cis-12CLA产生的作用,丙酸盐也能引起乳脂降低。  相似文献   

 乳脂肪受日粮因素的调控的可塑性大,CLA是乳脂肪中的一种微量不饱和脂肪酸,影响乳脂肪的物理和生物学特性。CLA最初发现于奶牛瘤胃,但牛奶中CLA主要通过乳腺组织Δ9去饱和酶作用于trans11C18∶1而内源合成。研究结果表明,日粮因素、动物个体间的差异和动物组织间SCD酶活性的差异是影响乳脂CLA合成的关键因素。作者针对影响trans11C18∶1和Δ9去饱和酶的因素对CLA合成调控因素作了简要论述。  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸调控牛奶乳脂合成的机理   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
共轭亚油酸(CLA)是一族18碳二烯酸结构和位置异构体的总称,对乳脂肪酸组分和乳脂合成有显著影响,尤其trans10,cus12 CLA可引起乳脂降低综合症(MFD).作者主要针对CLA与奶牛脂肪代谢的关系做了简述.  相似文献   

The cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 (CLA) content in milk fat of four pure sheep breeds (Awassi, Lacaune, Friesland and Chios) was examined. All sheep were kept indoors all year round under the same feeding practices, without any grazing at all. Sheep nutrition was based on alfalfa hay and concentrates. A total of 237 individual milk samples were collected at three sampling times (December, January and March) from sheep of different parity and different days in milk, for CLA determination. The results showed that: (a) there was a large variation in milk fat CLA content among individuals consuming the same diet, (b) the CLA content of milk fat was lower in Friesland breed, compared to the other three breeds but without any significant difference among the four sheep breeds, (c) the CLA content of milk fat was not affected by ewes parity or days in milk, (d) there was a negative but not significant correlation between milk fat and CLA concentration, (e) the CLA content of milk fat was not correlated with milk yield. In conclusion, no others factors, such as breed, parity, days in milk, etc., can affect CLA content in milk fat, which means that the dietary ones remain the sovereign factors explaining the highest proportion of CLA content variability in sheep milk fat.  相似文献   

旨在探索共轭亚油酸(CLA)对奶牛乳脂肪球粒径(MFG)及分布的影响.本试验选取24头体况相近的泌乳中期荷斯坦奶牛(体重(583±34.6)kg,产奶量(27.2±2.4)kg·d-1),分为4组,每组6个重复,每个重复1头牛.对照组(C组)饲喂基础日粮,低剂量组(L组)饲喂基础日粮+150 g·d-1 C L A,中...  相似文献   

人们发现共轭亚油酸(CLA)具有抗癌及其他对动物健康有益的生物学活性。CLA主要存在于反刍动物来源的食品中,奶制品是人类饮食中CLA的主要来源。许多营养学家研究提高乳中CLA含量的营养学方法,发现日粮脂肪酸能够影响乳中CLA含量。本文综述了CLA在奶牛体内的合成代谢途径以及影响奶牛乳脂中CLA含量的主要日粮因素。  相似文献   

随机抽取杨凌地区80头荷斯坦泌乳奶牛的240个乳样,采用紫外分光光度计检测乳样中共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量。结果表明:杨凌地区奶牛乳中共轭亚油酸含量平均为2.7±0.17(mg/g fat);奶牛乳中共轭亚油酸含量受多种因素的影响,场地、年龄、胎次、乳脂率、产奶量等均影响乳中共轭亚油酸的含量。随着年龄、胎次的增加.共轭亚油酸含量上升,不同场地奶牛乳样中共轭亚油酸含量差异较大(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸(CLA)因具有抗癌、抗糖尿病及增强机体免疫力等功能而备受研究人员关注,近年来,针对备受消费者青睐的羊肉和羊奶等产品中CLA含量的研究越来越多。作者简述了反刍动物产品中CLA生物合成机制,并重点回顾了多种营养调控措施对瘤胃中CLA和十八碳烯酸积累的影响结果;进一步探讨了这几种营养调控方式对羊乳和羊肉中CLA含量的影响。分析认为,利用油脂底物和调控剂混合添加有利于加强瘤胃纤维菌群和原虫区系对CLA、十八碳烯酸的积累和过瘤胃率,并可在提高动物产品中CLA含量的同时,避免乳脂率下降。今后还需通过营养、分子生物学及生理学等角度全面揭示CLA合成机理,为生产富含CLA的动物产品提供参考。  相似文献   

We conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the effects of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) on lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis in lactating dairy cows. In all experiments, multiparous Holstein cows in mid to late lactation were abomasally infused with CLA for 5 d. The initial study established that trans-10, cis-12 CLA markedly reduced milk fat yield whereas cis-9, trans-11 CLA, the predominant CLA isomer in milk fat, had no effect. Across the three investigations, infusions of the pure trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomer (3.5 to 14.0 g/d) resulted in a 25 to 50% decrease in milk fat yield and this was energetically equivalent to 6 to 11% of net energy intake. Effects were specific for milk fat as there were little or no changes in feed intake and the yield of milk or milk protein. In Exp. 1, infusing trans-10, cis-12 CLA had no effect on circulating plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, or leptin. Basal NEFA concentrations were also unaffected, but lipolytic response to an epinephrine challenge was reduced (33%) when cows received trans-10, cis-12 CLA; this minor change in lipolytic response would be consistent with the slightly more positive net energy balance when cows received trans-10, cis-12 CLA. In Exp. 2, infusing differing amounts of trans-10, cis-12 CLA had only minor effects on basal NEFA concentrations, but again cows receiving trans-10, cis-12 CLA tended to have reduced (24%) lipolytic response to trans-10, cis-12 CLA compared to the control period. In Exp. 3, infusing trans-10, cis-12 CLA had no effect on basal glucose concentrations or glucose response to an insulin challenge. The fractional rate of glucose clearance in response to insulin was also not altered by treatment. In summary, the effects of trans-10, cis-12 CLA in lactating dairy cows appear to be specific for the mammary gland, resulting in reduced milk fat synthesis; adipose tissue response to a homeostatic signal regulating lipolysis (epinephrine), whole-body response to a homeostatic signal regulating glucose homeostasis (insulin), and plasma variables associated with lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis were relatively unaffected by treatment with trans-10, cis-12 CLA.  相似文献   

Researcher pay attention to the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) because of its function of anticancer,antidiabetic and immunological competence in the body.A lot of researches on contents of CLA in goat that enjoy high favor among people has been carried out in recent years.The article presents the biosynthsis process of CLA in ruminal,and focus on reviewing the result of many sdudies on the effects of the contents of CLA and vaccine acid in rumen;Further treat of the effects of nutrition regulation on CLA in goat's milk and mutton.Result show that the microflora and protozoa could increase the contents of CLA in rumen by using grease mixed of regulator,and increasing the contents of CLA in animal products at the same time,and avoiding to decline the contents of milk fat.we should reveal synthesis mechanism of CLA through nutrition,molecular biology,and physiology fully in the future,to provides a theoretical basis for producting CLA-enriched mutton and milk.  相似文献   

The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of grazing sheep and goat milk fat, throughout their lactation period, was examined. Six sheep and six goat representative farms were selected at random and milk samples were taken at monthly intervals for fatty acids profile determination. Sheep and goat nutrition was based on natural grazing and on supplementary feeding during the winter months. From April onwards, grazing native pastures was the only source of feed for sheep and goats. The University farm whose sheep are kept indoors all year round without any grazing, was also used as reference. Fifteen individual milk samples were also taken in April from a sheep and goat farm respectively, in order to see the variability of CLA inside the farm. The results showed that: a. the CLA content of grazing sheep and goat milk fat increased significantly in April–May (early growth stage of grass) and then declined while that of indoors kept sheep was more or less constant during the same period, b. the isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 of CLA were found in grazing sheep milk fat, while in indoors kept sheep and goats' milk fat only the cis-9, trans-11 isomer was found, c. the CLA content of sheep milk fat was much higher than that of goats, d. a negative correlation between sheep milk fat and CLA content was found and e. there was considerable variation in milk fat CLA content between sheep and goat farms and inside the farms.  相似文献   

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