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信得科技研发又添新力量。8月10日,信得科技公司董事长李朝阳先生代表公司与国际著名动物营养专家、台湾东海大学教授姜树兴先生在青岛签订了工作协议。根据协议,姜教授将为信得公司进行饲料添加剂尤其是新型脂肪乳化剂、中链脂肪等新产品的开发. 相似文献
一 人与动物和谐相处最重要
疯牛病、禽流感的暴发都是自然界对人类蔑视自然规律敲响的警钟。欧美等国在畜禽养殖中的防疫工作就是与病毒、细菌在激烈赛跑,结果却很不理想,损失惨重。因为生物的进化速度与能力远比人类对新技术研发要快得多。宇宙间万物生存繁衍靠着共同的定律即平衡。我们人类应该承认,在宇宙万物面前人类还只能是“小学生”,对自然界、生物乃至动物的认知、了解还只是“皮毛”。 相似文献
由甘肃省人民政府和世界银行主办 ,甘肃省农牧厅、甘肃省科技厅和甘肃农业大学承办的“中国西部草地与畜牧业可持续发展政策国际研讨会 (InternationalPolicyWorkshoponSustainableGrasslandandLivestockManage mentSystemsinWesternChina)”于 2 0 0 3年 11月 2 3~ 2 5日在甘肃兰州甘肃农业大学举行。出席研讨会的世界银行代表有世界银行东亚局局长MarkD .Wilson ,世界银行学院项目主任PatrickVerissimo中方代表有甘肃省省长陆浩 ,科技部副部长李学勇 ,甘肃省副省长小苏、李膺 ,全国政协常委、中国草学会名誉理事长洪绂曾 ,西藏自… 相似文献
随着我国加入世贸组织,知识产权保护的重要作用将越来越突出。在新的形势下,国内企业须充分学习知识产权知识,增强专利保护意识,利用知识产权来发展自己、保护自己,在国际市场竞争中立于不败之地。为此,中国动物保健品协会会同农业部、国家知识产权局、中国技术进 相似文献
The early experiences of dogs showing signs of avoidance behaviour or aggression were compared with those of dogs from the same clinical population that did not show such behaviour. The occurrence of each behavioural sign was tested for its association with the dog's maternal environment, the environment it experienced between three and six months of age, and the age at which it had been acquired. Non-domestic maternal environments, and a lack of experience of urban environments between three and six months of age, were both significantly associated with aggression towards unfamiliar people and avoidance behaviour. Aggression during a veterinary examination was more likely in dogs from non-domestic maternal environments. There was no significant association with either environment for aggression towards familiar people, or towards dogs. 相似文献
The genomic island 3 (GI-3) shared by Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus contains 29 genes encoding mostly unknown proteins. Within this island, the open reading frames (ORFs) BAB1_0278 and BAB1_0263 are present, BAB1_0278 encodes a hypothetical protein of 64 amino acids sharing a domain with the GcrA superfamily, whereas the amino acid sequence of BAB1_0263 showed 42% identity with an iron regulated Lsr2 protein. We obtained one deletion mutant for each one of these ORFs present within the B. abortus GI-3 named BA-278 and BA-263, respectively. Both mutants were evaluated with respect to their ability to invade and replicate in nonprofessional and professional phagocytes (HeLa and J774.A1 cells) and their virulence in mice. Both mutants invaded efficiently HeLa and J774. A1 cells, however, 48-h post-infection the BA-278 mutant showed a lower intracellular persistence. The deletion of the ORF BAB1_0278, also affected the persistence of B. abortus in the spleens of mice, unlike to the deletion of the ORF BAB1_0263. These results allow us to conclude that BAB1_0278 ORF contributes to virulence of Brucella, since it is necessary to establish an optimal infectious process. 相似文献
S Matthes 《DTW. Deutsche tier?rztliche Wochenschrift》1979,86(4):154-155