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The origin of D-lactate, the most important acid contributing to metabolic acidosis in the diarrheic calf, is unknown. We hypothesized that because D-lactate is produced only by microbes, gastrointestinal fermentation is the source. The objective of this study was to determine whether D-lactate production occurs in the rumen, colon, or both, and to measure D- and L-lactate concentrations in urine. Fecal, rumen, blood, and urine samples were obtained from 16 diarrheic and 11 healthy calves. Serum electrolyte concentrations were measured in both groups, and blood gas analyses were performed for diarrheic calves. All samples were analyzed for D- and L-lactate by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Diarrheic calves were generally hyperkalemic with high serum anion gap, depressed serum bicarbonate, and low blood pH. L-lactate was markedly higher in rumen contents (22.7 mmol/ L [median]) and feces (8.6 mmol/L) of diarrheic calves than healthy calves (0.5 mmol/L and 5.1 mmol/L, respectively), but not different in serum or urine. Rumen, fecal, serum, and urine D-lactate concentrations were all significantly higher (P < .05) in diarrheic calves (17.0, 25.4, 13.9, and 19.2 mmol/L, respectively) than in healthy calves (0.5, 9.1, 1.4, and 0.5 mmol/L, respectively). Higher D-lactate concentrations in the rumen and feces of diarrheic calves suggests these sites as the source of D-lactate in blood and urine.  相似文献   

D-lactate, produced by gastrointestinal fermentation, is a major contributor to metabolic acidosis in diarrheic calves. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG survives gastrointestinal transit in the neonatal calf and does not produce D-lactate. To determine whether this probiotic reduces gastrointestinal D-lactate production or severity of diarrhea or both, 48 calves (mean, 11 days old; range, 2-30 days) admitted to the clinic for treatment of diarrhea were randomly allocated to 2 groups. The experimental group was given Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (1 x 10(11) cfu/d) PO, dissolved in milk or oral electrolyte solution, in addition to clinic treatment protocols; the other group served as a control. Serum and fecal samples were obtained at admission and at 24 and 48 hours after initial administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. All samples were analyzed for D- and L-lactate by using high-pressure liquid chromatography. Feces were also analyzed for pathogens, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG recovery, and dry matter. D-lactic acidemia (>3 mmol/L) was present in 37/48 calves at admission. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was recovered in the feces of 13 experimental calves and 0 control calves 24 hours after administration. No difference in serum or fecal D- or L-lactate between the groups was detected at any time point. After therapy, D-lactic acidosis was absent at 48 hours in all but 1 calf. No relation between fecal pathogen (viral, bacterial, or protozoal) and degree of D-lactic acidosis was observed. The reduction in mortality and greater fecal dry matter in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG-treated calves was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Background: Among the various metabolic disturbances occurring in calves affected by neonatal diarrhea or ruminal acidosis, acidemia constitutes an important condition requiring specific therapy. Although various attempts have been made to estimate the degree of metabolic acidosis on the basis of clinical signs alone, some doubts have been raised regarding the accuracy and predictive value of the clinical variables suggested. HYPOTHESIS: The induction of metabolic acidosis in healthy calves via the infusion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) will lead to a clinical picture similar to that seen in neonatal calves with diarrhea or ruminal acidosis. ANIMALS: The study was carried out on 15 Holstein male calves between 5 and 19 days of age. METHODS: Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis was induced over a period of 80 minutes by an IV infusion of 4,000 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution containing 400 mM HCl. RESULTS: Acidemia occurred rapidly and increased constantly up to a maximum value, which was reached in all calves by the end of the administration and amounted to a 22.4 mM/L mean base deficit (range from 17.0 to 33.1 mM/L). Despite the relatively severe acute acid-base imbalance during the entire observation period, no calves showed any clinical signs or depressed appetite. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Factors other than a disturbance of the acid-base balance should be considered to be primarily responsible for the clinical picture in calves affected by diarrhea or ruminal acidosis.  相似文献   

Correlations between the degree of acidosis and clinical signs (changes in posture, behaviour, intensity of suckling reflex) in neonatal diarrhoeic calves have been described in various studies. However, base excess values varied widely in calves exhibiting similar clinical symptoms. The objective of this study was to elucidate whether the clinical picture of acidotic calves with neonatal diarrhoea is influenced more by D-lactate concentration than by degree of acidosis. Eighty calves up to three weeks old that were admitted to the II Medical Animal Clinic with acute diarrhoea and base excess values between -10 and -25 mmol/L were included in the prospective study. Posture, behaviour, suckling and palpebral reflexes, and position of the eyeballs were scored during the initial examination. Base excess and serum D-lactate and urea concentrations were determined in venous blood. In order to quantify the influences of base excess and d-lactate on the clinical parameters, groups of different clinical categories were compared. The results show that variations in behaviour, and in posture can be better explained by elevations of serum D-lactate concentrations than by decreases in base excess. Disturbances of the palpebral reflex appear to be almost completely caused by high levels of D-lactate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical efficacy of IV administered hypertonic saline solution and hypertonic bicarbonate solution (HBS) in the treatment of inappetent diarrheic calves has not been compared yet. HYPOTHESIS: HBS is more advantageous than hypertonic saline in the treatment of calves with severe metabolic acidosis. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight dehydrated, inappetent calves with neonatal diarrhea. METHODS: In 2 consecutive clinical studies, calves were initially treated with saline (5.85%; 5 mL/kg body weight [BW] over 4 minutes; study I: N = 16) or bicarbonate solution (8.4%; 10 mL/kg BW over 8 minutes; study II: N = 12), respectively, followed by oral administration of 3 L isotonic electrolyte solution 5 minutes after injection. Clinical and laboratory variables were monitored for 72 hours. RESULTS: Treatment failed in 6 calves of study I and in 1 calf of study II as indicated by a deterioration of the general condition. All treatment failures had more severe metabolic acidosis compared with successfully treated calves before treatment. In the latter, rehydration was completed within 18 hours after injection; metabolic acidosis was corrected within 24 hours (study I) and 6 hours (study II) after injection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Diarrheic calves with slight metabolic acidosis (base excess [BE] >-10 mM) can be treated successfully with hypertonic saline. HBS is appropriate in calves without respiratory problems with more severe metabolic acidosis (BE up to -20 mM). Intensive care of the calves is required to ensure a sufficient oral fluid intake after the initial IV treatment.  相似文献   

Acid-base abnormalities are frequently present in sick calves. The mechanism for an acid-base disturbance can be characterized using the strong ion approach, which requires accurate values for the total concentration of plasma nonvolatile buffers (A(tot)) and the effective dissociation constant for plasma weak acids (K(a)). The aims of this study were to experimentally determine A(tot), K(a), and net protein charge values for calf plasma and to apply these values quantitatively to data from sick calves to determine underlying mechanisms for the observed acid-base disturbance. Plasma was harvested from 9 healthy Holstein-Friesian calves and concentrations of quantitatively important strong ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, L-lactate) and nonvolatile buffer ions (total protein, albumin, phosphate) were determined. Plasma was tonometered with CO2 at 37 degrees C, and plasma P(CO2) and pH measured over a range of 15-159 mm Hg and 6.93-7.79, respectively. Strong ion difference (SID) was calculated from the measured strong ion concentrations, and nonlinear regression was used to estimate values for A(tot) and K(a) from the measured pH and P(CO2) and calculated SID. The estimated A(tot) and K(a) values were then validated using data from 2 in vivo studies. Mean (+/- SD) values for calf plasma were A(tot) = 0.343 mmol/g of total protein or 0.622 mmol/g of albumin; K(a) = (0.84 +/- 0.41) x 10(-7); pK(a) = 7.08. The net protein charge of calf plasma was 10.5 mEq/L, equivalent to 0.19 mEq/g of total protein or 0.34 mEq/g of albumin. Application of the strong ion approach to acid-base disturbances in 231 sick calves with or without diarrhea indicated that acidemia was due predominantly to a strong ion acidosis in response to hyponatremia accompanied by normochloremia or hyperchloremia and the presence of unidentified strong anions. These results confirm current recommendations that treatment of acidemia in sick calves with or without diarrhea should focus on intravenous or PO administration of a fluid containing sodium and a high effective SID.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of hyperosmotic sodium bicarbonate (HSB) administration on arterial and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base balance and cardiovascular function in calves with experimentally induced respiratory and strong ion (metabolic) acidosis. Ten healthy male Holstein calves (30-47 kg body weight) were instrumented under halothane anesthesia to permit cardiovascular monitoring and collection of blood samples and CSE Respiratory acidosis was induced by allowing the calves to spontaneously ventilate, and strong ion acidosis was subsequently induced by i.v. administration of L-lactic acid. Calves were then randomly assigned to receive either HSB (8.4% NaHCO3; 5 ml/kg over 5 minutes, i.v.; n=5) or no treatment (controls, n=5) and monitored for 1 hour. Mixed respiratory and strong ion acidosis was accompanied by increased heart rate, cardiac index, mean arterial pressure, cardiac contractility (maximal rate of change of left ventricular pressure), and mean pulmonary artery pressure. Rapid administration of HSB immediately corrected the strong ion acidosis, transiently increased arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P(CO2)), and expanded the plasma volume. The transient increase in arterial P(CO2) did not alter CSF P(CO2) or induce paradoxical CSF acidosis. Compared to untreated control calves, HSB-treated calves had higher cardiac index and contractility and a faster rate of left ventricular relaxation for 1 hour after treatment, indicating that HSB administration improved myocardial systolic function. We conclude that rapid i.v. administration of HSB provided an effective and safe method for treating strong ion acidosis in normovolemic halothane-anesthetized calves with experimentally induced respiratory and strong ion acidosis. Fear of inducing paradoxical CSF acidosis is not a valid reason for withholding HSB administration in calves with mixed respiratory and strong ion acidosis.  相似文献   

Faeces samples from 218, one to 30 days old, diarrheic dairy calves in 65 dairy herds were screened for the presence of rotavirus and concurrent infections with coronavirus, Cryptosporidium, F5+ Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Calves were grouped according to their age as follows: 1-7, 8-14, 15-21 and 22-30 days. Rotavirus infection was detected in 46.9%, 45.6%, 33.8% and 48.3% of the calves in the respective age-groups. No significant differences in the detection rate of rotavirus were found among calves on the different age-groups. Rotavirus was the only enteropathogen detected in 39 of the 93 (41.9%) diarrheic calves positive to this agent. Concurrent infections with other enteropathogen(s) were detected in 31.3%, 33.3%, 20.6% and 3.4% of the rotavirus infected calves in the age-groups 1-7, 8-14, 15-21 and 22-30 d, respectively. A significant age-associated decrease in the detection rate of mixed infections (p < 0.01) was found. The detection rates of the other enteropathogens considered in calves with rotavirus infection were 20.4% for coronavirus, 85.2% for Cryptosporidium, 16.7% for F5+ E. coli and 1.8% for Salmonella.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to carry out molecular epidemiological investigation on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K99 and Salmonella spp. in diarrheic neonatal calves. Fecal samples were obtained from 220 diarrheic calves at 9 farms related to four governorates in central and northern Egypt. E. coli and Salmonella spp. isolates were examined for E. coli K99 and Salmonella spp. using PCR. ETEC K99 was recovered from 20 (10.36 %) out of 193 isolates, whereas Salmonella spp. was recovered from nine calves (4.09%).Multivariable logistic regression was used to evaluate the risk factors associated with both infections. ETEC K99 was significantly affected by age (P < 0.01; OR: 1.812; CI 95%: 0.566–1.769), colostrum feeding practice (P < 0.01; OR: 5.525; CI 95%: 2.025–15.076), rotavirus infection (P < 0.001; OR: 2.220; CI 95%: 0.273–1.251), vaccination of pregnant dams with combined vaccine against rotavirus, coronavirus and E. coli (K99) (P < 0.001; OR: 4.753; CI 95%: 2.124–10.641), and vitamin E and selenium administration to the pregnant dam (P < 0.01; OR: 3.933; CI 95%: 0.703–1.248).Infection with Salmonella spp. was found to be significantly affected by the animal age (P < 0.05; OR: 0.376; CI 95%: 0.511–1.369), Hygiene (P < 0.05; OR: 0.628; CI 95%: 1.729–5.612), and region (P < 0. 01; OR: 0.970; CI 95%: 0.841–1.624).The results of the present study indicate the importance of PCR as rapid, effective and reliable tool for screening of ETEC and Salmonella spp. when confronted with cases of undifferentiated calf diarrhea. Moreover, identification of the risk factors associated with the spreading of bacteria causing diarrhea may be helpful for construction of suitable methods for prevention and control.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate associations between neonatal serum IgG1 concentration and pre- and postweaning morbidity and mortality rates and average daily gains (ADGs) in beef calves and define a cutoff point for serum IgG1 concentration necessary for optimal health and performance of beef calves. DESIGN: Nonconcurrent cohort study. ANIMALS: 1,568 crossbred beef calves. PROCEDURE: Single radial immunodiffusion was used to quantitate IgG1 concentration in sera collected from calves between 24 and 72 hours after birth. Logistic regression, ANCOVA, and likelihood ratios were used to analyze data. RESULTS: In the preweaning period, lower perinatal IgG1 concentrations were significantly associated with higher morbidity rates, higher mortality rates, and lower ADGs. Calves with serum IgG1 concentration < 2,400 mg/dL were 1.6 times as likely to become ill before weaning and 2.7 times as likely to die before weaning as calves with higher serum IgG1 concentrations. Calves with serum IgG1 concentration of at least 2,700 mg/dL weighed an estimated 3.35 kg (7.38 lb) more at 205 days of age than calves with lower serum IgG1 concentration. No significant association of serum IgG1 concentration with feedlot morbidity, death, or ADG was identified. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: By use of likelihood ratios, the threshold of serum IgG1 concentration for optimal health and performance of calves was higher than values reported previously. Implementation and maintenance of management and intervention strategies designed for early detection and treatment of calves at risk for failure of passive transfer will likely result in increases in preweaning health and performance parameters.  相似文献   

BackgroundNeonatal calf diarrhea is a major problem in the cattle industry worldwide. Rotavirus and Cryptosporidium parvum are the primary causative agents, especially during the first three weeks of the calf’s life.ObjectivesThis study investigated the differences in acid-base, electrolytes, and biochemical parameters of diarrheic calves with infection of either rotavirus or C. parvum.MethodsA total of 61 Korean native calves (≤ 20 days old) were divided into two groups based on rotavirus or C. parvum infections: rotavirus infection (n = 44) and C. parvum infection (n = 17). The calves with at a specific blood pH range (pH 6.92–7.25) were chosen for comparison. The acid-base, electrolyte, chemistry, and serum proteins were analyzed, Further, fecal examinations were performed.ResultsCompared to C. parvum-infected calves, the rotavirus-infected calves showed lower levels of total carbon dioxide, bicarbonate (HCO3 ), anion gap, total protein, and albumin/globulin ratio, and significantly lower levels of potassium, globulin, and α2-globulin (p < 0.05). The C. parvum-infected calves (r = 0.749) had stronger correlations between pH and HCO3 than the rotavirus-infected calves (r = 0.598). Compared to rotavirus-infected calves, strong correlations between globulin and α2-globulin, α2-globulin and haptoglobin were identified in C. parvum-infected calves.ConclusionsThis study is the first to investigate acid-base, electrolyte, and biochemical parameters in calves in response to infections of rotavirus and C. parvum. Although rotavirus and C. parvum cause malabsorptive and secretory diarrhea in similar-aged calves, blood parameters were different. This would help establish the diagnostic and treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The injection of iron-dextran into beef calves at an early age immediately increased values for erythrocyte (RBC) numbers, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), even though the calves were not anemic. There were no significant differences in average daily gain (ADG) from birth through 15 wk between those that were injected and those that were not injected. Hereford calves had lower values for PCV, Hb, MCH and MCV than Angus and crossbred calves, and both Hereford and Angus calves had lesser body weight and slower ADG than crossbred calves. Serum iron (Fe) concentrations were higher in calves born in the spring and pastured in the summer than in calves born in late summer and fall and pastured in the fall. The serum Fe concentration of calves at first sampling (during first week of life) was positively correlated with their weight at that and subsequent times to 15 wk. Mean corpuscular volume and MCH in cows before calving were positively correlated with the MCV and MCH in their calves at first sampling. Serum Fe concentration in cows before calving was negatively correlated with the ADG of their calves through 15 wk.  相似文献   

To clarify the significance of fecal organic anions in neonatal diarrhea, a total of 252 fecal samples (91 diarrheic, 161 normal) were collected from 136 dairy calves (including three crossbreds) less than 4 weeks old. Fecal pH, D‐ and L‐lactate, succinate and volatile fatty acid (VFA) were analyzed. In normal feces, lactate was highest and VFA was lowest at week 1 of age, and lactate progressively decreased and VFA progressively increased with advancing age. In diarrheic samples, although higher pH and lower lactate levels were confirmed at week 1, samples at weeks 3–4 showed lower pH and VFA accompanied by higher lactate of D and L‐isomers. In diarrhea, fecal butyrate was significantly lower at all stages, but succinate levels did not differ significantly. The proportion of lactate to organic anions (sum of lactate, succinate and VFA) in diarrheic feces was lower at week 1, and higher in weeks 2–4, while that of VFA to organic anions showed the opposite pattern. Strong relationships were observed between fecal pH and lactate, and VFA proportions in organic anions, though the relationship was weak in diarrhea. Most of the elevated lactate was observed in fecal samples with lower VFA. However, succinate had no relationship with VFA or lactate levels.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between serum gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT) activity and passive transfer status in beef calves less than 18 days of age. Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) concentrations were measured in 69 commercial beef calves between the ages of 24 and 72 hours. GGT activities were then measured in these same calves at various ages between 3 and 18 days of age. Models were developed predicting serum IgG1 concentration as a function of calf age and serum GGT activity. Minimal association was present between initial serum IgG1 concentration and serum GGT activity when all calves less than 18 days of age were considered (r2 = 0.065). When the study population was restricted to calves less than 8 days of age, the fit of the developed model was greatly improved (r2 = 0.438). Serum GGT activity has no apparent advantage relative to other assay procedures for predicting passive transfer status in beef calves. If serum GGT activity is to be used to assess passive transfer status in beef calves, application of this procedure should be restricted to calves less than 8 days of age.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Eighty-five unsuckled newborn calves, were fed 1.5 L of colostrum of known IgG concentration at either 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours after birth with no additional colostrum feeding. Another group of 11 calves were left with their dam for 16 hours after birth, before separation. Blood samples were taken from all calves 24 hours after colostrum feeding or separation from the dam and serum Ig concentrations were measured by electrophoresis. There were no significant differences in mean serum Ig concentrations between calves fed at the different times after birth. Three of the 11 calves left to suckle were hypogamma-globulinaemic. Other calves in this group had higher serum Ig concentrations than the means of all other groups. All groups had mean serum Ig concentrations higher than the suggested minimum concentration required for adequate calf health. There were a number of calves that did not reach the suggested minimum serum concentration after feeding, but calf mortality was low and all calves were healthy apart from a slight scour for a few weeks after birth. There was no significant relationship between serum Ig concentration 24 to 48 hours after birth and either calf mortality or average growth rate over an 8- to 10-month period.  相似文献   



To determine the association of plasma lactate concentration, pH, base deficit (BD), and anion gap (AG) in dogs and cats on presentation to an emergency room with outcome, and to compare the prognostic significance of hyperlactatemia with a concurrent metabolic acidosis with that of hyperlactatemia and a normal metabolic acid–base balance.


Retrospective study.


University teaching hospital.


Five hundred sixty‐six dogs and 185 cats that had venous blood gas analysis performed.



Measurements and Main Results

Medical records were reviewed for plasma lactate concentrations, electrolyte concentrations, and acid–base parameters obtained on emergency room admission, clinical diagnosis, and in‐hospital mortality. The primary outcome measure was all‐cause mortality for the hospitalized visit. Median plasma lactate concentration and AG were higher, BD was more negative, and pH was lower, in non‐survivor dogs and cats. The prevalence of hyperlactatemia was 53% in dogs and 30% in cats. Lactic acidosis was present in 42% and 80% of hyperlactatemic dogs and cats, respectively. Multivariate regression analyses revealed that plasma lactate concentration, BD, and pH, but not AG, were independent predictors of mortality in dogs, and that only plasma lactate concentration was an independent predictor of mortality in cats. Mortality was highest for animals with lactic acidosis, at 59.8% in dogs and 49% in cats. Mortality in dogs with lactic acidosis was significantly higher than dogs with hyperlactatemia and a normal acid–base status (P < 0.0001).


The presence and magnitude of hyperlactatemia on presentation to the emergency room may help identify dogs and cats with high likelihood of in‐hospital mortality, and the presence of lactic acidosis specifically may help identify dogs with yet higher risk of in‐hospital mortality.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in serum concentrations of two acute phase proteins (APPs), haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid-A (SAA) were investigated in newborn reindeer calves. Repeated blood samples were obtained from 51 reindeer calves at ages 0-32 days (2-4 samples from each calf). An increase of SAA concentrations was observed during the first 2 weeks of life. However, by the end of the observation period, SAA concentrations had decreased to levels below those of the first week. Serum Hp concentrations increased throughout the observation period. SAA concentrations in the second week had a negative association with weight gain during the entire study period (4 months). These time-related changes in APP concentrations suggest that these proteins have a role in the defence and adaptation mechanisms of newborn reindeer calves. Possible reasons for these changes include the presence of APP mediators in the colostrum, exposure to environmental pathogens after birth and age-related changes in hepatic synthesis of APP.  相似文献   

Two immunoassays using an anti-bovine haptoglobin monoclonal antibody, Hap 1, were used to measure serum haptoglobin levels in neonatal farm-raised and bob veal calves. Bob veal calves were grouped into condemned, normal, and icteric groups based on the appearance of the carcass and viscera at postmortem examination. The competitive inhibition assay was more sensitive than the direct hemoglobin binding assay in detecting low levels of haptoglobin in all groups of calves. A significant number of bob veal calves with gross postmortem lesions other than icterus had detectable haptoglobin levels. The low levels of haptoglobin that were detected were not useful in distinguishing the relative severity of the inflammatory or degenerative process; however, the predictive values of a positive and negative test suggest haptoglobin measurement may be useful as a supplemental tool in evaluating the health status of the neonatal calf.  相似文献   

Bacteria from the nasal cavity and trachea were cultured, and serum antibody titers determined for Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 in 164 beef calves obtained from a closed herd on range pasture. At the first sampling, P. haemolytica serotype 1 was cultured from 16.4% of the calves. Antibody titers were determined by a quantitative fluorimetric method and the mean titer was 9.5 +/- 5.8. Fifty-seven randomly selected calves were used to study the correlation of serum antibody response and positive culture of P. haemolytica under natural conditions. Clinical signs of respiratory disease were not observed in those calves. During the observation periods, there was a two-fold increase in the percentage of calves that were culture positive. There was no significant difference between mean serum antibody titers or frequency distribution of antibody titers from the two samplings. Comparisons between serum antibody titers, rise in titers, and P. haemolytica isolation failed to reveal any significant correlation. Of the 9 calves that had a decline in antibody titer to P. haemolytica, none was culture positive. Seroconversion to respiratory viruses did not correlate with P. haemolytica related variables.  相似文献   

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