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基于电子鼻技术检测不同焙烤程度咖啡的特征性香气   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为研究咖啡香气与焙烤条件的联系,进一步提供合理的加工条件生产特定香气的咖啡,减少咖啡多样化的生产成本。以海南阿拉比卡咖啡豆为试材,利用固相微萃取的气质联用(solid phase microextraction-gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric,SPME-GC-MS)结合电子鼻对不同焙烤温度处理6 min的咖啡挥发性化合物和特征性香气进行检测。结果表明:咖啡中总共检测出43种化合物,咖啡在30(室温)、80、100℃时挥发性组分主要为醇类、醚类与胺类以致香气不足,随着温度继续升高,逐渐热解生成芳香化合物,咖啡在120℃时开始出现糠醛、吡嗪与吡咯等,呋喃、醛类、吡嗪和吡咯的含量均在140℃时达到峰值,吡唑和咪唑只在160℃时产生且质量分数为2%~3%;电子鼻传感器T30/1、70/2、PA/2、P30/2与LY2/AA能有效地分析咖啡香气变化,主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)与判别因子分析(discriminant factorial analysis,DFA)有效地区分了不同焙烤程度的咖啡香气,层序聚类分析(hierarchical cluster analysis,HCA)成功将咖啡分为未焙烤、浅度焙烤、中度焙烤和深度焙烤四类。结果表明,随着焙烤温度的上升,咖啡中芳香醛、酚类、呋喃、吡嗪、吡咯和咪唑等挥发性化合物不断增加,进而改变咖啡的特征性香气,SPME-GC-MS结合电子鼻技术能实现咖啡挥发性组分、香气表型和焙烤程度三者之间有机地结合,以用于对咖啡焙烤程度的区别,该研究结果为生产某些特定香气咖啡的工艺提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Application of a comparative aroma extraction dilution analysis on unroasted and roasted Criollo cocoa beans revealed 42 aroma compounds in the flavor dilution (FD) factor range of 1-4096 for the unroasted and 4-8192 for the roasted cocoa beans. While the same compounds were present in the unroasted and roasted cocoa beans, respectively, these clearly differed in their intensity. For example, 2- and 3-methylbutanoic acid (rancid) and acetic acid (sour) showed the highest FD factors in the unroasted beans, while 3-methylbutanal (malty), 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone (caramel-like), and 2- and 3-methylbutanoic acid (sweaty) were detected with the highest FD factors in the roasted seeds. Quantitation of 30 odorants by means of stable isotope dilution assays followed by a calculation of odor activity values (ratio of the concentration/odor threshold) revealed concentrations above the odor threshold for 22 compounds in the unroasted and 27 compounds in the roasted cocoa beans, respectively. In particular, a strong increase in the concentrations of the Strecker aldehydes 3-methylbutanal and phenylacetaldehyde as well as 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone was measured, suggesting that these odorants should contribute most to the changes in the overall aroma after roasting. Various compounds contributing to the aroma of roasted cocoa beans, such as 3-methylbutanoic acid, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, and 2-phenylethanol, were already present in unroasted, fermented cocoa beans and were not increased during roasting.  相似文献   

FTIR-ATR was used to study the effect of roasting conditions on the flavor of brewed coffee using Guatemala Antigua coffee beans. The 1800-1680 cm(-1) carbonyl region for vinyl esters/lactones, esters, aldehydes, ketones, and acids was found to provide a flavor-print of the brewed coffee. A study of light, medium, and dark roasts indicated that when the rate of heating to the onset of the first and second cracks was kept constant, the types of carbonyl compounds formed were similar, varying only in their concentration. This difference in concentration is apparently due to the additional heating of the coffee bean beyond the second crack. When the heating rate to the onset of the first and second crack was varied, both the types and concentration of the carbonyl compounds formed during roasting were affected. Thus, heating rates of green coffee beans to the onset of the first and second cracks are important determinants of the basic taste and aroma of brewed coffee.  相似文献   

土壤肥力对烤烟不同部位中性香气成分含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以烤烟(Nicotiana tabacum L.)品种中烟100为材料,通过田间试验研究了土壤肥力对烤烟不同部位中性香气成分含量的影响,并对不同肥力条件下烤烟各部位烟叶进行单料烟感官评吸鉴定。结果表明,类胡萝卜素类降解产物总量在中部叶(腰叶、上二棚)及顶叶以高肥力条件下较高;茄酮含量在除顶叶外均以低肥力条件下较高,顶叶以高肥力条件下含量较高;非酶棕色化反应产物总量在烟株的大部分位置高、中肥力处理间没有显著差异;芳香族氨基酸类降解产物总量在除底脚叶外的其他部位均以高肥力处理最高,中肥力处理次之,低肥力处理最低;新植二烯含量在下部叶以中肥力条件下最高,其他部位以高肥力条件下最高;在烟株的中部高、中肥条件下烟叶的除新植二烯外香气物质总量无显著差异,在顶叶高肥力条件下香气物质总量显著高于中肥力。评吸结果以中肥力条件下腰叶得分最高。综合认为,中肥力土壤有利于生产出优质烟叶。  相似文献   

Initial moisture of green coffee may vary as a function of green coffee processing and storage conditions. The impact of initial moisture and steam treatment on roasting behavior and aroma formation was investigated. Steam treated coffees as well as coffees with initial moisture content of 5.10, 10.04, and 14.70 g water per 100 g wb were roasted. Light and dark roasting trials were carried out using a fluidizing-bed roaster with a batch size of 100 g of green beans. Differences in roast coffee attributes, that is, color, density, and organic roast loss, and odorant concentrations were more marked in light roasted than in dark roasted coffees. The results of roasting steam treated coffee suggest that this step affects roasting behavior primarily by extracting some aroma precursor compounds.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are an important constituent of the human diet. In recent years, they have gained much attention due to their physiological properties, leading to an enormous increase in research on cancer prevention and reduction of cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, there is limited information about the fate of flavonoid glycosides during thermal treatment such as cooking, frying, roasting, etc. Such processing techniques may have an impact on the flavonoid structure, resulting in changes of the bioavailability and activity of the flavonoids. In this study, the stability of selected model and onion quercetin glycosides under roasting conditions (180 degrees C) was determined. The influence of the kind and position of the sugar moiety was investigated. As onions contain large amounts of quercetin glycosides and are often subject to thermal processes in food production, their major glycosides were isolated using counter current chromatography and roasted. The thermal treatment led to a degradation of the quercetin glycosides. The main product is the aglycone quercetin, which remained stable during further roasting. During the roasting process of the quercetin diglucoside isolated from onion, the formation of a monoglycoside as an intermediate product was observed. This underlined that the stability of the glycosides is dependent on the kind and position of the sugar moiety.  相似文献   

The effect of textural modifications of solid milk gels on in vivo aroma release and aroma perception was investigated with a panel of 14 subjects. Great inter-individual differences were observed on aroma-release data, and the consequences of these differences on aroma perception were studied. From a hierarchical cluster analysis performed with several parameters extracted from release curves, the subjects were gathered into two groups, and a specific aroma-release profile was identified for each one. Then, by using a sensory profile, we showed that the intensity of the aroma perception was dependent on the release profile presented by the panelist. Second, we observed that, during the chewing phase, the aroma was perceived as more intense for the firmer gel and for panelists for whom the aroma release begins during the chewing of the product.  相似文献   

Melon varieties (Cucumis melo L.) differ in a range of physical and chemical attributes. Sweetness and aroma are two of the most important factors in fruit quality and consumer preference. Volatile acetates are major components of the headspace of ripening cv. Arava fruits, a commercially important climacteric melon. In contrast, volatile aldehydes and alcohols are most abundant in cv. Rochet fruits, a nonclimacteric melon. The formation of volatile acetates is catalyzed by alcohol acetyltransferases (AAT), which utilize acetyl-CoA to acetylate several alcohols. Cell-free extract derived from Arava ripe melons exhibited substantial levels of AAT activity with a variety of alcohol substrates, whereas similar extracts derived from Rochet ripe melons had negligible activity. The levels of AAT activity in unripe Arava melons were also low but steadily increased during ripening. In contrast, similar extracts from Rochet fruits displayed low AAT activity during all stages of maturation. In addition, the benzyl- and 2-phenylethyl-dependent AAT activity levels seem well correlated with the total soluble solid content in Arava fruits.  相似文献   

干制条件对红枣香气品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为探索干制条件对红枣香气品质的影响,采用固相微萃取结合气相色谱/质谱联用(SPME-GC/MS, solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography mass pectrometry)技术分析鉴定了50、60、70℃热风干燥,自然阴干和糖心枣5种红枣样品的香气成分及相对质量分数,对红枣中7类主要香气物质进行主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)。结果表明影响红枣香气品质的主要香气物质种类为酯类、醛类、酸类和酚类;自然阴干的红枣香气品质较差,采用热风干制可有效提高红枣的香气品质;60℃热风干制的红枣香气成分综合得分最高,优于50℃和70℃热风干制红枣的香气品质,为红枣的干制工艺提供技术依据。主成分分析法可实现对红枣干制条件的区分,并能较好评价红枣的香气品质。  相似文献   

A commercial lot of green coffee, naturally contaminated with ochratoxin A (OTA), was roasted under various conditions, and the effects on its final OTA content were determined. Precautions were taken in sampling the coffee to cope with OTA inhomogeneity. The roasting conditions were kept within the range of commercial practice. Roasting time was varied from 2.5 to 10 min, and the roast color varied from light medium to dark. The differences in OTA reduction between the different levels of roasting times and colors did not reach statistical significance. However, for all roasting conditions, the reduction was highly significant, 69% reduction over the combined results. In total, nine studies by various authors about OTA reduction during coffee roasting are now available. Seven out of these nine reported that the relevant range of OTA reductions was between 69 and 96%. Among these seven,are all four studies that reported using naturally contaminated beans, a sampling procedure adapted to mycotoxin inhomogeneity, and roasting conditions within the range of actual practice. Three different explanations are available for this reduction: physical removal of OTA with chaff, isomerization at the C-3 position into another diastereomer, and thermal degradation with possible involvement of moisture. All three explanations may play a partial role in the OTA reduction during coffee roasting.  相似文献   

Odor-active compounds of Iberian hams with different aroma characteristics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The odor-active compounds of different commercial types of Iberian hams (Montanera and Pienso) were researched by gas chromatography-olfactometry based on a detection frequency method. The hams (long- and short-Montanera and Pienso Iberian hams) showed different sensory profiles, differences being significant for Montanera ham typical odor, aroma intensity and persistence, and cured and moldy aroma. Significant differences were also found for some odorants. The largest differences appeared in 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, hexanal, (Z)-3-hexenal, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, (E)-2-hexenal, 1-octen-3-one, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-propionyl-1-pyrroline, octanal, and an unknown odorant. Sensory characteristics and olfactometric profiles were significantly different between Montanera and Pienso hams. Significant differences also appeared between long- and short-Montanera hams, which shows great variability in this commercial type. Otherwise, the largest scores for moldy aroma in long-Montanera hams matched with the largest detection frequency of 1-octen-3-one and 1-octen-3-ol in this group.  相似文献   

Of all plant constituents, coffee has one of the highest concentrations of chlorogenic acids. When roasting coffee, some of these are transformed into chlorogenic acid lactones (CGL). We have studied the formation of CGL during the roasting of coffee beans in Coffea arabica cv. Bourbon; C. arabicacv. Longberry; and C. canephora cv. Robusta. Individual CGL levels were determined by comparison of HPLC peaks with those of synthetic CGL standards. Seven CGL were identified: 3-caffeoylquinic-1,5-lactone (3-CQL), 4- caffeoylquinic-1,5-lactone (4-CQL), 3-coumaroylquinic-1,5-lactone (3-pCoQL), 4-coumaroylquinic-1,5-lactone (4-pCoQL), 3-feruloylquinic-1,5-lactone (3-FQL), 4-feruloylquinic-1,5-lactone (4-FQL), and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic-1,5-lactone (3,4-diCQL). 3-CQL was the most abundant lactone in C. arabica and C. canephora, reaching peak values of 230 +/- 9 and 254 +/- 4 mg/100 g (dry weight), respectively, at light medium roast ( approximately 14% weight loss). 4-CQL was the second most abundant lactone (116 +/- 3 and 139 +/- 2 mg/100 g, respectively. The maximum amount of CGL represents approximately 30% of the available precursors. The relative levels of 3-CQL and 4-CQL in roasted coffee were reverse to those of their precursors in green coffee. This suggests that roasting causes isomerization of chlorogenic acids prior to the formation of lactones and that the levels of lactones in roasted coffee do not reflect the levels of precursors in green coffee.  相似文献   

Minerals of the pedogenic chlorite group were studied in the clay fractions isolated from the mineral horizons of podzolic and gleyic peat-podzolic soils. In the AE and E horizons of the podzolic soil, pedogenic chlorites are thought to develop from vermiculite, whereas in the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil, they can be formed from smectite minerals. For estimating the degree of chloritization (the degree of filling of the interlayer space of 2: 1 minerals with Al hydroxides), a numerical criterion was is proposed. The difference between the values of this criterion before and after the treatment of the preparations with NH4F indicated that the degree of chloritization in the pedogenic chlorites decreases in the following sequence: the E horizon of the podzolic soil > the AE horizon of the podzolic soil > the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil. Another numerical criterion was proposed to estimate the degree of polymerization of Al-hydroxy complexes in pedogenic chlorites. This criterion was based on the thermal stability of soil chlorites and represented the temperature at which an increase in the intensity of the 1.0-nm peak after heating the K-saturated preparations exceeds 50% of its initial value. According to this criterion, the degree of polymerization of the Al-hydroxy interlayers in pedogenic chlorites decreases in the following sequence: the E horizon of the podzolic soil > the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil ≥ the AE horizon of the podzolic soil. The distinct interrelation between the soil properties and the degrees of chloritization and polymerization of the Al-hydroxy interlayers attests to the modern origin of the pedogenic chlorites.  相似文献   

Interactions between beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) in its monomeric form and a wide range of aroma compounds were investigated by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. A screening of the ligands was carried out by FT-IR through the amide I region changes of BLG upon binding. The location of two binding sites was determined by 2D NMR from the study of 10 selected ligands with different structures. All of the data suggest at least two binding behaviors as a function of the chemical class, the hydrophobicity, or the structure of the ligands. The binding of the elongated aroma compounds, such as 2-nonanone or ethyl pentanoate, within the central cavity involves residues located at the entrance of the calyx and Trp19. The binding onto the protein surface of aroma compounds that have or adopt a compact structure occurs in a site located between strand beta-G, alpha helix, and strand beta-I.  相似文献   

取皖南3种不同质地土壤生产的烤后烟叶样品进行中性香气物质和常规化学成分含量测定,并进行单料烟感官评吸鉴定.结果表明,砂壤土各部位烟叶的类胡萝卜素降解产物、糖类降解产物含量、中部叶的西柏烷类降解产物茄酮含量、下部叶的苯丙氨酸裂解产物含量水平相对较高.常规化学成分中总糖含量和烟碱含量均较高,糖碱比适宜,评吸认为其感官质量优良,焦甜香突出.水稻士下部和中部叶类胡萝卜素降解产物含量、中部叶茄酮含量偏低,而上部叶苯丙氨酸裂解产物和类胡萝卜素降解产物较高,总糖含量较低,上部叶烟碱和总氮含量偏高,糖碱比偏低,焦甜香不显著,上部叶虽香气量大,但劲头偏大.砂壤土烟叶一般变现为中上部烟叶各类香气物质含量偏低,总糖含量较高,但含氮化合物含量偏低,糖碱比偏高,评吸认为焦甜否弱,烟叶香气量偏小.  相似文献   

The cocoa roasting process at different temperatures (at 125 and 135 degrees C for 3 min, plus 44 and 52 min, respectively, heating-up times) was evaluated by measuring the initial and final free amino acids distribution, flavor index, formol number, browning measurement, and alkylpyrazines content in 15 cocoa bean samples of different origins. These samples were also analyzed in manufactured cocoa powder. The effect of alkalinization of cocoa was studied. Results indicated that the final concentration and ratio of tetramethylpyrazine/trimethylpyrazine (TMP/TrMP) increased rapidly at higher roasting temperatures. The samples roasted with alkalies (pH between 7.20 and 7.92), such as sodium carbonate, or potassium plus air injected in the roaster during thermal treatment, exhibited a greater degree of brown color formation, but the amount of alkylpyrazines generated was adversely affected. The analysis of alpha-free amino acids at the end of the roasting process demonstrated the importance of the thermal treatment conditions and the pH values on nibs (cocoa bean cotyledons), liquor, or cocoa. Higher pH values led to a lower concentration of aroma and a higher presence of brown compounds.  相似文献   

Disks from different tissues were obtained from "Redchief Delicious" apple fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.) and analyzed for the ability to metabolize 1-pentanol as well as synthesize constitutive esters and alcohols under anoxic and aerobic conditions. The skin tissue displayed a greater capacity to synthesize pentanal, pentyl acetate, pentyl propionate, pentyl butyrate, and pentyl hexanoate than the hypanthial and carpellary tissues during incubation with 1-pentanol. With the exception of pentyl acetate and pentyl propionate biosynthesis, the hypanthial tissue synthesized these compounds at a higher rate than the carpellary tissue. Anoxia inhibited both constituent and 1-pentanol-derived ester biosynthesis. While anoxia inhibited ester biosynthesis, ethanol biosynthesis increased at a greater rate in tissue disks held under these conditions. Biosynthesis of 1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, and 1-hexanol was greater in tissue disks held in air during the first part of the measurement period and dropped off more rapidly than those transpiring in tissue disks held under anoxic conditions. The biosynthetic rates of all esters, both constituent and 1-pentanol-derived, increased as a result of air exposure. While hypoxic or anoxic conditions may promote ethanol synthesis, these conditions also appear to inhibit the formation of the ethanol-derived esters partially responsible for the off-flavor in apples attributed to ultralow O(2) controlled atmosphere storage.  相似文献   

不同采收成熟度对烤烟香气质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用大田试验,分别对比了各部位不同成熟度鲜叶对初烤烟叶致香物质含量和评吸质量的影响.试验结果表明:烟叶大田成熟标准以上中部烟叶9~10成黄、主脉全白,下部烟叶4~5成黄、主脉开始变白为宜,可改善烟叶香气质量,提高其工业可用性.  相似文献   

The potent aroma compound rose oxide was quantified in several white wines by a headspace solid-phase microextration stable isotope dilution assay (HS-SPME-SIDA) and the enantiomeric ratios of the cis diastereomers were determined by enantioselective capillary GC. The most odor-active stereoisomer (23)-cis-rose oxide was detectable in all investigated white wines ranging from 0.2 to 12 microg/L. However, its contribution to the overall aroma in some white wine varieties can be neglected as indicated by a low odor activity value (OAV). The highest concentrations were found in Gewürztraminer wines, confirming the importance of rose oxide as a varietal aroma compound in this variety. Surprisingly, the enantiomeric ratio of cis-rose oxide in all investigated wines was substantially lower than in nonfermented musts and in some wines almost racemic cis-rose oxide was detected. Fermentation studies with a model must that contained deuterated water revealed that yeast is capable of reducing the precursor 3,7-dimethyl octa-2,5-dien-1,7-diol (geranyl diol I) yielding 3,7-dimethyl-5-octen-1,7-diol (citronellyl diol I) that gives rise to cis- and trans-rose oxide after acid catalyzed cylization. The deuterium labeling pattern of the resulting rose oxide stereoisomers and a clearly detectable kinetic isotope effect indicate that at least two different reductive pathways in yeast exist that yield cis-rose oxide with different enantiomeric ratios altering the genuine enantiomeric ratio in grape musts. The presence of (+)-cis-rose oxides in wines can therefore be attributed to the reductive yeast metabolism during fermentation. This observation corroborates recent findings that the modification of terpene derived varietal aroma is an integral part of yeast metabolism and not only a simple hydrolytical process.  相似文献   

To better understand aroma release in relation to yogurt structure and perception, the apparent diffusivity of aroma compounds within complex dairy gels was determined using an experimental diffusion cell. Apparent diffusion coefficients of four aroma compounds (diacetyl, ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, and linalool) at 7 degrees C in yogurts (varying in composition and structure) ranged from 0.07 x 10 (-10) to 8.91 x 10 (-10) m (2) s (-1), depending on aroma compounds and on product structure. The strong effect of yogurt fat content on the apparent diffusivity of hydrophobic compounds was revealed (15-fold and 50-fold decreases in the apparent diffusion coefficient of linalool and ethyl hexanoate, respectively). Protein composition seemed to have a greater effect than that of mechanical treatment. However, variations in the apparent diffusion coefficient for the considered products remained limited and cannot completely explain differences in flavor release and in perception that were previously observed.  相似文献   

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