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Animal responses to treatments in grazing experiments frequently remain unexplained because of inadequate pasture and(or) animal measurements. This 2-yr study examined DMI, gastrointestinal tract fill of undigested DM (FILL), rate of digesta passage (ROP), and digesta mean retention time (MRT) for steers grazing tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), flaccidgrass (Pennisetum flaccidum Griseb.), and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.). A randomized complete block design was used with two agronomic replicates. Comparisons in June (yr 1) among continuously grazed switchgrass (SG), flaccidgrass (FG), and bermudagrass (BG) or in May (yr 2) among tall fescue (TF), SG, and FG showed similar digesta kinetics, but different DMI (kg.d-1.100 kg BW-1), among these forages within each sampling. In the June evaluation, the DMI of SG and FG were similar (means = 3.09), DMI of bermudagrass (BG) was lowest (2.23), and fecal DM output (FO) was similar among forages. In the May evaluation, DMI by steers grazing SG (3.90) was higher than that by steers grazing FG (2.97); DMI of tall fescue (TF) was intermediate (3.41) but similar to DMI of FG. Differences in DMI were due to differences in diet in vitro DM disappearance (IVDMD) rather than to differences in digesta kinetics. In July (yr 2), the MRT was highest for BG (84 h) and similar for SG and FG (57 h). Steers grazing different forages exhibited similar ROP and FILL, but FO (kg.d-1.100 kg BW-1) among steers varied (.37 for steers fed BG; .74 for steers fed SG and FG).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Coastal bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) hay was fed in the long form to four ruminally cannulated steers to evaluate the effects of intake level on the physical reduction of feed particles during ingestive mastication. The experimental design was a 4 x 4 latin square with 18-d periods. Treatments based on previous intakes were set at 50, 70, 90 and 110% of feed consumed per animal and fed at 12-h intervals. Boli of ingested, masticated hay were collected at the cardia and separated by wet-sieving into fragments retained on sieves of .0027 to 4.0 mm (mesh aperture). In addition, particles retained on the 4.0-mm and 2.0-mm sieves were scanned by image analysis. Ingestive mastication resulted in a linear decrease (P less than .05) in the proportion of boli particles retained on the top (4.0-mm) sieve and linear increases on the 2.0- (P less than .02), 1.0- (P less than .06) and .25-mm (P less than .06) sieves with increasing level of intake. Sixteen to 21% of the ingested hay particles passed through a 1.0-mm sieve. Mean particle size, as determined by sieving data, decreased linearly (P less than .05) as feeding level increased. Image analysis showed no differences in length (L) or width (W) of particles retained on the 4.0- and 2.0-mm sieves as feeding level increased, but L/W decreased linearly (P less than .05) on both sieves. The frequency of jaw movements following feeding was very similar across feeding levels and averaged 71.3 chews/min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of grazing low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams, less than 1% infection) Johnstone (J) or high-endophyte (60% infection) Kentucky-31 (K) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) on grazing behavior and voluntary intake were studied. Six Angus steers (average initial BW = 326 kg) grazed 1.21-ha plots of each forage cultivar (three steers per cultivar) in four 28-d periods beginning May 27. Daytime observations (0630 until 2130) revealed that J steers spent more (P less than .10) time grazing and lying down and took more (P less than .05) prehensile bites than K steers did; conversely, steers grazing K spent more (P less than .10) time standing and idling than J steers did. Idling time showed a forage x period interaction (P less than .10). Mean OM bite size (grams per bite) was not affected (P greater than .10) by forage but differed (P less than .10) among periods. Limited nighttime observations (2130 until 0630) revealed no effects (P greater than .10) of forage on grazing time or number of prehensile bites taken. Voluntary intakes of OM and NDF did not differ (P greater than .10) between steers grazing J and K; however, a forage x period interaction (P less than .10) existed such that, during Period 1, steers grazing J had greater (P less than .01) OM and NDF intakes than did steers grazing K. These data suggest that cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue display altered daytime grazing behavior and that reduction of voluntary intake attributable to endophyte infection may be less severe under free-grazing than has been reported for controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of previous BW gain during winter grazing on subsequent growth, carcass characteristics, and change in body composition during the feedlot finishing phase. In each experiment, 48 fall-weaned Angus x Angus-Hereford steer calves were assigned randomly to one of three treatments: 1) high rate of BW gain grazing winter wheat (HGW), 2) low rate of BW gain grazing winter wheat (LGW), or 3) grazing dormant tallgrass native range (NR) supplemented with 0.91 kg/d of cottonseed meal. Winter grazing ADG (kg/d) for HGW, LGW, and NR steers were, respectively, 1.31, 0.54, 0.16 (Exp. 1) and 1.10, 0.68, 0.15 (Exp. 2). At the end of winter grazing, four steers were selected randomly from each treatment to measure initial carcass characteristics and chemical composition of carcass, offal, and empty body. All remaining steers were fed a high-concentrate diet to a common backfat end point. Six steers were selected randomly from each treatment for final chemical composition, and carcass characteristics were measured on all steers. Initial fat mass and proportion in carcass, offal, and empty body were greatest (P < 0.001) for HGW, intermediate for LGW, and least for NR steers in both experiments. Live BW ADG and gain efficiency during the finishing phase did not differ (P = 0.24) among treatments, but DMI (% of mean BW) for NR and LGW was greater (P < 0.003) than for HGW steers. Final empty-body composition did not differ (P = 0.25) among treatments in Exp. 1. In Exp. 2, final carcass and empty-body fat proportion (g/kg) was greater (P < 0.03) for LGW and NR than for HGW steers. Accretion of carcass fat-free organic matter was greater (P < 0.004) for LGW than for HGW and NR steers in Exp. 1, but did not differ (P = 0.22) among treatments in Exp. 2. Fat accretion in carcass, offal, and empty body did not differ (P = 0.19) among treatments in Exp. 1, but was greater (P < 0.05) for LGW and NR than for HGW steers in Exp. 2. Heat production by NR steers during finishing was greater (P < 0.02) than by HGW steers in Exp. 1 and 2. Differences in ADG during winter grazing and initial body fat content did not affect rate of live BW gain or gain efficiency during finishing. Feeding steers to a common backfat thickness end point mitigated initial differences in carcass and empty-body fat content. However, maintenance energy requirements during finishing were increased for nutritionally restricted steers that were wintered on dormant native range.  相似文献   

The dopamine antagonist metoclopramide (MC) was administered to steers grazing on endophyte-infected fescue. Yearling Angus steers (n = 24) were assigned randomly to pasture treatments including high (74%) and low (33%) endophyte levels and low (134 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) and high (335 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) N fertilization rates. One steer of the pair in each paddock (n = 12) received MC, whereas the other received sucrose (S) (15 mg/kg body weight, orally, three times a week for 10 wk). Blood for basal and maximal TRH-stimulated serum prolactin (PRL) concentrations was obtained before animals grazed fescue, after grazing for 1 mo, and after 3, 6 and 9 wk of animal treatment. Grazing endophyte-infected fescue decreased (P less than .05) basal serum PRL concentrations (less than 1.0 vs 5.3 ng/ml, high vs low endophyte). Basal serum PRL increased after 3, 6 and 9 wk of MC treatment (58.1 vs 5.4, 46.0 vs 12.0 and 50.8 vs 16.9 ng/ml, MC vs sucrose, respectively). After 6 wk of animal treatments, MC increased (P less than .05) serum cholesterol (84.7 vs 60.8 mg/dl, MC vs S). Animals treated with MC spent more (P less than .05) time between 1200 and 1600 grazing (22.4% vs 6.2%, MC vs S respectively) and had faster ADG (.314 vs .150 kg/d, MC vs S). The results implicate dopaminergic processes in fescue toxicosis.  相似文献   

Eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides [L.] L.) has attracted attention as a forage crop, but information on its use is lacking. This 2-yr study compared diet quality, ingestive mastication, and ADG by steers grazing eastern gamagrass (GG), flaccidgrass (Pennisetum flaccidum Griseb.), and Tifton 44 bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.). The design was a randomized complete block with two agronomic replicates. The diet selected by steers from GG in May did not differ from the diet selected by steers from flaccidgrass (FG) for IVDMD (77.3%), NDF (44.0%), CP (19.5%), and mean and median particle sizes of the ingesta (1.8 and 1.4 mm). In July, GG diets had three percentage units less IVDMD (P less than .05), 8.4 percentage units more NDF (P less than .05), and 4.5 percentage units less CP (P = .07) than the mean of FG and bermudagrass (BG). The canopy (July) of GG had the greatest proportion of its DM as leaf (59 vs 26% for FG and 22% for BG) and the least proportion as stem (25 vs 40% for FG and 59% for BG). Mean particle size (millimeters) of masticates differed (P = .05) among forages with GG greatest (2.2), followed by FG (1.6), and BG particles were smallest (1.2). Proportion of large (greater than or equal to 2.8 mm), medium (less than 2.8 greater than or equal to .5 mm), and small (less than .5 mm) particles of the masticate DM, and their IVDMD and NDF concentration, interacted with species (P less than .05). Gamagrass masticate had the greatest proportion (28%) of large particles and BG the greatest proportion (23%) of small particles. The least IVDMD occurred for large particles of BG (62.5%) and small particles of GG (63.8%). Digesta kinetics did not differ among species. Characteristics of GG yielded steer ADG of .82 vs .67 kg for FG and .30 kg for BG (P = .05).  相似文献   

Grazing experiments may use steers or cow-calf pairs for measuring animal performance on pasture treatments, but the validity of extrapolation between these classes of cattle has not been verified. A grazing study was conducted in the spring and summer of both 1988 and 1989 to determine stocking equivalents and stocking rate-weight gain relationships for steers and cow-calf pairs grazing Coastal bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] pers.) oversown with rye (Secale cereale L.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Average daily gain and stocking rate (SR; 3.2, 4.2, 6.2, and 7.4 animals per hectare for steers and 1.7, 2.5, 3.7, and 4.9 pairs per hectare for cow-calf pairs) were both adjusted so that comparisons could be made on an equal BW basis. Disk meter height readings were used as measurements of forage accessibility. Disk meter height responses to SR did not differ (P greater than .10) between steer and cow-calf paddocks. There was a linear (P less than .001) decrease in ADG as SR increased, but this decline was steeper (P less than .001) for steers than for cows or suckling calves. Steers tended to be more productive than calves at low SR but less productive at high SR. Disk meter heights for the range of SR used in the study did not differ (P greater than .10) for steers and cow-calf pairs at equivalent BW per hectare. Our study suggests that live BW is a reasonable basis for determining forage requirements of steers and cow-calf pairs under grazing conditions, but extrapolation of production between classes of livestock will not be reliable.  相似文献   

Grazing trials were conducted for 2 yr using weanling Brahman crossbred beef steers to evaluate graded levels of salinomycin (0, 50, 100 or 150 mg. head-1.d-1) for 161 d and to evaluate salinomycin in a free-choice mineral supplement (99 d). The 40 and 48 steers in trials 1 and 2 had average initial weights of 198 and 285 kg, respectively. In trial 1, steers were group-fed to consume either 0, 50, 100 or 150 mg of salinomycin.head-1.d-1 in .9 kg ground corn while grazing bermudagrass pastures. Both linear (P less than .01) and quadratic (P less than .05) effects were observed for steer performance as salinomycin level increased from 0 to 150 mg.head-1.d-1. Linear increases (P less than .01) in ruminal NH3-N (mg/100 ml) and in the molar proportion of propionate and decreases (P less than .01) in butyrate and acetate/propionate were detected. In trial 2, mineral supplements with and without salinomycin were fed free-choice to steers on bermudagrass pasture. The mean salinomycin intake of 38 mg.head-1.d-1 was lower than anticipated as a result of the instability of salinomycin in the mineral supplement and the slightly lower intake (65 g/d) than anticipated (75 g/d). Performance of steers was not influenced by salinomycin supplementation in trial 2. The ionophore salinomycin at intakes over 50 mg.head-1.d-1 appears to increase the performance of steers grazing bermudagrass pasture.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding low quality roughages (LQR) on live and carcass weight gains and the incidence and severity of bloat of stocker cattle grazed on wheat pasture was evaluated in a 3 yr study. One hundred eighty-five steer calves (172 kg mean initial weight) grazed clean-tilled wheat pasture and were either fed no LQR or had ad libitum access to wheat straw (WS) or sorghum-Sudan hay (SS). Grazing periods were (I) fall grazing, (II) winter grazing, (III) period of lush spring growth of wheat forage and (IV) period of advancing forage maturity and declining quality. Mean dry matter (DM), crude protein and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content (percentage of DM) of wheat forage averaged across years ranged, respectively, from 23.8 to 33.0, 19.8 to 26.4 and 21.5 to 27.7. Mean daily consumption (kg DM/head) of WS and SS by steers ranged from .076 to .100 and .199 to .248, respectively. Live and carcass weight gains of steers during Periods I through III (i.e., the usual wheat pasture grazing period) were not influenced (P greater than .05) by treatments. Carcass weight gains were about 74% of live weight gains. Bloat was observed only during the last 2 wk of Period III of the first year. The incidence (steer days of bloat) and severity (bloat score) of control, WS- and SS-fed steers were 9.5 and 1.2, .5 and .5 and 2.0 and 1.0, and were not different (P greater than .05) among treatments. Intake of WS and SS [g/body weight (BW).75kg] during Periods I to III was, respectively, only about 5 and 12% of roughage intakes (i.e., 37.5 g/BW.75kg) reported in the literature to "effectively control" or aid the prevention of bloat. It seems unlikely that LQR consumed to amounts similar to those of this study would control bloat of stocker cattle on wheat pasture.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that horses chew food more intensively during ingestion than cattle, which ‐ as ruminants ‐ complete part of the mastication during rumination. This has been proposed as a reason for more robust mandibles, larger masseter insertion areas and larger masseter muscles in horses as compared to cattle and other grazing ruminants. In this study, we evaluate results of comparative feeding trials with three horses (338–629 kg) and three cows (404–786 kg), on four different roughages. Ingestion time (s/g dry matter) and chewing intensity (chews/g dry matter) differed among animals within a species, indicating an influence of body mass, and differed significantly between different forages. However, although numerical differences clearly suggest that horses have longer ingestion times and higher chewing intensities on high‐fibre roughage than do cattle, this could not be proven in this dataset, most likely because of the small number of individuals sampled. Further studies are required to corroborate the suspected ingestive behaviour difference between equids and ruminants.  相似文献   

One experiment was conducted during 1989 to determine whether a deficiency exists for either ruminally degradable or escape protein in steers grazing summer native range. Increasing levels of ruminally degradable (.15, .27, and .37 kg/d) and escape protein (.07, .14, and .21 kg/d) replaced a cornstarch and molasses (energy control) supplement. Supplements were isoenergetic and fed individually to steers (.88 kg/d). No response to the degradable protein supplement (P = .15) was observed; however, a linear gain response (P less than .01) was observed in steers fed escape protein in addition to ruminally degradable protein. An in vitro study indicated that more (P less than .01) microbial protein was synthesized from the energy supplement than from the degradable protein; this finding presumably relates to the numerical decrease in weight gains observed for steers fed degradable protein supplements. Analyses of esophageal extrusa samples indicated that CP was relatively constant for the 1989 growing season compared with the 1988 growing season (P less than .05). Escape protein values differed (P less than .01) between years and among months within year. Forages that were apparently grazed in 1989 were never deficient in degradable protein. Additional gain observed from feeding escape protein would indicate that microbial protein synthesis may be insufficient to satisfy the metabolizable protein requirement, which probably limited gains by steers grazing summer native range.  相似文献   

To compare the performance of steer calves managed under different stocking rates (SR; 3.7, 6.2, 8.6, and 11.1 steers/ha for 140 d; chi(I1)) and N fertilization rates (112, 224, and 336 kg of N/ha; chi(I2)) in May 1996, 1997, and 1998, 72 steer calves (BW = 231 +/- 2.5 kg) were assigned randomly to one of 12 0.81-ha dallisgrass (51%)/common bermudagrass (32%) pastures. One-third of the fertilizer was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate in May, June, and August to achieve the prescribed totals. Treatments were separated using a polynomial regression equation: gammai = beta0 + beta1chi(I1) + beta2chi(I2) + beta(11)chi2(I1) + beta(12)chi2(I2) + beta(12)chi(i1)chi(i2) + epsilonI, with years as replicates. Within the range of the data, ADG and BW gain per steer were greatest at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha and 336 kg/ha of N. Body weight gain per hectare peaked at 701 kg when cattle were stocked at 8.9 steers/ha and the pasture was fertilized with 336 kg/ha of N. The least cost of production was at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha, with 112 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied, and the greatest cost of production was at a stocking rate of 11.1 steers/ha with 336 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied. Fertilization at 336 kg/ha of N produced the most profitable stocking rate at 7.3 steers/ha and returned 355.64 dollars. The optimal stocking rate for net return was 79, 81, and 82% of that for maximum BW gain per hectare for 112, 224, and 336 kg/ha of N, respectively. Under the assumptions made in the financial analysis, these data show that the economically optimal carrying capacity of similar pastures can be increased with N fertilizer up to at least 336 kg/ha annually.  相似文献   

Eighteen Angus steers (438 +/- 4 kg of BW) were supplemented with varying levels of corn oil (0 g/kg of BW, none; 0.75 g/kg of BW, MED; or 1.5 g/kg of BW, HI) on rotationally stocked, endophyte-free tall fescue to determine the effect of supplemental oil level on in vivo digestibility, intake, performance, and carcass traits. Pelleted cottonseed hulls were used as a carrier for the oil supplements, and all supplements were offered to steers using Calan gate feeders for individual intake determination. On d 49, each steer was dosed with a controlled-release capsule containing chromium sesquioxide, and fecal samples were obtained 12 d later over a 7-d period to estimate fecal output that, with forage, supplement, and fecal indigestible NDF concentration, was used to estimate DMI and in vivo total diet digestibility. Steers were slaughtered at the end of the 116-d grazing period, and carcass data were collected at 24 h postmortem. Total fatty acid intake linearly increased with corn oil supplementation, and forage DMI, total DMI, and total DE intake were linearly decreased (P < 0.01). The decrease in total DMI was reflected in forage substitution rates greater (P < or = 0.01) than 1, with a trend (P = 0.09) for a greater substitution rate in HI than in MED. In vivo DM, OM, and NDF digestibility were linearly decreased (P < 0.01) by corn oil supplementation. Average daily gain and final BW tended (P = 0.09) to increase linearly in response to oil level. Oil conversion (0.36 kg of BW gain/kg of corn oil) was greater (P < or = 0.05) than zero and did not differ (P = 0.15) between MED and HI. Dressing percent (P = 0.09), carcass weight (P = 0.01), and carcass backfat thickness (P = 0.01) increased linearly with oil supplementation. No treatment effect was observed for carcass LM area, KPH percentage, marbling score, or yield grade (P > 0.10). Oil supplementation to grazing steers linearly reduced forage DMI intake; however, animal performance was maintained and tended to be greater for oil-supplemented cattle. Oil supplementation increased carcass fat thickness and weight without altering other carcass quality parameters.  相似文献   


Eight grazing systems were compared on irrigated Cynodon aethiopicus pastures which received 650 kg N, 36 kg P and 200 kg dolomitic limestone/ha, annually. There were either one, two, three, six or 18 paddocks in the systems, the single paddock system being continuously grazed. The others were rotational systems with various periods of grazing and of resting.

Using the comparative slaughter technique carcass mass gains of crossbred Hereford/Afrikaner steers were calculated. Three‐year mean carcass mass gains over stocking rates from 12 to 18 steers/ha ranged from 872 to 997 kg/ha. None of the rotational systems were better than continuous grazing.

Estimates of amounts of herbage available for grazing in each system showed that there was least in the continuous grazed and most in the multi‐paddock systems where there were long periods of rest between successive grazing.  相似文献   

Effect of level and method of escape protein (EP) supplementation on weekly steer performance and their diet composition were evaluated in two corn residue grazing trials. In Trial 1, 60 steers (average weight 239 kg) received .8 kg.animal-1.d-1 of a 50% CP supplement to provide one of six levels of EP (60, 88, 116, 144, 172, or 200 g.animal-1.d-1). Steers grazed (2.2 animals/ha) nonirrigated fields (NIF) for 63 d. In Trial 2, 59 steers (average weight 219 kg) grazed either NIF (1.97 animals/ha) or irrigated fields (IF, 3.96 animals/ha) and were supplemented with 60, 95, 130, 165, or 200 g of EP.animal-1.d-1. In a 2 X 5 X 2 factorial arrangement, treatments were IF vs NIF, level of protein, and two supplementation methods: 1) feeding the lowest level of EP (60 g) for 21 d then for the remaining 42 d feeding one of the five EP levels or 2) feeding each EP level continuously. Weekly diet composition was evaluated using four esophageally fistulated steers. In Trial 1, no EP effect (P greater than .05) was found up to 20 d, but EP affected (P less than .05) ADG from d 20 to 34, resulting in 3.35 g of ADG/g of EP. In Trial 2, steers grazing NIF had higher (P less than .01) ADG than those grazing IF (644 vs 414 g/animal). Steer daily gains were increased (P less than .05) by level of EP but were not affected (P greater than .05) by the method of supplementation, indicating that EP supplementation was not needed during the first 21 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Over three consecutive years, 180 (60/yr) fall-born steer calves were weaned in May (average initial BW = 238 kg, SD = 36.2 kg) and allocated to one of three groups: 1) calf-fed steers that entered the feedlot at weaning; 2) short yearlings that grazed irrigated pasture for another 4 mo and entered the feedlot in September; and 3) long yearlings that grazed with short yearlings during the summer, remained on annual California foothills range through the fall, winter, and spring, and entered the feedlot the following May. All steers were fed until the average group backfat (BF), determined by ultrasound, reached 11 to 12 mm. On pasture, short- and long-yearling steers gained weight in the summer; long yearlings then slightly lost weight in the fall and winter, and then gained weight again the following spring. Average days in the feedlot were 188, 158, and 94 (P < 0.10) for calves, short yearlings, and long yearlings, respectively. Feedlot DMI increased with age (and weight) at feedlot entry, with no difference among groups in gain:feed ratio. The gain of BF was nil on pasture, even when animals were gaining weight, and then increased rapidly when animals were placed on a high-energy diet. Final body weights were heaviest (P < 0.10) in long yearlings, followed by short yearlings and then calves, indicating that a prolonged growing period increases the apparent mature size of the animal. Moreover, total carcass fat contents and percentage of Choice or above were all lower (P < 0.10) in cattle that were older at feedlot entry (i.e., long yearlings) compared with the other groups. In conclusion, increasing the backgrounding period decreased time and total concentrate requirements in the feedlot of Angus-Hereford steers. Older cattle reached 10 mm of BF at heavier weights. Grazing animals gained weight without increasing BF; however, BF increased rapidly in the feedlot. Prolonged grazing may decrease quality grade, either by impairing the ability of the animal to deposit intramuscular fat or by decreasing the time during which dietary energy supply is adequate for intramuscular fat deposition to occur.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to assess the mineral status of 60 Angus yearling beef steers grazing bahiagrass pastures fertilized with large amounts of biosolids from three sources: Baltimore, MD; Tampa, FL; and Largo, FL. Biosolids were classified as exceptional quality and thus had no regulatory restrictions on loading rate. They differed primarily in concentration of Mo (12 to 56 mg/kg of DM). Residual treatments (biosolids applied only the previous year) for Baltimore biosolids were applied at 22.4 and 44.8 t/ha, and Tampa biosolids were either 16.8 or 33.6 t/ ha. The reapplied treatments (applied in consecutive years) for both Baltimore and Tampa sludges were applied at 22.4, 44.8, 16.8 , and 33.6 t/ha, respectively. The two Largo biosolids treatments were either 56 or 112 t/ha and were applied only in the 2nd yr. Liver biopsies and blood samples were collected on d 1, 95, and 180. Liver and plasma were analyzed for minerals and blood was analyzed for hemoglobin, hematocrit, and superoxide dismutase of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Experimental animals were generally adequate in macromineral status and Co, Fe, and Mn throughout the experiment. Copper deficiency was evident based on the clinical signs of hair coat discoloration, very low plasma Cu at d 95, and the continuous decline in liver Cu over 180 d. A sharp decline in plasma Cu was observed for all treatments from d 1 to 95, after which Cu concentrations rebounded to normal concentrations (> 0.65 microg/mL) by d 180. Liver Mo was well below concentrations indicating toxicity (> 5.0 mg/kg). The steep decline in liver Cu over the first 95 d reflects the dietary Cu deficiency and the possibility of high forage S (0.26 to 0.52%) interfering with Cu metabolism. Biosolids application to bahiagrass pastures was not detrimental to mineral status except for declining Cu stores; however, the controls likewise declined, but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

Eighteen steers were used to evaluate the effect of supplemental corn oil level to steers grazing endophyte-free tall fescue on fatty acid composition of LM, stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD) activity and expression as well as cellularity in s.c. adipose. Corn oil was supplemented (g/kg of BW) at 0 (none), 0.75 (medium), and 1.5 (high). Cottonseed hulls were used as a carrier for the corn oil and were supplemented according to pasture availability (0.7 to 1% of BW). Steers were finished on a rotationally grazed, tall fescue pasture for 116 d. Fatty acid composition of LM, s.c. adipose, and diet was determined by GLC. Total linoleic acid intake increased linearly (P < 0.01) with corn oil supplementation (90.7, 265.1, and 406.7 g in none, medium, and high, respectively). Oil supplementation linearly reduced (P < 0.05) myristic, palmitic, and linolenic acid percentage in LM and s.c. adipose. Vaccenic acid (C18:1 t11; VA) percentage was 46 and 32% greater (linear, P = 0.02; quadratic, P = 0.01) for medium and high, respectively, than none, regardless of tissue. Effect of oil supplementation on CLA cis-9, trans-11 was affected by type of adipose tissue (P < 0.01). In the LM, CLA cis-9, trans-11 isomer was 25% greater for medium than for none and intermediate for high, whereas CLA cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomer was 48 and 33% greater in s.c. adipose tissue for medium and high than for none, respectively. Corn oil linearly increased (P 0.05) the percentage of total SFA, MUFA, or PUFA but linearly increased (P = 0.03) n-6:n-3 ratio from 2.4 to 2.9 in none and high, respectively. Among tissues, total SFA and MUFA were greater in s.c. adipose than LM, whereas total PUFA, n-6, and n-3 fatty acids and the n-6:n-3 ratio were lower. Trans-10 octadecenoic acid, VA, and CLA trans-10, cis-12 were greater (P < 0.01) in s.c. adipose than in LM. Oil supplementation did not alter (P > 0.05) stearoyl CoA desaturase activity or mRNA expression. Corn oil supplementation to grazing steers reduced the percentages of highly atherogenic fatty acids (myristic and palmitic acids) and increased the percentages of antiatherogenic and anticarcinogenic fatty acids (VA and cis-9, trans-11 CLA).  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Angus (289 +/- 3.8 kg) steers were used in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effect of isocaloric supplementation of 2 different energy sources to steers rotationally grazing tall fescue pastures for 197 d in comparison to positive and negative controls. Steers were supplemented with either corn grain (0.52% BW on a DM basis; PC) or soybean hulls plus corn oil (0.45% BW on a DM basis + 0.10% BW on an as-fed basis; PO) using Calan gates for individual intake measurement. Negative, pasture only (PA), and positive, high-concentrate control diets (85% concentrate:15% roughage on DM basis; C) were also included in the study. Steers on PC, PO, and PA treatments were managed together under a rotational grazing system, whereas C steers were fed a high-concentrate diet for the final 113 d using Calan gates. Forage DMI and apparent DM and NDF digestibility for the grazing treatments were evaluated using Cr(2)O(5) and indigestible NDF as digesta markers. Energy supplementation decreased (P = 0.02) forage DMI (% of BW) with respect to PA, but not (P = 0.58) total DMI. There were no differences (P = 0.53) among grazing treatments on apparent total DM digestibility. However, NDF digestibility was less (P < or = 0.05) in PC than in PO and PA; the latter 2 treatments did not differ (P > 0.05). Overall ADG was greater (P < 0.01) in supplemented, regardless of type, than in nonsupplemented grazing treatments. During the final 113 d, ADG was greater (P < 0.01) in C than in the grazing treatments. Overall supplement conversion did not differ (P = 0.73) between supplement types and was less (P = 0.006) than C. Carcass traits did not differ (P > 0.05) between energy sources. Dressing percentage and HCW were greater (P < 0.01) in supplemented cattle than in PA. Fat thickness and KPH percentage for PA were less (P < 0.05) than for PO but did not differ (P > 0.14) from PC. Marbling score, LM area, and quality grade did not differ (P > 0.05) between grazing treatments. Hot carcass weight for C was heavier (P < 0.001) than for pastured cattle. Quality and yield grades of C carcasses were also greater (P < 0.001) than carcasses from pastured steers. Energy supplementation, regardless of source, to grazing steers increased ADG, dressing percentage, and carcass weight compared with PA steers; however, supplemented steers had less ADG, efficiency, dressing percentage, and carcass weight compared with high-concentrate finished steers.  相似文献   

A grazing trial was conducted with six half-sib yearling Angus steers (average initial weight 281 kg) to quantitate nutrient composition and voluntary intake of vegetative regrowth forage in low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams) Kentucky-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pasture. A new .6-ha section in each of two 3.0-ha pastures (three steers/pasture) was clipped to a 5-cm height on five consecutive days to establish a series of plots that could be grazed continuously during 5-d test periods at uniform stages of vegetative regrowth; each period represented a specific regrowth stage (7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 d). Steers were conditioned by training them to graze to satiety while tethered with an adjustable-length rope to a 1-m galvanized steel post. Grazing time was limited to two sessions daily beginning at 0800 and 1400, and satiety was achieved after no more than 2.5 h of continuous grazing in each session. Forage DM availability was controlled by adjusting tether length and was set each day at 4% of steer BW. Fecal DM output was measured by chromic oxide dilution. A quadratic (P less than .05) effect of regrowth stage was observed for forage contents of NDF and ADF due to abrupt increases in both fractions at wk 5; values for ADL were unaffected by stage of forage regrowth. Forage contents of CP and ash showed a cubic (P less than .05) response to advancing stage of regrowth, with highest (23.6 and 11.0%, respectively) and lowest (14.7 and 9.1%, respectively) values for both fractions occurring at wk 1 and 5, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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