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新疆北疆马铃薯甲虫成虫对新烟碱类杀虫剂的敏感性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用点滴法于2009和2010年监测了新疆维吾尔自治区北疆马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata 9个田间种群成虫对新烟碱类杀虫剂吡虫啉、啶虫脒、噻虫嗪和噻虫啉的敏感性变化,发现其对吡虫啉和噻虫嗪的敏感性逐年降低。2009年监测的6个种群中有3个对啶虫脒和噻虫嗪低抗(抗性倍数5.0~10.0);2010年监测的6个种群全部对噻虫嗪产生了抗性,其中中抗(抗性倍数10.1~40.0)和低抗种群各3个。噻虫嗪与高效氯氟氰菊酯可能存在交互抗性。  相似文献   

The BERTS strain of Colorado potato beetle (CPB) was found to be highly resistant to N-methyl carbofuran but relatively susceptible to azinphosmethyl. N-Methyl carbofuran resistance was found to correlate well with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) insensitivity. In becoming resistant to N-methyl carbofuran, the AChE of the BERTS strain became more sensitive to N-propyl carbofuran inhibition. This negative cross-insensitivity correlated well to the increased relative toxicity of the BERTS strain to N-propyl carbofuran compared to the susceptible SS strain. BERTS beetles were sorted into BERTS-R and BERTS-S substrains using their AChE activity profiles. Sequence comparisons of AChE cDNAs from the two substrains revealed the presence of the point mutation that results in the S291G substitution previously found in the AChE of the azinphosmethyl-resistant AZ-R strain of CPB. A novel mutation present only in BERTS-S CPB, however, resulted in an additional I392T substitution in the AChE and apparently reverses the resistance conferring properties of the S291G substitution.  相似文献   

Interspecific comparisons of bioassay and biochemical data suggest two major patterns of target site resistance to carbamates and organophosphates. Pattern I resistance, which is generally more effective for carbamates, has been shown in two sub-species of mosquitoes to be due to a particular Gly-Ser mutation in the oxyanion hole within the active site of one of their two acetylcholinesterase enzymes. Intriguingly, different substitutions at the equivalent site confer organophosphate hydrolytic ability on other esterases responsible for metabolic resistance in some other species. In the case of the aphid, Myzus persicae, Pattern I resistance is due to a Ser-Phe mutation in the vicinity of the acyl pocket of acetylcholinesterase. Pattern II resistance is at least as effective for organophosphates as it is for carbamates and may even be specific to organophosphates in some cases. Molecular studies on this pattern of resistance in three higher Diptera show that it is due to changes that constrict the acetylcholinesterase active site gorge and limit binding of the insecticide to the catalytic residues at the base of the gorge. One case of Pattern II resistance in the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, involves the same site near the acyl pocket of acetylcholinesterase, albeit a different substitution, as that involved in Pattern I resistance in M. persicae.  相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae Koch is the most serious mite pest to various orchard trees and garden plants. Biochemical and molecular analyses were conducted to elucidate resistance mechanisms in a fenpropathrin-resistant mite strain (FenR). No significant differences were found in the activities of carboxylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase between the susceptible (UD and PyriF) and FenR strains. Cytochrome P450 activity was highest in PyriF, followed by FenR and UD. Analysis of detoxification enzyme assays, therefore, suggested that metabolic detoxification plays little role, if any, in fenpropathrin resistance. However, the FenR strain showed approximately 104- and 33.3-fold slower knockdown responses than UD and PyriF strains, respectively, suggestive of sodium channel insensitivity as a major resistance mechanism. We cloned cDNA fragments of the para-homologous sodium channel α-subunit gene (Tuvssc) and determined its full-length nucleotide sequences. The complete open reading frame of Tuvssc was 6627 nucleotides, encoding 2209 amino acids. The amino acid sequences of Tuvssc were 47.5% and 51.2% identical to the fruit fly and varroa mite, respectively. Amino acid sequence comparison between the three strains revealed two mutations (L1022V and A1376D) and one deletion (HisDel1278-1280) found only in FenR mites, among which the L1022V mutation was proposed to play a major role in knockdown resistance to fenpropathrin.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms of resistance to α-cypermethrin in a Q biotype, highly resistant Bemisia tabaci strain (GRMAL-RP) isolated from Crete. Cytochrome P450-dependent monoxygenase activity with the substrate ethoxycoumarin, and carboxylesterase activity with the substrates α-naphthyl-acetate, β-naphthyl-acetate, and para-nitrophenol acetate were substantially elevated in the GRMAL-RP, compared to the susceptible SUD-S strain, while glutathione-S-transferase activity with the substrate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was not different. The metabolic inhibitors piperonyl butoxide and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate synergised cypermethrin toxicity in the GRMAL-RP strain, however, mortality was still lower than that of the susceptible strain, indicating the presence of an additional resistance mechanism. Analysis of the sequence of the IIS4-IIS6 region of the para sodium channel gene of the GRMAL-RP strain revealed two amino acid replacements compared to that of the SUD-S susceptible strain. One is the leucine to isoleucine substitution at position 925 (L925I) previously implicated in B. tabaci pyrethroid resistance and the other is a novel kdr resistant mutation for B. tabaci, a threonine to valine substitution at position 929 (T929V). Genotype analysis showed that the L925I and T929V were present in all GRMAL-RP males tested, at an approximately 1:1 frequency, but never in combination in the same haplotype.  相似文献   

Broad-spectrum insecticides are still widely being used. Chrysoperla carnea has been shown to develop resistance to the insecticides in the field. Knowledge of the evolution and genetics of resistance to insecticides in natural enemies could enable to explain how effectively natural enemies can be implemented in different IPM systems. To examine this, a population of C. carnea from Multan Pakistan was collected and was subjected to deltamethrin selection in the laboratory. Bioassays at generation G1 gave resistance ratios of 47, 86, 137, 76 and 110 for deltamethrin, alphamethrin lambdacyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos respectively compared with susceptible Lab-PK. Bioassays at G4 with a deltamethrin-selected population (Delta-SEL) showed that selection gave resistance ratios of 896 and 30 for deltamethrin compared with the Lab-PK and UNSEL, respectively. Cross-resistance to other insecticides tested was observed in the selected population. A notable feature of the Delta-SEL strain was that resistance to deltamethrin, alphamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos did not decline over the course of four generations. Synergism tests with microsomal oxidase (MO) and esterase-specific inhibitors indicated that the deltamethrin resistance was associated with MO and, possibly, esterase activity. Reciprocal crosses between the Delta-SEL and Lab-PK strains indicated that resistance was autosomal and incompletely dominant. A direct test of monogenic inheritance suggested that resistance to deltamethrin was controlled by more than one locus. The broad spectrum of resistance, cross resistance, incompletely dominant mode of inheritance and stability of resistance to insecticides suggest that Delta-SEL population of C. carnea could be compatible with most spray programs.  相似文献   

为明确看麦娘Alopecurus aequalis抗性种群YL的靶标抗性机制,采用基因克隆法对看麦娘抗性和敏感种群间乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACCase)和乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)基因序列进行扩增、克隆和测序,比对二者ACCase和ALS基因序列的差异,探寻其产生抗药性突变的基因位点,同时测定该突变型抗性种群YL对不同ACCase和ALS抑制剂类除草剂的交互抗性。结果显示,与看麦娘敏感种群TL相比,抗性种群YL的ACCase基因CT区域第2 041位氨基酸由异亮氨酸(ATT)突变为天冬酰胺酸(AAT),ALS基因Domain A区域第197位氨基酸由脯氨酸(CCC)突变为精氨酸(CGC)。看麦娘抗性种群YL对ACCase抑制剂炔草酯产生了高水平抗性,抗性倍数为43.96,对高效氟吡甲禾灵和精喹禾灵产生了中等水平抗性,抗性倍数分别为18.33和15.87,对唑啉草酯、烯草酮和烯禾啶较敏感;对ALS抑制剂氟唑磺隆产生了低水平抗性,抗性倍数为8.39,对啶磺草胺和咪唑乙烟酸较敏感。表明ACCase基因第2 041位和ALS基因第197位氨基酸突变是导致看麦娘抗性种群YL对精噁唑禾草灵和甲基二磺隆同时产生抗性的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

A fenthion-resistant strain of the house fly (Musca domestica L.) was selected with bioresmethrin resulting in ca. 90-fold resistance to the selecting agent. This strain was subsequently selected with (1R)-trans-permethrin producing ca. 140-fold resistance to this latter insecticide. The permethrin-resistant (147-R) strain was highly cross-resistant to several other pyrethroids and demonstrated resistance to knockdown by these insecticides as well as by DDT. The sensitivity of the central nervous system to four pyrethroids was investigated. The 147-R strain was 2.6-fold less sensitive to (1R)-trans-ethanoresmethrin than the susceptible (NAIDM-S) strain, and >43-fold and >67-fold less sensitive to (1R,S)-cis, trans-tetramethrin and (1R)-trans-permethrin, respectively. It also displayed decreased penetration of (1R,S)-trans-[14C]permethrin when compared to the NAIDM-S strain. Lower nerve sensitivity and decreased cuticular penetration are potential mechanisms of resistance to pyrethroids in house flies in the United States.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increasing use of ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides has resulted in evolved resistance in key grass weeds infesting cereal cropping systems worldwide. Here, a thorough and systematic approach is proposed to elucidate the basis of resistance to three ACCase herbicides in a Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Italian rye grass) population from the United Kingdom (UK24). RESULTS: Resistance to sethoxydim and pinoxaden was always associated with a dominant D2078G (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. equivalent) target‐site mutation in UK24. Conversely, whole‐plant herbicide assays on predetermined ACCase genotypes showed very high levels of resistance to diclofop‐methyl for all three wild DD2078 and mutant DG2078 and GG2078 ACCase genotypes from the mixed resistant population UK24. This indicates the presence of other diclofop‐methyl‐specific resistance mechanism(s) yet to be determined in this population. The D2078G mutation could be detected using an unambiguous DNA‐based dCAPS procedure that proved very transferable to A. myosuroides, Avena fatua L., Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. and Phalaris minor Retz. CONCLUSION: This study provides further understanding of the molecular basis of resistance to ACCase inhibitor herbicides in a Lolium population and a widely applicable PCR‐based method for monitoring the D2078G target‐site resistance mutation in five major grass weed species. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of carbofuran resistance in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, were investigated. A carbofuran-resistant strain (CAS) showed approximately 45.5- and 15.1-fold resistance compared with a susceptible strain (SUS) and a non-selected field strain (FM), respectively. Activities of the esterase and mixed-function oxidase were approximately 2.8- and 1.6-fold higher, respectively, in the CAS strain than in the SUS strain, suggesting that these enzymes play a minor role in carbofuran resistance. Interestingly, the insensitivity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) to carbofuran was approximately 5.5- and 3.7-fold higher in the CAS strain compared to the SUS and FM strains, respectively, indicating that AChE insensitivity is associated with carbofuran resistance. Western blot analysis identified two kinds of AChEs, of which the type-1 AChE (encoded from Nlace1, which is paralogous to the Drosophila AChE gene) was determined to be the major catalytic AChE in N. lugens. The open reading frame of Nlace1 is composed of 1989 bp (approximately 74 kD) and revealed 52.5% and 24.3% amino acid sequence identities to those of Nephotettix cincticeps and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively. Screening of point mutations identified four amino acid substitutions (G119A, F/Y330S, F331H and H332L) in the CAS strain that likely contribute to AChE insensitivity. The frequencies of these mutations were well correlated with resistance levels, confirming that they are associated with reduced sensitivity to carbofuran in N. lugens. These point mutations can be useful as genetic markers for monitoring resistance levels in field populations of N. lugens.  相似文献   

The effects of raw or heat-denatured soybean flour in an artificial diet on the detection of Cry1Ac resistance in Helicoverpa armigera were examined. Resistant neonate larvae reared on denatured soybean flour diet showed resistance factors of 7980 and 16,901 at the LC50 and LC99.9 levels, respectively. By comparison, resistance could not be detected in neonate larvae reared on raw flour diet. Third instar larvae reared on denatured flour diet showed resistance factors of 322 and 21,190 at the LC50 and LC99.9 levels. Resistance was not detected in third instar larvae reared on raw flour diet. There was 68% survival of resistant neonate larvae on Bollgard II cotton leaf feeding assays, compared to 100% mortality in a susceptible strain. We conclude that detection of CRY1Ac resistance in H. armigera from Australia can be masked, if an artificial diet gives chronic exposure to potent, protease inhibitors present in raw soy flour.  相似文献   

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