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导致南美白对虾淡化养殖生产失败的因素众多 ,且错综复杂 ,究其根源 ,在虾苗淡化饲养 (指中间培育即海虾淡养 )阶段的饲养管理和操作不当是一个不可低估的因素。为此 ,笔者将今年本人在海南省文昌市抱罗养殖场进行数批南美白对虾苗淡化饲养的有关操作技术经验作一介绍 ,以供参考。1 虾苗淡化饲养为方便日常饲养管理和操作起见 ,虾苗淡化饲养整个过程应在培育室内进行 (培育室规范或简陋均可 ) ,饲养池为规格 4× 4m、池深 1 2m的水泥池。1 1 进苗前的准备工作(1)挑选虾苗、测定水质、病毒检测这是保证虾苗淡化饲养获取成功的一个至关重… 相似文献
良好的水质条件是南美白对虾淡水工厂化养殖成功的关键。本文是在我站萧山基地工厂化养殖白对虾项目的基础上,总结出来的有关水质管理方面的经验和教训,与大家一起探讨。一、南美白对虾生长的水质条件南美白对虾能在6~40℃水域中存活,较适生长水温为22~35℃,在27~31℃时生长最快,当水温低于18℃时其摄食活动受到影响。南美白对虾能在盐度为0.5‰~40‰的水域中生长,经过简单驯化之后可以在淡水水域中养殖,但是底泥中必须含有少许的盐分;一般生长的最适盐度最好维持在26‰~28‰。对水质的要求为:pH值7… 相似文献
南美白对虾在海水养殖条件下病害较多,养殖过程中使用药物品种多、剂量大,导致药物残存量较高。而在淡水条件下养殖该品种,能使引起南美白对虾的红体病、白斑病的病毒及引起其它疾病的细菌几乎不能存活,因而淡水养殖南美白对虾,生长快、个体大、病害少。最近几年,我省普遍养殖南美白对虾,亩产量徘徊在100-150kg左右,经济效益较低。笔者在海南多年从事各种对虾的人工工厂化育苗以及南美白对虾、斑节对虾虾苗的淡化和高位池塘精养对虾工作,并对我省淡水养殖南美白对虾进行了三年调查研究,认为造成低产低效的最主要原因是虾苗淡化方法简单粗糙,淡化成活率极低,甚至入池后1个月内存活率不足10%。 相似文献
2003年巩义市水产技术推广站为调整养殖殖结构,在巩义市黄河渔业公司推广南美白对虾淡化养殖技术,推广面积60亩,投放虾苗610万尾。自4月20日投放至8月18日捕捞,共生产商品虾9000公斤,平均规格12厘米,达到了盐碱水域养殖南美白对虾的目的。 相似文献
尽管导致南美白对虾淡化养殖生产失败的因素众多,且错综复杂,但是追踪分析其源,在虾苗淡化标粗(指中间培育)这一环节上的饲养管理和操作不当是其中一个不可低估的关键因素。鉴此,笔者现将南美白对虾苗淡化标粗的有关操作技术规程整理归纳后向广大业内人士作一介绍,以供参考。1 培育室 为方便日常饲养管理和操作起见,虾苗淡化标粗整个过程应在培育室内进行(培育室规范或简陋均可),标粗池为规格4米×3米,深1.2米的水泥池。2 进苗前的准备工作2.1 挑选虾苗、测定水质、病毒检测 这是保证虾苗淡化标粗获取成功的一个先决… 相似文献
南美白对虾淡化标粗技术要点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在江、浙、沪地区,大部分的养殖户都是利用半咸水或低盐度的淡水进行南美白对虾的养殖,仔虾培育池的盐度(27‰~32‰)与养殖池的盐度(2‰~15‰)差异很大。因此,从南方育苗场购进的虾苗必须进行淡化标粗,其操作的正确与成功对养殖的最终效益有着不可低估的影响。现将南美白对虾苗淡化标粗的关键操作技术要点总结如下。 相似文献
南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)曾译名为凡纳对虾、万氏对虾,原产厄瓜多尔沿岸,由于其步足呈白垩色,又称白脚对虾,属广盐广温性热带虾类,是海虾淡养的优良品种。由于该虾具有肉质好、生长快、抗病力强、出肉率高、食性广、耐运输等优点,深受养殖者和消费者欢迎,是世界上仅次于斑节对虾的第2大养殖虾种。 所谓淡化养殖就是利用该虾具有广盐性的生物学特点,在内陆淡水水域,为其创造较低含盐量的生存环境,经淡化驯养,使之正常生长发育,并获得一定产量和经济效益。 南美白对虾常栖息于泥质池底.夜间活动频繁,喜… 相似文献
南美白对虾育苗及淡化试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
南美白对虾为世界养殖产量最高的3大优良虾种之一,具有繁殖季节长、营养要求低,适应性强等特点。为开发南美白对虾的淡水池塘养殖,进行了南美白对虾的育苗及虾苗淡化试验。本试验在12.6m^3水体中投放120万尾 南美白对虾无节幼体(N3)培育至仔虾P5,经逐步淡化至P13,获淡化虾苗39.39万尾。单位水体产量3.13万尾/m^3,最高产量为4.28 万尾/m^3,由N3至淡化虾苗P13成活率为32.8%,经14小时运输,成活率为98.5%. 相似文献
<正>江苏地处长江下游,滨江临海,发展南美白对虾养殖资源丰富,条件优越。目前江苏的南美白对虾养殖已成为产值超百亿元的大产业,在合理利用渔业资源、优化养殖结构、引导渔民致富上发挥了 相似文献
内陆地区南美白对虾苗种淡化试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在内陆地区利用工厂化设施、臭氧水处理系统进行南美白对虾苗种淡化。淡化周期为12~15d,苗种成活率为65%~85%,单位水体出苗量5.0×104~7.0×104尾/m3。每个育苗季节可淡化虾苗4.0×107~5.0×107尾,卤水使用量仅为30 m3,并且无药物投放。 相似文献
Fabiola G Arcos Elena Palacios Ana M Ibarra & Ilie S Racotta 《Aquaculture Research》2005,36(9):890-897
In this study, we determined the influence of the time broodstock spend in reproduction, and the effect of consecutive spawnings (spawning order) on larval quality of Litopenaeus vannamei. Spawns were sampled at days 1–4, 18–20 and 38–40 after unilateral eyestalk ablation and ordered according to the number of spawns or spawning order (1–11) of each female. Larvae were reared individually to 2‐day‐old postlarvae (PL2); spawn and larval quality was determined in terms of fecundity, fertilization, hatching, morphometric traits, ammonium stress resistance applied at zoea, salinity stress resistance applied at postlarval stages, and survival during culture. Fecundity was not affected by consecutive spawns, whereas it increased with time spent in production. Nauplii length and survival to zoea and mysis stages decreased with time spent in production, whereas no consistent influence of consecutive spawning was observed. Survival to PL2, and to the ammonia and salinity stress tests did not decrease with increasing time in production or spawning order. This study separated the specific influence of time spent in production (which negatively affects larval quality) and consecutive spawns (which had no effect or had an inconsistent effect), and reinforced previous suggestions that selection of females with multiple spawn capacity would be desirable for production purposes. 相似文献
准确估计育种目标性状的遗传参数,评估其改良潜力,是制定育种方案、进行选择育种工作的重要前提条件。本研究对100个凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)家系15000尾仔虾个体进行淡化和低盐养殖实验,分析了2个阶段家系间存活率的差异,并进一步估计存活性状的遗传力。结果显示,2个阶段存活率范围分别为19.3%~100.00%和11.86%~99.22%,平均存活率分别为66.7%和67.5%。家系幼虾期总体存活率为6.67%~90.67%,平均存活率为46.91%。统计分析显示,2个阶段家系间存活率差异极显著(P0.01),存活率的相关系数为0.61(P0.01),呈中度正相关(0.3r0.8)。利用加性效应(A)和加性+共同环境效应(A+C)模型分别估计了淡化、低盐度养殖以及合并2个阶段存活性状转换后的遗传力。基于A模型,淡化阶段、养殖阶段和合并2个阶段存活性状转换后的遗传力分别为0.46、0.41和0.53,与0相比,估计值均达到极显著水平(z2.58);基于A+C模型,3个阶段遗传力转换后估计值分别为0.06、0.05和0.07,与0相比,估计值均未达到显著水平(z1.96)。基于A模型和A+C模型,获得的2个阶段间家系存活性状育种值的相关系数分别为0.41±0.09和0.48±0.09。由于半同胞家系比例仅为47%,家系单独在网箱中测试,家系遗传效应与共同环境效应部分混淆,因此,基于A模型获得的遗传力估计值偏高,基于A+C模型获得的遗传力估计值偏低。本研究结果表明,通过多代选择育种,可以改良凡纳滨对虾幼虾淡化和低盐度养殖存活性能。 相似文献
Carlos Enrique Medina-Reyna Josk Angel Ronson-Paulin Francisca Hernandez-Rojas Ivonne Santiago-Morales Ruth Pedroza-Islas Eduardo Jaime Vernon-Carter 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2005,36(3):401-410
Abstract— In this work a larval shrimp diet was spray-dried using a ratio of 75% whey protein concentrate and 25% mesquite gum as wall material, where the sole protein contribution to the diet was the whey protein concentrate. The microencapsulated diet exhibited the following physical properties: mean volumetric particle size of 49.3 om, characteristic floatability time 225.3 min, and density of 606 g/L. Its outer morphology was characterized by a dimpled spherical shape with no evident surface pores or cracks. Inner microstructure showed a central void, with the feed components finely embedded in the wall matrix. Two bioassays were performed with zoea of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei . In the first study, microencapsulated diet, and microencapsulated diet plus a single dose of live algae, were compared with a live algae control diet; in the second study, three co-feeding regimes consisting of microencapsulated diet + 10,30 and 60C. muellericellaL, respectively, were compared with the live algae control diet. In overall terms, the co-feeding regime with 30 cells/ OL produced larvae with carapace length (0.74-mm CL) and development index (4.5 DI) significantly superior to that of the live algae treatment (0.70-mm CL, 4.1 DI; respectively), and yielded similar individual dry weight (34-Og DW) and survival rate (58%). These results indicate that microencapsulated diets supplemented with live algae can produce responses similar to those of live feed. These results 相似文献
面积均为0.4hm^2的试验池塘4口,每口池塘放养蟹苗8500只、南美自对虾苗5万~15万尾、鲢鳙老口苗60尾;饲养120d,总产值150547元,总利润80719元。投入产出比为l:2.2;虾蟹池塘混养。蟹种放养规格以160只/kg、虾苗以5万~lO万尾/hm^2较为适宜。 相似文献
利用透射电镜研究凡纳滨对虾卵子发生过程中细胞内部结构的变化。结果显示,卵原细胞结构简单,代谢水平低,核孔稀少,通过核周池来完成核、质之间的物质交换。卵黄发生前晚期和卵黄发生初期的卵母细胞变化显著:核膜凹凸不平,核仁数量多,核孔密集,大量核仁外排物经核孔输送到卵质中;卵质中胞器极为丰富和发达,代谢活性极强。卵黄发生旺盛期是卵黄大量形成的阶段,卵质边缘还呈辐射状排列了一圈椭圆形皮质棒,细胞出现微吞饮活动并形成卵黄膜。卵黄发生晚期卵质中充满了粗大的卵黄粒和脂滴,胞器锐减。另外,探讨了卵细胞内部结构的变化和卯黄形成的关系以及皮质棒的来源与功能。 相似文献
Sirinda Aungsuchawan Craig L Browdy Boonsirm Withyachumnarnkul 《Aquaculture Research》2011,42(2):188-195
Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the most important species of farmed shrimp. The females have an ‘open’ thelycum. Mating is accomplished by attaching the male spermatophore onto the surface of the thelycum 4–6 h before spawning. During this period, sperm may have to undergo morphological changes associated with a capacitation process that has been described for other shrimp species. The objective of this research was to extend research on sperm capacitation in L. vannamei by ultrastructural and biochemical means. The sperm of L. vannamei were divided into those freshly prepared from the spermatophore (S‐sperm), extracted from the male gonopores, and those extracted from the female thelycum (T‐sperm). Under transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructural differences were detected between the S‐ and the T‐sperm in the nuclear material, the filamentous meshwork and the cytoplasmic particles. Under scanning electron microscopy, the difference was observed in the cap and spike regions. Immunofluorescence using confocal microscopy to detect tyrosine phosphorylated proteins revealed different distribution patterns between S‐ and T‐sperm. The location of phosphorylation activity changed from the spike in S‐sperm, to the filamentous meshwork in the T‐sperm. These morphological and biochemical changes confirm that capacitation of L. vannamei sperm takes place following mating. 相似文献