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In this study, the effects of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. on a sensitive and a tolerant sorghum genotype were investigated, and the underlying tolerance mechanisms were distinguished. The sensitive sorghum cv. CK60-B and the tolerant sorghum landrace Tiemarifing were grown in pots with and without seed infestation. Both sorghum genotypes responded to infection by the parasite, but it was evident that CK60-B was more strongly affected than Tiemarifing. Sorghum plant height, final leaf number, green leaf area, kernel yield, number of kernels and 1000-kernel weight were significantly reduced by infection, which also had a marked effect on the phenological development of CK60-B; the majority of the plants remained vegetative and, in the remaining plants, flowering was delayed by about 2 weeks. No effect on the phenological development of Tiemarifing was observed. The tolerant landrace showed significantly lower and delayed emergence of S. hermonthica than the sensitive cultivar, and this could be explained by a delay in the onset of attachment. Significantly higher numbers of reproductive parasitic plants were found in the pots with the sensitive sorghum plants. It is concluded that differences in root architecture and the resulting early infection and higher S. hermonthica numbers are partly responsible for the stronger effects of the parasite on the sensitive cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary The genus Striga contains some of the most noxious parasitic plants, which have a devastating impact on cereal production in Africa; of most importance are Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica . Complete resistance to infection by Striga species does not exist in cultivated cereals. Of great interest is the possibility that wild relatives of cereals may provide a genetic basis for resistance or tolerance to infection and may be of enormous value for the development of resistant crops. A wild relative of cultivated sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum , demonstrated tolerance to infection by S. asiatica , with little impact of S. asiatica on host growth or grain production compared with the detrimental impact of the parasite on cultivated sorghum. Infection by S.hermonthica , however, had a significant influence on host performance for both wild and cultivated sorghum. Differences in host:parasite responses may be explained by the timing of parasite attachment and differences in host specificity for these two Striga species.  相似文献   

The parasitic angiosperms, Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica, severely constrain cereal production in sub-Saharan Africa by causing huge losses in grain yield. Understanding the diversity of Striga populations is important because it allows identification of races or biotypes thus improving chances of breeding success. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to study genetic diversity among 17 populations of S. asiatica and 24 populations of S. hermonthica from Kenya. A total of 349 DNA fragments ranging from 51 to 500 bp were obtained from four EcoRI and MseI primer combinations. Genetic distances for S. asiatica populations ranged from 0.009 to 0.116 with a mean of 0.032. S. hermonthica populations had a genetic distance that ranged from 0.007 to 0.025 with a mean of 0.015. Only two clusters were found in S. asiatica populations whereas no apparent structure was evident in S. hermonthica populations. There was no evidence of isolation by distance for the two species. Although the low genetic diversity suggests Striga is relatively uniform across the populations studied, it is possible that pathogenicity and virulence genes may be located in genomic regions that were not sampled. The data, however, does not provide evidence to support diversification of both Striga species in the region where the study was conducted.  相似文献   

Striga aspera and Striga hermonthica are recognized as separate species, but their close morphological similarity causes difficulty in distinguishing between them in areas where they coexist in Africa. In this study, crosses between the species were made using randomly selected morphologically typical parental plants collected from different locations in Nigeria. Genetic analysis of both species and their reciprocal F1 hybrids were determined using cluster analysis of DNA profiles derived from genetic polymorphism (RAPD)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses were used to separate parental and hybrid populations based on 13 morphological characteristics. Morphological data from wild samples of both species were compared with the hand-pollinated parental, F1 and F2 hybrids, and back-crosses. Results showed that S. aspera and S. hermonthica were genetically and morphologically distinct. Morphological and genetic analyses revealed two major clusters: a S. aspera cluster and a S. hermonthica cluster. Genetically, the F1 hybrids showed closer affinity to their maternal parents, while morphologically, the F1 hybrids formed distinct clusters intermediate to the parents. Most F2 plants and back-crosses were morphologically similar to S. hermonthica . Comparative morphological analysis of wild and hand-pollinated populations showed some samples from the wild clustered with the hybrids, suggesting that hybrids may exist in nature.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a major biotic constraint to sorghum production in Nigeria, sometimes causing total yield loss. Recommendations for Striga management often include the use of cultural and agronomic practices, herbicides and host plant resistance when available. The use of biological control has not been commercialized. Fusarium oxysporum (isolate PSM 197)‐based mycoherbicide was used in combination with selected sorghums (the Striga‐resistant cultivar Samsorg 40, and the Striga tolerant landrace Yar'ruruka) as an Integrated Striga Management strategy (ISM) in on‐farm trials in the Sudano‐Sahelian savanna of Nigeria. Crop stands were significantly (P = 0.05) higher in ISM compared with non‐ISM plots on which the mycoherbicide was not applied. Similarly, ISM plots had significantly (P = 0.05) lower Striga counts than non‐ISM plots. Striga emergence was reduced by ISM by around 95%. Sorghum yields were 49.6% higher where integrated management was used. Cost benefit analysis of the ISM package shows that use of the mycoherbicide increased the profitability of sorghum production on Striga‐infested soils. Farmers’ preferences monitored during and after the trials highlighted the need for careful selection and integration of control components into an ISM package.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a destructive parasite of cereal crops in the semi‐arid tropical zone. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted at Kamboinsé, Burkina Faso, to investigate the effect of inoculum substrate and location of Striga seeds on the ability of 14 indigenous Fusarium isolates to control the parasite. In Expt 1, Fusarium isolates reduced emerged Striga number, Striga vigour and dry biomass. As a result, sorghum dry biomass and grain yield were enhanced. Inoculum substrate did not influence the ability of Fusarium isolates to control Striga. In Expt 2, Fusarium isolates, substrate and their interaction significantly influenced germination of Striga seeds at both 35 and 50 days after sowing. Isolates grown on compost were more effective at reducing germination of Striga seeds than those grown on chopped sorghum straw. The per cent germination of seeds 50 days after sowing, buried at 5 cm depth, was significantly lower than that of seeds buried at 10 cm. At 10 cm depth, Fusarium isolates still reduced Striga seed germination with respect to the control; horizontal planting distance, 5 or 10 cm from sorghum hills, had no effect.  相似文献   

Infection of young roots of maize (Zea mays L.) by the parasitic plant Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. was examined. Attachment to and penetration of roots occurred within 1–2 days after inoculation. Subsequent growth through the cortex to the host stele and proliferation of parasite xylem tissue was commonly completed by 3–4 days after inoculation. Histochemical staining showed that young maize roots do not contain major wall-thickening components. However, an increase in cell wall fluorescence and endodermal cell wall thickness was often seen at the site of infection and in the surrounding maize root tissue at 3 days after inoculation. This host response was variable and did not prevent rapid and successful penetration by the parasite. In contrast, uninfected roots of Pennisetum setosum (Sw.) L. Rich., a species resistant to S. hermonthica, had substantial thickening of the inner endodermal cell walls and exhibited further cell wall thickening at the stele upon infection. Examination of infections on both hosts demonstrated the presence of autofluorescent material at the host-parasite interface. This material was thicker and more extensive at the P. setosum-S. hermonthica interface than at the maize-S. hermonthica interface, and contained polyphenols and lignin. Examination of the host-parasite xylem connections in maize revealed substantial invasion of the host stele by both parenchyma and tracheary elements. In a few cases of P. setosum infection, parasite cells entered the stele; however, this did not lead to successful establishment of the parasite.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica causes serious crop yield losses in West Africa. Hand pulling, an effective method for the reduction of light infestations, might be encouraged if farmers could use this weed as livestock feed. This study evaluated the chemical composition and the voluntary intake and digestion of S. hermonthica herbage by sheep. Crude protein (g kg−1 dry matter (d.m.)) was 184 in the whole plant, 230 in the leaf and 87 in the stem. Ash content varied from 183 to 253 g kg d.m.−1. The concentration of neutral and acid detergent fibre and lignin in whole pot-grown plants was 364, 278 and 127 g kg d.m.−1 respectively. The digestibility of dry and organic (o.m.) matter was 493 and 657 g kg−1, respectively, and intake of digestible o.m. was 27.1 g kg W−0.75. The relatively high N and P levels in S. hermonthica warrant further evaluation in terms of its potential use as a source of protein or for compost. Its use as a feed appears to be limited by the high ash content and possibly by anti-nutritional effects on animals. These effects should be further investigated before recommending its use for this purpose.  相似文献   

Summary Ten cultivars of maize, a number of which are high yielding in the presence of the weed Striga asiatica in sub-Saharan Africa, were tested for resistance and tolerance to this root hemiparasite. Observed in rhizotrons, Striga asiatica attached and developed on roots of all cultivars, indicating that none exhibited a true resistance mechanism. However, root exudates from two cultivars, IWD STR Co and Zea diploperennis BC4C2, stimulated relatively little germination of S. asiatica , indicating low xenognosin production, with few parasites attaching and no significant decrease in host height or biomass apparent after 55 days of infection. Cultivar 98 Syn WEC also exhibited no significant differences in height and biomass on infection despite high xenognosin production and a lack of resistance to parasite attachment and development, indicating the operation of a tolerance mechanism. Cross-breeding of these low xenognosin-producing maize cultivars and Striga -tolerant lines could produce cultivars that perform exceptionally well on Striga -infested soils. This study highlights the need for cereal breeders to distinguish between the different mechanisms underpinning host performance in the presence of Striga .  相似文献   

Prevention of seed input to the seedbank of Striga hermonthica‐infested fields is an important objective of Striga management. In three consecutive years of field experimentation in Mali, Striga reproduction was studied for 10 sorghum genotypes at infestation levels ranging from 30 000 to 200 000 seeds m?2. Host resistance was identified as an important determinant of Striga reproduction, with the most resistant genotypes (N13, IS9830 and SRN39) reducing Striga reproduction by 70–93% compared with the most susceptible genotype (CK60‐B). Seedbank density had a significant effect on Striga seed production. Higher seedbank density resulted in more Striga plants, which led to increased intra‐specific competition and consequently a reduced level of reproduction per plant. For the most susceptible sorghum genotypes, density dependence also occurred in the earlier belowground stages. Striga reproduction continued beyond harvest. At the high infestation level just 8% of the total reproduction was realised after harvest, whereas at the low infestation level 39% was attained after harvest. Even though host‐plant genotype plays a significant role in Striga reproduction, calculations indicated that only at very low infestation levels the use of the most resistant genotype was able to lower the Striga seedbank.  相似文献   


The possibility of reducing Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. parasitism in severely infested fields, by means of deep planting - thereby reducing the root length in the upper layers of the soil where Striga seeds are predominantly found - was tested in field trials with maize and sorghum in western Kenya. Sorghum seeds were planted in Striga-infested fields approximately 2.5 cm deep in the soil or at the bottom of conically-shaped plant holes (15-20 cm deep). Depth of plant holes for maize varied from 0 to 30 cm, in un-tilled soil. Deep planting in un-tilled soil gave higher (up to double) grain yields, compared with standard planting in tilled soil. Parasite emergence was related negatively to planting depth of maize (p< 0.05). Deep planting in tilled soil gave 74% more sorghumgrain yield relative to standard planting. In this treatment Striga seed production was not reduced but in un-tilled fields with deeply planted sorghum Striga seed production was completely suppressed. Therefore, a combination of zero-tillage and deep planting seems to be the most effective treatment. The probable mechanism causing these results is avoidance of Striga seed by the host root system, resulting in a delay in the onset of Striga attachment and the formation of smaller numbers of attachments.  相似文献   

M Abate  T Hussien  W Bayu  F Reda 《Weed Research》2017,57(5):303-313
Striga hermonthica is a major biotic constraint to agriculture in the lowland areas of Ethiopia where sorghum is a major stable crop. A pot and a field experiment were conducted in 2011 during the rainy season using 10 sorghum genotypes. Each experiment had infested and non‐infested conditions as the main plots and the 10 genotypes as subplots. The aim of this study was to examine the response of root traits of the sorghum genotypes to S. hermonthica infested conditions and to investigate relationships among S. hermonthica, root and growth traits of sorghum genotypes. Sorghum genotypes were categorized in to three groups, that is, low, moderate and high S. hermonthica count groups. Each group showed a differential response to root traits. Low S. hermonthica count groups had significantly lower root length, root length density, root to shoot ratio and root dry weight compared with susceptible groups. In contrast to low Shermonthica count groups, moderate S. hermonthica count groups had higher root length, root length density, root to shoot ratio and root dry weight. Highly significant and strong relations were observed among root traits of sorghum, indicating that any of the root traits can be used as indicators for resistance. The result indicates different reactions in root traits in the upper soil layer may be useful for genetic improvement of Shermonthica resistance and tolerance breeding in sorghum.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen and the extent of sorghum root infection by Striga hermonthica on host-parasite association during vegetative growth were studied using a split root system in a 3 × 3 factorial combination of N (37mg on one, 18.5 or 37mg on both root-halves) and Striga (no, one or both root-half infection). High N increased sorghum shoot weight by 22% more than low N, but did not significantly affect Striga growth 64 days after transplanting sorghum (DAP). Striga reduced sorghum stem height and weight by 22% and 25% at 38 DAP, and by 34% and 36% at 64 DAP, respectively. Leaf weight was not affected. Striga stimulated root growth 38 DAP, but not 64 DAP. In partially infected sorghum, 64 DAP, the parasite shoot number, shoot height and shoot dry weight were 36%, 46% and 35%, respectively and host shoot dry matter was 142% of those in fully infected plants, indicating an inverse relationship between the degree of host root infection and the level of resistance. The results suggest that sorghum released resistance-confering substances to the infection points after sensing infection. When infection points are widely distributed as in fully infected sorghum, less of such substances appear to render the host more vulnerable.  相似文献   

Witchweed, Striga hermonthica (hereafter, referred to as “Striga”), is a major biotic constraint to cereal production in sub‐Saharan Africa. The parasitic plant is a socioeconomic problem that has forced some resource‐poor farmers to abandon their farms due to high infestation. This study was designed in order to elucidate farmers' perceptions of Striga control measures and to determine their potential adoption in two villages in western Kenya. Participatory rural appraisals and individual interviews were conducted in 2009 and 2010 in a sample of 128 and 120 households in Kaura and Kogweno‐Oriang villages in Homabay and Rachuonyo districts, respectively. The results revealed that crop production was the main occupation in most households. The farmers identified Striga as one of the major constraints to maize, sorghum, and finger millet production. According to the farmers, the most popular control measures were hand‐pulling, crop rotation, and intercropping, even though rotational systems might need a longer timeframe to reduce the soil seed bank of Striga. Although the level of Striga infestation and damage were increasing in the farmers' fields, the adoption of the control options was limited. The reason for the low adoption level of the control methods by the farmers is because they are “too risky” as there is no guarantee of a direct pay‐off in increased crop yield. Farmer‐led evaluation and adaptation of the various Striga control technologies in real‐life situations will facilitate the choice of appropriate options and facilitate their uptake.  相似文献   

The root hemiparasite Striga hermonthica causes very significant yield loss in its dryland staple cereal host, Sorghum bicolor. Striga‐resistant sorghum cultivars could be an important part of integrated S. hermonthica control. For effective resistance breeding, knowledge about the diversity of the parasite is essential. This study aimed (i) to determine the genetic diversity within and between seven S. hermonthica populations from East and West Africa using 15 microsatellite markers and (ii) to assess the virulence and host–parasite interactions of these Striga populations grown on 16 diverse sorghum genotypes in a glasshouse trial. Most of the genetic variance (91%) assessed with microsatellite markers occurred within S. hermonthica populations. Only a small portion (8%) occurred between regions of origin of the populations. A positive correlation (R2 = 0.14) between pairwise geographic and genetic distances reflected the slightly increasing differentiation of S. hermonthica populations with increasing geographic distance. East African S. hermonthica populations, especially those from Sudan, had significantly greater average infestation success across all sorghum genotypes than West African populations. Some specific host–parasite interaction effects were observed. The high genetic variation among individuals of each S. hermonthica population underlines the high potential adaptability to different hosts and changing environments. This points to the need to manage sorghum resistance alleles in space and time and to employ resistant varieties as part of integrated S. hermonthica control, so as to hinder the parasite overcoming resistance.  相似文献   

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