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Salmon farming began in British Columbia (BC) in the 1970s and in 2006, aquaculture represented BC's largest agricultural export. Along with this growth in production has been a growth in controversy, including the concern that sea lice originating from Atlantic salmon farms negatively impact wild juvenile pink salmon in the Broughton Archipelago. To understand the dynamic interaction between wild and farmed fish, data for on‐farm abundance of sea lice are required. In this study, 33 000 Atlantic salmon from 20 active farms were examined over 3 years. Two species of lice were found: Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi. Inter‐annual and seasonal variations in abundance levels occurred with lower levels of L. salmonis in 2003 compared with 2004 and 2005, while C. clemensi levels were highest in 2003. The abundance of L. salmonis was greater on older farmed fish. The findings are compared with European and eastern Canadian sea lice reports, and possible sources of sea lice on farmed salmon are discussed.  相似文献   

Problematic sea lice infestations on farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have motivated extensive research and development into new methods to prevent, monitor and control sea lice. Most of these technologies require detailed information on the behaviour, spatial distribution and demography of lice on host fish. This study investigated how salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation density varies across the host's surface under sea cage farming conditions. Lice abundance, demography and attachment location were tracked over time, with repeated sampling of 300 individually tagged salmon across three replicate experimental sea cages. The data reveal clear differences in attachment locations according to sex and stage, but with an overall preference for the dorsal surface among mobile stages—dorsal head for adult females and dorsal-posterior section for males and pre-adults. Total lice abundance was highly variable between repeated measures of individual fish, consistent with frequent host-switching or mortality. Total lice numbers also declined between sampling dates, likely due to handling, with lost mobile lice being almost exclusively adult males. As the distribution of sea lice on hosts is likely determined by numerous factors, future image-based automated detection systems should be validated in settings that reflect the complex host–parasite interactions that occur in open farming systems.  相似文献   

The efficacy of teflubenzuron (Calicide®) for the treatment of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) infested with sea lice [Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer)] was investigated on two commercial salmon farms. Teflubenzuron (Calicide®) coated onto commercial feed pellets was administered orally at 10 mg per kg body weight per day for seven consecutive days. Fish were randomly sampled and lice numbers recorded from both treated and control groups on four sampling occasions post‐medication. Statistically significant reductions in the number of L. salmonis per fish were recorded. Maximum efficacy was observed toward chalimus and preadult stages of L. salmonis, and was achieved about 7 days post‐medication. No apparent effect was observed on adult lice. No adverse drug reactions or palatability problems were associated with the treatments.  相似文献   


Sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, mobile stages were caught using a light trap, in cages holding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and their abundance determined through calculation. Seasonal changes were shown with an increase in abundance as the temperature increased toward the end of the season. Analysis of manual lice-count data indicated variations in lice abundance between cages with and without deployed light traps. Analysis indicated that these variations were in larval presence (P = 0.006) and presence of gravid females (P = 0.015), but not in abundance of in pre-adults (P = 0.172). Cage net condition also affected the abundance and infection intensity of sea lice on Atlantic salmon within aquaculture cages. Abundance of larvae were affected by net condition (P = 0.01), as were abundance of pre-adults on salmon (P = 0.04). The infection intensity of gravid females, however, did not vary with net condition (P = 0.74). Other species of zooplankton such as, American lobster, Homarus americanus, larvae and various Brachi-pod larvae, were also collected with the light trap. The light trap, as presented in this research, could provide an alternate method of lice control in aquaculture cages.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide has been the only medicine used to treat salmon infected with sea lice [Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer)] on many farms in Scotland since 1992 and reports have suggested reduced treatment efficacy. The present study tests the sensitivity of sea lice to exposure to hydrogen peroxide under farm conditions and also in vivo by comparing lice from a farm with suspected resistance and lice from a farm that had not been pre‐exposed to hydrogen peroxide. In bin treatments on fish from a farm treated with hydrogen peroxide on 41 occasions, numbers of ovigerous lice declined by only 15% and 16% in two replicates and other mobile stages by 25%. Where hydrogen peroxide had not been used, ovigerous females declined by 90% and 87% and other mobile lice stages by 97% and 99%. These trials and observed poor efficacy of cage treatments, for example only 7.5% reduction in lice numbers when fish were treated with 2000 p.p.m. for 20 mins, indicated resistance of lice to hydrogen peroxide. The mechanisms involved in the development of resistance, possible genetic selection for lice with reduced carapace permeability or detoxifying enzymes such as catalase, or tolerance through induction by subtherapeutic exposure are reviewed. Implications for lice control strategies relying on hydrogen peroxide are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative density of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer), larvae in the inter‐tidal areas of Loch Torridon, a fjordic sea loch in Western Scotland and the site of several commercial salmon farms. Samples of planktonic sea lice were collected in each spring from 1999 to 2003 near the mouth of the River Shieldaig, where sea trout have been shown to congregate in the first few days after going to sea, and from 2001 to 2003 near the mouth of the River Balgy. No larval sea lice were found near the mouth of the River Shieldaig in spring 2000 or 2002, when gravid female sea lice were absent on local fish farms. The same finding was observed in 2002 at the mouth of the River Balgy. In springs of 1999, 2001 and 2003, peak densities of larval sea lice of 33, 94 and 143 m?3, respectively, were observed at the mouth of the river Shieldaig. At the mouth of the River Balgy, peak densities of 74 and 78 lice m?3 were observed in 2001 and 2003 respectively. At the time these samples were collected, the two local salmon farms were in the second year of their production cycle and gravid female sea lice were present. Samples of larval sea lice were also obtained year round, at approximately weekly intervals, from a 50‐m transect at the mouth of the River Shieldaig, from March 2001 to June 2003, and compared with frequencies of gravid female sea lice on the two local salmon farms. High levels were found in the winter. No planktonic sea lice were found in this transect when gravid females were not present on the local fish farms.  相似文献   

Salmon louse, or sea lice, (Lepoptherius salmonis) represents practical, economical and fish welfare challenges for salmon farming (Hamre et al., 2013) and for the free-living stocks of salmon. There is an urgent need in the industry for a system that provides reliable numbers of louse on farmed salmon. Underwater hyperspectral imaging represents a potential new technique for louse counting in sea cages. In laboratory studies, the UHI technology could detect and classify pre-adults (pre-adult I and II), adult males and adult females (ovigerous) of sea lice based on the difference in their spectral characteristics. A model was built for detection of lice on the salmon and the UHI had a detection success ranging from 67 to 100 % with an average of 82%. A classification of the detected lice was performed for pre-adults, adult males and ovigerous lice and had a prediction accuracy of 85% when lice were divided into three groups (pre-adults, adult male and ovigerous lice) and 93% when lice were divided in two groups, ovigerous lice and all the other mobile lice (pre-adults and adult male). An automatic procedure for in situ measurements of louse infected salmon could deliver a data basis several times higher than the traditional counting system. The next generation of UHI louse detector should be developed with a higher spatial resolution to be able to detect also the sessile stages of lice. For succeeding with in situ classification of L. salmonis, correction algorithms to compensate for the impact of water between the UHI and lice need also to be developed.  相似文献   

This paper examines two large national data sets collected over several years and contrasts the patterns of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837), infections, the use of treatments and the occurrence of chalimus peaks between Norwegian and Scottish farms. Infection levels in Scotland were significantly higher in general over the period under study. For the chalimus stage group in the first quarter of the year, Norwegian mean abundance stayed below 10 lice per m2 while Scottish means reached 45 lice per m2 of fish skin per m3 of water. Both countries had more chalimus in summer than at other times of year, but in the last 3 months of the year Scottish fish had, on average, two to four times as many chalimus as Norwegian fish. Peaks of chalimus abundance were more frequent in Scotland, particularly in winter, but the most prominent peaks occurred in summer in both countries. In Scotland a marked mid-year build-up of mobile pre-adult and adult stages was seen, and both countries showed a tendency for mobile counts on the second year fish to increase towards the end of the year. Scottish fish carried, on average, three times as many mobile lice per m2 of skin as Norwegian fish in the last 3 months of the year. The difference in lice loads was reflected in the greater use of veterinary medicines on Scottish farms. The higher infection levels in Scotland may be due to shallower and more enclosed water bodies used for farming, smaller and shallower pens, differences in sea water temperatures or in access to appropriate medication. The results highlight the importance of ensuring that effective veterinary medicines are available in the UK for the control of infection.  相似文献   

The sea louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer 1837), is a significant parasite of farmed salmon throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Management of on‐farm louse populations can be improved by understanding the role that wild fish play in sustaining and providing refuge for the local population of sea lice. In this study, 1,064 sticklebacks were captured. Of these animals, 176 individuals were carrying a total of 238 sea lice, yielding a prevalence and intensity of 16.5% and 1.4 lice per fish, respectively. Detailed examination of the sea lice on the three‐spined sticklebacks captured in Cobscook Bay found two L. salmonis individuals using three‐spined sticklebacks as hosts. A 2012 survey of wild fish in Cobscook Bay, Maine, found multiple wild hosts for Caligus elongatus (von Nordmann 1832), including three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.), but no L. salmonis were found in this earlier study.  相似文献   

Although the gills have been reported as a site for settlement by sea lice attached stages in experimental challenges, the prevalence and abundance of infection on gills have not been reported in farmed fish and have been reported only rarely in wild salmonids. Disproportionate attachment to the gills may be significant in evaluation of new therapeutants and this study asks whether the efficacy data from studies of therapeutants based on experimental challenge can be extrapolated to the fish farm arena. The distribution of chalimus on gills, body and fins of farmed first sea year Atlantic salmon were examined in two Scottish sea lochs, each on two occasions (30 fish on each sampling date), fish from one farm with infection with Lepeophtheirus salmonis only and the other farm with exclusively Caligus elongatus. The dorsal fin was the primary attachment site of L. salmonis (50% and 33% in two samples respectively) with 29% and 32% on other fins and 20% and 29% on the body and head. Only one of 56 chalimus (1.8%) and four of 75 chalimus (5.3%) were attached to the gills. In contrast, the chalimus distribution of C. elongatus was predominantly on fins other than the dorsal, including the tail, 74% and 71%, on two sampling occasions, respectively, with only 4.2% and 3.6% of chalimus located on the dorsal fin. The pectoral fins were the most common location with 32%, followed by the tail 23%, pelvic fins 14% and only 3% on the anal fin. None of 287 and 111 chalimus in two samples, respectively, of C. elongatus was attached to the gills. The low abundance of lice on the gills indicated that non‐destructive sampling methods adequately represented lice infection. In three experimental challenges with L. salmonis, the gills were a major attachment location with 19.9–36.3% of chalimus, 9.9–26.9% on the body, 22–27% on the dorsal fin and 19–23% on the other fins. These differences with natural challenge in L. salmonis reported here and also in the literature suggest that the importance of the gills for chalimus location in the experimental model is atypical and an artefact of reduced host swimming speed in tanks that permits copepodids to attach to the gills. In natural infection, the flow over the gills is high and reduced flow is required for copepodid settlement. Greatest reductions (96%) in chalimus bath treated with cypermethrin occurred on the gills with no significant reductions in those located on the dorsal and other fins. It is possible that the efficacy of therapeutants may be higher in chalimus attached to the gills because of the higher concentration encountered of bath therapeutant and extrapolation of efficacy to farms may be misleading and progression to field testing is essential.  相似文献   

Sea lice are significant parasites of marine and brackish farmed fishes. Freshwater bathing is a potential control option against numerous sea lice species, although has been viewed as futile against those that are capable of tolerating freshwater for extended periods. By comparing freshwater survival times across host‐attached stages of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer), a key parasite in Atlantic salmon farming, we show the first attached (copepodid) stage undergoes 96–100% mortality after 1 h in freshwater, whereas later attached stages can tolerate up to 8 days. Thus, regular freshwater bathing methods targeting the more susceptible attached copepodid stage may successfully treat against L. salmonis and potentially other sea lice on fish cultured in marine and brackish waters.  相似文献   

Infections of sea lice [Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer)] were studied over winter on a working, commercial salmon farm in relation to two types of feeding system: a regular, pneumatic spray feeder and an irregular, ‘demand feed’ sensor system (AquasmartTM). Contrary to prediction, the AquasmartTM system alone had no significant effect on chalimus infestation compared with fish fed by pneumatic spray. However, it was associated with significantly reduced numbers of mobile stages, both at the beginning of the study (P < 0.05) and, more particularly, in conjunction with treatment of all pens using hydrogen peroxide (P < 0.001). It is suggested that feeding regime may represent a useful tool in reducing lice infestation when co‐ordinated with other methods of control, such as peroxide treatment, and that further work in this field is merited.  相似文献   

The relationship between aquaculture and infestations of sea lice on sea trout, Salmo trutta L., is controversial. Here, the association between sea lice infestations on wild sea trout and characteristics of local Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms were investigated using data collected on the Scottish west coast. The proportion of sea trout with louse burdens above a critical level was positively related to the fork length of the sea trout and the mean weight of salmon on the nearest fish farm, and negatively related to the distance to that farm. The distance to the nearest fish farm did not influence the probability of infestations above the critical level beyond 31 km although there was considerable uncertainty around this cut‐off distance (95% limits: 13–149 km). The results support a link between Atlantic salmon farms and sea lice burdens on sea trout in the west of Scotland and provide the type of information required for marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound exposure during controlled infection with salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, has been studied. Salmon were placed in tanks with salmon lice copepodids for 1 hr, while simultaneously being exposed to sound frequencies of 9.3, 21 or 54 kHz. The sound transducers were operated at maximum power levels, and the 9.3 kHz transducer generated the highest sound level (220.6 dB). Only the group exposed to 9.3 kHz displayed a significant reduction in louse infestation. However, the observed effect of ultrasound was relatively small, and in a practical implementation in sea cages, the sound intensity will be lower than that used in the experiments. It is also possible that the observed reduction in infestation is due to ultrasonic cavitation effects, which are only present at a very short range from the ultrasound source. We therefore do not consider ultrasound a feasible method for preventing attachment of salmon lice copepodids on salmon in cage farms.  相似文献   

We examine sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis , on juvenile and adult salmon from the north coast of British Columbia between 2004 and 2006 in an area that does not at present contain salmon farms. There is a pronounced zonation in the abundance of L. salmonis on juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , in the Skeena and Nass estuaries. Abundances in the proximal and distal zones of these estuaries are 0.01 and 0.05 respectively. The outer zones serve as feeding and staging areas for the pink salmon smolts. Returning Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , concentrate in these areas. We collected data in 2006 to examine whether L. salmonis on returning adult salmon are an important source of the sea lice that appear on juvenile pink salmon. Nearly all (99%) of the sea lice on returning Chinook and over 80% on coho salmon were L. salmonis. Most of the L. salmonis were motile stages including many ovigerous females. There was a sharp increase in the abundance of sea lice on juvenile pink salmon smolts between May and July 2006 near the sites of adult captures. As there are no salmon farms on the north coast, few sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus , and very few resident salmonids until later in the summer, it seems that the most important reservoir of L. salmonis under natural conditions is returning adult salmon. This natural source of sea lice results in levels of abundance that are one or two orders of magnitude lower than those observed on juvenile pink salmon in areas with salmon farms such as the Broughton Archipelago.  相似文献   

The duration of efficacy of emamectin benzoate in the oral treatment of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, infesting Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was evaluated in a tank study. One group of salmon was treated at a nominal dose of 50 μg kg?1 biomass day?1 for 7 consecutive days and a second group was untreated. Fish were then redistributed to 16 tanks, each holding 17 control and 17 treated fish. On days 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, 76 and 83, two tanks were challenged with L. salmonis copepodites. Eight to 14 days after each challenge, fish were anaesthetized and numbers of lice recorded. Treatment with emamectin benzoate prevented development of copepodites for up to 62 days from the start of treatment, and chalimus numbers remained low for 69 days. Treated fish, challenged from days 34 to 69, had significantly (P<0.01) fewer lice than control fish. Treated fish challenged at days 76 and 83 still had fewer lice than control groups, although differences were not statistically significant for both replicates. When chalimus appeared on treated fish challenged at days 69–83, survival of chalimus to adult stages was lower than on control fish. Louse egg production on treated fish challenged at days 62–83 was not reduced compared to control groups.  相似文献   

Although Caligus elongatus is one of two major species of sea lice that parasitize farmed salmon, its epidemiology has not been extensively studied. In this communication, the abundances of the adult stage of C. elongatus in salmon populations from 33 farms in the West of Scotland between 1997 and 2000 have been analysed for evidence of seasonal and annual patterns. The findings indicate that the pattern of C. elongatus is remarkably consistent from year to year, and directly opposed to that reported for Lepeophtheirus salmonis, the other major caligid species. In particular, adult infestations rapidly increase from the start of July each year, and are more prevalent on salmon in the first year of production than the second year. Treatment is seen to have an effect on levels of infestation but it is not clear why this species should have significantly lower levels of abundance in the second year of production. There is also evidence that fallowing has no effect on abundance. Strategic management programmes for the control of sea lice on salmon farms, which are increasingly effective in controlling L. salmonis , may also have to give greater consideration to C. elongatus .  相似文献   

Most lice infestations on salmon farmed in the North Atlantic are attributed to Caligus elongatus and Lepeophtheirus salmonis. This study reports findings from time‐series analysis conducted on observations of the lesser‐studied C. elongatus, in four farms on the west coast of Scotland over the period 1996–2000. Least‐squares and Poisson regression techniques were applied to one individual site and to the aggregated data of four sites. Models were fitted and tested for goodness of fit using appropriate statistical methods. Findings indicate that infestation levels are highly seasonal with rapidly increasing numbers after week 22 of the year followed by a steady decline from week 40. Abundance is much lower in the second year of the production cycle than the first. Neither of the models indicated that treatment application has a significant effect on C. elongatus infestations.  相似文献   

The salmon louse Caligus rogercresseyi (Boxshall and Bravo 2000) is a common ectoparasite of farmed salmonids in Chile. Sea lice can negatively impact the growth of hosts, adversely affecting aquaculture productivity. Unlike Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838), whose life cycle parameters have been well studied due to its importance in the Northern Hemisphere, for Crogercresseyi no single source exists that quantifies the parameters required to model this ectoparasite's life cycle. Given that different species of sea lice have substantially different biological characteristics, it is important to parameterize the life cycle of Crogercresseyi using appropriate observational data, rather than simply trying to adapt parameters developed for Lsalmonis. Using data from existing literature, we quantified the development and survival rates for each stage in the Crogercresseyi life cycle. We illustrate how development rates are affected by water temperature and explore the important impacts of salinity on rates of survival. We present equations that can be used to model development periods and survival proportions given certain water temperature and salinity profiles. While key parameters to quantitatively model the life cycle of Crogercresseyi are presented, further research is required to adequately model the complete population dynamics of this ectoparasite on Chilean salmon farms and consequently to support decision-making to achieve effective control and mitigation.  相似文献   

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