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旨在从基因组层面揭示梅花鹿与欧洲马鹿的起源进化,找到与进化过程相关的信号通路并与表型进行关联.本试验以成年雌性梅花鹿与成年雄性欧洲马鹿染色体水平基因组作为研究对象,利用比较基因组学的方法对梅花鹿和欧洲马鹿基因组进行染色体共线性分析,获得两个物种间基因组序列的同源关系和基因组发生的染色体倒位现象,并对被倒位截断和在倒位内...  相似文献   

In this study, the arterial distributions of the aortic arches of three deer species (Axis axis, Ozotoceros bezoarticus and Mazama gouazoubira) were described. The animals were dissected immediately after being found dead. Latex injection method was used to observe the vascularization of the thorax. The branching pattern of the arteries of the thoracic aorta in O. bezoarticus was similar to domestic ruminants. In the M. gouazoubira and A. axis, there were no bicarotid trunk. Interestingly, the first branch of the brachiocephalic trunk was the left costocervical trunk in A. axis. Then, brachiocephalic trunk was divided into right and left subclavian arteries. M. gouazoubira and A. axis in contrast to O. bezoarticus were different when compared with other ruminants, and the absence of bicarotid trunk was more striking than previous reports.  相似文献   

秦瑜  张明海 《野生动物》2009,30(2):100-104
马鹿在世界上主要分布于欧洲南部和中部、北美洲、非洲北部、亚洲的俄罗斯东部、蒙古、朝鲜和喜马拉雅山地区,在中国马鹿有8个亚种,主要分布在东北、华北、西北及西南等地。本文根据文献资料系统地总结了中国马鹿的研究现状,展望了马鹿需要研究的问题,为中国马鹿的保护及科研活动开展提供依据。  相似文献   

This article presents a review of hemostasis and electrosurgery. The principles of electrosurgery, including the effect on tissue, vessels, and wound healing, are presented, as are the advantages and disadvantages of its use.  相似文献   

为评价鹿特异性复合麻醉剂对梅花鹿的麻醉效果。试验选取6只本地成年梅花鹿,肌肉注射0.04 m L/kg体重的鹿特异性复合麻醉剂,连续监测全麻过程中梅花鹿的麻醉状态、镇痛、镇静和肌松效果。结果显示,注药后6.1±0.45min全部梅花鹿进入麻醉状态,麻醉可维持91.67±2.25 min,苏醒时间为33±2.0 min;在进入麻醉期全程中梅花鹿的镇痛、镇静和肌松效果良好。表明,鹿特异性复合麻醉剂对梅花鹿麻醉诱导迅速,维持时间较长,苏醒平稳,可适用于临床中梅花鹿的麻醉。  相似文献   

Yersiniosis in Farmed Deer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples from 77 chital (Axis axis), 42 fallow (Dama dama), 26 red (Cervus elaphus), 7 rusa (Cervus timorensis) and 1 sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) were examined. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection was diagnosed as the cause of death in 6 (23%) of the red and 23 (30%) of the chital deer. Yersiniosis was the most common infectious cause of death diagnosed. Affected deer were usually found moribund or dead, often with faecal staining of the perineum. Gross pathology in chital included a fibrinous enterocolitis, enlarged congested mesenteric lymph nodes and multiple pale foci through the liver. Gross changes in red deer were limited to intense congestion of the intestinal mucosa and enlargement and congestion of mesenteric lymph nodes. Microscopic intestinal changes in both species consisted of microabscessation or diffuse suppurative inflammation of the intestinal mucosa with numerous bacterial colonies in the lamina propria. Multifocal suppurative mesenteric lymphadenitis was a common finding. Multifocal suppurative or non-suppurative hepatitis was frequently present in the liver of chital but was uncommon in the red deer. Yersiniosis occurred during the cooler months from June to November, with younger age classes most commonly affected. Y. pseudotuberculosis serotypes I, II and III were isolated in the ratio 17:3:0 in the chital deer and 1:1:2 in red deer. The clinical, epidemiological and bacteriological features are similar to those documented previously by New Zealand workers. The increased susceptibility to disease of red deer and chital compared to fallow deer and perhaps other species has not previously been documented.  相似文献   

梅花鹿茸和马鹿茸中牛磺酸的测定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据牛磺酸的分子结构特性,设计一个21min短程序利用氨基酸自动分析仪分析梅花鹿茸、马鹿茸各部位中牛磺酸各部分的含量。在牛磺酸浓度为100nmol/mL时,峰位和峰面积的变异系数分别为012%和135%(n=6)。对不同浓度的牛磺酸加标回收实验,回收范围为968%~1016%,表明本法准确可靠、快速、简便。  相似文献   

规模化鹿场马鹿布病防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆塔里木河流域是我国马鹿的主要饲养地,资源非常丰富,马鹿在该地所属国营农牧场及职工中都有饲养,饲养总数占全国马鹿总饲养量的80%以上。其中八个国营农牧场中的饲养规模大,效益好。据统计,现有马鹿存栏30000头,年产干茸近3万公斤,已成为本地区的重要经济支柱之一。但据2001年在十个农牧场的鹿群中调查,“畜有流  相似文献   

选取具有典型临床症状和结核菌素变态反应呈阳性的病鹿,处死剖检,采集有结节病变的肺、肠系膜、胸膜及肿胀的淋巴结等病料,进行细菌分离培养;将病料制作石蜡切片,HE染色镜检;PCR检测分支杆菌。结果表明,分离出的细菌菌落呈圆形、表面粗糙的颗粒状。经抗酸染色,见两端钝圆、平直或稍弯曲的红色杆菌。生化鉴定结果符合牛分支杆菌的生化特性;病理组织学分析,可见典型的增生性结核结节病变,中央为干酪样坏死,外周为上皮样细胞和朗罕氏细胞,最外层为淋巴样细胞浸润;经PCR检测,4份病料均扩增出与预期大小相符的441 bp核酸条带,证明分离的细菌为牛分支杆菌。  相似文献   

A spontaneous ameloblastic fibroma was found in a 9-week-old guinea pig. Histopathologically, neoplastic cells consisted of two components: an odontogenic epithelium and odontogenic mesenchyme. The odontogenic epithelium formed strands, nests and islands that were interspersed within the odontogenic mesenchyme. In the marginal region, odontoblasts and scant dysplastic eosinophilic material were seen between these two components. Immunohistochemically, the odontogenic epithelium was positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3, and the odontogenic mesenchyme and odontoblast were positive for vimentin, in the same manner as in the normal tooth germ (control). We could not obtain conclusive data suggesting that the eosinophilic material was dental hard tissue because the eosinophilic material was not stained specifically by any methods. Based on these histological characteristics, the tumor in the present case was diagnosed as an ameloblastic fibroma. This is the first report of ameloblastic fibroma in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

The Sepsis-Coagulant Axis: A Review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Activation of coagulation is a normal component of the acute inflammatory response. Inflammatory cytokines initiate coagulation events locally at sites of inflammation by converting endothelium from an antithrombotic surface to a prothrombotic surface; by stimulating tissue factor production, which activates both the extrinsic and intrinsic coagulation systems; and by stimulating production of platelet-activating factors. The fibrinolytic system is initially activated but is subsequently inhibited. This results in a marked imbalance in coagulation and fibrinolysis resulting in a net procoagulant state. When thrombin generation and platelet activation exceed the body's capacity to inactivate or remove these factors, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) results. DIC directly contributes to multiple organ failure and death associated with sepsis. Presently available treatments (ie, heparin and aspirin) are relatively ineffective in treating DIC; however, newer, more potent drugs may soon be available for clinical use.  相似文献   

Although endometritis is a normal occurrence after breeding, persistent inflammation threatens the success of the pregnancy. Persistent endometritis has been cited as a leading reproductive health concern in the mare. A variety of factors contribute to susceptibility to persistent breeding induced endometritis, including age, endometrial quality, and reproductive history. Seminal plasma mediates the immune response to breeding, as it has protective properties for viable spermatozoa, while aiding in the recognition and targeting of dead spermatozoa by the mare's immune response. Although the adaptive immune response has been implicated in the response to breeding, the innate immune response along with mechanical clearance are the primary mechanisms suggested to act to clear endometritis. Mares susceptible to persistent breeding induced endometritis have an altered innate immune response after breeding compared to resistant mares. There are multiple tools and strategies utilized for the diagnosis and treatment of persistent endometritis. This review of the literature summarizes research investigating the causes, pathogenesis, and treatments of persistent breeding induced endometritis.  相似文献   

Contagious equine metritis is a highly contagious genital infection of mares, spread venereally, and was first described in 1977. Although most contagious equine metritis outbreaks involved Thoroughbreds, infection in other breeds has also occurred. The disease has been reported in Europe, Australia and the United States. In Canada, contagious equine metritis has been designated a reportable disease under the Animal Disease and Protection Act.Contagious equine metritis is characterized by an endometritis and infertility and infected mares show no signs of systemic infection. Clinical signs have not been observed in stallions. An asymptomatic carrier state exists in both mares and stallions.Infected mares respond clinically to the topical and parenteral administration of antibacterial drugs. However, a proportion of mares remain carriers of the contagious equine metritis organism. Treatment of stallions is successful. Haemophilus equigenitalis has been proposed as the species name of the Gram-negative, microaerophilic coccobacillus.Sample collection and laboratory methods for the diagnosis of contagious equine metritis are described.  相似文献   

Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging pathogen of humans, horses, and dogs worldwide that is transmitted by Ixodid ticks and maintained in a variety of small wild mammal species. Recent studies suggest that multiple strains of A. phagocytophilum may be circulating in wild and domestic animal populations, and these strains may have differential host tropisms and pathogenicity. The organism infects and survives within neutrophils by disabling key neutrophil functions, including neutrophil motility, phagocytosis, the oxidative burst mechanism, and neutrophil-endothelial cell interactions, as well as interfering with neutrophil apoptosis. Coinfections with other tick-borne pathogens may occur, especially Borrelia burgdorferi. A. phagocytophilum causes an acute febrile illness in dogs with lethargy and inappetence. Less frequent signs include lameness, coughing, polydipsia, intermittent vomiting, and hemorrhages. Diagnosis is based on finding morulae within granulocytes in the peripheral blood, the combination of acute and convalescent serology using immunofluorescent antibody techniques, and detection of the DNA of A. phagocytophilum using specific polymerase chain reaction assays. Whether persistent infection or reinfection with A. phagocytophilum occurs after natural infection requires additional study, with most reports suggesting that anaplasmosis is a self-limiting disease in dogs that responds well to a 2-week course of doxycycline therapy.  相似文献   

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