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The conversion of homogeneous plantations of conifers to mixed or broadleaved forests is part of sustainable forest management strategies in Western Europe. For the conversion of pine plantations on sandy soils, birch seems a convenient choice. Yet, thus far, little is known about the growth of mature birches outside Northern Europe. We sampled 32 birch trees in forests throughout the sandy ecoregion in northern Belgium at sites that varied in soil and local stand conditions. Half of the birches showed the characteristic pattern in growth (expressed as basal area increment) with a sharply increasing growth till around the age of 25 years followed by a steep decrease in growth. The growth was strongly related to tree age and crown dimensions, only weakly related to soil conditions, and not related to the local stand conditions.  相似文献   

The occurrence and nature of acetate groups in the milled wood lignin (MWL) isolated from birch (Betula pendula Roth) has been addressed by spectroscopic (2D-NMR) and chemical degradative (derivatization followed by reductive cleavage, DFRC) methods. Considerable amounts of acetate groups were present in the MWL preparation. However, 2D-NMR analysis indicated that the lignin polymer is not extensively acetylated and that the major part of the acetate groups is attached to the xylan moieties present in the MWL preparation. Nevertheless, evidence of the presence of minor acetylation of the γ-carbon of the lignin side chain (<3% of both syringyl and guaiacyl lignin units) was provided by DFRC analysis.  相似文献   

Rousi M  Heinonen J 《Tree physiology》2007,27(7):1019-1025
Within-population variation in phenology of boreal trees indicates their adaptability to climatic variations. Although interannual variations in date of bud burst have been widely discussed, little is known about within-population variation, the key determinants for this variation and the effects of this variation on estimates of trends in bud burst date. Over a period of nine years, we monitored timing of bud burst daily in 30 mature white birch (Betula pendula Roth) trees in a naturally regenerated stand. Our results revealed not only large interannual variation but also considerable intraannual variation among individual trees in date of bud burst, the maximum within-population variation being four weeks. Bud burst can be accurately predicted by the date when a threshold value of temperature sum in spring is reached (base temperature +5 degrees C). Based on this temperature sum and past temperature records, we estimated the trend in date of bud burst. The linear trend estimate based on the years 1926-2005 is an advancement of 1.2 days per decade (95% confidence interval, +/- 0.7 days), which is much less than that predicted by time series based on coarser time intervals. We conclude that, because of large interannual differences, and large annual within-population variations in bud burst, estimates of bud burst date based on measurements made over a period of only a few decades are unreliable.  相似文献   

We used in vitro callus and shoot cultures as target material for genetic transformation of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) by particle bombardment. Cultivation of in vitro shoot cultures before particle bombardment and a long selection period, combined with a high concentration of selective agent after bombardment, led to the production of transformed plantlets that were stable, and no escapes were found among the tree lines produced. Clonal variation in transformation efficiency was found in transient expression of the beta-glucuronidase gene in callus cultures and in plantlets transformed by stable integration of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit (RbcS) and neomycin phosphotransferase (npt2) genes.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats(SSRs) defined as sequence repeat units between 1 and 6 bp occur abundantly in both coding and non-coding regions in eukaryotic genomes and these repeats can affect gene expression. In this study, ESTs(expressed sequence tags) of Betula pendula(silver birch) were analyzed for in silico mining of ESTSSRs, protein annotation, open reading frames(ORFs),designing primers, and identifying codon repetitions. In B.pendula, the frequency of ESTs containing SSRs was 7.8 %with an average of 1SSR/4. 78 kb of EST sequences. A total of 188 SSRs was identified by using MISA software and dinucleotide SSR motifs(65.9 %) were found to be the most abundant type of repeat motif followed by tri-(27.1 %),tetra-(4.8 %), and penta-(2.2 %) motifs. Based on ORF analysis, 175 of 178 sequences were predicted as ORFs and the most frequent SSRs were detected in 50 UTR(58.43 %),followed by in ORF(31.46 %) and in 30UTR(8.43 %). 102 of 178 ESTs were annotated as ribosomal protein, transport protein, membrane protein, carrier protein, binding protein,and transferase protein. For a total of 102 SSRs(57.3 %)with significant matches, a set of 102 primers(100 %) with forward and reverse strands was designed by using Primer 3 software. Serine(Ser, 19.6 %) was predominant in putative encoded amino acids and most of amino acids showed nonpolar(35.3 %) nature. Our data provide resources for B.pendula and can be useful for in silico comparative analyses of Betulaceae species, including SSR mining.  相似文献   

Neutral lipids were analyzed in stem wood of a 7-year-old clone and in five 35-70-year-old mature trees of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth). In young trees and in mature wood of old trees, the free fatty acid fraction comprised less than 5% of the concentration of triacylglycerols (TG). The concentration of free linoleic acid was lowest in March when the young trees were dormant and highest during midsummer and September. In mature trees, the TG concentration increased toward the pith, indicating that living parenchyma cells close to the pith have a large TG storage capacity. The TG concentration (mean 0.51 +/- 0.02% of wood dry mass) remained constant throughout the year in young trees, whereas the concentration of beta-sitosterol, the dominant free sterol (mean 82.5 +/- 0.4% of total free sterols), decreased during spring and early summer when the temperature gradually increased, and increased during autumn when the trees became dormant. In young trees, we detected a seasonal interconversion between the free and esterified forms of beta-sitosterol and campesterol, and within the steryl ester fraction between squalene and betulaprenol-7. The concentration of esterified sterols/isoprenoids was exceptionally high, especially in the inner regions of mature stem wood (mean 0.6 +/- 0.03% of wood dry mass). No heartwood formation was detected.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates (A) of leaves in upper and lower crown layers (A(upper) and A(lower)), leaf area index (LAI), mean tilt angle (MTA), several leaf characteristics, and volume growth were observed in fast- and slow-growing families of a 14-year-old full-sib and half-sib family progeny test of Betula pendula Roth. Each measure of net photosynthetic rate was calculated after correcting measured net photosynthesis for the effects of environmental variables. The differences in A(upper) and LAI among families were significant. The proportions of the total variance assigned to family for A(upper), A(lower) and LAI were 33.64, 28.93 and 54.99%, respectively. The mean A(upper) and LAI of the fast-growing families were significantly higher than those of the slow-growing families, whereas the mean A(lower) of the fast-growing families was significantly lower than that of the slow-growing families. There were also significant differences among families in leaf size, leaf shape, and the ratios leaf fresh weight/area and leaf dry weight/area. Between 27.55 and 54.55% of the total variance in these characteristics could be assigned to the family effect. Volume growth was positively correlated with A(upper) and LAI, but it was most strongly correlated with A(upper) x LAI.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to isolate genes differentially expressed following exposure to copper (Cu) in a naturally selected Cu-tolerant birch (Betula pendula Roth.) clone originating from a disused lead/zinc smelter. Of the 352 cDNA fragments initially isolated, 108 were up-regulated by Cu, of which 55 showed over twofold induction by macroarray analysis. Searches against protein databases (Blastx) and sequence analysis provided the tentative identity of 21 genes. Three fragments lacked homology to any sequences in the databases. Most of the identified genes are involved in cellular transport, regulation or cell rescue and defense. Several genes have not previously been reported to be up-regulated by Cu, e.g., plasma intrinsic protein 2, glutamine synthetase and multi-drug resistance-associated protein (MRP4). The expression of MRP4, a vacuolar sorting receptor-like protein and an unidentified gene was studied in more detail by quantitative real-time PCR. These genes showed stronger up-regulation by Cu in the roots and shoots of the Cu-tolerant birch clone compared with a less tolerant clone. Clear clonal differences in gene expression were observed, e.g., for the regulator of chromosome condensation family protein, DnaJ protein homolog, vacuolar sorting receptor-like protein and MRP4. These findings contribute to our understanding of Cu tolerance in birch, a pioneer plant in metal-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Bud development of boreal trees in spring, once initiated, is driven by ambient air temperature, but the mechanism triggering bud development remains unclear. We determined if some aspect of the diurnal or seasonal light regime influences initiation of bud burst once the chilling requirement is met. We grew 3-year-old birch plantlets cloned from a mature tree of boreal origin in light conditions realistically simulating the lengthening days of spring at 60 degrees N. To emulate the reduction in red to far-red light (R:FR) ratio between daylight and twilight, one group of plantlets was subjected to reduced R:FR ratio in the morning and evening in addition to progressively lengthening days, whereas the other group was subjected to the same R:FR ratio throughout the day. The reduced R:FR ratio of twilight advanced bud burst by 4 days compared with the reference group (P = 0.04). To assess the interplay between the fulfillment of the chilling requirement and the subsequent response to warming, we fitted a thermal time model to the data with separate parameterizations for the starting dates of heat sum accumulation in each treatment. Least-squares fitting suggested that bud development started in light regimes corresponding to late March, almost two months after the chilling requirement for dormancy release was satisfied. Therefore, shortening night length or increasing day length, or both, appears to be the cue enabling bud development in spring, with twilight quality having an effect on the photoperiodic response. If twilight alone were the cue, the difference in bud burst dates between the experimental groups would have been greater than 4 days. The result gives experimental support for the use of thermal-time models in phenological modeling.  相似文献   

Effects of elevated concentrations of tropospheric ozone ([O3]) and carbon dioxide ([CO2]) on leaves of two silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) clones were monitored for three growing seasons (1998, 1999, 2000) by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The field trial with open-top chambers (OTCs) was conducted on two clones (Clone 4 and Clone 80) with five treatments and four independent replicates. Treatments were: (1) outside control, (2) chamber control, (3) 2x ambient [O3], (4) 2x ambient [CO2] and (5) 2x ambient [CO2] + 2x ambient [O3]. Fumigations started in 1999 and continued in 2000. Measurements were made in 1998 before the fumigations and thereafter EIS was carried out four times in each season. The impedance spectra of about 10 leaves from each tree at each time were measured at 42 frequencies between 80 and 1 MHz. Leaf spectra were modeled by a distributed circuit element model (DCE) (one DCE in series with a resistor), which yields the extracellular and intracellular resistances, the relaxation time and the distribution coefficient of the relaxation time. The EIS properties of the leaves changed significantly during the growing season when new leaves were expanding. The clones differed in their EIS properties. Clone 4 had a significantly higher extracellular resistance and distribution coefficient than Clone 80. The clones responded similarly to the fumigation treatments. Differences between treatments emerged especially during the second fumigation season in 2000. Elevated [O3] reduced both the relaxation time and the extracellular resistance, indicating cell membrane damage. Elevated [CO2] increased the intracellular resistance, indicating changes in symplastic composition. The biological interpretation of the EIS parameters in birch leaves is discussed.  相似文献   


The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.  相似文献   

A discolouration that appeared on the surfaces of a European white birch (Betula pubescens) board during vacuum drying was studied by means of colour measurements (CIEL*a*b*), elemental analysis and the analysis of extractives. The discoloured surface layer of the dried board contained substantially more methanol-soluble extractives than did the light-coloured part (50.7 mg g−1 vs. 26.7 mg g−1 dry wood), and the colour difference (ΔE* ab 20.0) between the two extracts was notable. Characterization by means of GC and 13C NMR spectroscopy showed that the extracts contain sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds, proanthocyanidins, Brauns’ lignin and fatty acid esters. Concentrations of sugars, low-molecular-weight phenols, proanthocyanidins and Brauns’ lignin were higher in the discoloured surface layer than in the light-coloured part. The yellowness of the surface layer was associated with the accumulation of low-molecular-weight phenolic extractives, and the redness with Brauns’ lignin and possibly proanthocyanidins.  相似文献   

We investigated interrelations of dormancy and freezing tolerance and the role of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) in the development of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) ecotypes in controlled environments. Short-day treatment induced growth cessation, bud set and dormancy development, as well as initiation of cold acclimation and an increase in freezing tolerance. Subsequent low temperature and short days (12-h photoperiod) resulted in a significant increase in freezing tolerance, whereas bud dormancy was gradually released. The concentration of ABA increased in response to short days and then remained high, but ABA concentrations fluctuated irregularly when the dormant plants were subsequently exposed to low temperature during short days. Although there was a parallel development of freezing tolerance and bud dormancy in response to short days, subsequent exposure to low temperature had opposite effects on these processes, enhancing freezing tolerance and releasing dormancy. Compared with the southern ecotype, the northern ecotype was more responsive to short days and low temperature, exhibiting earlier initiation of cold acclimation, growth cessation and an increase in ABA concentrations in short days, and higher freezing tolerance, faster dormancy release and greater alteration in ABA concentrations when subsequently exposed to low temperature during short days. The rates and extent of the increases in ABA concentration may be related to increases in freezing tolerance and dormancy development during short days, whereas the extent of the fluctuations in ABA concentration may play an important role in enhancing freezing tolerance and releasing dormancy during a subsequent exposure to low temperature during short days.  相似文献   

Rey A  Jarvis PG 《Tree physiology》1998,18(7):441-450
To study the long-term response of photosynthesis to elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentration in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), 18 trees were grown in the field in open-top chambers supplied with 350 or 700 &mgr;mol mol(-1) CO(2) for four consecutive growing seasons. Maximum photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and CO(2) response curves were measured over the fourth growing season with a portable photosynthesis system. The photosynthesis model developed by Farquhar et al. (1980) was fitted to the CO(2) response curves. Chlorophyll, soluble proteins, total nonstructural carbohydrates, nitrogen and Rubisco activity were determined monthly. Elevated CO(2) concentration stimulated photosynthesis by 33% on average over the fourth growing season. However, comparison of maximum photosynthetic rates at the same CO(2) concentration (350 or 700 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) revealed that the photosynthetic capacity of trees grown in an elevated CO(2) concentration was reduced. Analysis of the response curves showed that acclimation to elevated CO(2) concentration involved decreases in carboxylation efficiency and RuBP regeneration capacity. No clear evidence for a redistribution of nitrogen within the leaf was observed. Down-regulation of photosynthesis increased as the growing season progressed and appeared to be related to the source-sink balance of the trees. Analysis of the main leaf components revealed that the reduction in photosynthetic capacity was accompanied by an accumulation of starch in leaves (100%), which was probably responsible for the reduction in Rubisco activity (27%) and to a lesser extent for reductions in other photosynthetic components: chlorophyll (10%), soluble protein (9%), and N concentrations (12%) expressed on an area basis. Despite a 21% reduction in stomatal conductance in response to the elevated CO(2) treatment, stomatal limitation was significantly less in the elevated, than in the ambient, CO(2) treatment. Thus, after four growing seasons exposed to an elevated CO(2) concentration in the field, the trees maintained increased photosynthetic rates, although their photosynthetic capacity was reduced compared with trees grown in ambient CO(2).  相似文献   

Uptake and leakage experiments were performed to study the effects of copper and cadmium on K(+) fluxes in birch (Betula pendula Roth) roots. Labeled rubidium ((86)Rb(+)) was used as a tracer for K(+). Plants were pretreated with Cu or Cd (0, 2, 5 or 25 microM) for 0-300 min and then transferred to radiolabeled nutrient solution (150 microM K(+)) with or without 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) to separate the effects of heavy metal on active and passive K(+) influxes. Passive K(+) influx was decreased by pretreatment with Cu but was only slightly affected by pretreatment with Cd. Pretreatment with 2 microM Cu increased active K(+) influx, whereas pretreatment with 25 microM Cu decreased active K(+) influx and intermediate Cu concentrations (5 microM) did not affect active K(+) influx. The pretreatment effects of Cu on active and passive K(+) influxes increased with increasing pretreatment time. During the first hour, pretreatment with Cd decreased active K(+) influx with increasing pretreatment time, whereafter recovery began. To measure K(+) efflux, birch plants were loaded with (86)Rb(+) for 7 days before being exposed to Cu or Cd (0, 1, 3, 5 or 10 microM) in unlabeled nutrient solutions for 24 h. Net efflux of K(+) was measured as (86)Rb(+)-activity in the nutrient solutions 24 h after a heavy metal had been introduced. Efflux of K(+) increased with increasing Cu or Cd concentration in the unlabeled nutrient solution.The data indicate that Cu and Cd affected K(+) influx differently and that recovery mechanism(s), which were induced shortly after heavy metal introduction, counteracted the heavy-metal induced inhibition of active K(+) influx. Efflux of K(+) from plant roots over a 24-h period indicated that Cu and Cd had similar effects on K(+) efflux. There was no evidence of a recovery mechanism counteracting the heavy-metal-induced inhibition of K(+) efflux.  相似文献   

We partially purified peroxidase isoform fractions from xylem extracts of a gymnosperm, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and an angiosperm, silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), to determine the participation of xylem-localized peroxidases in polymerization of different types of lignin in vivo. Several peroxidase fractions varying in isoelectric point values from acidic to basic were tested for their ability to catalyze the oxidation of the monolignols coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol and p-coumaryl alcohol in vitro. All of the xylem peroxidases extracted from Norway spruce and most of those from silver birch showed the highest rate of oxidation with coniferyl alcohol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The exception was an acidic peroxidase fraction (pI 3.60-3.65) from silver birch that exhibited higher oxidation activity for sinapyl alcohol than for coniferyl alcohol. For the xylem enzyme fractions extracted from silver birch, the ability to oxidize the artificial phenolic substrate syringaldazine coincided with high specific activity for sinapyl alcohol. Therefore, we conclude that the acidic, neutral and basic xylem peroxidases of Norway spruce all function in the synthesis of guaiacyl-type lignin, whereas in silver birch the acidic peroxidases preferentially oxidize sinapyl subunits. The latter provides a mechanism for synthesis of guaiacyl-syringyl lignin typical of tracheid cell walls in angiosperm trees.  相似文献   

To assess genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), we studied the plasticity of 16 physiological traits in response to a 12-14-week summer drought imposed on four clones in two consecutive years. In a common garden experiment, 1-year-old clonal trees from regions with low (550 mm year(-1)) to high rainfall (1270 mm year(-1)) were grown in 45-l pots, and leaf gas exchange parameters, leaf water potentials, leaf osmotic potentials and leaf carbon isotope signatures were repeatedly measured. There were no clonal differences in leaf water potential, but stomatal conductance (gs), net photosynthesis at ambient carbon dioxide concentration, photosynthetic water-use efficiency, leaf carbon isotope composition (delta13C) and leaf osmotic potentials at saturation (Pi0) and at incipient plasmolysis (Pip) were markedly influenced by genotype, especially gs and osmotic adjustment. Genotypes of low-rainfall origin displayed larger osmotic adjustment than genotypes of high-rainfall origin, although their Pi0 and Pip values were similar or higher with ample water supply. Genotypes of low-rainfall origin had higher gs than genotypes of high-rainfall origin under both ample and limited water supply, indicating a higher water consumption that might increase competitiveness in drought-prone habitats. Although most parameters tested were significantly influenced by genotype and treatment, the genotype x treatment interactions were not significant. The genotypes differed in plasticity of the tested parameters and in their apparent adaptation to drought; however, among genotypes, physiological plasticity and drought adaptation were not related to each other. Reduction of gs was the first and most plastic response to drought in all genotypes, and allowed the maintenance of high predawn leaf water potentials during the drought. None of the clones exhibited non-stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. Leaf gs, photosynthetic capacity, magnitude of osmotic adjustment and delta13C were all markedly lower in 2000 than in 1999, indicating root limitation in the containers in the second year.  相似文献   

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