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Most farm-based agroforestry projects focus on the integration of trees on arable or livestock enterprises. This paper focuses on the integration of understorey crops and/or livestock within high value tree systems (e.g., apple orchards, olive groves, chestnut woodlands, and walnut plantations), and describes the components, structure, ecosystem services and economic value of ten case studies of this type of agroforestry across Europe. Although their ecological and socio-economic contexts vary, the systems share some common characteristics. The primary objective of the farmer is likely to remain the value of tree products like apples, olives, oranges, or nuts, or particularly high value timber. However there can still be production, environmental or economic benefits of integrating agricultural crops such as chickpeas and barley, or grazing an understorey grass crop with livestock. Three of the systems focused on the grazing of apple orchards with sheep in the UK and France. The introduction of sheep to apple orchards can minimise the need for mowing and provide an additional source of revenue. Throughout the Mediterranean, there is a need to improve the financial viability of olive groves. The case studies illustrate the possibility of intercropping traditional olive stands with chickpea in Greece, or the intercropping of wild asparagus in high density olive groves in Italy. Another system studied in Greece involves orange trees intercropped with chickpeas. Stands of chestnut trees in North-west Spain can provide feed for pigs when the fruit falls in November, and provide an excellent habitat for the commercial production of edible mushrooms. In Spain, in the production of high quality walnut trees using rotations of up to 50–60 years, there are options to establish a legume-based mixed pasture understorey and to introduce sheep to provide financial and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

The Brazilian state of Acre has an extensive natural reserve of bamboo,making it one of the largest in loco gene banks.The aim of this study was to characterize the structure and genetic diversity of Guadua weberbaueri Pilg.in two populations,one native(FAPB) and the other anthropized(FAPBA),using ISSR markers.The results show that the FAPB population exhibited higher values for all estimates of population diversity.However,the FAPBA population also showed high heterozygosity,corroborated by estimated gene flow(Nm=3.9) between the populations.The study of the association between Nei's genetic distances and the geographic distances between the populations were significantly correlated(r=0.45,p=0.01),corroborated by the dendrogram revealing two distinct groups corresponding to the collection sites,without mixing classes between populations in the same group.As for the coancestry coefficient,pairs of individuals in the first distance class were positive and significant,indicating that plants that are geographically closer share common alleles with a frequency greater than by chance,which means that there is a tendency that geographically closer individuals are related.Individuals presented similar genetic structure when the geographical distance between them was up to 56 m for FAPB and up to156 m for FAPBA.It was concluded that anthropized environments exhibit less genetic diversity than native environments,inferring risks for species conservation if appropriate and planned management techniques are not adopted.  相似文献   

Cultivation of rubber trees on non-forested land could act as a carbon sink by sequestering carbon in biomass and indirectly in soils. International political and economical interests, following the Kyoto Protocol, require estimates of this carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

In the Brazilian Amazon, insecure property rights are among the main causes of land conflicts and deforestation. Through an in-depth empirical case study in Maranhao in the Eastern Amazon, this research analyzes how distorted agrarian, forest and environmental policies, laws and regulations originated insecure property rights not only over land, but also over timber, which allied to social and political factors, such as uneven distribution of land and strong organization of landless peasants, led to land conflicts and deforestation. This paper also shows that the causes of and the several actors involved in the deforestation of the Amazon were not independent, rather they were related and interact to each other. Compatibility between environmental goals and agrarian policies, regulations and laws are necessary to provide secure and clear property rights to allow a better enforcement of environmental regulations and to give actors incentives to avoid deforestation.  相似文献   

To determine if reduced tree densities(number of trees per unit area) lead to changes in micro-meteorological and tree physiological characteristics, two areas with different tree densities were assessed. One was an agrosilvopastoral system(AGP) with low tree density, and the other, a secondary forest(SF) with greater tree numbers, both located in a semiarid region of Brazil. Data were collected simultaneously by two automated weather stations: rainfall, air(T_a) and soil temperatures(T_(s5 cm)), relative humidity(RHair), photosynthetically active radiation(PAR), soil moisture at two depths(M_(s30 cm)and M_(s50 cm)),and wind velocity(Vw). Net photosynthesis in Cordia oncocalyx Allema?o trees was measured with an infrared gas analyzer in February, March, May, July, August and September 2011, which encompasses a rainy period followed by a dry period. Average values of Ta, T_(s5 cm), Vwand PAR were greater and average values of RHairand M_(s50 cm) were lesser in the AGP. Photosynthetic rates were greater in plants growing under the AGP at the onset of the dry season when Vw, PAR and T_(s5 cm)were greater and M_(s50 cm) was lesser. Photosynthetic rates correlated strongly with physical parameters during the dry season, especially under SF. Differences in tree numbers between AGP and SF led to differences in physical environmental parameters;however, the latter had less influence on photosynthetic rates in C. oncocalyx during the rainy season. During the dry season, all physical parameters had an impact on net photosynthesis under SF but not under AGP. This indicates a certain independence of plants in AGP.  相似文献   

Information concerning the classification of soils and their properties under cacao agroforestry systems of the Atlantic rain forest biome region in the Southeast of Bahia, Brazil is largely unknown. Soil and climatic conditions in this region are favorable for high soil carbon storage. This study is aimed to classify soils under cacao agroforestry and further, to quantify carbon stocks in these soil profiles. Soil classification was performed, and the amount of C stored was estimated, based on the thickness of the soil horizons, their bulk density, and total organic carbon stored. In the sites studied under cacao, four general classes of soils were identified: Ultisols, Oxisols, Alfisols, and Inceptisols. Carbon stocks in these soil profiles showed wide variation, ranging from 719.24 to 2089.93 Mg ha?1. Carbon stocks in soil surface and subsurface layers in different agroforestry systems with cacao (cacao cabruca, cacao?×?rubber tree, and cacao?×?erythrina) were comparable; however, total storage of organic C in these soils was higher than expected, compared to values reported for the International Soil Reference and Information Center (ISRIC), based on the FAO-UNESCO database, and were also higher than estimated regional soil data.  相似文献   

Kerala State on the southwestern coast of India in the tropical humid zone has a predominantly agricultural economy, a very high density of population and therefore high pressure on cultivable land. The farmers there undertake cultivation of an array of crops — tree crops, plantation crops, seasonals and biennials — all in intimate mixtures on the same piece of land around the homesteads. Farm animals and poultry and sometimes fisheries also are essential components of the system. The close association of agricultural crops, tree crops and animals in the homesteads represents an excellent example of sustainable and productive agroforestry homegardens. Optimum utilization of available resources of land, solar energy and technological inputs and an efficient recycling of farm wastes are important characteristics of the systems. This paper attempts to describe and evaluate the systems' stability, productivity and sustainability, and identify its merits and constraints as well as research needs.  相似文献   

Windthrow plays a critical role in maintaining species diversity in temperate forests. Do large-scale strong wind events(i.e., tropical cyclones, including hurricanes,typhoons and severe cyclonic storms) increase tree diversity in severely damaged forest areas? Do hurricanes(tropical cyclones that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean) lead to altered relative abundance of shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant species? Did historic hurricanes alter the succession trajectory of the damaged forests? We used nearly 70-year tree demographic data to assess the effects of two major hurricanes on woody species diversity in Piedmont forests, North Carolina, USA. Species richness(S) and Shannon–Wiener's diversity index(H') were used to evaluate the changes in tree diversity. The changes in composition were assessed with Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling. The pre-hurricane successional phase can strongly influence both the damage severity and subsequent responses. Although there is often an immediate drop in diversity following a hurricane, understory tree diversity quickly increases to levels that exceed those prior to the disturbance. This leads to an increase in diversity in stands that were substantially damaged. Hurricanes significantly decrease the dominance of shade-intolerant canopy species while increasing preestablished, more shade-tolerant species. We conclude that large, and infrequent hurricanes help to maintain local tree diversity, but also accelerate the increase in dominance of understory species such as red maple and beech.  相似文献   

Climate change and carbon mitigation through forest ecosystems are some of the important topics in global perspective. Tropical dry forests are one of the most widely distributed ecosystems in tropics, which remain neglected in research. The soil organic carbon (SOC) stock was quantified on a large scale (30 1-ha plots) in the dry deciduous forest of the Sathanur reserve forest of Eastern Ghats. The SOC stock ranged from 16.92 to 44.65 Mg/ha with a mean value of 28.26 ± 1.35 Mg/ha. SOC exhibited a negative trend with an increase in soil depth. A significant positive correlation was obtained between SOC stocks and vegetation characteristics viz. tree density, shrub basal area, and herb species richness, while a significant negative correlation was observed with bulk density. The variation in SOC stock among the plots obtained in the present study could be due to differences in tree abundance, herb species richness, shrub basal area, soil pH, soil bulk density, soil texture etc. The present study generates a large-scale baseline data of dry deciduous forest SOC stock, which would facilitate SOC stock assessment at the national level as well as to understand its contribution on a global scale.  相似文献   

Throughout the Amazon of Brazil, manioc (Manihot esculenta) is a staple crop produced through slash-and-burn agriculture. Nutrient losses during slash-and-burn can be large and nutrient demand by food crops so great that fields are often abandoned after two years. In recent decades, farmers have reduced the fallow phase from 20 to ~5 years, limiting plant nutrient accumulation to sustain crop yields. Improved fallows through simultaneous planting of trees with food crops may accelerate nutrient re-accumulation. In addition, slash-and-mulch technology may prevent loss of nutrients due to burning and mulch decomposition may serve as a slow-release source of nutrients. This study in Pará, Brazil, in a 7-year-old secondary forest following slashing and mulching of the vegetation, involved two main plot treatments (with and without P and K fertilizers) and two sub-plot treatments (with or without a N2-fixer Inga edulis). A mixed-culture of trees and manioc was planted in all plots. P and K fertilizer increased tree mortality due to weed competition but growth of surviving trees in four of the five tree species tested also increased as did biomass production of manioc. In the N2-fixer treatment trends of greater growth and survival of four of five tree species and manioc biomass were also observed. Fertilization increased the biomass of competing vegetation, but there was a fertilizer by N2-fixer interaction as I. edulis caused a reduction in competing biomass in the fertilized treatment. After one year, fertilization increased decomposition of the mulch such that Ca, Mg, and N contents within the mulch all decreased. In contrast, P and K contents of mulch increased in all treatments. No influence of the N2-fixer on 0–10 cm soil N contents was observed. Two years after establishment, this agroforestry system succeeded in growing a manioc crop and leaving a well-maintained tree fallow after the crop harvest.  相似文献   


The atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased to unprecedented levels during last decades, raising concerns about their effect on climate change. Agriculture and land use change play an important role in atmospheric CO2 emission and fixation, especially by affecting the soil carbon (C) storage. In this context, agroforestry systems (AFSs) could play an important role contributing to climate change mitigation. Given the importance of olive cultivation in the Mediterranean region, it is important to investigate soil C stock in olive groves, and to assess which agronomic practices could improve the soil C stock in these systems. For this reason, a study was conducted in different olive groves, including conventional and organic management, and a typical silvopastoral AFS. Furthermore, an abandoned olive grove and nearby forest were examined as a comparison. Soil samples were collected in each farm and analysed for C content and physico-chemical characteristics. This study indicates that, irrespective of the management, olive groves in the Umbria region of Italy are characterised by a high level of soil C stock if compared to those growing in other areas and to forest ecosystems, indicating that the practices adopted in the area are not negatively affecting soil C storage. A slightly lower soil C stock was measured in the silvopastoral AFS in comparison to the other farms, while high soil C stock was associated with the use of pomace, suggesting that this practice can be used to further increase soil C stock in olive orchards.


The current expansion of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in the Brazilian Amazon has mainly occurred within smallholder agricultural and degraded areas. Under the social and environmental scenarios associated with these areas, oil palm-based agroforestry systems represent a potentially sustainable method of expanding the crop. The capacity of such systems to store carbon (C) in the soil is an important ecosystem service that is currently not well understood. Here, we quantified the spatial variation of soil C stocks in young (2.5-year-old) oil palm-based agroforestry systems with contrasting species diversity (high vs. low); both systems were compared with a ~10-year-old forest regrowth site and a 9-year-old traditional agroforestry system. The oil palm-based agroforestry system consisted of series of double rows of oil palm and strips of various herbaceous, shrub, and tree species. The mean (±standard error) soil C stocks at 0–50 cm depth were significantly higher in the low (91.8 ± 3.1 Mg C ha?1) and high (87.6 ± 3.3 Mg C ha?1) species diversity oil palm-based agroforestry systems than in the forest regrowth (71.0 ± 2.4 Mg C ha?1) and traditional agroforestry (68.4 ± 4.9 Mg C ha?1) sites. In general, no clear spatial pattern of soil C stocks could be identified in the oil palm-based agroforestry systems. The significant difference in soil carbon between the oil palm area (under oil palm: 12.7 ± 2.3 Mg C ha?1 and between oil palm: 10.6 ± 0.5 Mg C ha?1) and the strip area (17.0 ± 1.4 Mg C ha?1) at 0–5 cm depth very likely reflects the high input of organic fertilizer in the strip area of the high species diversity oil palm-based agroforestry system treatment. Overall, our results indicate a high level of early net accumulation of soil C in the oil palm-based agroforestry systems (6.6–8.3 Mg C ha?1 year?1) that likely reflects the combination of fire-free land preparation, organic fertilization, and the input of plant residues from pruning and weeding.  相似文献   

Many environmental benefits have been attributed to agroforestry systems in various ecosystems around the world. However, there is a limited amount of information to evaluate this agricultural system in the semi-arid region, specifically in the region of Ceará, Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate five agricultural (four agroforestry and one conventional) systems in order to test the hypothesis that the agroforestry systems promote an increase in the soil organic carbon stocks and organic carbon pools, thus improving soil quality. The following treatments were tested: agrosilvopasture (AGP), silvopasture (SILV), traditional agroforestry (TRAG), intensive cropping (IC), and native forest (NF). The soil samples were collected at four depths: 0–6, 6–12, 12–20 and 20–40 cm. Total soil organic carbon stocks and the organic carbon pools (microbial biomass-C, mineralizable-C, oxidizable-C, free, occluded light fraction organic matter, and C in the humic substances) were analyzed. After 5 years of experimental cultivation, the soil under the SILV system presented the best results for the attributes studied, preserving, and in some cases, improving these attributes, when compared to the other conditions. The traditional agroforestry system (TRAG) reduced total organic carbon stocks and, consequently, C in some organic matter compartments, indicating that the fallow period was not sufficient to maintain soil quality. The AGP and IC systems presented significant losses in some of the soil organic matter (SOM) pools, suggesting that the soil environment had been degraded. The most labile SOM components were considered sensitive indicators of change in the soil quality. The silvopasture system can, therefore, be recommended as an alternative soil management strategy for food production and for the maintenance of soil quality and agricultural sustainability in the semiarid region of Ceará state.  相似文献   

The growing of tree crops along with the field crops is a common practice in foothills of lower Himalayas with the twin objective of checking soil erosion by water and covering the risk of crop failure due to frequently occurring droughts. A study was conducted to evaluate dry and water stable aggregates for their soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks under different tree-based cropping systems. The treatments consisted of three cropping systems viz. maize-wheat (sole crop), agroforestry and agrohorticulture (tree-based) in the similar soil texture and in 6 year old plantations. The soil samples were obtained from different layers (0–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90 and 90–120 cm) and analyzed for SOC. The undisturbed aggregate samples (as big clods) were collected from 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil layer for dry and wet aggregate stability. The data so obtained was analyzed by using CRD factorial deigns at LSD (P ≤ 0.05). The SOC concentration decreased with soil depth, the decrease was higher (89.6%) in soils under maize-wheat than in soils under agrohorticulture (81.3%) and agroforestry (77.8%). The mean SOC concentration decreased with the size of the dry stable aggregates (DSA) and water stable aggregates (WSA). In DSA, the mean SOC concentration was 58.06 and 24.2% higher in large and small macroaggregates than in microaggregates respectively; in WSA it was 295.6 and 226.08% higher in large and small macroaggregates than in microaggregates respectively in surface soil layer. The mean SOC concentration in surface soil was higher in DSA (0.79%) and WSA (0.63%) as compared to bulk soil (0.52%). The SOC concentration and stock being highest in soils under agroforestry resulted in higher SOC concentration in dry as well as WSA.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic understory fires have affected large areas of tropical forest in recent decades, particularly during severe droughts. Yet, the mechanisms that control fire-induced mortality of tropical trees and lianas remain ambiguous due to the challenges associated with documenting mortality given variation in fire behavior and forest heterogeneity. In a seasonally dry Amazon forest, we conducted a burn experiment to quantify how increasing understory fires alter patterns of stem mortality. From 2004 to 2007, tree and liana mortality was measured in adjacent 50-ha plots that were intact (B0 - control), burned once (B1), and burned annually for 3 years (B3). After 3 years, cumulative tree and liana mortality (≥1 cm dbh) in the B1 (5.8% yr−1) and B3 (7.0% yr−1) plots significantly exceeded mortality in the control (3.2% yr−1). However, these fire-induced mortality rates are substantially lower than those reported from more humid Amazonian forests. Small stems were highly vulnerable to fire-induced death, contrasting with drought-induced mortality (measured in other studies) that increases with tree size. For example, one low-intensity burn killed >50% of stems <10 cm within a year. Independent of stem size, species-specific mortality rates varied substantially from 0% to 17% yr−1 in the control, 0% to 26% yr−1 in B1, and 1% to 23% yr−1 in B3, with several species displaying high variation in their vulnerability to fire-induced mortality. Protium guianense (Burseraceae) exhibited the highest fire-induced mortality rates in B1 and B3, which were 10- and 9-fold greater than the baseline rate. In contrast, Aspidosperma excelsum (Apocynaceae), appeared relatively unaffected by fire (0.3% to 1.0% mortality yr−1 across plots), which may be explained by fenestration that protects the inner concave trunk portions from fire. For stems ≥10 cm, both char height (approximating fire intensity) and number of successive burns were significant predictors of fire-induced mortality, whereas only the number of consecutive annual burns was a strong predictor for stems <10 cm. Three years after the initial burn, 62 ± 26 Mg ha−1 (s.e.) of live biomass, predominantly stems <30 cm, was transferred to the dead biomass pool, compared with 8 ± 3 Mg ha−1 in the control. This biomass loss from fire represents ∼30% of this forest's aboveground live biomass (192 (±3) Mg ha−1; >1 cm DBH). Although forest transition to savanna has been predicted based on future climate scenarios, our results indicate that wildfires from agricultural expansion pose a more immediate threat to the current carbon stocks in Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

We studied how the use of certain tree species in forest regeneration affected the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock of boreal forests in Finland under the current climate (1981–2010) and recent-generation global climate model (GCM) predictions (i.e., multi-model means and individual GCMs of CMIP5), using the representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 over the period 2010–2099. Forest ecosystem model simulations were conducted on upland national forest inventory plots throughout Finland. In a baseline management regime, forest regeneration was performed by planting the same tree species that was dominant before the final cut. In alternative management regimes, either Scots pine, Norway spruce, or silver birch were planted on medium-fertility sites. Other management actions over rotation were done as in a baseline management. Compared to baseline management, an increased planting of birch resulted in relative sense highest increase in the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock in forests in the south, especially under severe climate projections (e.g., multi-model mean RCP8.5, and GCMs such as HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 and GFDL-CM3 RCP8.5). This situation was opposite for Norway spruce. In the north, the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock of forests increased the most under severe climate projections (e.g., multi-model mean RCP8.5 and CNRM-CM5 RCP8.5), regardless of tree species preference. The magnitude of the climate change impacts depended largely on the geographical region and the severity of the climate projection. Increasing the cultivation of birch and Scots pine, as opposed to Norway spruce, could be recommended for the south. In the north, all three species could be cultivated, regardless of the severity of climate change.  相似文献   

Fourteen aphid species belonging to eight genera and three families of the superfamily Aphidoidea were presented from Isparta region in fruit tree orchards. Among these, Dysaphis plantaginea, Aphis pomi and Dysaphis devecta, which cause harm to apples, are the most common species in the area because of the high amount of apple production. In addition, eight species from the family Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), three from Syrphidae (Diptera) and one species from Forficulidae (Dermaptera) were found as predator. Totally, eight species were determined as parasitoids from the families Aphidiidae, Aphelinidae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera).  相似文献   

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