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对落叶松髓心方材采用不同温度的过热蒸汽预处理,再利用前期试验得出的高频/真空干燥参数进行试验。结果表明,采用常压105℃过热蒸汽预处理31 h,高频/真空干燥后试材的表裂明显减少,且终含水率分布更加均匀;过热蒸汽预处理工艺使高频/真空干燥周期有所延长,但综合考虑干燥周期和干燥质量,认为此工艺具有可行性。  相似文献   

对截面尺寸为100mm×100mm的人工林落叶松髓心方材进行系列高频真空干燥试验,分析研究不同高频真空干燥条件下干燥质量和干燥速度的变化规律,获得合理的高频真空干燥工艺基准;为了进一步减少试材表裂,干燥前对试材进行切口和过热蒸汽预处理。结果表明:沿试材长度方向的中心位置切口和过热蒸汽预处理都能有效减少试材表裂,提高干燥质量。  相似文献   

人工林落叶松髓心方材高频/真空干燥工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对人工林落叶松含髓心方材进行高频真空干燥试验,以确定高频真空干燥工艺参数。结果表明,适宜的高频真空干燥工艺,不但能保证落叶松髓心方材干燥质量,而且能大幅度提高干燥速度。试验得出较佳的干燥工艺条件为:电流0.4A,输入电压2kV;高频开启3min停1min,控制温度50℃;干燥初期真空度为13.33kPa,干燥后期真空度为6.67kPa。  相似文献   

切口处理对落叶松方材高频/真空干燥质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对兴安岭落叶松髓心方材采用纵向切口处理后,进行高频/真空干燥试验。结果表明,落叶松髓心方材切口处理,能明显减少表面开裂,总表裂长度降低了39%~50%;对干燥速度、含水率分布以及干燥收缩均无显著影响。  相似文献   

通常真空干燥设备主要依赖温度和含水率检测来控制干燥质量,而普通温度和湿度探头会在高频电场中受到干扰,因此干燥过程中很难实现精准控制,而烘干过程中需要人员适时调整高频或定期排掉储水罐内储水,目前基本上是半自动的控制方式,需要人员适时看护,这也是大部分高频真空干燥设备的弊端。高频真空干燥是高频介质加热与真空低温干燥技术相结...  相似文献   

人工林杨木的高频真空干燥工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工林杨木的高频真空干燥系列试验中,通过不断改变干燥工艺参数并分析总结试验结果,从而确定杨木高频真空干燥适宜的工艺基准。结果表明,在本试验确定的高频真空干燥工艺下,初含水率较高的杨木不仅能保证干燥质量,而且干燥速度可比常规蒸汽干燥法和高温蒸汽干燥法提高数倍。  相似文献   

木材高频真空干燥及其应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、国内外发展概况及特点木材高频真空干燥是七十年代初首先在前苏联、美国、日本等国研究发展起来的一项先进的干燥技术,八十年代初开始应用于生产。美国的一家动力公司和日本的制造厂商,已推出高频真空干燥机的系列化产品,在欧、美及包括中国台湾在内的很多国家和地区推广应用。高频真空干燥的最大特点是木材干燥极为迅速。由于采用高频介电加热和在连续真空条件下作业,木材可在很短的时间内获得充分的热量,并在较低的温度下迅速干燥。一些用常规窑干法需要干燥数天乃至数十天的木料,采用高频真空干燥,仅需数小时或数十小时即可,干燥周期可缩短17  相似文献   

木材真空-过热蒸汽干燥的预热特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在真空状态下,分别对过热蒸汽和空气为干燥介质时木材干燥预热阶段进行对比试验,探讨了木材在真空-过热蒸汽干燥中预阶段的工艺特性。结果表明:过热蒸汽干燥的预热阶段进行得非常迅速,同时其表面水分的凝结量也较以空气为介质时表面水分的凝结量大。  相似文献   

木材干燥是在热力作用下以蒸发或沸腾的汽化方式排除木材水分的处理过程。木材干燥是保存木材的优良特性、增强材质、合理利用木材的重要措施之一。 目前国内外普遍应用的木材干燥设备是蒸汽干燥和除湿干燥设备,拥有量占整个干燥设备的80%以上,而过热蒸汽-真空干燥设备是近几年发展起来的一种新型木材干燥设备,用此种设备干燥的木材质量好,木材颜色变色小,是一种较为理想的木材干燥设备。1工艺理论基础 木材属于植物有机体,含有一定的水分。其作为原材料在加工利用时,水分的存在在大多数情况下是极为不利的,因为木材的物理力学…  相似文献   

永雅芬  初费臣 《林业科技》1994,19(3):43-44,22
刨切薄木(以下简称薄木)贴面质量和成本与薄木干燥有很大关系。薄木(常规)干燥容易产生碎裂、皱缩、不平整等缺陷,即使采用湿贴法也会产生二次加工中的贴面开裂、鼓泡等缺陷。而且湿薄木(含水率一般在100%以上)在存放和运输过程中很容易发霉、变色,从而降低薄木的利用率,影响薄木贴面质量和产品成本。为此本文介绍一种新  相似文献   

杉木人工林木材的高频真空干燥工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对人工林杉木25mm和50mm厚板材进行了系列高频真空干燥试验.结果表明:干燥后的板材变形小,表面平整,表芯层含水率差异较小.尽管试板的初始含水率差异较大,但根据高频真空干燥靠近正极板的木材比靠近负极板的干燥速度快的特点,试板的初始含水率由低至高在负极板至正极板之间进行顺序摆放码垛,干燥后的板材含水率可达到均匀一致.  相似文献   

A new method for monitoring moisture content during radio-frequency (RF)/vacuum drying was developed by measurement of temperature and pressure in wood. Temperature and pressure inside the wood were measured simultaneously during RF/vacuum drying at the same point. The relative humidity (RH) and moisture content (MC) below the fiber saturation point (FSP) were calculated based on temperature and pressure, and the relationship between the temperature, RH, and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) at the measurement point. When the moisture content was below the FSP, the calculated MC was slightly greater than the value given by oven drying. The absolute error was within 0.8% near the open cross side, and was within 1.8% at another measurement point. Thus, we concluded that it was practicable to monitor the moisture content below the FSP according to the temperature and pressure inside the wood. Part of this study was presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of the Japan Wood Research Society, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, September 2003  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of a compressive load of 0.092 MPa on the history of the tangential strains in Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gordon) log cross sections subjected to external compressive load during radio-frequency/vacuum drying. The external compressive load of 0.092 MPa played a role in inducing cracking in the outer zone of the log cross section, combining with other tensile strains. However, it also played a role in reducing the heart checks in the core of log cross section when exerted on the cross section of log cross section.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of steam explosion treatment on drying rates, moisture distribution, shrinking, and checking during radio-frequency/vacuum drying of Korean larch pillar combined with a longitudinal kerf. All the pillars except the nonkerf/control with high initial moisture content (MC) could be dried within 89 h from the green condition to about 15% MC. In pillars with high initial moistures or in the early stage of drying, the drying rates were sharply accelerated by steam explosion treatments. The final moisture gradients along the transverse direction were gentler for the steamexploded pillars and for pillars with a longitudinal kerf, respectively, than for the unexploded pillars and for pillars without a longitudinal kerf. The moisture gradients along the longitudinal direction on all the layers were gentler for the pillars with a longitudinal kerf than for those without the kerf. Formation of checking was significantly controlled in the pillars with a longitudinal kerf. All the steam-exploded pillars except the kerf/1-cycle, however, were more severely damaged by checks than the unexploded pillars. A prong test revealed an extremely low level of residual stress for all the dried pillars.  相似文献   

对从杨树心、边材提取的磨木木质素进行了元素分析和红外光谱(FTIR)质子和碳-13核磁共振波谱(^1H,^13C NMR)等化学特征研究。研究结果表明:杨树心、边材木质素的经验式分别为C9H7.16O2.38(OCH3)1.99和C9H8.61O2.73(OCH3)1.33。心材木质素甲氧基含量28.16%,比边材高8.73%。两种木质素均具有典型阔叶材的特征,化学结构类型基本一致,碳骨架结构基本相同,但化学官能团和键型的组成上存在差异。  相似文献   

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