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鄂西南茶树主要害虫的发生与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍分析鄂西南茶区茶树三种主要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉、茶尺蠖和茶毛虫的危害发生特点,并提出了相应的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

Occurrence of barley yellow dwarf virus in pastures of western France   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
As pasture grasses are preponderant in the agriculture of western France, their role as reservoirs of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) and its aphid vectors has been studied from 1984 to 1986. Aphids were observed on most crops of five pasture grass species (brome grass, cocksfoot, tall fescue, Italian and perennial ryegrass) but in very low numbers. Rhopalosiphum padi was the most numerous species. The incidence of BYDV was high, with levels of infection ranging from 6 to 80% depending on the species of pasture grasses. Fescue pastures were highly infected with BYDV, whereas the virus was not detected in cocksfoot pastures. PAV-, RPV-, MAV-like isolates of BYDV were detected in pasture grasses, but RPV- and MAV-like isolates were only detected from ryegrass and brome grass, respectively. The role of these grasses as source of viruliferous aphids infecting cereals is discussed.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - During the inspection of vegetable material for EXPO 2015 in Milan (Italy), samples of bark from an unidentified coniferous tree were analysed and screened for...  相似文献   

Nucleospora salmonis (Hedrick, Groff et Baxa, 1991), an intranuclear microsporidian parasite of marine and freshwater fish, causes diseases mainly in salmonid species. Losses have been reported in stocks of salmonid fish reared in the region of Auvergne (France). The cause of chronic mortalities in the local host species raised in aquaculture and destined for supplementation of the river system Loire-Allier was examined. The presence of N. salmonis was confirmed by PCR and histology in Salmo salar L. previously and in newly investigated salmonid species, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta fario L., Thymallus thymallus (L.) and Salvelinus alpinus (L.), present in European streams. The infection by N. salmonis was consistent in all cases with characteristic symptoms of the disease in deceased or moribund fish. The small subunit ribosomal DNA from N. salmonis was partially sequenced and compared to previously characterised N. salmonis isolates. As a result, a genotype, or clonal entity, was attributed to N. salmonis among Atlantic salmon found along the Northern Atlantic coastal lines and other salmonid species co-inhabiting or co-cultivated in the Auvergne region.  相似文献   

昆虫对植物源手性气味的立体选择性识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫对手性植物气味表现出立体选择性反应和行为,手性识别影响植物/昆虫的关系。3种鳞翅目雌蛾对寄主中(-)-D-杜鹃烯高度敏感和具有高选择性反应。棉铃虫对α-蒎烯对映异构体表现出立体选择性的行为反应和记忆。云杉八齿小蠹(Ips typographus)利用其寄主中的(-)-α-蒎烯合成其聚集信息素(S)-Z-马鞭草烯醇。虫瘿雄蜂(Antistrophus rufus)通过识别其幼虫危害诱导的手性单萜异构体比例作为性信息素寻找雌蜂。  相似文献   

特用玉米及其病虫害发生与防治对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
我国玉米种植结构处于调整阶段 ,随着包括高油玉米、优质蛋白玉米、甜玉米和糯玉米等一系列特用玉米的发展 ,玉米病虫害发生危害规律也将随之发生变化。本文就我国玉米生产的现状、特用玉米发展与病虫害发生趋势进行了分析 ,并提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

Field surveys and a literature review were used to develop an initial inventory of phytophagous insects found on the invasive alien plant Baccharis halimifolia (Asteraceae) in its introduced range in France. A preliminary study provides the first quantitative data for the observed impact of Ceroplastes sinensis (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on the reproductive output of this invasive shrub.  相似文献   

Infection with potato virus S Andean (PVSA) and ordinary (PVSo) strains was found in potato breeder's selection No. 8163-511 imported from West Germany; the two PVS strains were differentiated by their reactions on Chenopodium quinoa Tests on potato leaf samples using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay followed by inoculation to C quinoa were subsequently used to detect PVSA and PVSo in a large-scale survey of imported and domestic potato material. PVSA was detected in breeders' selections and cultivars imported from the Netherlands and West Germany, but not in domestic certified seed potato stocks or farmers' once-grown stocks. PVSo was found in both imported and domestic certified stocks, but infection was commoner in the imported ones. When plants of C. quinoa, C. amaranticolor, C. murale and Nicotiana debneyi were inoculated with four isolates of PVSA, one induced mild symptoms while the reactions of the others ranged from moderate to severe. When plants of different potato cultivars were inoculated with three isolates, the plants were mostly infected without symptoms. However, when tubers from some were grown on, the progeny plants of most of the different combinations of cultivar and isolate of PVSA developed one or more of the following symptoms: vein deepening, rugosity, interveinal chlorosis, premature senescence and early loss of lower leaves.  相似文献   

采用分离培养检验法分别对8种进口花卉种子共计14个批次的种子样品进行了种子奇藏真菌的检测、纯化和鉴定。研究结果表明,每种样品均带菌,共检测出进口花卉种子寄藏真菌13属24种,链格孢菌、枝孢菌、镰孢菌、毛壳菌是这些进口花卉种子寄藏真菌的优势菌群。  相似文献   

以5种进境林木种子为材料进行种子带菌分析,采用保湿培养检验法和分离培养检验法分别对种子表面粘附真菌及内部寄藏真菌进行检测和鉴定.在供试的5个样品上共分离得到18属真菌,分别为链格孢属、枝孢属、镰孢属、加氏菌属、小丛壳属、毛壳菌属、拟茎点霉属、根霉属、附球菌属、节菱孢属、弯孢属、德氏霉属、拟盘多毛孢属、木霉属、散囊菌属、青霉属、毛霉属及曲霉属.种子表面附带真菌以曲霉菌和根霉菌分离频率最高;链格孢菌、镰孢菌、毛壳菌是种子寄藏真菌的优势菌群.  相似文献   

粉蚧是一类严重危害农林果树作物的重要害虫,极易随水果等植物产品进行传播.因其个体微小,形态近似,所以鉴定较难.本文对河南口岸近两年截获的粉蚧及其形态特征进行描述,并编制种类检索表,以供检疫人员鉴定参考.  相似文献   

天津检验检疫局从智利进口的腐病苹果中分离了一株真菌,通过菌落、分生孢子形态特征比较,ITS序列比对分析,并通过科赫氏法则验证,确定该菌株为牛眼果腐病菌(Neofabraea alba),该病菌是导致苹果牛眼果腐病的4种病原真菌之一,该有害生物为我国首次截获。  相似文献   

In Sweden, biopesticides (which are divided into those containing microorganisms or viruses and those containing macroorganisms) may be offered for sale only if approved by the National Chemicals Inspectorate. Data requirements, for safety to human health and the environment and for efficacy, are being developed and are different for the two groups of biological agents and also for indigenous and non-indigenous organisms. At present, four products based on insects have been approved. Forty-nine other products (already in use) have been provisionally exempted from approval, but will have to be approved in due course.  相似文献   

2015年,宁波口岸从美国苜蓿草中分离到一种茎属线虫,通过形态学和分子生物学方法,鉴定为鳞球茎茎线虫,这是我国口岸首次从牧草中截获该线虫。部分茎属线虫的核糖体28S和ITS基因DNA序列分析表明,28S基因是茎属线虫合适的DNA条形码基因。  相似文献   

从进境美国小麦洗涤液中发现一种类似小麦印度腥黑穗病菌的冬孢子,冬孢子大小为25.0~33.8(29.5±2.3)μm,球形至近球形,淡黄褐色至暗红褐色,半透明至不透明,外胞壁具深褐色疣状突起,突起表面观为锥形至平截状,有时呈不完全脑纹状,外被淡色透明胶质鞘。冬孢子处理后经通用引物Til1/Til4和U2/U10扩增,其扩增产物用黑麦草腥黑穗病菌Tilletiawalkeri的特异性引物W1/W4再次扩增可以得到760bp的产物,产物测序得到的序列和GenBank中黑麦草腥黑穗病菌菌株YRG-001(AF218063)的序列相似性为99%(717/719),和GenBank中小麦印度腥黑穗病菌菌株Bpop(AF218060)的序列相似性为96%(694/719)。实时荧光检测的结果表明黑麦草腥黑穗病菌的探针TWAL能得到阳性扩增曲线。根据冬孢子形态特征、PCR分析、实时荧光检测和序列分析的结果,将这种腥黑穗病菌冬孢子鉴定为黑麦草腥黑穗病菌(T.walkeri)。  相似文献   

依据出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 3174-2012,对新疆口岸进境的哈萨克斯坦油葵中的向日葵黑茎病菌进行检疫鉴定。挑取油葵样品中的可疑病种子和植株残体作为实验材料,分别提取其DNA,用向日葵黑茎病菌特异性检测引物LEPB/LEPF对挑取的样品进行PCR检测初筛,初筛结果阳性者,进行病原分离培养。对分离获得的阳性纯培养菌株的菌落、孢子形态进行观察,PCR检测及致病性测定,最终确定其为向日葵黑茎病菌。本研究从进境哈萨克斯坦油葵中分离到检疫性病原菌,新疆周边口岸应进一步加强疫情监测与调查。  相似文献   

本文从进境的美国大豆豆杆中分离到一种真菌,通过形态学特征鉴定、致病性检测和序列分析,结果为大豆北方茎溃疡病菌(Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora).该菌子囊壳在豆杆上球形,黑色,常2~12个簇生,偶有单生,大小180~316μm×290~398μm;子囊壳具长喙,喙长251.1~1085.4μm,喙基部宽50.6-123.5μm;子囊长棍棒状,无柄,内含8个子囊孢子,大小为29.8~31μm×5~6.5μm;子囊孢子无色,长椭圆形,1隔,分隔处稍缢缩,两室两油球,10.1~11.3μm×2.43~3.24μm.菌落白色,后期变为白-黄色,菌丝紧密收缩,后逐渐变为茶色并蓬松.用ITS区通用引物对该菌DNA进行扩增和测序,获得522bp的ITS区序列.  相似文献   

顾建锋  郑炜  贝绍国  吴昊 《植物检疫》2007,21(6):338-340
宁波出入境检验检疫局植检实验室于2007年2月从来自法国的木质包装中截获一种伞滑刃属线虫。该线虫虫体较短,侧区有2条侧线,雄虫交合刺强壮,强烈弯曲,基顶高圆,喙突指状。雌虫有小阴门盖,尾圆锥形渐细,较平直或略向腹面弯曲,末端尖或钝圆,与树皮象伞滑刃线虫十分接近。经形态学比较、测量以及ITS-RFLP图谱比对,鉴定为安东尼伞滑刃线虫(Bursaphelenchus antoniae)。目前除葡萄牙外未见该线虫的报道。  相似文献   

进境小麦中沙地牧草腥黑粉菌的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从上海口岸进境的澳大利亚小麦中发现一种类似小麦印度腥黑粉病菌的腥黑粉菌冬孢子,对该菌冬孢子进行了形态学特征和PCR检测,根据结果,将这种冬孢子鉴定为沙地牧草腥黑粉菌Tilletia ehghartaTle;本研究设计了T.ehrhartaea的特异引物Eh2/Eh4,结合引物Till/Til4建立了T.ehdmrtae的套式PCR检测方法。  相似文献   

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