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针对当前我国番茄种植现状,提出将现代农业技术应用到番茄种植中,利用无土栽培、番茄换头、科学精准施肥、促进番茄生根等技术,提高番茄的产量、质量和口感.无土栽培种植番茄不仅可以很好地实现空间资源的利用,促进现代农业的可持续发展,而且更有利于培育新型农民,增加农民经济收入. 相似文献
滴灌无土栽培番茄的试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文系统总结了滴灌无土栽培番茄的滴灌系统设备安装使用;无土栽培基质选配方式、营养液配方制作及施用方法;对基质对比试验──炉灰和蛭石草炭对比试验成果及其生产成本经济效益作了深入的分析研究。 相似文献
在我国社会经济快速发展的过程中,人们对于美好生活的要求不断提升,特别是针对城市建设来说,花卉园艺作为城市环境改善的重要保障,受到了越来越多人的关注.从现阶段花卉园艺种植来说,传统的泥土栽培种植方式得到了有效的改进,无土栽培技术的出现,弥补了传统栽培中存在的时间与空间限制,同时在操作方面更为简单,为花卉园艺栽培的开展提供... 相似文献
A research has been carried out to determine the effects of nutrition systems and irrigation programs on soilless grown tomato plants under polyethylene covered unheated greenhouse conditions. Two nutrition systems (open and closed) and three irrigation programs (high, medium and low) based on integrated indoor solar radiation triggering thresholds (1 MJ m−2 [0.4 mm], 2 MJ m−2 [0.8 mm] and 4 MJ m−2 [1.6 mm]) in both nutrition systems have been tested. Applied and discharged nutrient solution, evapotranspiration, total and marketable yield have been measured and water use efficiency has been calculated. The highest total yield has been obtained from the open system with respectively 11% and 7.2% increases in autumn and spring. Applied nutrient solution volume and seasonal ET have been modified between 47.8-180.4 l plant−1 and 41.7-145.5 l plant−1 respectively during both growing seasons. As average of two growing seasons, respectively 826.5 and 330.6 m3 ha−1 nutrient solutions have been discharged from the greenhouse in the open and closed systems. WUE of treatments varied between 33-55 kg m−3 in autumn and 26-35 kg m−3 in spring. Highest WUE values have been determined in 4 MJ m−2 and in the closed system in both growing seasons. Results showed that the closed system and infrequent irrigations increased water use efficiency while decreasing yield and discharged nutrient solution. 相似文献
微喷灌和无土栽培技术是近几十年发展起来的灌溉和栽培作物的先进技术。本文介绍了两种技术结合在葡萄扦插育苗中的应用研究,包括试验基本情况、微喷系统布设和成果分析。研究表明两种技术结合可以改善田间小气候和根系生长环境,提高繁殖系数和幼苗品质,在园艺育苗中有较高的推广应用价值。 相似文献
通过盆栽试验,研究沼肥对温室无土栽培草莓产量和品质的影响。试验以1∶1的泥炭和珍珠岩混合物为栽培基质,设施沼肥组和施化肥组,每组设置3个施肥水平,相同施肥水平的沼肥组和化肥组栽培基质含等量的氮、磷、钾。研究结果表明,在2 L栽培基质中施用100、200和300 g沼肥,与施用化肥相比可使草莓产量分别提高24.37%、32.00%和50.23%,还原糖分别提高51.96%、80.84%和79.26%,维生素C分别提高35.86%、41.86%和39.28%,硝酸盐分别降低84.51%、89.99%和92.28%。因此,沼肥用于无土栽培草莓不仅可以提高草莓产量,还可显著改善其品质,对发展无公害绿色农业具有重要的意义。 相似文献
便携式无土栽培基质多参数无线检测仪 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为实现无土栽培基质参数的快速准确测量,基于自制的基质多参数复合传感器,并结合Zig Bee无线网络技术,研制了便携式基质多参数无线检测仪。检测仪采用分体式设计,由无线复合传感器和手持终端两部分组成。无线复合传感器采集基质参数信息,并以无线的方式将信息发送到手持终端;手持终端对接收到的测量参数信息进行处理分析、显示、存储和查询等。检测仪性能试验表明,含水率测量误差为-0.4%~3.1%,相对误差为-3.2%~9.6%,且对不同基质具有较好的适应性;电导率测量误差为-0.015~0.179 m S/cm,相对误差为-4.7%~10%,且对不同基质具有较好的适应性;温度测量误差为-0.63~0.69℃,相对误差为-1.1%~3.3%。检测仪能够满足无土栽培基质参数检测的要求。 相似文献
杨番1号番茄新品种是杨凌职业技术学院以YZ13-003为母本,以YZ15-019为父本育成的杂交一代杂种。该品种为无限生长型粉红果品种,中早熟,宜鲜食。植株直立生长,长势中等,叶量中等。第7 - 9叶着生第一花序,相邻花序间隔3叶。易坐果,果实圆形,收花好,无绿肩,硬度好,大小均匀,单果重250克左右。果实商品率高,口感风味好。适合保护地春秋两季栽培。 相似文献
The aim of the present investigation was to simulate the uptake concentrations (weights of ion per volume of water absorbed) of Na+ and Cl− in hydroponic tomato crops as a function of the NaCl concentration in the root zone. An empirical model was calibrated and validated, which can be incorporated into on-line operating decision support systems aimed at optimizing the nutrient supply and minimizing the discharge of drainage solution in tomato crops grown in closed-cycle hydroponic systems. Three experiments were conducted, of which one was carried out to calibrate the model using irrigation water with NaCl concentration ranging from 0 to 14.7 mol m−3 while the other two experiments were commissioned to validate the model within either a low (0.5-2 mol m−3) or a high (1.2-12 mol m−3) concentration range. The model could successfully predict the uptake concentration of Na+, but Cl− could not be simulated by this model at external Cl− concentrations lower than 10 mol m−3. The results indicate that Na+ is excluded actively and effectively by the tested tomato cultivar even at low external Na+ concentrations, while Cl− is readily taken up at low concentrations, particularly during the initial growing stages. Due to the efficient exclusion of Na+ by tomato, the Na+ concentration in the root environment increased rapidly to extremely high levels even when the Na+ concentration in the irrigation water was relatively low. These results indicate that tomato genotypes characterized by high salt-exclusion efficiency, require irrigation water with a very low NaCl concentration, if they are grown in closed hydroponic systems and the drainage water is not flushed periodically. To maintain Na+ at levels lower than 19 mol m−3 in the root zone of the tomato hybrid ‘Formula’ in closed hydroponics, a maximum acceptable Na+ concentration of 0.53 mol m−3 was estimated for the irrigation water. 相似文献
无土栽培技术的发展状况及趋势 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
近年来无土栽培以其优质、高产、高品质的特点,深受人们的关注.介绍了国内外无土栽培的发展状况,着重介绍了国内外无土栽培的栽培方式、自动化程度、营养液的调控和管理技术,并分析了国内无土栽培存在的问题及今后的发展方向. 相似文献
蔬菜工厂化生产中夏秋季环境因子的合理调控 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在自行设计和自行研制的温室无土栽培系统中进行了蔬菜营养液循环栽培试验,对夏秋季环境因子调控效果,调控指标及相适应的生产技术特点进行了探讨。 相似文献
This work assesses the seasonal dynamics of the substrate oxygen content and the response to nutrient solution oxygen enrichment (oxyfertigation) of an autumn-spring tomato crop grown on rockwool slabs and irrigated with treated wastewater of very low dissolved oxygen (DO) content under Mediterranean greenhouse conditions. DO values in the nutrient solution were clearly higher for the oxygen-enriched (14.6 mg L−1) tomato crop than for the non-enriched one (4.5 mg L−1). However, DO values in the substrate solution were similar for both oxygen treatments (mean seasonal values of 5.1 and 4.8 mg L−1 for the enriched and the non-enriched one, respectively), except for a short crop period at the end of the cycle when they were significantly higher for the oxygen-enriched crop. For both treatments, substrate DO values were highest for the winter period and decreased progressively during the spring period, reaching minimum values of around or below 3 mg L−1 at the end of the spring. The oxygen enrichment of the nutrient solution did not affect any of the irrigation and fertigation parameters evaluated in the tomato crop: water uptake, volumetric water content of the substrate, electrical conductivity (EC) or nutrient concentration in the leached nutrient solution. Moreover, the oxygen enrichment of the nutrient solution did not affect the aboveground biomass and the biomass partitioning, the fresh weight of total and marketable tomato fruits or the tomato fruit quality parameters. Overall, it appears that oxygen deficiency conditions did not occur as the substrate DO values were higher than, or about, 3 mg L−1 throughout most of the tomato crop cycle for both treatments and the rockwool slabs maintained good aeration conditions throughout the whole cycle. 相似文献