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Trichodina zaikai sp. n. is described from the gills of Crenilabrus ocellatus, C. griseus and Hippocampus hippocampus microcoronatus from the Black Sea, and from C. griseus from the Mediterranean. Seven species of trichodinids, Trichodina jadranica Haider, T. lepsii Lom, T. ovonucleata Raabe, T. partidisci Lom, T. rectuncinata Raabe, Trichodina sp. 1 and Paratrichodina obliqua Lom are reported for the first time from the gills of fishes from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Three species, T. ovonucleata, T. rectuncinata and Trichodina sp. 2 are reported from the French Mediterranean coast. All species are characterized by photomicrographs and morphometric data. One of the most common trichodinid species occurring on the gills of marine coastal fish, T. rectuncinata, exhibits an unusually great range of morphological and size variation in population from different hosts. This variation is recorded in detail and discussed.  相似文献   

Helminthological examination of the snaggletooth shark, Hemipristis elongata (Klunzinger) (Carcharhiniformes: Hemigaleidae), from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, yielded a phyllobothriid genus and species previously unknown to science. Hemipristicola gunterae gen. n., sp. n. is described here, and is placed in the subfamily Phyllobothriinae Braun, 1900. Of the other phyllobothriid genera, the new genus most closely resembles Paraorygmatobothrium in that both genera possess bothridia with a single loculus and apical sucker, post-vaginal testes and lateral vitellarium. Hemipristicola, however, differs from Paraorygmatobothrium in the morphology of the proximal bothridial surface microthrix, possessing serrate gladiate spinitriches with marginal serrations restricted to the distal half of the blade, and in the possession of a more extensive uterus, extending anteriorly from the anterior margin of the ovary to well past the level of the cirrus-sac. The new genus also differs from Paraorygmatobothrium by possessing testes that are more than one layer deep. Hemipristicola gunterae further differs from Paraorygmatobothrium species found in hemigaleid sharks in possessing vitelline follicles arranged in two lateral bands that are restricted to the lateral margins of the proglottid and not possessing a cephalic peduncle. Bayesian inference analysis of partial 28S rDNA data shows that H. gunterae forms a sister taxon to species of Paraorygmatobothrium. These two genera were resolved with high posterior probability support in the analysis. Hemipristicola gunterae is only the second phyllobothriid species to be described from Hemipristis elongata from Australian waters, and the fourth from the Australian hemigaleids.  相似文献   

Dioncopseudobenedenia Yamaguti, 1965 (Monogenea: Capsalidae) is redefined. Dioncopseudobenedenia kala Yamaguti, 1965 (type species) is redescribed from type material from Hawaii and from new specimens from Heron Island, Queensland, Australia and New Caledonia. We made detailed observations on D. macracantha Yamaguti, 1968 from type material from Hawaii, and from new material from Heron Island and New Caledonia. Dioncopseudobenedenia ancoralis sp. n. is described from the gill chamber of Siganus lineatus (Valenciennes) from Green Island and Heron Island, Australia and from New Caledonia. This study confirms that only one pair of large central sclerites is present on the haptor in Dioncopseudobenedenia species. The male copulatory organ in species of Dioncopseudobenedenia is a penis contained in a fluid-filled space (= penis canal) with weakly muscular walls. Dioncopseudobenedenia kala and D. ancoralis bear a sclerite at the tip of the penis. In D. macracantha, the structure of the penis, which has no terminal sclerite, indicates it may combine the functions of a penis and a cirrus. Dioncopseudobenedenia is compared with Calicobenedenia Kritsky et Fennessy, 1999, the other capsalid genus with a single pair of large sclerites on the haptor. The large haptoral sclerites in species of Dioncopseudobenedenia resemble accessory sclerites, whereas those of C. polyprioni Kritsky et Fennessy, 1999 resemble hamuli. Observations of oncomiracidia confirmed that the large haptoral sclerites in D. kala are accessory sclerites. Haptoral morphology suggests that different Dioncopseudobenedenia spp. employ different means of attachment. Mating behaviour was observed twice between two different pairs of D. kala specimens from Heron Island. Two preserved specimens from Nouméa, New Caledonia had structures near the dorsal vaginal pore that we interpret as spermatophores. This is the first report of spermatophores in a capsalid inhabiting the gill chamber. The geographic distribution of Dioncopseudobenedenia spp. is discussed.  相似文献   

Isospora carliae sp. n. is described from the blue-throated rainbow skink Carlia rhomboidalis (Peters), from Daintree Forest, North Queensland, Australia. Oocysts are ellipsoidal, 16.8-21.0 x 12.6-15.4 microm in size, with their two sporocysts, 9.0-14.0 x 7.0-9.24 microm in size, positioned along the wide axis. Sporozoites contain a distinct refractile body and are accompanied by a residuum. All endogenous development occurs within the host-cell nucleus. Nuclei are sometimes invaded by several merozoites, but only infections by a single parasite persist. Nuclei lodging meronts, mature microgamonts and premature macrogamonts have an elongate shape. Some meronts exhibit a membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusion that contains many micronemes.  相似文献   

Branchotenthes octohamatus sp. n. (Monogenea: Hexabothriidae) is described from the gills of the southern fiddler ray, Trygonorrhina fasciata Müller et Henle (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae), off Adelaide, South Australia. It is distinguished from the type species, Branchotenthes robinoverstreeti Bullard et Dippenaar, 2003, by producing eggs that are joined end to end forming a chain, in the morphology of the male copulatory organ that has a pronounced constriction in duct diameter between proximal and distal regions, the possession of a thin muscular layer surrounding the proximal part of the male copulatory organ and distal region of the vaginae, and by the absence of a raised process on the shaft of the hamulus. An amended generic diagnosis is provided and the reliability of sperm duct number as a generic character is discussed. The oncomiracidium of B. octohamatus is also described and is the first monogenean to be described with only eight hooklets in the larval haptor. This discovery of eight hooklets may be important for higher-level monogenean evolutionary hypotheses.  相似文献   

Heliocotyle ewingi sp. n. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) is described from the gills of Myliobatis australis Macleay, 1881 (Myliobatididae) collected from Norfolk Bay near Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Heliocotyle ewingi can be distinguished readily from the only other species in the genus, Heliocotyle kartasi Neifar, Euzet et Ben Hassine, 1999, by the presence of a single pseudoseptum on each of the peripheral loculi except the posteriormost, eyespots and by the morphology of the male copulatory organ which is a short, straight sclerotised tube which lacks a sclerotised accessory piece. The generic diagnosis is revised to accommodate the new species and the anterior glands are discussed.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Rhabdochona minima sp.n., is described from the intestine of Noemacheilus inglisi (HORA) OF Nepal (River Ganges drainage system). Characteristics features of this species (only males were found) are the small size of body, size and type of spicules, shape of tail and arrangement of caudal papillae. On the basis of its morphology, R. minima sp.n. belongs to the subgenus Globochona sensu Moravec, 1975. The species Rhabdochona cavasius Rehana et Bilqees, 1973 is considered to be a synonym of R. mazedi Prassad et Sahay, 1965.  相似文献   

The tapeworm Caryophyllaeides ergensi sp. n. (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) is described from Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis from the River Selenga basin in Mongolia. It differs from the only hitherto recognized species of the genus C. fennica (Schneider, 1902), mainly in its extremely long uterus with coils extending anteriorly to anterior half, sometimes up to anterior third of the body of gravid specimens.  相似文献   

A new species of metalabidophorinae hypopus, Soriculopus lukoschusi (Glycyphagidae, Metalabidophorinae) is described from Apodemus mystacinus from Greece.  相似文献   

Haploporus mugilis sp. n. (Digenea: Haploporidae) was obtained from the intestine of kandas, Valamugil engeli (Bleeker) (Mugilidae, Perciformes) in the Taiwan Straits, China. It most closely resembles Haploporus spinosus Machida, 1996 from the intestine of Crenimugil crenilabis in Japanese and adjacent waters in the intestinal bifurcation posterior to the acetabulum, in egg-size (0.039-0.044 x 0.019-0.022 in H. mugilis and 0.034-0.042 x 0.018-0.023 in H. spinosus) and in the hermaphroditic sac armed with spines. However, it differs from the latter in its hermaphroditic sac with two long and numerous small spines rather than with four long and six small spines and in the excretory vesicle with a single prominent refractory concretion instead of being empty.  相似文献   

Chimaerula bonai sp. n. is described from the small intestine of Phimosus infuscatus (Lichtenstein) in Paraguay. The new species differs from the other two species of Chimaerula Bona, 1994, i.e., Chinmaerula woodlandi (Prudhoe, 1960) and Chinmaerula leonovi (Belogurov et Zueva, 1968), mainly by the intermediate number of rostellar hooks (30-34 compared to 42-46 in the former and 20-22 in the latter), longer rostellar hooks (31-34 microm versus 26 microm and 19-21 microm, respectively), shorter cirrus sac (58-82 microm versus 158-201 microm and 134-183 microm, respectively) and the absence of rosethorn spines in the cirrus armament. Modifications in the generic diagnosis of Chimaerula are proposed in order to conform it with some peculiarities of the new species (i.e., the relatively small and thin cirrus, the absence of rosethorn spines in its armament and the small cirrus sac).  相似文献   

A new species, Gnathia nkulu sp. n. is described from material collected off the South African coast at 80-200m depth. It differs from the intertidal species Gnathia africana Barnard, 1914 in that the mediofrontal process is not deeply divided into two lobes, article 2 of the pylopod is rounded and small wart-like tubercles and long simple setae are present on both the cephalosome and pereon.  相似文献   

Ailinella gen. n. (Pseudophyllidea: Triaenophoridae) is proposed to accommodate Ailinella mirabilis sp. n. from Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842), a freshwater fish inhabiting the Andean lakes in Argentinean Patagonia. Ailinella belongs to the Triaenophoridae because it has a marginal genital pore, a follicular vitelline gland, and a ventral uterine pore. The new genus can be distinguished from other triaenophorids by the following combination of characters: a small body size, a low number of proglottides, which are longer than wide, a truncated pyramidal to globular scolex, a rectangular apical disc, presence of the neck, lack of internal longitudinal musculature separating the cortex from the medulla, testes distributed in one central field surrounding the ovary laterally and posteriorly, the vagina predominantly anterior to the cirrus sac, vitelline follicles circum-medullary, the genital pores post-equatorial, a saccate uterus, and operculate eggs. Blade-like spiniform microtriches were present on all tegument surfaces, and tumuli on all surfaces of the scolex and the anterior surface of the neck. Microtriches were characterized according to their size and density, and tumuli according to their size, inter-tumulus distance and density. Ailinella mirabilis is the first cestode described from G. maculatus and the second triaenophorid species recorded from a South American freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Two new species of dracunculoid nematodes, G. carcharhini sp. n. and G. simile sp. n., representing a new genus Granulinema gen. n. (Dracunculoidea: Micropleuridae) are described from the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, from Louisiana (Lake Borgne), USA; the site of their localization in the host is unknown (probably abdominal cavity). The nematodes of both species were found in tissue juice and only males, juvenile females and body fragments of more advanced but nongravid females were obtained. Granulinema gen. n. differs from Micropleura, the only other genus in the family Micropleuridae, mainly by the presence of marked, dark excretory corpuscles in lateral excretory canals, pointed tail in females, greater number (6) of postanal pairs of caudal papillae in males, and by the presence of conspicuous transverse cuticular ornamentations on the body surface of mature females. The two new species can be easily distinguished from each other by the length of their spicules (0.78-0.90 mm in G. carcharhini sp. n. and 0.20-0.36 mm in G. simile sp. n.); moreover, there are two pairs of preanal papillae in the male of G. carcharhini sp. n., while there are three pairs in G. simile sp. n.  相似文献   

Two new nematodes, Paraseuratoides ophisterni gen. et sp. n. (Seuratoidea: Quimperiidae) and Philometra ophisterni sp. n. (Dracunculoidea: Philometridae) are described based on specimens recovered from the intestine and mesentery, respectively, of the swamp-eel Ophisternon aenigmaticum Rosen et Greenwood (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from a canal of the Papaloapan River in Tlacotalpan, State of Veracruz, Mexico. The genus Paraseuratoides is mot similar to Paraseuratum Johnston et Mawson, 1940, differing from it mainly in the absence of a bulbous inflation on the anterior end of the oesophagus and in the structure of the mouth (presence of 6 spines in addition to 6 oesophageal teeth). Neoquimperia Wang, Zhao, Wang et Zhang, 1979 and Wuinema Yu et Wang, 1992 are synonymised with Ezonema Boyce, 1971 and Paragendria Baylis, 1939, respectively, and Haplonema hamulatum Moulton, 1931 is considered a junior synonym of Ichthyobronema conoura Gnedina et Savina, 1930. Philometra ophisterni (only females) is mainly characterised by minute cephalic papillae, a greatly developed anterior oesophageal bulb separated from the cylindrical part of the oesophagus, anterior extension of the oesophageal gland anterior to the nerve ring, and by the character of large caudal projections. This is the first Philometra species recorded from inland fishes in Mexico.  相似文献   

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