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An experiment was conducted for 3 months in 12 experimental ponds, each of 30 m2, with a view to develop a low‐cost diet for monoculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. Three experimental diets (30% protein) were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran in different combinations partially replacing fish meal by meat and bone meal and sesame meal and assigned to treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively. A commercial golda feed (Starter‐III) was assigned to T4 (reference diet). Each treatment had three replicates. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.21 g) were stocked at the rate of 40 000 ha−1. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 10% and 5% of their body weight at the beginning and for the last 2 months respectively. The ponds were provided with aeration during the night using air pumps. The ranges of water quality parameters recorded in different ponds were: temperature 28.9–32.5°C, dissolved oxygen 5.1–8.1 mg L−1 and pH 6.4–7.7. The results showed that the weight gain of prawns fed diet 1 was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those fed diets 2 and 3, but was not significantly different from those fed diet 4 (reference diet). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) values of diets ranged between 2.21 and 2.96 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly lower (P<0.05) FCR values. The survivals (%) ranged between 68% and 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival. The production of prawn ranged between 921 and 1428 kg ha−1 and diet 1 resulted in a significantly high (P<0.05) production. A simple economic analysis showed that diet 1 generated the maximum net profit of Tk 159 178 ha−1. The results of the study showed that a diet containing 20% fish meal, 10% meat and bone meal, 15% mustard oilcake, 15% sesame meal, 35% rice bran, 4% molasses and 1% vitamin–mineral premixes may be recommended to the farmers for monoculture of M. rosenbergii in ponds.  相似文献   

The initial counts of bacteria associated with farmed giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) as well as with the water and sediment from two farms located at Kottayam district in Kerala (India) were determined. A total of 367 randomly selected isolates were characterized and identified. Prawn samples yielded mean microbiological counts of 4.92 log CFU g?1 of shell with muscle and 7.78 log CFU g?1 of intestine at 30°C. Bacterial numbers in the intestine of prawn were much higher than those in the pond water. Motile and non‐motile aerobic Gram‐negative bacteria together with Enterobacteriaceae accounted for 60–70% of the mesophiles isolated from water and prawn. However, the microorganisms isolated in significant numbers from shell with muscle and intestine of prawn were not recovered from the growing waters. Among Gram‐positive bacteria, Micrococcus, Bacillus, coryneforms, and Arthrobacter were found. Faecal coliforms and enterococci were found in significant numbers in M. rosenbergii. The rearing practices such as feeding and pond fertilization could have influenced the microflora in prawn. The commensal microflora of freshwater prawn included opportunistic pathogens such as Aeromonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. Storage of prawn at elevated temperatures can permit their survival and growth leading to quality loss. Care should be exercised during handling and processing to prevent contamination of edible meat.  相似文献   

A technical and socio‐economic survey conducted in the Dong Thap province of Vietnam to assess the current status of river pen culture of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) showed that pen culture, which has been developed and operated by farmers' indigenous knowledge, requires more study in order to optimize stocking density and to assess its environmental impacts. In this study, the prawn pens were of rectangular shape, with an average size of 209 m2. Prawns were stocked in June at an average density of 62 pieces m?2 and fed on farm‐made feed and were harvested 2–4 times starting from 4 months after stocking until late December or the following January. The average prawn yield was 0.52 kg m?2 year?1, ranging from 0.14 to 1.6 kg m?2 year?1. The average net return was US$0.71 m?2 year?1, ranging from US$1.24 to 4.37 m?2 year?1. About 73% of the farmers achieved positive net returns. The top five constraints for prawn pen culture were lack of knowledge of culture technologies, poor water quality, disease problems, poor quality of wild seed and lack of capital. Almost all farmers have no environmental awareness, and environmental regulations for prawn pen culture have not been established. Field measurements showed that all measured water quality parameters were within the range for good growth of giant freshwater prawns, and indicated that there was no significant accumulation of nutrients and organic matter at the bottoms of rivers or canals.  相似文献   

This study compared the performance of larvae of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) from Thailand and Vietnam. Thai broods were collected from a farm and Vietnamese broods were collected from a river. Larvae from these two sources were raised in identical environments, and their rates of development and survival as well as their ability to withstand environmental stresses were assessed. The first postlarval stage was observed in both strains on day 22. All larvae (100%) from Thai broods completed metamorphosis by day 36, but only 89% of the Vietnam strain completed metamorphosis by day 45. The stages of development were more uniform in larvae from the Thai stock than the Vietnamese stock. Survival differences were observed within the first week (92% in the Thai group vs. 55% in the Vietnamese group). These differences were most pronounced beginning in week 5 (52% and 16% respectively) and week 7 (33% and 2% respectively). No clear difference was found in brood size and fecundity between the two groups. No difference in survival was observed between the two groups of larvae challenged with salinity, oxygen or formalin. Differential development rates of larvae in the same batch would naturally create conditions favourable for cannibalism and impaired ability to capture food. The earlier and more uniform rate of development, and subsequent higher rate of survival of Thai stock compared with the Vietnamese wild stock is suggested to be due to inadvertent selection in the domesticated stock.  相似文献   

Long‐term cryopreservation of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, spermatophores using glycerol (Gly) and ethylene glycol (EG) as cryoprotective agents (CPAs) was studied. The tolerance of sperm to cryopreservation was evaluated on the basis of sperm survival and fertilizing ability. The survival of the sperm was determined by trypan blue staining, while the fertilizing ability was assessed from artificial insemination of the cryopreserved spermatophores. The rates of embryo survival on day 5 after spawning and of spermatophores capable of producing embryos survived to hatching were determined. Storage of spermatophores at ?20°C without CPA for a short period of up of 1–5 days decreased the sperm survival significantly and did not preserve fertilizing ability. Preservation at ?20°C in the presence of 10% or 20% Gly or of 10% or 20% EG offered a simple and efficient short‐term storage up to 10 days. For a long‐term storage, cryopreservation in the presence of 20% EG at ?196°C was more efficient than at ?20°C. High sperm survival rates and high fertilizing ability were recorded from those cryopreserved at ?196°C for up to 150 days. High sperm survival rates with moderate levels of fertilizing ability were obtained from those cryopreserved at ?20°C for not more than 30 days. The results indicate that preservation at ?196°C with 20% EG is a suitable procedure for long‐term storage of the giant freshwater prawn spermatophores.  相似文献   

Effects of the ratio of dietary fatty acids, namely n‐3 (mainly long chain polyunsaturated – LC‐PUFA) to n‐6 PUFA on the fecundity of Macrobrachium amazonicum were evaluated. In T1, the diet had equal and low levels of dietary n‐3 and n‐6 fatty acids (6 mg g?1). In T2, the concentration of n‐3 (6 mg g?1) was a half of the concentration of the n‐6 (12 mg g?1), and in T3, the diet had equal and high concentrations of n‐3 and n‐6 (12 mg g?1). Females with ovaries in stages I, III and V were collected. Higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) (6.89%) was observed in females in ovarian stage V than at other ovarian stages; however, the hepatosomatic index (HIS) showed high values in all females with ovaries in the stage III. A ratio of 1:2 n‐3:n‐6 fatty acids increased the GSI of mature females and the number of eggs spawned. Raising the level of both n‐3 and n‐6 fatty acids from ~0.6% to ~1.2% of the diet did not produce any effect on the GSI or on fecundity, suggesting that the ratio is more important than the absolute value of these two families of fatty acids.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the effects of cold shock and 17α‐methyl testosterone hormone on growth in male morphotypes of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Juvenile males were exposed at 18 ± 0.25°C for 24 h with normal feed and cultured at 27 ± 0.7°C for 70 days as well as administrated feed with hormone separately at 400 mg kg?1 feed for the first 30 days of culture period (70 days). The growth (Mean ± SD) of male juveniles at harvest was closely homogenous in the cold shock (CLS) treated group; while it was heterogeneous in hormone‐treated (MH) and control (CO) groups. Although total body weight of blue claw (BC) males was not significantly different in the controls and the treatments, the 2nd pereiopods (claw) weight and length of the BC was significantly lower in CLS (0.52 ± 0.05 g, 10.02 ± 0.65 cm) than that in the CO (0.71 ± 0.16 g, 12.53 ± 0.57 cm) and MH (0.75 ± 0.08 g, 12.85 ± 1.18 cm) treatments. Survival of prawns was similar in treatments. The morphotypes of male prawn were significantly different with 59% of BC males with small‐sized claws in CLS and, 45% and 30% of BC males with large‐sized claws in MH and CO respectively. Cold shock adversely affected male morphotypes of the prawn so that numbers of BC males with small‐sized claw was the highest in CLS tank. However, the CLS treatment resulted in more uniform marketable prawns and suggested a high production of BC males in an all‐male culture system.  相似文献   

Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture in the Western Hemisphere is primarily, if not entirely, derived from 36 individual prawns originally introduced to Hawaii from Malaysia in 1965 and 1966. Little information is available regarding genetic variation within and among cultured prawn stocks worldwide. The goal of the current study was to characterize genetic diversity in various prawn populations with emphasis on those cultured in North America. Five microsatellite loci were screened to estimate genetic diversity in two wild (Myanmar and India‐wild) and seven cultured (Hawaii‐1, Hawaii‐2, India‐cultured, Israel, Kentucky, Mississippi and Texas) populations. Average allelic richness ranged from 3.96 (Israel) to 20.45 (Myanmar). Average expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.580 (Israel) to 0.935 (Myanmar). Many of the cultured populations exhibited reduced genetic diversity when compared with the Myanmar and the India‐cultured populations. Significant deficiency in heterozygotes was detected in the India‐cultured, Mississippi and Kentucky populations (overall Fis estimated of 0.053, 0.067 and 0.108 respectively) reflecting moderate levels of inbreeding. Overall estimate of fixation index (Fst = 0.1569) revealed moderately high levels of differentiation among the populations. Outcome of this study provide a baseline assessment of genetic diversity in some available strains that will be useful for the development of breeding programmes.  相似文献   

All‐male monosex culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) has emerged as a popular practice in India, especially in the state of Andhra Pradesh. A study was conducted to compare the economics of all‐male, mixed and all‐female culture in 15 adjacent, rectangular ponds of 4000 m2 each by stocking juveniles previously reared in a nursery for 60 days. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with three treatments; T1 (all male), T2 (mixed) and T3 (all female), and five replicates for a period of 5 months after the nursery phase. Statistical analysis showed highly significant (P<0.01) differences among the three types of culture. The cost of production was estimated and the economic feasibility of the culture methods was evaluated by cost‐return and partial budgeting analysis. The average weight, productivity and specific growth rate were the highest for all male culture, being 80.92±2.41 g, 1532 kg ha?1 and 1.97±0.02 respectively. All‐female culture registered significantly higher survival (89.16±0.77%) and the best apparent feed conversion ratio of 1.26±0.02. The economic analysis revealed that all‐male monosex culture of M. rosenbergii was 63.13% and 60.20% more profitable than mixed and all‐female cultures respectively.  相似文献   

The efficacy of pharaoh cuttlefish ( Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831) liver lipid in the feed for juveniles of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man 1879) was tested by feeding five experimental diets prepared using clam meat, groundnut oil cake, wheat bran, tapioca powder, vitamin–mineral mixture and cellulose powder as the major ingredients. The test diets T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, containing five levels (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%, respectively) of lipid, extracted from the liver of pharaoh cuttlefish, were fed to 30-day-old prawn juveniles for 60 days, in triplicates and compared against a control. Analysis of variance of the growth parameters showed that the juveniles fed with T2, containing 2% cuttlefish liver lipid with a total lipid content of 9.85% and lipid–carbohydrate ratio of 1 : 3.8, showed significantly better growth ( P  < 0.05) with the highest weight gain of 118%, greatest food conversion and protein utilization efficiency, and the highest body protein content, although the survival rates remained unaffected among treatments. Growth of the juveniles, however, declined at lipid levels >2%. Addition of cuttlefish liver lipid led to an increase of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids in T2, the proportion of ω-6 being higher than the former. The crude lipid content of the body of test animals also increased with the increase in dietary lipid from 1.51% in T1 to 3.27% in T5. The present study indicates that cuttlefish liver lipid can be successfully used as a substitute for conventional lipid sources in rearing juveniles of giant freshwater prawn, an eco-friendly practice in recycling cuttlefish waste – a discarded fishery by-product.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is an economically important and extensively cultured crustacean worldwide. The viral pathogens, Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and extra small virus (XSV) are responsible for causing severe mortalities in the hatchery and nursery phases. This study investigates the protection of postlarvae of freshwater against white tail disease (WTD) using plant extract derived from Cyanodon dactylon and the modulation of the prawn non‐specific immunity. To determine the immunomodulatory effect of C. dactylon extract, the prawn was injected with plant extract and various immunological parameters were estimated. The immunological parameters such as proPO, SOD, THC and clotting time were found to be significantly higher in the plant extract‐injected prawn when compared with control groups. The results of real time PCR analysis revealed up regulation on the expression proPO, SOD and lysozyme genes in MrNV and XSV challenged prawn postlarvae treated with C. dactylon extract. Infectivity experiment showed high relative per cent survival in MrNV and XSV‐challenged prawn postlarvae treated with C. dactylon extract. These results strongly indicate that the administration of C. dactylon plant extract enhances immunity of the prawn. Based on the results, this study recommends that the immersion of postlarvae in C. dactylon plant extract is a potential prophylactic agent against WTD.  相似文献   

Meat yield of 233 individuals of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man, 1879), and their morphometric relationships were examined. Morphometric parameters of different length and weight measurements were recorded for both the sexes separately and subjected to analysis. The meat yield of prawns was size and sex dependent with females showing significantly greater (P < 0.05) tail meat yield than males. The tail meat as a body weight percentage ranges from 26.12 to 40.75 and 32.97 to 42.11 in males and females, respectively. Much of the differences in yield are related to the size and weight of the head and claws. The head weight of males was observed to be higher compared to females in all the size classes. Regression slopes of total length versus body weight and total length versus head weight were significantly higher than critical isometric value indicating high positive allometric growth in both the sexes, with males showing significantly higher (P < 0.05) slope than females. The relationship parameters of total length versus tail weight and total length versus tail meat showed a positive allometric growth in females, whereas it is isometry and negative allometry in males. The morphometric relationship of tail length versus all weight measurements showed positive allometry and negative allometry in females and males, respectively.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted by injecting/feeding white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) derived from infected shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), to different life-stages, namely post-larvae, juveniles, sub-adults and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). The disease was also induced in brood stock, and the eggs and larvae derived from these animals were subsequently tested for WSSV infection. All the stages except egg used for the experiment were found WSSV positive in histopathology, cross infection bioassay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Experimentally infected post-larvae and juveniles showed a high percentage of mortality and an increased rate of cannibalism. The cumulative mortality in post-larvae was up to 28%; with 28–40% cannibalism resulting in a maximum loss of up to 68%. In juveniles, observed mortality and cannibalism were 10–20% and 6.7–30.0%, respectively, and the maximum loss recorded was 50%. In sub-adults, mortality ranged from 2.8 to 6.7%, cannibalism was up to 20% and the total loss was up to 26.7%. Sub-adults and adults were found to be more tolerant to the infection as evidenced by the mortality pattern. A nested (two-step) PCR resulted in a 570-bp product specific to WSSV in all stages, except the eggs.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of the frequency of manure application (twice weekly, weekly and fortnightly) on prawn production and pond dynamics in culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) were assessed. Juvenile freshwater prawns were cultured for 100 days using pelleted feed and organic fertilizer. Results showed that the greatest (but not significantly different) marketable prawn yield was achieved with fortnightly manuring, but the most stable pond environment as based on oxygen dynamics, developed with weekly fertilization. The highest concentrations of chlorophyll, nitrogen and phosphorus occurred with fortnightly applications, but so too did the lowest ratio of gross primary production: respiration. System dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus, an important pathogen of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii causes high mortality. Four strains of V. parahaemolyticus were isolated from the gill, haepatopancreas, hemolymph and carapace of diseased prawn. The species were characterized based on biochemical and serological tests. On performing an antibiotic assay, these strains were found to be highly susceptible to cephalaxin, tetracycline and erythomycin. During the in vitro pathogenicity test, all the strains were found to be positive to the Congo red binding assay and to be haemolytic in nature, whereas an in vivo pathogenicity test revealed that 2 × 109 CFUs mL?1of bacteria induced disease symptoms such as black colouration on the carapace, red discolouration of the exoskeleton and loss of appendages within 6 days and 80% mortality. In histopathological studies, a prominent necrosis was seen in gill lamellae, and branchial arches were thickened at places due to hyperplasia and haemocytic infiltration. Hepatopancreatic tissue showed dilation of tubules, vacuolation of hepatocytes and marked necrosis in acinar cells. Development of an immunological technique for the detection and screening of V. parahaemolyticus infection and its treatment is highly important in freshwater prawn aquaculture.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to optimize stocking density of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, in carp polyculture for 3 months in 10 experimental ponds of 80 m2. Five stocking densities of prawn, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10 000 and 12 500 ha?1, were assigned to treatments T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 respectively. The densities of catla, Catla catla, rohu, Labeo rohita and silver carp, Hypophthalmicthys molitrix, were 2500, 5000, and 2500 ha?1, respectively, in each treatment. Each treatment had two replicate ponds. The mean initial weights of prawn, catla, rohu and silver carp were 1.1±0.02, 8.28±0.1, 25.2±1.1 and 36.32±1.2 g respectively. A pelleted diet containing 30% protein was prepared using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and was fed twice daily at a rate of 5% of fish biomass. Water quality parameters were measured fortnightly and the ranges of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were 27.5–1.3°C, 6.9–8.6 and 4.5–8.6 mg L?1 respectively. Feed conversion ratios ranged from 2.05 to 2.20 among the treatments. Per cent survival (%) of prawns ranged from 72% to 78%, while it varied from 80% to 93%, 90% to 95% and 90% to 92% for catla, rohu and silver carp respectively. The results showed that there were no significant differences among the weight gains of prawn and carp in different treatments. However, the overall total production of prawn and fish together was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T3 and T4 compared with other treatments. The total production for 3 months ranged between 2618 and 2916 kg ha?1. The production of prawn was significantly higher (361.3 kg ha?1) in T5 with a highest stocking density of 12 500 prawn ha?1. Although there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between the total production of prawn and fish together in T3 and T4, the highest net profit (Tk. 69 006 ha?1) was obtained in T4. Therefore, from the result of the study it may be concluded that a stocking ratio of 4:1:2:1 of prawn:catla:rohu:silver carp at a total density of 20 000 ha?1 may be recommended for prawn–carp polyculture in ponds.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted for 135 days to observe the effect of different isonitrogenous (35% crude protein) and isocaloric (385 kcal) diets on the growth and carcass composition of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii ( De Man 1879 ). Three experimental diets (ED1, ED2 and ED3) were prepared using locally available ingredients. These diets differed mainly in terms of percent contribution of major protein sources such as fish meal, soybean meal, groundnut oil cake and mustard oil cake. Experimental diets were evaluated against a commercial diet, which served as the control (CD). Juveniles 1.87–2.44 g in size were stocked at a population density of 40 000 ha−1 and fed thrice daily at 10% in the beginning and reducing gradually to 7% and 5% of the body weight during the experimental period. No significant differences (P>0.05) in the growth performance were observed; however, a significantly (P<0.05) higher yield (721.9 kg ha−1 135 days−1) was recorded for prawn fed with control diet, followed by experimental diet 2 (676.5 kg ha−1 135 days−1, having soybean meal as a major protein source). The survival ranged between 63.8% and 77.7%, with different diets showing significantly higher survival. The apparent feed conversion ratio values of diets ranged between 3.15 and 3.49, with experimental and control diets showing non‐significantly lower AFCR values. At the end of the experiment, representative specimens from each treatment were collected and their carcass composition was measured. Analysis of variance showed that carcass protein and total carbohydrate contents were significantly (P<0.05) higher in prawns fed on a fish–soybean meal‐based diet (ED3) and a control diet. The total lipid contents of prawns, however, did not differ significantly among the various dietary treatments. The results of our study suggest that the experimental diets could be used effectively for M. rosenbergii without compromising growth and flesh quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use an electrolytic oxidizing (EO) water system in a prawn hatchery. The results of the EO water generation efficiency showed that available chlorine in the EO water increased as the salinity and electric power increased, but was reduced as the water flow rate increased. A bactericidal activity assay showed that the growth of six aquatic pathogens was well inhibited by incubation with EO water containing 1 mg L?1 of available chlorine. The removal of NH3‐N and NO2‐N by electrolysis at 15‰ and 5 W had significant effects, and the removal rate of NO2‐N was much faster than that of NH3‐N. Prawn zoea (Z) reared in EO water with different levels of available chlorine at 0 (control), 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mg L?1 had mortalities of 0%, 12%, 27% and 42%, respectively, after 72 h. However, Z were able to well survive in activated carbon‐treated EO water for 1 week. For the on‐farm use of the EO water system in a prawn hatchery, larvae in the EO water group had faster development and higher survival than those in the activated carbon group. From these results, we believe that the EO water group had excellent water quality and lower bacterial counts resulting in increased larval development and survival.  相似文献   

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