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A pot experiment was conducted in a glass house on low nickel containing alluvial soil in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, during 2012–13 and 2013–14, to study the response of barley to soil application of nickel (Ni). There were ten treatments of Ni (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg kg?1) studied with recommended dose of fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur (N:P:K:S :: 40:30:30:20 mg kg?1).The results showed a significant increase in plant height, number of tillers, chlorophyll content, straw and grain yield, and 1,000 grains weight with application of 10 mg Ni kg?1 soil during both years of study. The micronutrient concentration and uptake in straw and grain increased with application of <15 mg Ni kg?1 soil and beyond that declined significantly. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable micronutrient iron, manganese, copper, zinc and nickel (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni) content in soil increased with increasing level of Ni. The maximum urease activity in post-harvest soil was noticed with application of 40 mg Ni kg?1 soil. The microbial population viz. bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were higher with 5, 30 and 10 mg Ni kg?1 soil, respectively.  相似文献   


The weight of the tractor is not the only factor affecting soil compaction. Soil-management practices, such as the use of fertilizers and pesticides, also affect soil properties through an increased number of overriding. The aim of the current study was to investigate compaction effects on soil physical properties, such as dry bulk density and penetration resistance, and the growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a monoculture. The five-year experiment was conducted on the Estonian University of Life Sciences’ research field at Eerika, near Tartu in 2001–2005. The soil of the experimental site is sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol. The treatments included were no compaction, one pass, three passes, and six passes. All passes were track-by-track. Measurements of soil and plant were made in the earing phase of barley and measurements of yield in the maturity phase of barley. The compaction treatment was conducted using an MTZ-82 tractor (total weight 4.84 Mg). Neither fertilizers nor herbicides were used. 5 years after compaction distinguishable subsoil and topsoil compaction was detected. Soil deformation increases with the number of passes; in the case of six passes soil bulk density increased by 0.15 Mg m?3 and penetration resistance by 3 MPa. However, there were no significant differences in the soil bulk density and penetration resistance between treatments compacted with one and three passes. The effect of compaction on soil bulk density was higher when the soil was compacted under wet conditions. Compaction decreased the quantity of barley shoots, their phytomass, and grain yield by more than 80%. In the second year of the experiment the dry weight of above ground biomass decreased by almost three times and shoots’ density by 1.5 times, compared with the first year results. In the third year of the experiment the biomass, plant density, and grain yield of barley were stabilized and no further decreases were detected in the following two experimental years. The results from the experiment revealed that even a low weight tractor can induce subsoil compaction and a high decrease of plant productivity by repeated passes over time.  相似文献   

The effects of local placement of potassium (K) on mineral nutrition dynamics of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in fertile Сhernozem were studied. A pot experiment with local K-placement at 4–5 cm soil depth was carried out and the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) concentrations in tillers, organs and parts of spring barley was measured. K-placement increased the productivity index from 0.49 to 0.54, despite optimal and slightly varying NPK concentrations during the second half of the vegetation period (60–100 d). This occurs due to partitioning of assimilates, N, K, and especially P in generative organs of primary and secondary tillers forming quality grains. Nutrient concentrations in certain primary tiller parts of a 60-d plant (senescing leaves and the main spike axis) proved to be more sensitive indicators of the K-placement effect than average whole-plant characteristics. While being beneficial, K-placement had little impact on the overall NPK removal in barley, which shows a significant role of factors related to K uptake kinetics. Thus, the chosen parameters in the soil–plant system (the high content of available K in Chernozem, in the second part of the vegetation period) have for the first time allowed the evaluation of the impact of local K-placement on mineral nutrition dynamics in barley.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) samples collected from growing sites in Scandinavia in 2001 and 2002 were examined to study the effect of endosperm structure on malting behavior. Samples were micromalted, and several malt characteristics were measured. Samples were classified as having a mealier or steelier endosperm on the basis of light transflectance (LTm). Because endosperm structure is greatly dependent on protein content, three barley sample pairs with similar protein contents were chosen for further analysis. During malting, the steelier barley samples produced less root mass, but showed higher respiration losses and higher activities of starch-hydrolyzing enzymes. Malts made from steelier barley had a less friable structure, with more urea-soluble D hordein and more free amino nitrogen and soluble protein. The reason for these differences may lie in the structure or localization of the hordeins as well as the possible effects of endosperm packing on water uptake and movement of enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary The yield-depressing effect due to repeated cropping (monoculture) of barley reported from long-term field experiments was observed as a reduction in plant growth in short-term pot experiments. The nature of the monoculture effect was investigated by mixing field soils with different cropping histories in different proportions in the greenhouse, while the influence of rhizosphere microflora from the monocultured and crop rotation soils on barley growth was studied in gnotobiotic experiments. Indigenous bacterial populations and the pH of the test soils were also measured. Significantly more bacteria were found in the crop rotation soil compared to the monocultured soil, but the two soils did not differ in pH. Greenhouse experiments showed that in the monocultured soil, seed germination was delayed and plant dry weight reduced, and that these effects had a biological origin. Attempts were also made to induce the monoculture effect in the crop rotation soil by inoculation with known harmful bacteria. The results from the experiments with mixed soils and with soil inoculation indicated that where crop rotation was practised the soil was more sensitive to bacterial effects than the monocultured soil. The rhizosphere microflora from the monocultured soil did not affect plant weights in short-term gnotobiotic experiments, but it significantly stimulated the number of lateral roots compared with the crop rotation microflora. This stimulation could not be related to differences in bacterial counts, pH, or ion concentrations in the plant-growing medium.  相似文献   

Since ancient times, barley has been an important food resource for the people of Sardinia. The oldest traces of its cultivation are from the mid-Neolithic (fourth millennium B.C.). Archaeological, historical and anthropological aspects of barley cultivated in Sardinia are discussed in this paper. We describe the traditional process for making barley bread (orgiathu) in Sardinia, where a special starter called ghimisone was prepared. Today, barley is cultivated only as animal feed, with two uses, grain yield and grazing. Many farmers prefer to grow local populations belonging to landrace locally known as S' orgiu sardu. Local Sardinian populations of barley evolved in diverse environments, being cultivated from sea-level up to 1000 m elevation, on various soil types at different intensities of abiotic stresses, and with climates and environments associated with various agricultural practices, depending both on production strategies and climatic conditions. These barley materials are thought to be valuable genetic and cultural inheritance which must be preserved and used for both productive and research purposes.  相似文献   

Regrowth after cutting at four development stages, from heading to grain maturity, was investigated in a pot experiment containing three rye and four barley varieties. Regrowth in the barley varieties decreased strongly from heading to grain maturity. Rye generally showed stronger regrowth than barley after late cutting, but only the perennial variety ‘Soperta’ regenerated as many tillers at cutting as formed when harvested at the ripe grain stage. In both species, significant differences were found between varieties. The level of soluble carbohydrates reached a maximum between heading and maturity, but differences in regrowth could not be explained by such differences. Total N decreased from heading to maturity, except for perennial rye, where an increase was observed towards ripening. It is, however, uncertain whether this was an effect rather than a cause of the regrowth.  相似文献   

Late-terminal drought stress during grain filling has recently become more common in the semi-arid Mediterranean region, where barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is grown as an important winter cereal crop. Little information is available in the literature about the effect of late-terminal drought stress on seed germination and vigor of barley. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of late-terminal drought stress on seed germination and vigor of barley as estimated by the germination after accelerated aging test. Drought stress reduced grain yield of barley. Grain yield was correlated positively with leaf gross photosynthetic rate and negatively with leaf osmotic potential. Late-drought stress had no effect on standard germination, but reduced the germination after the accelerated aging test. These data suggested that late-terminal drought stress had a greater effect on seed vigor than standard germination in barley.  相似文献   


The aim of the research was to establish weediness, competitive ability and productivity of the crop. The experimental object was agrophytocenoses of spring barley – Hordeum vulgare L. – crop of spring barley ‘Aura’ and unsown soil, and weeds growing in them. The crop was formed sowing 0, 120, 200 and 280 kg ha?1 (0, 2.7, 4.5 and 6.2 million seeds per ha?1 respectively) seeds of spring barley ‘Aura’. Spring barley crop was not harrowed and herbicides were not applied. In the field experiment estimates were made of changes of weeds and spring barley inter- and within- species competition optimizing crop density. During three years of field experiment in the crop of spring barley annual weeds prevailed at 88–99%, such as Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, Erysimum cheiranthoides. Perennial weeds formed 1–12% of the crop weeds, such as Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvense, Equisetum arvense. General number of weed species in spring barley crops varied from 13 to 21. Weed abundance proportionally declined in the crops of higher density, hence, higher seed rate should be recommended for organic agriculture where weeds are controlled in non-chemical ways. Consistently increasing barley stand density, the competition between species (spring barley with weeds) gradually turned into competition within species (between barley plants) when a higher number of weaker and non-productive stems started forming. Spring barley yield did not significantly depend on the stand density. Increasing stand density enhanced cultivated crop yield to a certain level (200 kg ha?1), since an increase in spring barley plant number resulted in the reduction in weight per plant and 1000 grain weight, which was compensated by an increase in the number of spring barley plants. Different spring barley density had an essential influence on the chemical composition of weeds which was similar to that of spring barley. Weeds accumulated the greatest amount of crude proteins, crude fat and crude fibre growing without spring barley.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the abundance of bacteria and fungi on roots of different barley varieties grown in soil and in a nutrient solution. Measurements were made on the rhizoplane and, for soil-grown plants, also in the rhizosphere soil. Further, the influence of plant age was investigated. Barley variety, had a significant influence both for plants grown in soil and in the nutrient solution, and the effects were most pronounced on the rhizoplane. There were no significant differences among varieties in fungal hyphal lengths on the roots. Bacterial abundance on the rhizoplane was significantly decreased with increasing plant age. Varietal differences were maintained over different plant ages.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the major constraints to crop yield worldwide, and genotypes or cultivars with high phosphate use efficiency (PUE) sustain growth when exposed to phosphate stress. Therefore, it is imperative to develop the genotypes or cultivars with high PUE. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the PUE among 150 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes. Two high-tolerant and -sensitive accessions were selected. These two candidate materials were used to investigate the differences among the root morphology characteristics, antioxidant enzyme activity, inorganic phosphate (Pi) content and gene expression of HvPT5 under P-deficiency and P-sufficiency conditions. The values of these parameters were higher in the low-P-tolerant genotype than in the sensitive one. In pot experiment 1, all genotypes showed a significant difference in low-P tolerance, with variety GN121 achieving the highest tolerance, and GN42 being most sensitive. The results of this study may provide elite genetic germplasms for future work on isolation of P-related genes, and the improvement of PUE in barley.

Abbreviations: PUE: phosphate use efficiency; CAT: catalase; POD: peroxidase; SOD: superoxide dismutase; DMSO: dimethyl sulphoxide; MDA: malondialdehyde; TOPSIS: technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution; MCDM/MADM: multi-criteria (or attribute) decision making  相似文献   

The nitrogenase activity (C2H2-reduction) was measured during the growth cycle of field grown spring barley in soil cores both with and without barley plants, and at two levels of nitrogen application, 30 and 120 kg N ha?1 year?1 respectively. The main purpose of the investigation was to study the effects of the growing barley plants on nitrogenase activity in the soil, and temperature and moisture contents were kept constant in all experiments. Therefore, the results cannot be used to calculate actual amounts of fixed nitrogen in the field, but should be considered rather as potential values. The nitrogenase activity was found to vary during the growth cycle, and seemed to be correlated to the photosynthetic activity of the plants. Relatively low nitrogenase activity was found in the early growth stages, and the activity increased up to a maximum in the late reproductive stage, followed by a rapid decrease during the grain filling stage. The mean values of nitrogenase activity in samples without barley plants and with barley plants were 40 and 78 nmoles C2H4 g soil dwt?1 24 h?1 respectively. The positive effect of barley plants on nitrogenase activity was stronger at 120 kg N than at 30 kg N fertilization. As a mean of the whole growth cycle the ratio between samples with and without barley plants was 1.7 with 30 kgN and 2.3 with 120 kg N fertilization. The inhibitory effect of nitrogen application on nitrogenase activity was measurable until 6–7 weeks after application, and it was strongest in cores without plants.  相似文献   

Summary Dynamics of barley N, mineral N, and organic N were compared at Ellerslie (Black Chernozem, Typic Cryoboroll) and Breton (Gray Luvisol, Typic Cryoboralf) in central Alberta, using 15N-urea. On average, shoot N and shoot 15N recoveries at Ellerslie (14.1 g m–2, 36%) were greater than at Breton (4.5 g m–2, 17%). Root N (g m–2) did not significantly differ between sites (0–30 cm) but root 15N recovery was greater at Breton (3.4%) than Ellerslie (1.8%). Low levels of shoot N and shoot 15N at Breton were partly due to very wet soil conditions in July, which resulted in premature shoot senescence and low plant N uptake. Although the total 15N recoveries from the system (to 30 cm depth) at Ellerslie (63%) and Breton (56%) were similar, soil 15N was greater at Breton (35%) than at Ellerslie (26%). There were no differences in mineral N between sites but the average 15N recovery in the mineral-N pool was significantly greater at Ellerslie (3.3%) than at Breton (1.6%). There was no difference in 15N recovery in the microbial biomass (3%) between sites, although non-microbial organic 15N was greater at Breton (31 %) than at Ellerslie (20%). The two soils showed differences in the relative size of kinetically active N pools and in relative mineralization rates. Microbial N (0–30 cm) was greater at Ellerslie (13.3 g m–2) than at Breton (9.9 g m–2), but total microbial N made up a larger proportion of total soil N at Breton (1.6%) than at Ellerslie (0.9%). In the 0–10 cm interval, microbial N was 1.7-fold greater and non-microbial active N was 3-fold greater at Breton compared to Ellerslie, when expressed as a proportion of total soil N. Net N mineralization in a 10-day laboratory incubation was 1.4-fold greater in the Black Chernozem (0–10 cm interval) from Ellerslie, compared to the Gray Luvisol from Breton, when expressed per gram of soil. Net N mineralization in the soil from Breton was double that of the soil from Ellerslie, when expressed as a proportion of soil N. Although soil N (g m–2) was 2.5-fold greater at Ellerslie compared to Breton, it was cycled more rapidly at Breton.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients for barley, and at the same time excessive N fertilization can have a negative impact on the environment. A 2-year field study was conducted with the objective to determine the relationship of N Use Efficiency (NUE) and its components N utilization efficiency (NUtE), and N uptake efficiency (NUpE) with N diagnostic tools N nutrition index (NNI) and chlorophyll meter (CM) readings of barley. CM readings were negatively correlated with NUE and NUpE. NNI varied from 0.79 to 1.00 across years and cultivars. This study provides new information about the effect of N application on NUE and its components and its relationship with CM readings and NNI of barley which can be used for proper N management and protection of the environment.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of biochar-amended urea on nitrogen economy of soil for improving the growth and yield of wheat under field condition. Experiment plan was comprised of twelve treatments with four replications including treatments without application of urea and biochar (control) and urea only. Biochar was applied at 1–10% of the weight of urea fertilizer applied each treatment. Results showed that application of biochar at 10% with recommended dose of urea significantly improved plant height, spike length, number of tillers, number of spikelet per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yields, biomass yield, harvesting index, nitrogen (N) concentration and uptake in grain and straw, and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen by 6.0%, 11.1%, 32.0%, 55.3%, 5.4%, 38.0%, 19.0%, 9.0%, 19.0%, 26.0%, 65.0%, 50.0%, and 63.0%, respectively, as compared to treatment comprised of recommended rate of nitrogen without biochar.  相似文献   

Summary This study compared the dynamics of shoots, roots, microbial biomass and faunal populations in two different soils cropped to barley. The dynamics of microbial C, protozoa, nematodes, acari, collembola, shoot and root mass were measured between July and October under barley at Ellerslie (Black Chernozem, Typic Cryoboroll) and Breton (Gray Luvisol, Typic Cryoboralf) in central Alberta. Very wet soil conditions in early July reduced the barley yield at Breton. The peak shoot mass was greater at Ellerslie (878 g m–2) compared to Breton (582 g m–2), but the root mass did not differ significantly between sites. Microbial C at 0–30 cm depth was greater at Ellerslie (127 g m–2) than Breton (68 g m–2). The average protozoa population (no. m–2) did not differ significantly between sites. The average nematode population at 0–20 cm depth was greater at Ellerslie (5.1 × 106 no. m–2) compared to Breton (1.0 × 106 no. m–2) Acari and collembola populations at 0–10 cm depth at Ellerslie (43 × 103 and 43 × 102 no. m–2), respectively) were greater than at Breton (2 × 104 and 9 × 102 no. m–2) respectively). Tenday laboratory incubations of 0–10 cm soil samples from Ellerslie evolved more CO2-C (120 g g–1 soil) compared to samples from Breton (97 g g–1 soil), but the CO2-C evolution did not differ when expressed on an area basis (g m–2) due to the greater soil bulk density at Breton. The soil from Breton respired twice as much CO2-C when expressed as a proportion of soil C and 1.5 times as much CO2-C when expressed as a proportion of microbial C, compared to the soil from Ellerslie. The greater CO2-C: microbial C ratio, lower flush C:N ratio, and greater protozoa population: soil C ratio at Breton compared to Ellerslie suggest that the food web was relatively more active at Breton and was related to greater C availability and water availability at Breton.  相似文献   

In sustainable agriculture, the protection of environment against pollution is the main goal for consumers. Nowadays, the overuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, are one of the main causes of environmental pollution. It is claimed that incorporation of organic compound into soil enhances nutrient availability and plant productivity. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of 0%, 1.5% and 3% cattle manure biochar and 0, 300 and 600 mg K-nano chelate kg?1 soil on agronomic properties and nutrient status of Ocimum basilicum L. Biochar increased leaf area and plant height, significantly. Application of 1.5% and 3% biochar increased fresh weight by 40% and 42% and dry weight by 50% and 49%, respectively. Addition of 3% biochar increased P, K and Mn concentrations by 45%, 17% and 109%, respectively. Biochar increased N, P, K, Zn and Mn uptake, significantly. Addition of 300 mg K increased dry weight by 15%; while application of 600 mg K decreased it. Application of 300 and 600 mg K-nano chelate increased K and Zn concentration and K uptake significantly. Furthermore, 300 mg K increased Cu and Zn uptake. In order to achieve sustainable agricultural productions, biochar application is recommended especially in the soils of arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Soil solutions were isolated by centrifugation of moist soil taken from the root-zone of field-grown barley plants and bulk soil from adjacent fallow areas. Low concentrations of Cu, Mn, Zn and Co were found in soil solutions in late winter with increases in spring and early summer. Discrete maxima are generally achieved at some time between May and early July. The precise timing of such maxima appears to depend on the extent of the development of the growing crop and on seasonal influences. The extent to which micronutrient concentrations increase in fallow soils is less than in the root-zone soil solutions although similar trends occur. It is suggested that the increased micronutrient concentrations might result from their mobilization from insoluble forms by biologically produced chelating ligands.  相似文献   

Since the fate of nanoparticles after their release in the environment and their possible transfer in plants and subsequent impacts is still largely unknown, this paper evaluates the potential phytotoxic effects of up to 20% w/w TiO2 nanoparticles (nTiO2) on barley cultivated in hydroponics and agar media. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that nTiO2 powder corresponds to anatase phase. On agar medium only high concentrations of nTiO2 (10% and 20% w/w) induced significant inhibition of shoot growth. However, hydroponics treatment with nTiO2 up to 1000?mg?L?1 did not show any adverse effect on the shoot growth. In both experiments, (i) root growth inhibition effects became visible with increasing concentration of nTiO2, (ii) plants treated with nTiO2 showed no change in chlorophyll a and b content, even though the plants absorbed nTiO2, (iii) weight of biomass treated with nTiO2 was not significantly different compared to control. Therefore, we assume that transport of nTiO2 into the aerial parts is limited due to the presence of effective mechanical or physiological barriers in roots. Overall, it appears that early root growth is a relevant indicator of potential effects of nTiO2 exposure. Our results also indicate that synthesized nTiO2 are not significantly toxic to the barley when applied at the concentrations used in this work, even though plants absorb titanium.  相似文献   

Multiple element analyses were carried out to investigate variation in element concentrations in barley grains of 336 genotypes. Of 13 elements analyzed, Ba ranged from 0.2 to 8.9?mg kg?1, Ca from 186.4 to 977.5?mg kg?1, Cu from 1.5 to 9.8?mg kg?1, K from 353.2 to 7721.5?mg kg?1, Mg from 1049.8 to 2024.2?mg kg?1, Mn from 8.1 to 22.9?mg kg?1, Na from 55.9 to 627.9?mg kg?1, P from 2272.9 to 5428.8?mg kg?1, S from 880.7 to 1898.0?mg kg?1, Si from 19.1 to 663.2?mg kg?1, and Sr from 0.35 to 2.62?mg kg?1 in the barley grain. The least square means showed high Zn, Fe, Mg, P, and S concentration in AM-64 and AM-228 genotypes. The principal component analysis of element concentration showed four PCs explained 64.3% total variance. Strong positive correlations (p?<?0.001) of Fe-Mn, Fe-S, S-Mn, Zn-P, Zn-Mg, Mg-P, Mg-Mn, and Ca-Sr were found. The identification barley genotypes that showed high elements concentration furnish valuable genetic resources for biofortification in future.  相似文献   

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