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A sustainable agricultural tactics for countering a possible phosphate shrinking should comprise the releasing of legacy soil phosphorus (P), in parallel to lowering P fertilizer load, and increasing the use of recycled P sources with economic crop yield in mind. Therefore, a field trail was conducted to estimate the possibility of choosing the appropriate cultivar as a tool to raise the use efficiency of reserved soil P. Herein, three faba bean cultivars (Sakha-3, Nubaria-1 and Giza-843) were evaluated under five applications of P fertilizer (rock phosphate, super phosphate, Bacillus megaterium, rock phosphate+B. megaterium, and super phosphate+B. megaterium). Findings showed that the lowest value of estimated available P in soil after harvest was obtained from plots sown by Sakha-3 plants and fertilized with super phosphate+B. megaterium. Plots sown with Nubaria-1 and fertilized by rock phosphate+B. megaterium or B. megaterium (for weight of 100 seeds and seed yield) in addition to super phosphate+B. megaterium (for seed yield) produced the maximum increases. The highest P recovery efficiency was achieved with Nubaria-1 inoculated by B. megaterium alone. In conclusion, super phosphate+B. megaterium × Nubaria-1 achieve maximum crop returns and secure high short-term recovery of applied P.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate the performance of faba bean landraces originating from different regions of Greece under both organic and conventional farming systems focusing mainly on yield, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), and competitiveness to weeds. Faba bean exhibited a high ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, as indicated by the percentage of N2 derived from the atmosphere which exceeded 75% in all evaluated varieties, and the total amount of biologically fixed N up to full anthesis, which fluctuated from 118.5 to 193.9?kg?ha?1 in the various cropping systems and cultivars. The weed density was appreciably higher in the organic plots, without significant differences among the faba bean cultivars, while wild mustard and corn poppy were the most competitive weeds. The application of inorganic starter fertiliser in the conventionally-treated plots had no negative effect on biologically-fixed nitrogen by faba bean plants, while the herbicide pendimethalin had no negative impact on the nodulation process. Protein concentrations in faba bean cultivars fluctuated from 27.3% to 31.4%. The evaluated landraces could be utilised in breeding programmes due to their earliness, and their high performance in terms of protein content, BNF ability, and productivity.  相似文献   

The effects of lime application with multiple soil management methods and uses on dry matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of Silage maize cropping in succession with Italian ryegrass (ryegrass) from 2009 to 2014 in a southern Brazilian Oxisol were studied. The experimental design was completely randomized block in split-plot with four replications. The main plot treatments were the four soil management methods: conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), no-tillage (NT) and chiseled no-tillage (CNT). The sub-plots treatments were the three uses of Italian ryegrass (ryegrass): cover crop (CC), silage (S), and grazing dairy heifers as part of integrated crop-livestock system (ICL). In all the years, the maize was sown approximately 30 days after the ryegrass desiccation with herbicide. In the medium-term (5 yrs.) after liming, soil management methods did not change DM yield and CP content in silage maize. The use of ryegrass for S and ICL did not change DM yield, but notably maintained or increased CP content in silage maize after liming. The use of ryegrass only as CC provided less measurable benefits than the combined production system of silage maize with ryegrass.  相似文献   

Silage maize (Zea mays L.) is an important crop for forage on Northwestern European dairy cattle farms. We examined the effect of readily available soil phosphorus (P) on early maize growth and linked in-season height growth to final harvest yield using field plots with contrasting P supply in a one-year study embedded in a long-term experiment. Water-extractable P (Pw) was used as a proxy for readily available P in soil. Plant height, dry matter (DM) accumulation, P and nitrogen (N) uptakes were determined eight times from the two-leaf stage until final whole-crop harvest and fitted to logistic growth models. The models revealed that the final yield was significantly related to the time required to reach the maximum rate of height growth (occurring from 330 to 485 accumulated growing degree units, GDU), but not the time required to reach the maximum rate of DM accumulation (occurring from 561 to 649 GDU). Furthermore, plant height at the four-leaf stage and onwards was significantly related to the final harvest yield. Soil Pw linked closely to height growth parameters; higher levels of Pw gave earlier peaks in height growth. For this light sandy loam with a wide gradient in P content, we conclude that suboptimal P supply postpones height growth and reduces final yields. A sufficient P supply links to an early rapid increase in plant height and forms the potential for optimum nutrient uptake and high forage yields. Thus, early-season plant height may serve as a simple morphometric indicator for final yields.  相似文献   

Direct use of poultry manure on agricultural lands may cause environmental concerns, so there is a need to establish the suitability of the application of biochar derived from poultry manure for calcareous soil chemical properties and plant growth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of processed poultry manure (0, 5, 10 and 20 g/kg) and its biochar (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 g/kg) on soil chemical properties of a calcareous soil and growth of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and maize (Zea mays) plants. In the incubation experiment, both processed poultry manure (PPM) and biochar decreased pH and the concentration of plant‐available Fe of soil but increased plant‐available P, Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations. PPM and biochar increased the concentrations of exchangeable cations (K, Ca and Mg) in soil. PPM and biochar applications increased the growth of maize and bean plants. PPM and biochar resulted in increased concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in bean plants. In maize plants, PPM and biochar applications increased the N, P, K, Zn, Cu and Mn but decreased the Ca and Mg concentrations. Results of this study reveal that poultry manure biochar can be used effectively for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effect of coffee waste (CW) application on growth and mineral nutrition of Italian ryegrass in a tropical Arenosol. Dry CW was applied at three rates (5, 10, 20 t/ha) and thoroughly mixed with topsoil (0–25 cm), placed in pots and seeded with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) according to a completely randomized design with six replicates. The application of CW greatly stimulated uptake of Ca, Mg, K, N and P, resulting in a significantly increased dry matter (DM) production over three consecutive cropping cycles. DM increases of at least 52, 87 and 81% compared with the unamended controls were obtained for the first, second and third cuts, respectively. Soil analysis after cultivation found that all CW‐amended soils still contained available macronutrients (Ca, Mg, K, N), which could produce residual effects in subsequent crops. Furthermore, CW application increased soil pH owing to its liming effect. This brought about an increase in cation exchange capacity with substantial reduction in phytotoxic Al and a decrease in availability of a number of metals (Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe) and significantly reduced their uptake by ryegrass. The study reveals a high potential of CW to improve the fertility of sandy soils in the humid tropics.  相似文献   

冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系灌溉制度多目标优化模型   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
该文针对望都灌溉试验站全年作物种植模式,分别建立冬小麦及夏玉米水分生产函数模型,运用粒子群优化算法(PSO)求解模型中的敏感指数,并以该模型为基础建立冬小麦-夏玉米全周期灌溉制度多目标优化模型,利用改进分组非支配排序遗传算法(GNSGA-Ⅱ)对模型进行求解,得出全年不同可用灌溉水量情况下的灌水日期与灌水量。结果显示,随着可用总灌水量的增加,冬小麦和夏玉米的灌水量与产量均随之增加,但由于受到两种作物不同敏感指数的影响使得二者增加的趋势有所不同。当全年总灌水量为472mm时两种作物均接近充分灌溉,若继续增加灌溉水量,则灌水的边际效益逐渐减小。依据优化结果可在全年合理分配利用有限的水资源以获得较高的作物总产值。  相似文献   

Below‐ground niche complementarity in legume–cereal intercrops may improve resource use efficiency and root adaptability to environmental constraints. However, the effect of water limitation on legume rooting and nodulation patterns in intercropping is poorly understood. To advance our knowledge of mechanisms involved in water‐limitation response, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown as mono‐ and intercrops in soil‐filled plexiglass rhizoboxes under water sufficiency (80% of water‐holding capacity) and water limitation (30% of water‐holding capacity). We examined whether intercropping facilitates below‐ground niche complementarity under water limitation via interspecific root stratification coupled with modified nodulation patterns. While no significant treatment effects were measured in intercropped wheat growth parameters, water limitation induced a decrease in shoot and root biomass of monocropped wheat. Likewise, shoot biomass and height, and root length of monocropped faba bean significantly decreased under water limitation. Conversely, water limitation stimulated root biomass of intercropped faba bean in the lower soil layer (15–30 cm soil depth). Similarly, total nodule number of faba bean roots as well as nodule number in the lower soil layer increased under intercropping regardless of water availability. Under water limitation, intercropping also led to a significant increased nodule biomass (48%) in the lower soil layer as compared to monocropping. The enhanced nodulation in the lower soil layer and the associated increase in root and shoot growth provides evidence for a shift in niche occupancy when intercropped with wheat, which improves water‐limited faba bean performance.  相似文献   

不同玉米秸秆还田量对土壤肥力及冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:51,自引:10,他引:51  
通过田间随机区组设计试验,研究了不同玉米秸秆还田量对接茬麦田土壤碳、氮肥力及冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田可以增加土壤有机质和缓解土壤氮流失,提高土壤微生物碳、氮的固持和供给效果,增加土壤微生物量C/N,提高土壤供肥水平。从不同玉米秸秆还田量的效应对比与回归分析,进一步明确在黄土高原有灌溉条件的地区,施N 138 kg/hm2,玉米秸秆还田量9000 kg/hm2,能有效提高土壤肥力,可使接茬冬小麦显著增产7.47%。  相似文献   

新开垦土壤上构建玉米/蚕豆-根瘤菌高效固氮模式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了在新开垦土壤上构建高效种植模式,本文采用温室盆栽和大田试验相结合的方法,选用4种根瘤菌接种方式(保水剂拌种、清水拌种、三叶期灌根和种子丸衣化)接种4种不同蚕豆根瘤菌(NM353、CCBAU、G254和QH258),分析接菌后新开垦土壤上玉米/蚕豆间作体系的生产潜力、地上部氮素吸收和结瘤特性以及生物固氮等方面的优势,拟为该体系筛选出高效的根瘤菌及其接种技术。结果表明:接种NM353后,玉米/蚕豆间作体系中蚕豆籽粒产量比单作平均增加152.84%,而玉米保持相对稳产;以保水剂拌种的方式接种NM353的间作蚕豆地上部氮素积累量最高,蚕豆结瘤数、瘤重、固氮比例和固氮量均高于本试验中其他3种方式接种的根瘤菌。在盛花期和盛花鼓粒期,接种NM353蚕豆的固氮比例比接种CCBAU的分别高19.1%和11.1%,在各个生育时期两者固氮量之间差异均达显著水平;接种NM353与接种其他菌种间固氮量和固氮比例差异更显著。因此,在新开垦土壤上,用保水剂拌种的方式对间作蚕豆接种NM353根瘤菌,构建玉米/蚕豆-根瘤菌高效固氮体系,为新开垦土壤合理开发利用的可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

为明确种植和翻压绿肥改良和培肥盐碱地的效果,采用田间试验研究了种植和翻压毛叶苕子(Vicia villosa Roth.)、田菁(Sesbania cannabina Poir.)、草木樨(Melilotus officinalis L.)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)和黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)6种绿肥对中度苏打盐碱地土壤理化性质、返还土壤的N、P_2O_5和K_2O数量、后作青贮玉米(Zea mays L.)鲜草产量及蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明:与对照(不种植绿肥)相比,绿肥生长后期可显著提高土壤含水量1.0%~6.2%,使pH降低0.03~0.43,EC降低0.12~1.50 mS×cm~(-1);翻压绿肥可返还土壤N 15.6~195.4 kg×hm~(-2)、P_2O_5 5.3~58.8 kg×hm~(-2)和K_2O 34.5~127.9 kg×hm~(-2),使土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾分别提高0.42~1.86 g×kg~(-1)、0.05~0.34 g×kg~(-1)、0.5~32.3 mg×kg~(-1)、0.42~4.65 mg×kg~(-1)和3.8~26.1 mg×kg~(-1);与对照相比,青贮玉米的鲜草产量和蛋白质含量分别增加1 294~19 391 kg×hm~(-2)和0.4~23.9 mg×g~(-1)。总体而言,种植和翻压豆科绿肥在保蓄土壤水分,降低土壤pH和EC,提升土壤有机质含量和N、P_2O_5、K_2O养分数量(特别是N素数量),提高青贮玉米鲜草产量与蛋白质等方面的效果均显著优于禾本科绿肥,其中以适应性强、生长快、生物量大的毛叶苕子处理的改良、培肥土壤,生产优质牧草的效果最好;其次是草木樨处理。种植和翻压豆科绿肥可有效改良中度苏打盐碱地,显著提高土壤肥力,提供无机养分替代部分化肥,提高优质牧草的生产,是适合大同盆地中度苏打盐碱地经济、有效和环保的改良模式,对稳定耕地面积、保证粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过河西走廊灌区田问试验,对不同施氮水平下蚕豆/玉米间作系统的生产力、氮素吸收利用率及土壤无机氮累积量进行了研究,并利用线性加平台模型探讨了间作系统的经济生态施氮量.结果表明间作系统的生产力与施氮量的线性加平台模型的相关性达到极显著水平(P<0.001), 0~160 cm土壤无机氮累积量与施氮量间以二次曲线模型相关性最高;种间互作显著提高系统生产力和氮素吸收,增幅分别为23%和33%;间作系统生产力、养分吸收量及土壤无机氮量随着施氮量的增加而增加;高氮肥量和种间互作使作物发生氮素"奢侈吸收".如果充分考虑到生产、生态和经济效益,则间作系统适宜施氮量为186 kg/hm2,对应生产力为10.6×103kg/hm2,增产14%,节约38%氮,减少75%土壤无机氮残留.  相似文献   

冬小麦/夏玉米轮作中高肥力土壤的持续供氮能力   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
通过连续3年的冬小麦.夏玉米轮作试验研究高肥力土壤的供氮能力。结果表明,在本试验的高肥力土壤上,存在土壤供氮能力随时间延长而下降的趋势。但在连续3年3个轮作周期6季作物生长过程中,土壤都保持了较高的供氮能力,其中夏玉米季高于冬小麦季,不施氮处理在冬小麦季的相对产量保持在46%~76%,夏玉米季为69%~81%,轮作周期中土壤氮素的表观矿化量为125~184kg.hm2,而供氮能力为123~190kg.hm2。在考虑土壤供氮能力的基础上,基于土壤植株测试的氮肥优化管理,在连续6季作物中较大幅度地降低了氮肥用量,但却获得了同传统施氮处理一致的产量,保持了较低的土壤无机氮残留量,避免了过量施氮对环境的不良影响。  相似文献   

A substantial deficit of protein sources for livestock and expected changes in agro-climatic conditions are two challenges for European agriculture. Both can be addressed by introducing more autumn-sown legumes into Central European farming systems. Therefore, a three-year field experiment was conducted under Pannonian climate conditions in eastern Austria in which several winter faba bean varieties from different European countries were compared to a spring faba bean variety. Winter faba bean was susceptible to frost damage. Best overwintering was observed with the German variety Hiverna and the French variety Diva. Regarding overwintering, the first winter allowed for a clear differentiation between varieties, in the second winter, severe frost caused loss of almost all winter faba bean plants and in the third winter, which was mild, most varieties showed good overwintering. Grain yield of winter faba bean was mainly determined by variations of plants m?2 (i.e. by overwintering) whereas compensatory mechanisms between yield components had a minor influence on yield formation. No grain yield advantage could be observed for winter faba bean varieties compared to the spring faba bean variety even in the year with good overwintering. Regarding yield components, winter faba bean had generally more shoots plant?1 and a higher thousand kernel weight but spring faba bean tended to have more pods shoot?1 and grains shoot?1 whereas pods plant?1, grains plant?1 and grains pod?1 generally did not differ. In conclusion, limited winter hardiness together with the minor influence of compensatory mechanisms between yield components on yield formation are serious constraints for increasing the cultivation of winter faba bean in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Specialization within agriculture has been a key factor in increasing farm income. The production systems have become increasingly simple, since farmers only grow a small number of crops which have a favourable market price. However, monocultural systems require increasing use of agrochemicals leading to unsustainable environmental costs. In this work, the soil fertility of two plots in a crop rotation previously grown for 5 years as pasture or maize monoculture was evaluated. In the pasture, the upper 0–20 cm soil layer sequestered 17.4 Mg organic C ha?1 and accumulated 403 kg N ha?1 more than under maize monoculture. Analytical data from pot experiments showed that soil samples from the pasture plot released significantly more mineral N than soil samples from the maize monoculture. Maize dry matter (DM) yields in 2012 and 2013 were 15.3 and 10.0 Mg ha?1 in the pasture plot and 8.8 and 8.4 Mg ha?1 in the maize monoculture plot. Nitrogen recoveries by maize were 175.4 and 68.0 kg ha?1 in the pasture and 78.3 and 50.3 kg ha?1 in the maize monoculture plot. The pool of organic matter accumulated during the pasture phase immobilized important nutrients which benefited the succeeding crop as the organic substrate was mineralized.  相似文献   

黄土高原旱地冬小麦/夏玉米轮作体系土壤的氮素平衡   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
在黄土高原南部旱地,通过田间小区试验研究了传统施肥方式下冬小麦/夏玉米轮作体系中土壤的氮素平衡。结果表明:土壤残留矿质态氮(Nmin)对作物产量和施用氮肥效果有重要影响,前季作物残留土壤Nmin可以促进后季作物生长,使氮肥增产效应不明显;冬小麦生长季节施氮240.kg/hm2可以增加产量和作物吸氮量,但其氮肥利用率只有39.7%,大部分以Nmin残留于0200cm土壤中或以其他途径损失;由于冬小麦季节残留肥料氮的后效,使夏玉米生长季节的氮肥利用率很低,施氮120和240.kg/hm2的氮肥利用率分别只有22.4%和3.9%,而在0200cm土层残留率则达到51.1%和87.2%;经过冬小麦、夏玉米一个轮作周期后,施氮量为240、360和480.kg/hm2时作物的氮肥利用率平均为52.2%4、2.2%和28.0%,而相应的土壤残留率平均为12.4%、25.3%和49.8%,表观损失率平均为35.4%、32.5%和22.2%。表明在土壤残留Nmin较高的条件下,夏玉米生长季节施氮量较低时盈余氮素以表观损失为主,施氮量高时大部分氮素残留于土壤剖面。  相似文献   

施氮量对潮土区冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田氮磷淋溶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潮土是我国华北地区主要土壤类型之一,潮土区是我国冬小麦-夏玉米作物的主要产区,研究不同施氮量潮土氮磷淋溶特征对于指导区域农田面源污染防控具有重要意义。本研究设置3个施肥处理,即传统施氮(CON)、优化施氮(OPT)和优化再减氮(OPTJ),利用田间渗漏池法,研究潮土冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田硝态氮及总磷淋溶特征。结果表明:2016—2018年,冬小麦-夏玉米轮作周年不同施肥处理90cm土层年淋溶水量79.0~102.5 mm,不同淋溶事件间土壤淋溶液硝态氮浓度波动较大, CON、OPT和OPTJ处理单次淋溶事件硝态氮浓度分别为18.9~208.7(平均为72.7) mg·L~(-1)、9.0~99.2 (平均为33.8) mg·L~(-1)、4.7~55.5 (平均为15.4) mg·L~(-1)。本研究区域冬小麦-夏玉米轮作模式的氮素淋溶风险较高,磷素淋溶风险较低。传统施氮处理(CON)下农田硝态氮的平均淋溶量和表观淋失系数分别为66.4 kg·hm~(-2)和10.3%,而总磷(TP)为0.06 kg·hm~(-2)和0.04%。氮肥减施会显著降低氮素淋失,OPT和OPTJ处理的氮素淋溶减排率可达56.3%和78.9%。两个年度CON、OPT和OPTJ处理硝态氮平均表观淋失系数分别为10.3%、6.2%和4.9%,随着施氮量的增加,硝态氮淋失系数动态增加。氮淋溶具有较大的年际变化,降雨量高的2018年比降雨少的2017年硝态氮淋溶量多57.0%。两个年度CON、OPT和OPTJ处理总磷平均淋溶量分别为0.06 kg·hm~(-2)、0.06 kg·hm~(-2)和0.08 kg·hm~(-2)。适量减施氮肥会增加作物产量, OPT处理的作物产量是CON处理的1.08倍。然而,过量减施则会带来减产风险, OPTJ处理氮肥减施56%,作物产量比CON处理降低2.0%~8.1%。总之,潮土区农田硝态氮淋溶风险较大,适量减施氮肥能够在保证作物产量的基础上显著降低氮素淋失损失。  相似文献   

Information is limited on using winter legumes as a source of nitrogen (N) intercropped with switchgrass in the southern Great Plains of the United States. The objectives of this study were to evaluate N contribution of several winter legumes to switchgrass, and to determine the influence of winter legumes on biofuel quality and soil fertility status. Field experiments were conducted at two locations in Oklahoma in which six winter legumes and four rates of N fertilizer were studied over a 3-year period. Winter legumes did not increase switchgrass forage yield, cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose concentrations at any location. Soil organic matter (OM), nitrate-N (NO3-N), soil test phosphorus (P), soil test potassium (K), and soil pH remained unchanged. In contrast, applying inorganic N only increased switchgrass yield. This study demonstrated that southern Great Plains may not be conducive to utilizing legumes as the primary N source for switchgrass.  相似文献   

华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系中标记15N的去向及残效   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the fate of 15N-labeled urea and its residual effect under the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system on the North China Plain. Compared to a conventional application rate of 360 kg N ha-1 (N360), a reduced rate of 120 kg N ha-1 (N120) led to a significant increase (P < 0.05) in wheat yield and no significant differences were found for maize. However, in the 0-100 cm soil profile at harvest, compared with N360, N120 led to significant decreases (P < 0.05) of percent residual N and percent unaccounted-for N, which possibly reflected losses from the managed system. Of the residual fertilizer N in the soil profile, 25.6%-44.7% and 20.7%-38.2% for N120 and N360, respectively, were in the organic N pool, whereas 0.3%-3.0% and 11.2%-24.4%, correspondingly, were in the nitrate pool, indicating a higher potential for leaching loss associated with application at the conventional rate. Recovery of residual N in the soil profile by succeeding crops was less than 7.5% of the applied N. For N120, total soil N balance was negative; however, there was still considerable mineral N (NH4+-N and NO3--N) in the soil profile after harvest. Therefore, N120 could be considered agronomically acceptable in the short run, but for long-term sustainability, the N rate should be recommended based on a soil mineral N test and a plant tissue nitrate test to maintain the soil fertility.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for eight years at ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal, Haryana, India to study the skipping effect of P application on productivity, profitability and sustainability of rice-wheat cropping system. Rice yield and biomass were 8.35% and 6.6% higher where cowpea was grown after wheat compared to rice-vegetable pea-wheat crop sequence, respectively. Phosphorus application to rice or wheat or both crops exhibited at par rice grain yield, biomass, harvest index. Phosphorus application to both crops or only in rice crop produced maximum and significantly higher wheat yield (4.62 t ha?1) as compared to P application only to wheat (4.48 t ha?1). Eight years growing of green gram, cowpea and vegetable pea increased the organic carbon content 42.89, 16.38 and 4.57 %, respectively compared to the initial level. Skipping of P to either crop, by considering 13.5 million ha rice-wheat area, will save approximately Rs 40,500 million (Rs = Indian rupee) or US $ 623 million ($ = Rs 65) per year. Air pollution may be checked, due to saving on diesel in transportation of P fertilizer, to the tune of 60,383 tonnes of CO2 per year by reducing emission of one of important global warming gas.  相似文献   

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