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Performance tests of the Pr?erov Scaly Carp (PS), two crossbreds (PS × M72 and PS × ROP) and an internal control group (M2 × M72) were designed to assess their production and dressing out parameters at harvest size for their potential commercial utilization. The fastest growth rate (standard length (SL): 405±21.91 mm, P<0.01) and the highest final live weight (FLW: 2015.70±323.92 g, P<0.01) were recorded in the PS × ROP hybrid. The SL values in this group of carp were 12.5%, 19.12% and 11.57% higher (P<0.01) than those at M2 × M72, PS and PS × M72, respectively, and the FLW values were 21.57%, 62.83% and 24.37% higher (P<0.01) compared with M2 × M72, PS and PS × M72 hybrids respectively. Growth rate parameters of PS × M72 hybrid and control group M2 × M72 were practically identical. The lowest growth rate potential and FLW were recorded in the PS group (P<0.01). The highest (P<0.01) dressing out parameters were found in the control group of mirror carp M2 × M72 with a dressing percentage of 65.64±2.11%. There were practically no differences in this parameter between scaly carp groups (PS: 61.79±2.82%, PS × M72: 61.51±1.72%, PS × ROP: 63.60±1.96%). This study shows evidence for faster somatic growth and bigger final weight in the hybrid line PS × ROP of 3‐year‐old common carp compared with the pure line PS and the crossbreed PS × M72.  相似文献   

This study describes anaesthetic efficacy of menthol and 1,8‐cineole in common carp, Cyprinus carpio, in comparison with eugenol. Common carp fingerlings were exposed to eugenol: 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 ppm; menthol: 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 ppm; 1,8‐cineole: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 ppm. Induction time and recovery time were recorded. Results showed that menthol and 1,8‐cineole anesthetized the fish at higher concentrations compared to eugenol. The fish exposed to menthol showed common fish behavioural responses to anaesthesia, similar to eugenol. But, 1,8‐cineole‐exposed fish showed tail‐up swimming, which was not observed before. Also, 1,8‐cineole failed to completely cease muscle tone. Exposure to 200 ppm eugenol and 600 ppm menthol resulted in 40% and 20% mortality, respectively. Induction time was exponentially dependent on anesthetic concentrations. Recovery time was linearly correlated to eugenol and menthol, but not 1,8‐cineole concentrations. Recovery time was exponentially dependent on induction time in the fish anesthetized with eugenol and menthol, but not 1,8‐cineole. Menthol and 1,8‐cineole are recommended for carp anaesthesia. Menthol is capable to anesthetize common carp within 1–3 min at 118–512 ppm. Common carp anesthetized with 108–133 ppm menthol recovers within 5 min. 1,8‐cineole failed to anesthetize common carp within less than 150 s at 300–800 ppm concentrations. However, it anesthetizes carp within 3 min at 595 ppm concentration. Also, 1,8‐cineole is not recommended for fish surgery. Both menthol and 1,8‐cineole were less efficacious than eugenol.  相似文献   

棉酚对鲤鱼急性中毒的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鲤鱼(体重约16克)腹腔注射乙酸棉酚0,7.3,54,100,200,400mg/kg体重,经四天(96小时)后,死亡率分别是0,0,20%,70%,90%,100%。96小时半数致死剂量是63.6mg/kg体重。注射剂量高于54mg/kg体重时,发生腹腔红肿、体壁溃烂,甚至死亡。实验结果说明虽然棉籽水平的棉酚不引起鲤鱼的任何可见的中毒症状,但是腹腔注射大剂量棉酚可引起与哺乳类相似的中毒症状。  相似文献   

丁香油对鲤鱼和罗非鱼的麻醉作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本实验将丁香油按体积比加入水中制备成不同浓度梯度的麻醉剂,分别在不同水温下对两种大小规格的鲤鱼和罗非鱼进行麻醉试验.28℃水温时,随着丁香油浓度由0.05 mL·L-1到0.1mL·L-1、0.15mL·L-1增加,鲤鱼和罗非鱼麻醉时间均缩短.鲤鱼恢复时间增长,罗非鱼则缩短.在0.1mL·L-1浓度下,随着水温从21℃到24℃、26℃、28℃升高,鲤鱼和罗非鱼麻醉作用时间缩短.鲤鱼恢复时间增长而罗非鱼则缩短.28℃水温0.1mL·L-1浓度下,小鲤鱼麻醉时间比小罗非鱼短,而恢复时间比小罗非鱼长.结果显示,丁香油是一种高效、廉价的鱼类麻醉剂.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to compare the effects of different lysine isomers on growth, nutrient utilization and metabolic enzyme activity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). A basic experimental diet (the control group) with 30% of dietary protein from fish meal and the remaining 70% from soybean meal was used either with or without supplementation of d‐ lysine, l‐ lysine or dl‐ lysine, respectively. The total feed intake was significantly improved by supplementation with lysine regardless of isomeric form (P < 0.05). Supplementation with d‐ lysine or l‐ lysine (but not dl‐ lysine) generally increased the weight gain, specific growth rate, feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio. Dietary lysine supplementation generally increased the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and crude lipid, but no statistically significant differences were observed between the control group and the lysine‐supplement groups (P > 0.05). The d‐ amino acid oxidase and d‐ aspartate oxidase activities were generally higher in the liver, kidney and intestine of fish fed diet containing d‐ lysine compared to fish fed diet containing l‐ lysine. The lysine, protein and lipid gains in fish were markedly increased by the supplementation with d‐ lysine or l‐ lysine, and the lysine (r = 0.618, P < 0.05) and protein gains (r = 0.671, P < 0.05) were linearly related to dietary lysine intake. Lysine retention efficiency linearly decreased with the increase of dietary lysine intake (r = ?0.579, P < 0.05). These results indicate that common carp are capable of utilizing the supplemental crystalline d‐ lysine·HCl (4 g kg?1 dry diet) for growth when the rest of dietary amino acids are protein‐bound forms.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effects of common carp and the African catfish on growth and reproduction of the native tilapia Oreochromis shiranus in Malawi. The study was done from 1 May to 1 October 2018 at the National Aquaculture Centre (NAC), Zomba. Four triplicated treatments were used: O. shiranus + carp (T1), O. shiranus + catfish (T2), O. shiranus + carp + catfish polyculture (T3) and O. shiranus monoculture (T4). Fish were stocked at uniform density of 0.8 fish/m2. Data collection was done once every month. Results showed that O. shiranus mean weight gain (%), specific growth rate (% body weight/day), average daily gain (g fish?1 day?1) and condition factor (g/cm3) were highest in T3 and lowest in T1 and T4 treatments. T3 had better water quality regime and higher tilapia biomass than T1 and T4 treatments. Tilapia fry production (no. fry pond?1 day?1) was highest in T4 but did not significantly differ (p > .05) between T2 and T3 treatments. It is concluded that the farming of common carp in aquatic ecosystems containing the African catfish may not adversely affect growth and reproduction of O. shiranus and that the polyculture of the African catfish, common carp and tilapia can be adopted to mitigate the potential adverse effects of carp on the environment and improve tilapia growth.  相似文献   

This study was focused on the clarification of the effect of dietary sesamin on fatty acids and the composition of different lipid fractions [phospholipids (PLs), cholesterol and triacylglycerols] in the white muscle of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) juveniles. Two different basic diets with defatted fishmeal as a protein source and either only linseed oil or a mixture of linseed and sunflower oil as a lipid source designed to have two different n‐3/n‐6 ratios (1.21 – CL group; 0.32 – CM group) were produced. Each diet was then used with or without added sesamin (0.58 g 100g?1). One hundred and forty‐four individuals were fed in triplicated groups for 63 days until their weight had doubled. No influence of dietary sesamin on growth, mortality or on the white muscle lipid content of the fish was found. Added sesamin significantly decreased the content of PLs and increased the cholesterol content in the CM group. No effect was found in the total lipid fatty acid composition but there was found a significantly lower content of saturated fatty acids and 20:5n‐3 in PLs and of 22:6n‐3 in triacylglycerols in the sesamin supplemented CL group. These and other differences show either a tendency of lower long chain n‐3 fatty acids biosynthesis or their higher use in β‐oxidation in sesamin‐supplemented groups. We conclude that sesamin in this experiment had no substantial positive impact on the lipid metabolism of juvenile carp.  相似文献   

鲤脑组织cDNA文库的构建及脑室管膜素基因鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Gubler-Hoffman法构建了低温下鲤(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus)脑组织cDNA文库,经测定库容量为5.7×105 CFU/mL,文库的重组率接近95%,平均插入片段长度约为1.5 kb,符合文库保存和筛选实验的要求.同时,根据鲤与低温相关消减cDNA文库中低温下特异表达基因片段序列,设计PCR引物在此cDNA文库中进行PCR检测和序列测定,使用BLAST软件将测序的10个cDNA序列同GenBank等数据库进行比对,结果显示8个阳性克隆有相关同源性,2个克隆为功能未知的基因,全长率近75%;以上结果说明本实验所构建的cDNA文库质量较高,可作为筛选与鲤低温性状相关的功能基因的重要资源.同时对其中一个与低温相关的基因脑室管膜素基因构建了表达载体,为进一步验证该基因在鱼类低温适应中所发挥的作用及其作用机理奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The effect of reproduction was investigated on females of Hungarian strain W, French strain F, and their cross‐breed 1X whose ovulation was stimulated with carp pituitary (0.3 mg kg?1and, after 12 h, 2.7 mg kg?1) or Ovopel (one‐fifth of a pellet per kg and, after 12 h, one pellet per kg). It was found that in the case of Ovopel treatment, the percentage of spawning females of strain F and the cross‐breed 1X was higher than in the hypophysed fish compared. The applied ovulation stimulators did not significantly affect the weight of obtained eggs, whereas the significant (P ≤ 0.01) effect was recorded with respect to the quality of eggs after 12‐, 24‐, 36‐ and 48‐h of incubation. After Ovopel stimulation, the quality of eggs was better. The origin of the females had no statistically significant effect on the weight of eggs although the yield of eggs from fish of strain W was much smaller than that from females of strain F and the 1X cross‐breed. The interaction between the ovulation stimulator and the provenance of the females was significant (P ≤ 0.05) for the percentage of live embryos after 48‐h of incubation of eggs. Eggs of the best quality (and highest weight) were obtained from fish of strain F and cross‐breed 1X treated with Ovopel. In females of strain F that spawned within 6 and 10 h after the second Ovopel injection, the effect of the ovulation time on the weight of eggs was non‐significant. It was significant with respect to the percentage of egg fertilization and of live embryos after 36‐h of incubation (P ≤ 0.01 and P ≤ 0.05 respectively). The better quality of eggs (and their higher weight) was recorded when this time was shorter.  相似文献   

Effects of supplemental feeding with cereals (rye, triticale, maize and the unsupplemental control group) on fat content in flesh of 3‐year‐old common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were the subject of study carried out at four ponds (Czech Republic, Central Europe) during the growing season. The main result was that supplemental feeding with cereals to the same energetic level was associated with varying growth and fat content in the flesh of common carp. At the end of the experiment, the stock of fish supplementally fed with maize was found to have the highest fat content (112.7 ± 15.6 g kg?1), while the lowest value of fat content was found in the control group (56.8 ± 9.4 g kg?1). The carps supplementally fed with rye were found to have a higher fat content (90.1 ± 19.0) than those supplementally fed with triticale (84.3 ± 15.7 g kg?1). Established average fat content values (except for maize) were at the level that indicate a high sensory quality of carp flesh during the whole growing season.  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential of linalool as an anaesthetic during transportation of common carp, Cyprinus carpio. The fish were transported at a loading density of ~103 g/L for 3 hr in 12 plastic bags (3 L water and 6 L pure oxygen) divided into four triplicated treatments: control (without linalool), L50 (50 mg linalool/L), L100 (100 mg linalool/L) and L200 (200 mg linalool/L). After 3‐hr transportation, serum physiological responses and water physico‐chemical parameters were compared among the treatments. Results showed that water total and un‐ionized ammonia increased and dissolved oxygen decreased in all treatments after transportation. Water total ammonia and dissolved oxygen levels in the linalool‐treated bags were significantly lower than the control. After transportation, the control fish showed significant elevation in serum cortisol and glucose levels; however, the levels were significantly lower than the linalool‐treated fish. All fish showed similar serum lactate levels, significantly lower than the value obtained before transportation. The control fish showed serum urea levels similar to the level obtained before transportation; however, the linalool‐treated fish had significantly higher serum urea levels compared to the control and before transportation levels. After transportation, all fish had decreased serum chloride and sodium levels compared to the before transport level. Overall, the present results showed that linalool is not beneficial for carp transportation in plastic bags, because it reacts with water oxygen, increases stress in fish, interferes with ammonia excretion and has no benefits in preventing ion loss.  相似文献   

二、三倍体乌克兰鳞鲤染色体核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二、三倍体乌克兰鳞鲤为材料,采用植物血球凝集素(PHA)体内注射,肾组织细胞短期培养,常规空气干燥法制备染色体.其核型分析结果:二倍体乌克兰鳞鲤染色体2n=100核型公式为:26m+30sm+30st+14t,染色体臂数NF=156;三倍体乌克兰鳞鲤染色体的核型公式为3n=150=39m+45sm+45st+21t,染色体臂数NF=234,二、三倍体染色体数之比为1:1.5.二倍体核型与已报道的鲤鱼染色体核型相似.未发现性染色体.  相似文献   

A 9-week feeding trial was carried out with juvenile Jian carp to study the effect of dietary pantothenic acid (PA) on growth, body composition and intestinal enzyme activities. Semi-purified diets with seven levels (4.0, 15.5, 25.6, 36.1, 45.9, 56.1 and 65.9 mg PA kg−1) of supplemental calcium d -pantothenate were fed to Jian carp (13.0 ± 0.0 g). PA improved specific growth rate (SGR), protein productive value (PPV), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and lipid production value (LPV) ( P <  0.05). Fish fed the control diet had significantly lower feed efficiency (FE) than that in any other group ( P <  0.05). Body protein content increased with increasing PA levels ( P <  0.05), but moisture, lipid and ash of fish carcasses were negatively related to the graded PA levels ( P <  0.05). Intestine protein content (IPC), hepatopancreas protein content (HPC) and activity of α-amylase, lipase, trypsin, Na+,K+-ATPase, alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) were all positively affected by the dietary PA levels ( P <  0.05), while intestine index (ISI) and hepatopancreas index (HSI) decreased with the increment of supplemental levels of PA ( P <  0.05). These results suggested that PA could enhance fish growth and intestinal enzyme activities. The dietary PA requirement of juvenile Jian carp, Cyprinus carpio var . Jian (13.0–73.0 g), for optimal growth estimated by the broken-line analysis was 23.0 mg PA kg−1 diet.  相似文献   

Apparent nutrient, energy and amino acid (AA) digestibilities of wheat starch (WS), corn starch (CS), pea protein concentrate (PPC), soy protein concentrate (SPC), corn gluten meal (CGM) and soybean meal (SM) were assessed indirectly in common carp by applying the marker‐based indicator method. Each test diet consisted of 70% reference diet and 30% test ingredient. Stripping as faeces collection technique was applied to obtain faecal material two times a day for 9 weeks. Apparent digestibilities of ingredients (ADIs) for crude protein (CP) were higher in SM (79.5 ± 5.1%) and SPC (75.2 ± 4.8%) than in CGM (59.2 ± 6.6%). Regarding ADIs of individual AAs, SM and SPC always showed higher values than CGM and PPC. ADIs for crude carbohydrates in CS (90.4 ± 2.2%), WS (88.8 ± 2.0%) and CGM (82.3 ± 3.9%) exhibited higher amounts than in SM (26.3 ± 1.0%). Evaluated apparent digestibilities indicate that in particular SM and SPC are good protein and CGM, WS and CS are promising carbohydrate sources to be included in diets for common carp. A strong correlation between ADICP and ADIAA was determined. Stripping used for digestibility measurement in carp was found to be a viable method as conventional passive faeces collecting techniques such as sedimentation or sieving.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the differences in disease resistance against artificial infection with Aeromonas hydrophila between genetically different common carp families. Four strains differing in their origin and breeding history were selected from the live gene bank of common carp maintained at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI, Szarvas, Hungary) to establish families with wide genetic background: Szarvas 15 (15), an inbred mirror line; Tata (T) scaly noble carp; Duna (D), a Hungarian wild carp and Amur (A), an East Asian wild carp. A diallele mating structure was used to allow the assessment of genetic variation within and between the tested 96 families for a variety of traits. The existing technologies of fertilization and incubation of carp eggs, as well as larval and fingerling rearing had been modified because of the large number of baseline populations. Two challenge trials of the 96 families of carp with Aeromonas hydrophila were done. The 10 most resistant and 10 most susceptible families to A. hydrophila were identified from these two challenges. The crosses that produced the most resistant families were mainly those having parents from Tata and Szarvas 15 domesticated strains, while the most susceptible families were from the wild strains Duna and Amur.  相似文献   

盐度对鲤能量收支的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
邱德依 《水产学报》1995,19(1):35-42
以水蚯蚓为饵料,在温度为27℃,盐度为淡水、3、5、7、9的条件下对幼鲤(初始体重为2.19-3.31g)进行了摄食-生长实验,每一盐度下设4个摄食水平(饥饿-饱足),测定了最大摄食率、吸收率、特定生长率、转化效率和能量收支。结果表明:盐度对最大摄食率、特定生长率(SGR)和转化效率有显著影响;盐度对排出废物所占比例(E/C)影响不显著,对代谢能所占比例(R/C)和生长能所占比例(G/C)有显著影  相似文献   

The study was to investigate effects of dietary chlorogenic acid (CGA) on growth performance, flesh quality and serum biochemical indices of grass carp (95.1 ± 0.3 g) (Ctenopharyngodon idella) fed seven different diets, including control diet, Eucommia ulmoides (EU)‐supplemented diet (20 g kg–1) and CGA‐supplemented diets containing 100, 200, 400, 600 and 800 mg/kg CGA. Contents of collagen and alkaline‐insoluble collagen in muscle and skin were significantly increased by dietary CGA and EU (< .05). Total essential amino acids (TEAA) and total amino acids (TAA) in muscle of grass carp fed EU diet or 400, 600 and 800 mg/kg CGA diet were significantly higher than those of fish fed control diet and 100 and 200 mg/kg CGA diet (< .05). Fish fed 200–800 mg/kg CGA showed significantly lower muscle crude lipid content than EU, control and 100 mg/kg CGA groups (< .05). Fish fed CGA‐supplemented diets (100–800 mg/kg) had significantly higher muscle fibre density and lower muscle fibre diameter than control group (p < .05). In conclusion, supplementation of CGA improved flesh quality of grass carp, and supplemental level of CGA for improving flesh quality and growth was estimated to be 400 mg/kg diet.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary phytase on phosphorus (P) digestibility, growth, bone mineralization and plasma P of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was investigated. Five diets, D0, DP, PHYT1, PHYT2 and PHYT4, were used. D0 contained no supplement. DP was supplemented with 2.6 g P (Na2HPO4× 2H2O) kg−1. PHYT1, PHYT2 and PHYT4 comprised 1000, 2000 and 4000 U phytase [Ronozyme P (CT)] kg−1. D0, PHYT1, PHYT2, PHYT4 had average of 7.95 g P kg−1; DP contained 10.3 g P kg−1. After 126 days of feeding, fish grew from 115 to 347 g (D0), 583.7 g (DP), 352.6 g (PHYT1), 393.3 g (PHYT2) and 406.4 g (PHYT4). Addition of phytase significantly increased daily feed intake, but only led to a marginal improvement in the weight gain, SGR and FCR of fish fed PHYT2 and PHYT4 compared with fish fed D0. Fish fed DP showed the best (P<0.05) growth performances. Fish fed DP and PHYT4 significantly digested dietary P more than the fish fed D0. Fish fed D0, PHYT1, PHYT2 and PHYT4 retained higher (P<0.05) Zn in their bones than fish fed DP. However, there was no further effect on bone mineralization. Plasma P scarcely improved by between 14% and 26% in fish fed PHYT2 and PHYT4 relative to fish fed D0. P concentration of the faeces was reduced by about 9–22% in fish fed PHYT1 and PHYT4 compared with fish fed D0.  相似文献   

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