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The study was conducted from May 2005 to December 2006 in Bahir Dar Abattoir to assess the current status of hydatidosis in cattle and sheep. Hydatid cyst count and characterization were conducted based on routine meat inspection. Of the total 420 cattle and 340 sheep slaughtered in Bahir Dar Abattoir 143 (34.05%) and 36 (10.6%) animals were found harboring hydatid cysts respectively. Thorough meat inspection in the abattoir revealed that 202 and 54 visceral organs were found harboring one or more hydatid cysts in cattle and sheep respectively. Differences in prevalence rates between the two species of animals were highly significant (P < 0.001). The infection of the lung, liver, kidney, spleen and heart were found to be 57.9% , 36.6% , 3% , 1.5% , 1% in cattle and 50%, 48.1% and 1.9% in sheep respectively. From the total of 864 in cattle and 138 in sheep hydatid cysts counted 315 (36.4%), 268 (31.0%), 65 (7.5%), 216 (25.0%) in cattle and 92 (66.7%), 20 (14.5%), 1 (0.7%), 25 (18.1%) in sheep were found to be small, medium, large and calcified cysts respectively and 484 (56.0%), 164 (18.9%), 216 (25%) in cattle and 35 (25.4%), 78 (56.5%), 25 (18.1%) in sheep were sterile, fertile and calcified cysts respectively. Viability rates of 62.2% in cattle and 78.2% in sheep were observed. The rate of cyst calcification was higher in the liver than in the lung while fertility rate was higher among the cysts of the lung for both cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Taenia saginata cysticercosis in cattle slaughtered for meat in Addis Ababa Abattoir, Ethiopia between September 2004 and August 2005 was reported. The examination of various organs of 11227 cattle in Addis Ababa Abattoir showed that 842 (7.5%) were infected with T. saginata cysticercosis. The tongue, masseter muscles, cardiac muscles, triceps muscles and thigh muscles were the main predilection sites of the cysts. The cysts of bovine cysticercosis were also identified on the spleen, intercostal muscles, diaphragm and liver. Out of 10329 male cattle, examined, 783 (7.6%) had cysts of bovine cysticercosis while 59 (6.6%) of the 898 female animals investigated were infected. The animals slaughtered were all adults. No significant difference in prevalence rates was recorded between the sexes. The prevalence of bovine cysticercosis was higher in local zebu cattle breeds than Holstein-Frisian cattle.  相似文献   

The occurrence of cysticercosis due to Taenia saginata in cattle slaughtered for meat in Amhara National Regional State, northwestern Ethiopia between September 2005 and February 2007 was investigated. Routine meat inspection of various organs of 4456 cattle in eight abattoirs of this region showed that 824 (18.49%) were infected with Cysticercus bovis. The occurrence rate did not vary significantly from abattoir to abattoir (P>0.5). The tongue, masseter muscles, heart muscles, triceps muscles and thigh muscles were the main predilection sites of the cysts. Of 4102 male cattle, examined, 768 (18.72%) had cysts of C. bovis while 56 (15.82%) of the 354 female animals investigated were infected. The animals slaughtered were all adults. No significant difference in occurrence was recorded between the sexes. Monthly occurrence of the cysts in the animals revealed a rise of infected animals during the dry season.  相似文献   

A study aimed at describing the magnitude and distribution of gross lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in Ethiiopian slaughter cattle in five abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in various cattle husbandry systems in Ethiopia was carried out from July 2006 to January 2007 using detailed meat inspection procedure. Five representative abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in distinct livestock management systems were selected. A total of 3322 cattle; 2876 (86.6%) male, 446 (13.4%) female; 3094 (93.1%) indigenous zebu, 140 (4.2%) crossbred and 88 (2.7%) pure exotic cattle were included in the study. A nine-year meat inspection record was also analyzed to elucidate the trend of BTB in the local cattle population.Of the carcasses inspected, 337 (10.2%, 95%CI= [9.2–11.2]) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, 69 (20.5%) generalized and 268 (79.5%) localized.TB prevalence showed a marked variation between categories of age, breed, class of animals, abattoir, geographic origin and husbandry system. It was higher in old and young animals than middle age group; in exotic than local breed; in calves than other classes of animals. The highest and lowest prevalence of TB was recorded in Adama (24.7%, 95%CI= [21.1–28.7]) and Yabello abattoirs (4.2%, 95%CI= [2.6–6.6]), respectively. Cattle whose origin was from Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas had higher prevalence of TB infection (23.9%, 95%CI= [17.6–31.5]).Cattle maintained in dairy farms had high degree of exposure (23.9%, 95%CI= [16.7–32.9]) to the infection than those maintained in other types of management system. Analysis of meat inspection records also revealed an increasing incidence of TB over the years. Our study demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Ethiopian slaughter cattle and this could infer to similar scenario in a reference cattle population in the country. In view of Ethiopia’s increasing involvement in livestock export trade, the reported high prevalence of tuberculosis could be a major obstacle, particularly at this moment when sanitary requirements from importing countries are so much strict. Furthermore, the growing concern over increasing incidence of tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS co-infection, the high incidence of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis and a high risk of acquiring zoonotic tuberculosis among the majority of the population emphasize the need for paying the necessary attention towards the control of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional survey of bovine hydatidosis was carried out on local zebu cattle slaughtered at Birre‐Sheleko and Dangila Abattoirs from August 2007 to July 2008 to determine the prevalence and to estimate financial loss caused by the disease. Postmortem examination, hydatid cyst characterization and direct and indirect financial loss estimations were conducted. Out of the total of 521 animals examined (255 Birre‐Sheleko and 266 Dangila), 79 (15.2%) were found harbouring one or more hydatid cyst. The prevalence of the disease between the two abattoirs was not significantly different (P > 0.05). The result obtained from postmortem examination indicated that a total of 112 visceral organs were found harbouring one or more hydatid cysts. The involvement of lung, liver, spleen and kidney was found to be 70.5%, 21.4%, 6.3% and 1.8% respectively. From the total of 224 cysts counted, 147 (65.6%), 29 (12.9%), 3 (1.3%) and 45 (20.1%) were small, medium, large and calcified cysts respectively, and 114 (50.9%) and 65 (29%) were sterile and fertile cysts respectively. Viability rate of 47.7%, all from the lungs, and higher liver calcification rate were observed. The annual financial loss from organ condemnation and carcass weight loss due to bovine hydatidosis at Birre‐Sheleko and Dangila abattoirs were estimated to be $18911.6.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the type and prevalence of abnormalities occurring in the female reproductive tracts of 201 Zebu cattle of Fogera type (161 cows and 40 heifers) slaughtered at Bahir-Dar town, north-west Ethiopia. Out of the 201 female genital tracts collected and examined, abnormalities were recorded in 74 (36.8%). The most common abnormalities encountered were ovariobursal adhesion (5.5%), endometritis (3.9%) and cystic ovaries (3.5%). Other abnormalities recorded were ovarian hypoplasia, vaginitis, cervicitis, tortuous cervical canal, mucometra, vaginal cyst, parovarian cyst, hypoplastic cervical rings, cervical cyst, freemartins, closed external cervical os, uterine and oviducts adhesion, cystic uterine tube, remnant of retained fetal membrane and cyst in the uterine wall. The prevalence of the abnormalities was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in parous than in nulliparous cows. Moreover, evidence of ovarian cyclicity was found in 51.6% and 30% of non-pregnant parous and nulliparous cows examined, respectively. This study revealed that reproductive tract abnormalities seem to be an important problem with possible subsequent infertility in Fogera-type Zebu cows in the study area.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis of cattle in three districts of northwestern Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) infection in cattle was investigated in extensive and intensive production systems in three districts of northwestern Ethiopia. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin test (SCIDTT) was used in the study. The prevalence of BTB infection as determined by SCIDTT was 9.7% whereas the non-specific infection prevalence was 10.8%. In the extensive system the prevalence was 8.2% and 11.3%; under intensive system the prevalence was 22.1% and 6.3% for BTB and non-specific infections respectively. The prevalence of BTB was significantly higher in the intensive than extensive production systems. Of the 75 herds tested 41 (54.7%) had BTB infections, 68.9% of the BTB positive herds were in the extensive system and 40% of herds in the intensive systems (small dairy farms) had BTB infections.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study aimed at determining the prevalence and cyst characteristics and estimating the financial loss due to cystic echinococcosis (hydatidosis) in cattle slaughtered at Wolayita Sodo municipal abattoir was conducted from November 2009 to April 2010. Out of 546 cattle examined, 92 (16.85%) were found to harbor visible hydatid cysts. Significantly higher infection was detected in local (P < 0.05) than crossbred cattle. No significant variation was observed with regard to origin, sex, and body condition status of animals. Regarding organ distribution, infections of the lung, liver, spleen, and kidney were 57.78%, 35.46%, 8.75%, and 4.01%, respectively. Of the total 1,097 hydatid cysts counted, 952 (86.78%), 136 (12.4%), and eight (0.82%) were found to be small-sized, medium-sized, and large-sized, respectively. Likewise, out of 450 cysts assessed, 138 (30.67%) were fertile, 241 (53.56%) sterile, and 71 (15.78%) calcified. Of the 138 fertile cysts subjected for viability test, 13 (9.42%) were viable while 125 (90.57%) were nonviable. Moreover, assessment of annual economic loss due to bovine hydatidosis at Wolayita Sodo municipal abattoir from offal condemnation and carcass weight loss was estimated at 410,755.90 Ethiopian Birr (ETB; 30,202.64 US; 1 US; 1 US = 13.60 ETB). Despite the moderate magnitude of infection detected currently, there seems to be an existing socioeconomic situation favorable for hydatidosis, and hence, it remains one of the most important diseases warranting serious attention for prevention and control actions in Wolayita zone. Hence, establishment of well-equipped standardized abattoirs, creation of public awareness, and control of stray dogs are of paramount importance.  相似文献   

1989年某军牧5志向匀以下羊棘球蚴的平均感染率为80%,牛为66.67%;彩用氢溴酸槟榔碱驱虫法监测犬细粒棘球绦虫的感染率为38.46%;1969年以来,人间包虫病累计手术病例数超过当地居民数的0.5‰。1990-1994年施行控制养犬数量,吡喹酮定期给犬驱虫、妥盖处理患病脏器等综合性防治,连续防治5年后监测结果:5岁以下羊棘球是细的平均感染率下降至9.58%,牛棘球蚴的感染率下降至6.06%,犬细粒棘球绦虫的感染率下降为零。在人间再未发现新的包虫病病例。  相似文献   

A cross sectional study to determine the prevalence and socioeconomic importance of major metacestodes of cattle was conducted from November 2007 to April 2008 at Wolaita Soddo abattoir. Accordingly, of 415 randomly selected slaughtered cattle, 11.3% and 15.4% were infected with Cysticercus bovis and hydatid cysts, respectively. The anatomical distributions of these parasites include various organs. The major risk factors for cysticercosis prevalence were origin of the animals (P < 0.001, OR = 7.3) and breeds (P = 0.004, OR = 4.3), and hydatid cysts prevalence was significantly varied with different origins (P = 0.021, OR = 2.8). The viability of C. bovis was higher (28.3%) than that of hydatid cyst (1.7%). Of 79 interviewed respondents, 50.63% had acquired taeniasis and analysis of the risk factors showed association of religions (P = 0.003, OR = 24.4), occupation (P < 0.001, OR = 6.9), educational background (P = 0.035, OR = 2.7) and age (P < 0.001, OR = 3.9) of the respondents with taeniasis prevalence. Furthermore, the inventory of taeniasis drugs dose and treatment cost were estimated to be 335,772 adult doses and 93,310 USD. In conclusion, the findings of the present study imply the zoonotic and socioeconomic importance of the diseases, which need intervention.  相似文献   

A serological survey to investigate risk factors for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) occurrence was conducted between October 2007 and March 2008 in Southern Ethiopia. Antibodies against non-structural protein of FMD virus (using 3abc ELISA) were measured as indicator of exposure to the virus. The seroprevalence of FMD was 9.5% (95%CI = 7.7 – 11.3, n = 1020) and 48.1% (95% CI = 36.8 – 59.4%, n = 79), respectively at animal and herd levels. Within herd seropositivity was ranged from 6.7 to 46.7% with 18.6% (95%CI = 14.6 – 22.5%) risk of being seropositive for an animal in positive herds. The most important herd level risk factors identified were pastoral system (OR = 16.3, 95% CI = 2.0 -133.7) compared to sedentary, low altitude (OR = 7.5, 95% CI 1.4 -40.7) compared to high altitude, keeping cattle with small ruminants (OR = 5.1, 95% CI 1.0 -25.2) when compared to one species or alone. Seroprevalence was significantly higher (P <0.05) in South Omo than Sidama and Gamo Gofa areas. The odds of seropositivity were 2.8 and 2.3 times higher in the adult (>4 years) and maturing animals (3–4 years) compared to young age category (<3 years). Both multivariable logistic and negative binomial regressions depicted that production system was the major risk factor for FMD seropositivity. Consequently, higher prevalence of FMD in pastoral system where animals are an integral part of life has substantial livelihood and economic implications, which signifies the need for devising control measures.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2005 to April 2006 on bovine cysticercosis in cattle slaughtered at Awassa municipal abattoir with the objective of determining the prevalence of Taenia saginata cysticercosis, cyst viability, distribution and its public health implication. Questionnaire survey involving 120 respondents was also conducted on human taeniasis. A total of 400 carcasses were examined during the study period, of which 105 (26.25%) were infected with T. saginata metacestodes. From a total of 3200 samples inspected, 500 cysticerci were detected in 141 samples, of which 221 (44.2%) were alive. The anatomical distribution of cysticerci were 65 (29.2%) heart, 56 (25.3%) shoulder muscle, 59 (26.7%) masseter, 23 (10.4%) tongue, 12 (5.4%) diaphragm, three (1.4%) liver, two (0.9%) lung and one (0.5%) kidney samples. The prevalence varied significantly between local and crossbred animals (OR = 3.15, P < 0.05), but not varied between sex, age groups and origin of the animals. T. saginata taeniasis was a widespread public health problem in the town with an overall prevalence of 64.2% (77 of 120). The potential risk factors for disease contraction were raw meat consumption, religion and occupational risks. In conclusion, the study revealed high prevalence of T. saginata metacestodes throughout the edible organs together with existence of deep-rooted tradition of raw meat consumption. This may magnify the public health hazards of T. saginata in the study area. As a result, the disease deserves due attention to safeguard the public health and further promote beef industry in the country.  相似文献   

This study shows a representative stratified cluster sample survey of the prevalence of comparative intradermal tuberculin test in cattle from four regions in Ethiopia. Using a cut-off for positivity of 2 mm, it assesses possible risk factors for tuberculin-positive reaction in cattle. Seventy-three villages in 24 kebeles (administrative units) were randomly selected, from which 2216 cattle from 780 owners were tested. In addition, 450 of these cattle owners were interviewed for risk factor assessment. Ninety-nine percent of the tested cattle in this rural livestock production system were traditional zebus. The individual overall prevalence of cattle bovine tuberculosis (BTB)e was 3%, with the highest found in Meskan Mareko, in Central Ethiopia (7.9%) and the lowest in Woldia, in the North East edge of the Rift Valley (1.2%). Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) with random effect on kebeles was used to analyse risk factors of cattle reactors and human tuberculosis (TB) infection. Purchase of cattle and presence of other livestock in the herd were statistically significant, with OR: 1.7, p-values of 0.03 and OR: 2, p = 0.05, respectively. Family members diagnosed with TB or showing clinical signs of extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB) were reported in 86 households (19%). None of the assessed potential risk factors of disease transmission between cattle and human (food consumption, livestock husbandry and presence of BTB-positive cattle) were statistically significant.  相似文献   

Participatory epidemiology (PE) was used on the Borana plateau of southern Ethiopia to understand pastoralist’s perceptions of the clinical and epidemiological features of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in cattle. Matrix scoring showed good agreement between informant groups on the clinical signs of acute and chronic FMD, and findings were cross-checked by clinical examination of cattle and assessment of previous clinical FMD at herd level by detection of antibody to non structural proteins of FMD virus. The positive predictive value of pastoralist’s diagnosis of FMD at herd level was 93.1%. The annual age-specific incidence and mortality of acute FMD in 50 herds was estimated using proportional piling. The estimated mean incidence of acute FMD varied from in 18.5% in cattle less than two years of age to 14.0% in cattle three to four years of age. The estimated mean mortality due to acute FMD varied from 2.8% in cattle less than two years of age to 0.3% in cattle three of age or older. Pearson correlation coefficients for acute FMD by age group were −0.12 (p > 0.05) for incidence and −0.59 (p < 0.001) for mortality. Estimates of the annual incidence of chronic FMD varied from 0.2% in cattle less than two years of age to 1.8% in cattle three to four years of age. The Pearson correlation coefficient for the incidence of chronic FMD by age group was 0.47 (p < 0.001). Outbreaks of FMD peaked in Borana cattle during the two dry seasons and were attributed to increased cattle movement to dry season grazing areas. The mean seroprevalence of FMD was estimated at 21% (n = 920) and 55.2% of herds (n = 116) tested seropositive. Serotyping of 120 seropositive samples indicated serotypes O (99.2%), A (95.8%), SAT 2 (80%) and C (67.5%). The endemic nature of FMD in Borana pastoral herds is discussed in terms of the direct household-level impact of the disease, and the increasing export of cattle and chilled beef from Ethiopia.  相似文献   

A two-year longitudinal study was conducted to assess the reproductive and lactation performances of smallholder crossbred dairy cattle in Fitche, central Ethiopia. Twenty-four smallholder dairy farms were monitored and data on reproductive, breeding, lactation and management aspects of crossbred dairy cows (n = 69) were collected and analysed. Moreover, milk samples were collected and analysed for progesterone. The overall Least-squares means for calving interval (CI), calving to conception interval (CCI) and first observed oestrus after calving were 516, 253 and 141 days, respectively. Suckling significantly prolonged these intervals. The mean first onset of luteal activity (OLA) after calving was 52 days, while 67.4% (n = 43) had a delayed (>55 days) return to cyclicity after calving. Suckling and parity number significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the OLA. The mean lactation length was 54.4 weeks. The overall daily mean milk yield for the first 43 weeks of lactation after calving was 11.7 L/day. The estimated daily milk yield increased slowly and reached peak (13.8 L/day) around the 11th week post partum and declined gradually and steadily. Suckling status, season of calving and parity number significantly influenced the estimated daily milk yield. In conclusion, the present study indicated that the smallholder crossbred dairy cows in the study area had prolonged intervals to first oestrus after calving, to conception and to the next calving, and thus their reproductive performance is unsatisfactory. Delayed first onset of luteal activity (postpartum anoestrus) contributed to these extended intervals. Further detailed investigation is suggested to examine the effects of other relevant factors on the reproductive and lactation performances of smallholder crossbred dairy cows for appropriate intervention.  相似文献   

In a seroepidemiological survey using an indirect haemagglutination assay, the prevalence rate of toxoplasmosis in central Ethiopia was 22.9% of 899 sheep, 11.6% of 753 goats and 6.6% of 785 cattle. There were high titres of 1:256 or more which suggest current infections. These results indicate that toxoplasmosis may be an important cause of reproductive wastage in small ruminants. The public health significance of this disease is discussed. Improved hygiene and management could reduce the prevalence of the disease.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of insemination season (IS; dry: May through October and rainy: November through April), lactation number (LN; heifers, primiparous or multiparous) and their interaction on non-return rate (NRR), conception rate (CR) to first-service and pregnancy loss (PL) of Jersey cattle in Turkey, over 1468 lactation records from 510 Jersey dairy cows were used. There was an interaction between LN × IS on NRR, CR to first-service (p < 0.01) and PL (p < 0.05). The NRR and CR to first-service of heifers inseminated during dry season and of primiparous inseminated during rainy season were higher (p < 0.01) than that of multiparous inseminated during both season. The NRR and CR of heifers and primiparous were higher (p < 0.05) than that of multiparous cows. The insemination of heifers during rainy season and of primiparous and multiparous during dry season increased (p < 0.01) the PL compared to the inseminations of heifers during dry season and of primiparous during rainy season. The PL was lower (p < 0.05) in primiparous than multiparous cows. The results demonstrate that the heifers have high fertility than the lactating, especially multiparous and that IS appeared to have a measurable impact on traits relating to conception of Jersey cattle in the each LN.  相似文献   

We looked for Salmonella in all 278 apparently healthy pigs slaughtered between September 2004 and May 2005 at the only pig-slaughtering slaughterhouse in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We used standard methods and tested caecal contents, mesenteric lymph nodes, and carcass swabs from each pig (missing only one carcass swab). Of the 278 pigs, 120 (43%) were positive; of the 833 samples 173 (21%) were positive. Thirty-three percent of the isolates were multi-resistant (including 46/48 isolates of S. Hadar, but none of the 39 isolates of S. Eastbourne or of the 37 of S. Saintpaul). Resistance to streptomycin (32.4%), tetracycline (31.8%) and nitrofurantoin (27.2%) was relatively high. The most common pattern of MDR observed was to nitrofurantoin, streptomycin and tetracycline (Resistance type NitStrTet). Our results indicate that salmonellae are prevalent in pigs slaughtered at Addis Ababa abattoir and a large proportion of the isolates were multi-drug resistant.  相似文献   

We investigated the environmental factors in Japan, including meteorological conditions, on the fertility of a European cattle breed, Holstein–Friesian, by examining conception rates in different regions. First artificial insemination and associated conception details were recorded for 69,952 Holstein female cattle. In general, meteorological conditions vary considerably according to latitude in Japanese islands. Conception rates were higher in the Northern (above 37°N) than the Southern (below 37°N) region (61.3% vs. 53.3%). All the factors analyzed in the statistical model, including insemination year, region, month, AI technician, service sire and interaction between region and month, had significant effects on the conception rate. In the Southern region, conception rates were lower in the summer months (average temperature, 27.8 °C, and maximum temperature, 32.3 °C). However, this seasonal decline was not observed in the Northern region (average temperature, 23.7 °C, and maximum temperature, 28.4 °C). Regression analysis of conception rate in relation to temperature showed highly significant negative regression coefficients (− 0.66 to − 0.63% per °C; p < 0.001) in the Southern region, but non-significant coefficients in the Northern region. Humidity had a minimal effect on conception rate in both regions. Our data collectively suggest that 37°N latitude is a threshold that affects Holstein–Friesian conception rates in Japan.  相似文献   

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