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Summary Two strategies for crossbreeding of indigenous and exotic cattle for milk production in the tropics,viz. rotational crossing and formation of a composite breed, have been compared. Genetic considerations suggest that rotational crossing would lead to somewhat better dairy performance, mainly because of more heterozygosity. Predictions based on the performance of adjacent genetic groups as obtained from a comprehensive literature review point in the same direction.Rotational crossbreeding depends on a continuous introduction of bulls of both parental breeds. The herd will consist of 2 (or more) genetic groups, which might be inconvenient for breeding arrangements, but provides more flexibility. The system requires good organisation and is most suitable in large farms. In small scale dairying the composite breed strategy is the most practical approach to dairy cattle breeding in the tropics.
Cruzamiento De Vacuno Lechero En Los Tropicos: Eleccion De La Estrategia De Cruzamiento
Resumen El artículo compara dos estrategias de cruzamiento entre vacuno lechero exótico e indígena en los trópicos: el cruzamiento rotativo y la formación de una raza híbrida. Las consideraciones genéticas sugieren que el cruzamiento rotativo debería llevar a una mejor producción lechera, sobre todo debido a un aumento de la heterozigosis. Las predicciones basadas en el rendimiento de grupos genéticos adyacentes determinado a partir de una revisión bibliográfica apuntan en la misma dirección.El cruzamiento rotativo require una introducción contínua de toros de las dos razas parentales. El rebaño consistiría de 2 (o más) grupos genéticos, lo que -si bien permite una mayor flexibilidad- puede dificultar la planificación de la reproducción. El sistema requiere una buena organización y resulta más factible en explotaciones grandes. En explotaciones pequeñas de los trópicos, la formación de una raza híbrida es la estrategia más prática en lo que a cría de vacuno lechero se refiere.

Croisement Du Cheptel Laitier Sous Les Tropiques: Choix De La Strategie De Croisement
Résumé Deux stratégies pour le croisement entre le bétail indigène et le bétail exotique pour la production laitière sous les Tropiques, à savoir le croisement rotationnel et la formation d'une race composite, ont été comparées. Des considérations génétiques suggèrent que le croisement rotationnel amènerait quelque chose de plus performant au niveau laitièr, principalement dù à l'augmentation de hétérozygotie. Des prédictions, basées sur les performances de groupes génétiques adjacents, issues de l'étude complète de la littérature donnent la même analyse.Le croisement rotationnel est basé sur l'introduction continuelle de taureaux venant des deux races parentales. La horde consistera en 2 (ou plus) groupes génétiques, ce qui peut être gênant pour le croisement mais permet plus de flexibilité. Le système demande une bonne organisation et est préférable dans les grandes fermes. A une échelle de production laitiere plus faible la stratégie de la race composite est l'approche la plus pratique pour le croisement du cheptel laitier sous les Tropiques.

为了探讨西门塔尔牛和安格斯牛杂交改良本地黄牛效果,采用西门塔尔牛和安格斯牛作为肉牛终端父本,分别与本地黄牛开展二元经济杂交,对杂交F1体重变化、屠宰性能数据进行了统计分析研究。结果表明:两者杂交F1均比本地黄牛生长速度快且产肉率高,可有效提高本地黄牛的屠宰性能。说明西门塔尔牛和安格斯牛改良本地黄牛杂交优势明显,可有效增加本地黄牛养殖的经济效益,值得推广。  相似文献   

Influence of monensin on the performance of cattle   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Performance data on nearly 16,000 head of cattle that were used in trials to document effects of monensin on feedlot cattle were summarized. Cattle fed monensin-containing diets gained 1.6% faster, consumed 6.4% less feed and required 7.5% less feed/100 kg gain than cattle fed control diets. Monensin resulted in the greatest improvement in feed/gain at 2.9 Mcal metabolizable energy (ME)/kg diet dry matter (DM). Within the range of monensin concentrations used in the trials that were summarized (31.8 +/- 7.5 mg/kg DM), high monensin concentrations did not improve feed/gain over that obtained with lower concentrations. Carcass characteristics were not significantly influenced by monensin. Responses of cattle to monensin and implants were additive. Energy metabolism data suggested that monensin improved digestibility of DM, reduced fasting heat production and increased dietary net energy maintenance (NEm) values more than it increased net energy gain (NEg) values. Data showing the response of cattle to monensin when fed various dietary protein concentrations or sources of supplemental N suggested that monensin had a protein sparing effect. Monensin has also been shown to reduce lactic acid production, aid in the control of coccidia and bloat and to be toxic to face and horn fly larva in feces of monensin-fed cattle. In pasture trials, monensin improved daily gains. When fed to beef cows, monensin reduced amounts of feed required to maintain cow weight.  相似文献   

选用西门塔尔、夏洛来、利木赞3个品种公牛48头,用来改良本地黄牛,培育优质肉午。对种公牛后裔的出生、6月龄、12月龄体重、体尺进行测定及屠宰试验。经统计分析,对引进种公牛的种用价值进行评定,比较了西门塔尔、夏洛来、利木赞3个品种及品种内个体的改良效果。  相似文献   

Ten Bos indicus x MARC III (initial BW = 303 +/- 25 kg) and 10 MARC III (initial BW = 322 +/- 16 kg) steers were used in a 2 x 2 factorial design to determine whether cattle age or Bos indicus crossbreeding influence site of digestion of a high-grain diet. Initially, five Bos indicus x MARC III and five MARC III steers were fitted with duodenal cannulas and adapted to a 95% concentrate diet that was offered for ad libitum consumption for a 237-d feeding period (calves). During the feeding period, duodenal and fecal samples were collected during 4-d periods beginning on d 14, 67, 137, and 228. The remaining 10 steers were fed a forage-based diet for a targeted daily gain of .6 to .7 kg for 210 d (yearlings). Following this period, yearling steers were duodenally cannulated and adapted to the 95% concentrate diet. Yearling steers had ad libitum access to feed for 165 d, and samples were collected during 4-d periods beginning on d 13, 42, 102, and 159. Dry matter intake was 9.8 and 7.6 kg/d and daily gain was 1.35 and 1.16 kg in yearlings and calves, respectively. Apparent OM digestion in the stomach was greater (P < .01) in yearlings than in calves. In contrast, postruminal disappearance as a percentage of OM intake was greater (P = .05) in calves than in yearlings. Duodenal flows of total N, microbial N, nonmicrobial N, and total amino acids and total tract N digestibility were not affected (P > .05) by age or Bos indicus crossbreeding. Fecal N excretion was greater (P < .01) in yearlings than in calves. Results of this experiment suggest little effect of Bos indicus influence on utilization of a high-grain diet. However, more feed is digested in the rumen of yearlings than of calves consuming a high-grain diet.  相似文献   

为了研究不同肉牛品种杂交改良西门塔尔杂种牛的效果,筛选出产肉量高、肉质好、抗逆性强的品种杂交组合,为大规模开展杂交提供依据,试验采用红安格斯、利木赞、夏洛莱(法系)、德国黄牛4个品种牛,分别杂交西门塔尔杂种母牛,产犊后从每个杂交组合中选择11头断奶小公牛,在相同饲养管理条件下持续育肥至18月龄,并进行屠宰和肉质评定。结果表明:红安西杂组合杂交效果最好,其次是利西杂及夏西杂,德黄西杂组合杂交效果较差。说明在生产实际中,如果采用断奶小公牛持续育肥至18月龄时出栏、屠宰,应优先选择红安格斯×西门塔尔杂交组合。  相似文献   

[目的]为了进一步优化牦牛肉品质,有效缩短牦牛养殖周期,提高其受胎率和犊牛成活率。[方法]本研究进行了安格斯肉牛与牦牛杂交试验,,利用安格斯肉牛冷冻精液,对251头经产母牦牛进行了人工授精。[结果]人工授精后,分别于2013年产犊42头,成活率66.67%;2014年产犊51头,成活率95.7%;2015年产犊67头,成活率91.04%。[结论]牦牛膘情较好时期,受胎率可达83.33%,接近于奶牛人工授精的受胎率,达到了青海省牦牛人工授精的较高水平。  相似文献   

Casein (CN) micelles are colloidal aggregates of protein dispersed in milk, the importance of which in the dairy industry is related to functionality and yield in dairy products. The objective of this work was to investigate the correlation of milk CN micelles diameter from Holstein and Zebu crossbreds with milk composition (protein, fat, lactose, total and nonfat solids and milk urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), age, lactation stage and production. Average casein micelles diameters of milk samples obtained from 200 cows were measured using photon correlation spectroscopy and multiple regression analysis was used to find relationship between variables. CN micelle diameter, SCC and nonfat solids were different between animals with different Holstein crossbreed ratios, which suggests influence of genetic factors, mammary gland health and milk composition. Overall, results indicate the potential use of CN micelle diameter as a tool to select animals to produce milk more suitable to cheese production.  相似文献   

The economic efficiency of Japanese Black (JB) cattle selection schemes utilizing crossbreeding with the Holstein (H) breed was evaluated in the context of maximizing profitability. Selection schemes were defined that differed in the records available for use as selection criteria. The selection schemes were assessed based on profitability per cow in the JB cattle population. Within each selection scheme, two terminal crossbreeding systems were considered: two‐way crossbreeding without backcrossing (F1 system) and two‐way crossbreeding with backcrossing (F1 cross system). The impact on profitability of varying number of sires selected per year and the proportion of H cows that were inseminated by JB semen and of F1 females that are retained for replacement was examined for all selection schemes. Utilizing crossbreeding with the H breed was less profitable than purebreeding of the JB. Profitability was higher in the F1 system than in the F1 cross system in all selection schemes. Profitability was influenced more by changes in the number of sires selected per year than by the proportion H cows that were inseminated by JB semen and of F1 females that were retained for replacement. Implications of these results for the JB breeding program are discussed.  相似文献   

日粮中添加蛋氨酸对奶牛产奶性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋氨酸 (或赖氨酸 )通常被认为是合成奶牛乳蛋白的第一限制性氨基酸 ,很多报道 ,对反刍动物来说 ,补充游离氨基酸效果不佳 ,对氨基酸加以保护可以弥补这一缺陷。但也有相反的报道。试验通过在日粮中添加蛋氨酸对上述结论进行验证。试验分为试验 1组、试验 2组和对照组。试验 1组日粮中添加蛋氨酸 ,试验 2组日粮中添加保护性蛋氨酸 ,通过 4 9d的集中饲养奶牛试验 ,结果表明 ,奶牛日粮中添加保护性蛋氨酸比添加普通蛋氨酸能明显的提高乳蛋白率 1 .6 2 % ,其他指标变化不明显  相似文献   

Three experiments utilizing three Holstein steers (235 and 299 kg avg body weight for Exp. 1 and 2, respectively) were conducted to evaluate the effects of decoquinate, a synthetic coccidiostat, on ruminal fermentation, diet digestibility and performance of steers fed a finishing diet containing monensin and tylosin. Experiment 1 utilized a 70% forage diet, whereas Exp. 2 utilized a 20% forage diet. Each experiment was a 3 X 3 Latin-square design with treatments being 0, .5 and 5 mg decoquinate/kg body weight. Ruminal fermentation characteristics, water kinetics and blood constituents were measured on d 11 of each period, and zero-time volatile fatty acid (VFA) production was measured at 3 and 6 h post-feeding on d 12 to 14. No changes were seen in plasma glucose or L-lactate, ruminal pH, NH3-N or ruminal L-lactate for either experiment. Dry matter digestibility was depressed (P less than .05) at the .5- and 5-mg levels of decoquinate in Exp. 1, but dry matter digestibility was not affected in Exp. 2. No changes were seen in ruminal volume, outflow or total VFA concentration for either experiment. Molar proportions of VFA were not affected in Exp. 1, but the proportions of isobutyrate and butyrate decreased (P less than .05) at the 5-mg level of decoquinate in Exp. 2. Volatile fatty acid production was not changed in Exp. 1, but butyrate production was decreased (P less than .05) at the 5-mg level in Exp. 2. Experiment 3 involved 135 crossbred steers (259 kg avg initial wt), which were stratified by weight into 12 pens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reproductive data were collected on 4,596 cow exposures in a rotational crossbreeding study that spanned four generations (1970 through 1988). Angus (A), Brahman (B), Charolais (C) and Hereford (H) breeds were included in three two-breed (A-B, C-B and H-B), three three-breed (A-B-C, A-B-H and C-H-B) and one four-breed (A-B-C-H) rotational mating system. Contemporary straightbreds were produced each generation. Reproductive traits of interest were calving rate, calf survival, weaning rate, calf birth date and calving assistance. Overall means and standard errors for calving rate, calf survival, weaning rate, calf birth date and calving assistance were 82.1 +/- .6%, 92.8 +/- .4%, 76.2 +/- .6%, 50.4 +/- .3 d and 4.2 +/- .3%, respectively. Rotational mating systems had similar calving and calf survival rates that were greater (P less than .01) than those of straightbreds. Three- and four-breed rotation systems had similar weaning rates (81.5 +/- 1.1 and 80.8 +/- 2.0%) that were higher than those for two-breed rotations (77.1 +/- 1.2%). Two- and three-breed rotation systems had fewer assisted births (3.5 +/- .6 and 2.2 +/- .6%) than straightbreds (5.5 +/- .6%) and the four-breed rotation (5.4 +/- 1.0%). Three-breed rotation calves were born earlier in the calving season (46.8 +/- .6 d; P less than .05) than straightbred, two-breed or four-breed rotation calves (51.8 +/- .6, 52.1 +/- .6 and 51.1 +/- 1.0 d). Hereford-Brahman two-breed rotation cows had higher (P less than .05) calving and weaning rates than A-B or C-B two-breed rotation cows (87 +/- .4 vs 81.9 +/- 1.9 and 81.5 +/- 1.8%; 81.7 +/- 2.0 vs 76.4 +/- 2.1 and 74.1 +/- 2.0%). All three-breed rotation combinations had similar calving, calf survival and weaning rates, assistance at calving and calf birth dates. Rotational combinations tended to be more superior (P less than .05) to weighted purebred means for calving, calf survival and weaning rates than for calf birth date and calving assistance.  相似文献   

Two trials (feedlot and metabolism) were conducted to evaluate the influence of level of chopped tall fescue hay (FH) in high concentrate diets on average daily gain (ADG), liquid and particulate passage rates, digestibility and in situ digestibility of corn. In the feedlot trial, 36 Hereford steers were fed diets containing 15, 30 and 50% FH in combination with 74, 59 and 39% whole shelled corn (WSC) and a soybean meal supplement. Steers offered 15, 30 and 50% FH consumed 9.0, 9.0 and 7.6 kg dry matter (DM) per d; gained 1.19, .89 and .67 kg; and had DM to gain ratios of 7.6, 10.1 and 11.5, respectively. A negative correlation was observed between fecal pH and ADG (r = -.52) and between fecal pH and fecal starch (r = -.40). In a 4 X 4 Latin-square trial, four cannulated steers were fed 4, 8, 16 or 24% FH in combination with 86, 82, 74 or 66% WSC and a soybean meal supplement. After 14 d of adaptation, steers were offered ytterbium (Yb)-labelled WSC and were ruminally pulse-dosed with chromium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Cr-EDTA) on the first day of the collection period. Steers fed 4, 8, 16 or 24% FH had the following particulate passage rates: 2.3, 2.7, 2.7 and 2.9%/h from fecal analyses; 2.3, 1.7, 2.4 and 2.8%/h from ruminal analyses; 6.0, 5.3, 6.3 and 8.1%/h for liquid, respectively. With increasing FH level, liquid passage rate exhibited linear and quadratic effects (P less than .05), while particulate passage rate (rumen sampling) showed linear and cubic effects (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of frame size (FS) and body condition score (BCS) on performance of Brahman cows were evaluated using records collected from 1984 to 1994 at the Subtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville, Florida. Age at puberty (AP), calving rate (CR), calving date (CD), survival rate (SR), weaning rate (WR), birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), preweaning ADG, and kilograms of calf produced per cow exposed (PPC) were obtained from first- (n = 215), second- (n = 130), and third or greater-parity (n = 267) dams. Based on hip height at 18 mo of age, heifers were assigned to three FS groups: small (115 to 126 cm), medium (127 to 133 cm), or large (134 to 145 cm). Small and medium FS heifers attained puberty at younger (P<.05) ages (633.2+/-12.3 and 626.4+/-12.0 d) than large FS heifers (672.3+/-17.1 d). Calving rate in large FS second-parity dams was 27% less (P<.05) than in small and medium FS dams. In third or greater-parity dams, CR was greater (P<.05) for small FS cows than for medium and large FS cows. Across the three parity groups, CR improved with increasing BCS. Except for the first-parity dams, animals with better fall BCS calved earlier (P<.05). In first-parity dams, SR was less (P<.01) in large (47.9+/-11.0%) than in small (80.7 +/-5.2%) and medium (83.4+/-4.7%) FS groups. Weaning rates of large FS first- and second-parity dams were less (P<.05) than those of small and medium FS dams. Second-parity dams with BCS 3 had lower (P<.05) WR than dams with BCS 4 and 5. Within first- and third or greater-parity dams, BWT of calves born to small FS cows were the lightest, and those born to large FS dams were the heaviest; those born to medium FS dams were intermediate (P<.05). In second-parity dams, BWT of calves of large FS dams were greater (P<.05) than those of small and medium FS dams. In first-parity dams, calves weaned by small FS cows had lower (P<.05) WWT than those weaned by higher FS cows. In the third or greater-parity group, large FS dams weaned heavier calves (P<.05) than other dams. In all parity groups of dams, calves out of large FS cows had greater ADG (P<.05) than those from small and medium FS cows. In first-parity dams, PPC was comparable between small and medium FS dams, but both tended to be greater (P<.10) than PPC of large FS dams. Small and medium FS females reached puberty at an earlier age, calved earlier, and had greater calving, survival, and weaning rates, as well as greater kilograms of calf produced per cow exposed than the large FS females. As the large FS cows matured, they seemed to have overcome the negative effects imposed by FS that were observed at younger ages. Their performance traits were generally all comparable to those of smaller cows once they had reached maturity.  相似文献   

Carcass data from 1,494 straightbred and rotational crossbred steers were collected over four generations. Mating systems included straightbreds (Angus [A], Brahman [B], Charolais [C], and Hereford [H]); two-breed rotations (A-B, C-B, and H-B); three-breed rotations (A-B-C, A-B-H, and B-C-H); and a four-breed rotation (A-B-C-H). Steers were randomly allocated to one of four postweaning treatments that varied in length of grazing and feeding periods. Treatment and breed group (four straightbreds and seven rotational combinations) significantly influenced hot carcass weight (HCWT), retail yield (RY), longissimus muscle area (LM), fat thickness (FT), marbling score (MS), USDA quality grade (QG), and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS). Feeding for longer periods resulted in greater (P < .05) HCWT, RY, FT, and MS, higher QG, and lower (P < .05) WBS values. Among the straightbreds, C was heavier and larger for HCWT, RY, and LM (P < .01), whereas A and H had greater (P < .01) FT and MS. The B was similar to H for HCWT, RY, and LM and to C for FT but ranked last (P < .01) for MS and WBS. Three- and four-breed rotational mating systems were superior (P < .05) to the two-breed rotation for HCWT, RY, and LM but were similar for FT, MS, and WBS. Rotational combinations exceeded (P < .05) the straightbreds for all carcass traits except MS.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate genetic and crossbreeding parameters for the incidence of recorded clinical lameness in New Zealand dairy cattle.

METHODS: Herd records from 76,357 cows, collected during the 2005/06 to 2008/09 milking seasons from 155 herds in the Livestock Improvement Corporation young sire progeny test scheme, were used to estimate genetic parameters and breed effects for incidence of recorded clinical lameness in HolsteinFriesian, Jersey and crossbred dairy cattle. Recorded clinical lameness was coded “1” for cows that presented at least one event of clinical lameness at any day during the season and “0” for unaffected cows. Genetic parameters were estimated using an animal model across breeds considering all and then only first lactation records. Heritability and repeatability of recorded clinical lameness were calculated from the variance component estimates both with and without logit transformation.

RESULTS: The mean incidence of recorded clinical lameness per herd was 6.3 (min 2, max 34)%. The incidence of recorded clinical lameness in Holstein Friesian cows (mean 6.8, SE 0.24%) was higher than the incidence of recorded clinical lameness in crossbred (mean 6.1, SE 0.19%) and Jersey cows (mean 6.0, SE 0.28%) (p=0.0002). There was no difference in incidence between crossbred and Jersey cows (p=0.96).

Estimates of the heritability of recorded clinical lameness as an untransformed trait were 0.053 (SE 0.014) for first lactation records and 0.016 (SE 0.003) for all lactation records. As a transformed (logit) trait heritabilities were 0.067 (SE 0.024) and 0.044 (SE 0.016) for first and all lactation records, respectively. The repeatability estimates of recorded clinical lameness were 0.071 (SE 0.005) and 0.107 (SE 0.011) for untransformed and logit transformed lactation records, respectively. Sire estimated breeding values for recorded clinical lameness showed the lowest values in Jersey sires, and ranged between -5 and 8%.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low heritability of recorded clinical lameness, this study provided evidence that there is significant exploitable animal genetic variation. Selection of specific sires across and within breeds could be an option for increasing genetic resistance to lameness in New Zealand dairy cattle.  相似文献   

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