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目前我国蛋鸭养殖仍以农村散养为主,饲养管理不规范,生产效率较低。本文仅对蛋鸭生产中影响产蛋的若干因素作以概述,供广大养殖者借鉴。(一)品种因素 兼用品种年产蛋150个左右,蛋用品种年产蛋在220~260个,经选育的品种300个以上。因此,为获高产,要选择优良品种,如绍兴鸭、金定鸭等。  相似文献   

1品种因素兼用品种年产蛋150个左右.蛋用品种年产蛋在220~260枚,经选育的品种可年产300枚以上。因此,为获高产,要选择优良品种,如绍兴鸭、金定鸭等。  相似文献   

目前我国蛋鸭养殖仍以农村散养为主,饲养管理不规范,生产效率较低。下面仅对蛋鸭生产中影响产蛋的若干因素加以概述,供广大养殖者参考。  相似文献   

1营养进入产蛋期以后,蛋鸭对营养物质的需求量增高,除用于维持生理活动营养物质外,更需要大量产蛋所需的各种营养物质。  相似文献   

蛋鸭进入产蛋期以后,对营养物质的需求量比以前各个阶段都高,除用于维持生命活动必需的营养物质外,更需要大量用于产蛋所必需的各种营养物质,如金定鸭,第一个产蛋年中,平均可以产出20千克左右的鲜蛋,相当于鸭本身体重的13倍左右,如果不能在日粮中提供足够的营养物质,高产是不可能实现的。现介绍营养因素对产蛋鸭的影响,供参考。一、能量的需要维持能量的需要量多少,主要决定于体重的大小、环境温度的高低、产蛋率及蛋重的大小。体重大,耗用的维持能量多,体重小,耗用的维持能量就少;环境温度低,耗用的维持能量多,环境温度适宜,耗用的维持能量…  相似文献   

鸭进入产蛋期以后,蛋鸭对营养物质的需求量比以前各个阶段都高,除用于维持生命活动必须的营养物质外,更需要大量由于产蛋所必需的各种营养物质。如金定鸭,第一个产蛋年中,平均可以产出20公斤左右的鲜蛋,相当于鸭子本身体重的13倍左右,如不能在日粮中提供足够的营养物质,高产是不可能实现的,现具体介绍如下。  相似文献   

在河南省尉氏县9万亩贾鲁河滩.蛋鸭饲养量达到500万只,号称长江以北最大的蛋鸭集中饲养地。作为蛋鸭饲养,追求最大产蛋量是蛋鸭养殖中最为重要的指标。笔者从多年的养殖技术服务中,总结了促进蛋鸭产蛋的多种因素如下。  相似文献   

<正>一、案例分析自从2010年10月以来,某蛋鸭养殖户反映出现了不同程度的产蛋率下降,下降幅度30%~60%,严重的甚至绝产,开始鸭群精神、粪便基本正常,采食量略有下降,呼吸道症状也很轻微,个别严重的鸭到后期表现为瘫痪、绝食而死。  相似文献   

一情况 自从2011年11月以来,我市蛋鸭养殖户反映出现了不同程度的产蛋率下降,下降幅度从20%-45%不等,严重的甚至绝产,开始并不死鸭,精神、粪便基本正常,采食量有的略有下降,带有呼吸道症状的也很轻微,个别严重的鸭只到后期则表现为瘫痪、绝食而死。  相似文献   

目前,国内外养鸭生产需求远远高于蛋鸭产蛋机制方面的研究需求,与之有关联的文献资料也相对较少。鸭的饲养量在家禽中排位第二,重要程度不言而喻,国内外专家学者已经开始重点研究蛋鸭的生产。本文汇总国内外蛋鸭产蛋的相关资料并进行分析,重点对蛋鸭产蛋机制的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

匈牙利的现场研究表明,鸭肺病毒在母鸭产蛋紊乱和雏鸭生活力低下中起到一定的作用。接种抗该病毒的疫苗可获得良好的效果。  相似文献   

Factors limiting traditional household duck production in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A cross sectional survey of duck production was carried out in 2002 on 771 traditional, semiscavenging household duck farms on the coastal Island of Hatia. We determined the socioeconomic characteristics of duck farmers and their management systems, identified the factors associated with egg production, and measured the level of selected duck diseases and current preventive strategies. Household family size varied from 1 to 14 individuals and women were the main caretakers of ducks. Around 34% of keepers were illiterate. Most duck products (eggs and meat; 85%) were sold at the local market. Duck houses were poorly ventilated and a variety of bedding materials were used. Feed was available in nearby scavenging areas; however, additional feed was frequently supplied by farmers. Almost all farmers (96%) ranked the rainy season as the best time for rearing ducks due to greater feed availability. The annual egg production was 79 eggs per layer with a weight of 48 g and a hatchability rate of 87%. Egg production varied by zone (p < 0.05). The odds of suboptimal egg production was 0.5 times lower in educated farmers (p = 0.001). The odds of suboptimal egg production was 2.5 times more likely in ducks that attained sexual maturity at >22 weeks (p<0.001). Most farmers ranked duck plague as the most important disease, followed by duck cholera, botulism, and duck viral hepatitis. Preventive vaccination was sporadic and used by few farmers (28%). There are significant opportunities for improved duck production on the Island of Hatia and in Bangladesh generally.  相似文献   

仙湖肉鸭A系种蛋重与蛋形指数对孵化效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将仙湖肉鸭A系种蛋按蛋重分为7组、按蛋形指数大小分为6组,在相同条件下孵化,结果表明,蛋重不仅对孵化率、死胚率影响较大,而且对受精率亦有影响。当蛋重在95~99g(D组)时,孵化效果最好,种蛋受精率96.18%,受精蛋孵化率高达83.86%,入孵蛋孵化率达80.66%。当蛋重大于110g时,种蛋受精率下降至89.74%,受精蛋孵化率下降至71.43%,入孵蛋孵化率下降至64.10%;当蛋重小于85g时,受精蛋孵化率、入孵蛋孵化率分别下降至73.02%和71.88%。蛋形指数对孵化率、死胚率影响也较大,当蛋形指数为0.66~0.74时,受精蛋孵化率达80%以上,入孵蛋孵化率达76%以上,死胚率小于15%,孵化效果较好,且与其它各组差异显著。  相似文献   

1. Egg production was similar in non‐handled and in regularly handled hens, but was reduced by handling hens unaccustomed to the procedure.

2. Handling reduced avoidance behaviour (”flightiness“) in growers and pullets but its effect declined with age and it had no influence in these hens when mature.

3. Handling affected egg shell quality; it resulted in an increased incidence of cracks and of equatorial bulges. Previous work has suggested that this defect is an indication of stressors applied at a critical period during egg formation. Therefore, handling may be a stressor.  相似文献   

鸭卵黄抗体IgY作为一种特异性多克隆抗体,被称为新生代抗体。它有完整型的和缺失型的两种类型的IgY,其缺失型IgY(△Fc)可以有效的排除假阳性反应,能够与别的特异性抗原有效结合而不会发生交叉反应。两种类型的IgY仅在一定的盐浓度环境中产生沉淀反应,目前己建立起多种鸭IgY分离纯化方法。卵黄抗体IgY具有类似于哺乳类IgG、IgE的功能,但鸭I既具有IgG的生物活性,又具有许多比哺乳类IgG更为优越的特点。  相似文献   

The effect of a phyto-oestrogen, daidzein, on the laying performance of Shaoxing female ducks was examined in three experiments performed at different stages of the egg production cycle. Egg-laying rate, egg weight, egg composition, feed conversion ratio, hatchability characteristics of eggs and body weight, ovary and oviduct weight, as well as changes in serum concentrations of T3, T4 and E2 were recorded as response criteria. In the first experiment, 68 young ducks, 100 d of age, were given a basal diet (maize-soybean meal) with or without 3 mg of daidzein/kg diet for 42 d. Daidzein did not affect the onset of lay but apparently decreased egg-laying rate and mean egg weight as well as the feed conversion ratio. In the second experiment, 240 breeding ducks, 402 d of age, were allotted at random to three groups and given the basal diet containing daidzein at 0 (control), 3 (Da1) and 5mg/kg (Da2) for 35d. Egg-laying rate, mean egg weight and feed conversion ratio increased in both Da1 and Da2 groups. However, an adverse effect of daidzein on fertility and hatchability was observed. In the third experiment, 320 breeding ducks, 415 d of age, were fed on the basal diet with or without 5mg of daidzein/kg diet for 63 d. Egg-laying rate increased by 7.7%, average egg weight tended to increase, whereas yolk/albumen ratio decreased. Daidzein-treated ducks had higher body weight and oviduct weight compared with their controls. Elevated plasma T4 and E2 concentrations accompanied these phenotypic changes, but serum T3 was not affected. It is suggested that daidzein exerts divergent effects on the egg-laying performance of Shaoxing ducks under different physiological conditions and this action is dose-dependent. The changes in circulating E2 imply possible participation of endogenous oestrogen in the mechanism of daidzein action.  相似文献   

本试验选择21周龄的“三黄”肉用种鸡,分为3个试验组和1个对照组,每组42只,在3个试验组的日粮中分别添加0.3%、0.4%和0.5%的中草药饲料添加剂,结果表明由当归、益母草、淫阳藿、山楂、麦芽、陈皮、松针、黄芪、党参、甘草、川芎等几味中草药配制而成的中草药饲料添加剂能提高产蛋率4.51%,提高平均蛋重3.79g,减少畸形蛋率2.11%。对提高产蛋初期肉用种鸡的生产性能有良好的效果。  相似文献   

测定了中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Z型北京鸭育种场健康、产蛋正常的248只鸭子的产蛋性能指标:组圈后1~3周产蛋量(X1)、4~6周产蛋量(X2)、7~9周产蛋量(X3)以及全程(105d)产蛋量(Y)。以全程产蛋量(Y)为依变量,采用通径系数法计算了各自变量对依变量的通径系数和决定系数。结果表明,三个自变量对全程产蛋量都有较大的影响(通径系数分别为:0.2861,0.2766和0.5595),显然,通径分析能揭示自变量与依变量之间的真正关系。在此基础上建立了依变量(Y)对自变量(Xi)最优回归方程:Y=12.4837+1.2403X1+0.8807X2+2.2459X3。  相似文献   

周历群 《中国家禽》2004,26(13):25-26
禽类的最佳孵化温度多数在37~38.5℃之间,稍稍偏离出最佳温度值对胚胎发育及成功出雏影响很大。现在家禽的大多数种蛋是在孵化机内人工孵化的,因此,孵化机必须能够精确地控制机内的温度,以确保发育中的胚胎温度不偏离最佳值。  相似文献   

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