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微卫星标记具有丰富的多态性、数量多且在基因组中分布均匀、易于检测、呈共显性遗传等特点,因些作为对生物性状进行遗传分析的主要工具已经被广泛应用于各种动物的研究当中,在动物遗传育种方面主要应用有鉴定个体亲缘关系或品系间的遗传结构、鉴定个体亲缘关系或品系间的遗传结构、构建遗传图谱等。 相似文献
对水产动物的种质资源进行鉴定和评价 ,其方法主要是从形态学、经济性状、同工酶、线粒体DNA和核 DNA等几方面分析。对 DNA的研究以前主要测量 DNA的含量和分子量的大小 ,现在已深入到 DNA序列的测定和功能基因的标记等层次。 RAPD技术目前已被广泛应用。 一、RAPD技术的原理 随机扩增多态性 DNA(Random AmplifiedPolymorphic DNA,简称 RAPD)技术由 Williams等 (1 990 )首先运用 ,它是建立在聚合酶链反应 (Polyinerase Chain Reaction,PCR )技术基础上的一种检测基因组 DNA多态性、基因组遗传标记的方法。其原理是… 相似文献
AFLP(Amp lifed Fragm ent Length P loymorphsim)技术是由荷兰Keygene公司科学家Zabeau和Vos发展起来的一种检测DNA多态性的一种方法[1],1993年获欧洲专利局专利,该方法是继RFLP(Restriction Fragm ent Length P loymor-phsim),SSR(S imp le Sequence Repeat)和RAPD(RandomAmp lified P loymorphsim DNA)之后发展最快的DNA指纹技术,是DNA指纹技术的重大突破,也是目前国际上最新最适用的DNA指纹技术。AFLP结合了RFLP和RAPD的特点,它兼有RFLP技术的可靠性和PCR技术的高效性,且具有快速、灵敏、稳定、所需DNA量少… 相似文献
固定化微生物技术及其在养殖水体中的应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
介绍了固定化微生物技术的定义,固定化微生物的制备方法,并重点介绍了固定化微生物技术在养殖水体中的应用以及存在的问题和展望。 相似文献
半滑舌鳎DNA的群体遗传变异 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
采用AFLP、RAPD和线粒体细胞色素b基因(Cytb)片段序列分析技术对半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)群体遗传变异进行研究。分别采用5对选择性引物和18条随机引物对半滑舌鳎3个群体(黄海野生群体、渤海野生群体、养殖群体)进行分析。AFLP和RAPD分析结果表明,黄海群体的遗传多样性高于渤海群体,养殖群体的遗传多样性最低。利用Shannon多样性指数和基因分化系数进行遗传变异来源估算,结果表明,遗传变异主要来自于群体内。同其他鱼类相比,半滑舌鳎群体遗传多样性水平较低。对黄海、渤海野生群体共37个个体的线粒体Cytb基因片段序列进行分析,共检测出5种单倍型,渤海群体内个体序列完全相同,共享单倍型H1;在黄海群体中除检测到单倍型H1外,还检测到其余4种单倍型。Cytb序列分析结果表明,黄海群体遗传多样性较渤海群体丰富,个体间序列变异很小,个体间核苷酸差异数在0~1之间,两群体间无显著遗传差异。通过比较3种分子标记对半滑舌鳎群体间遗传差异的检测和群体间遗传距离的计算,显示AFLP标记对群体间遗传差异的检测最为灵敏,是一种理想的分子标记。 相似文献
Lilley JH Hart D Panyawachira V Kanchanakhan S Chinabut S Söderhäll K Cerenius L 《Journal of fish diseases》2003,26(5):263-275
Aphanomyces invadans (Saprolegniaceae) is a peronosporomycete fungus associated with the serious fish disease, epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS), also known as mycotic granulomatosis. In this study, interspecific relationships were examined between A. invadans isolates and other aquatic animal pathogenic Saprolegniaceae, and saprophytic Saprolegniaceae from EUS-affected areas. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms and sequences of ribosomal DNA confirmed that A. invadans is distinct from all other species studied. A sequence from the internal transcribed spacer region ITS1, unique to A. invadans, was used to design primers for a PCR-based diagnostic test. Intraspecific relationships were also examined by random amplification of polymorphic DNA using 20 isolates of A. invadans from six countries. The isolates showed a high degree of genetic homogeneity using 14 random ten-mer primers. This provides evidence that the fungus has spread across Asia in one relatively rapid episode, which is consistent with reports of outbreaks of EUS. Physiological distinctions between A. invadans and other Aphanomyces species based on a data set of 16 growth parameters showed remarkable taxonomic congruence with the molecular phylogeny. 相似文献
A.A. Fernando L.C. Lim K. Jeyaseelan S.W. Teng M.C. Liang C.K. Yeo 《Aquarium Sciences and Conservation》1997,1(2):91-104
Since 1975,CITES has listed the dragon fish, Scleropages formosus, as anendangered species. In 1995, a captive-bred population was set upby a commercial fish farm with assistance from the PrimaryProduction Department in Singapore. Other farms in Indonesia andMalaysia followed suit. These populations have contributed to animmediate conservation of the species. Due to very high demandfor this ornamental fish, these venues may be its last sanctuary.DNA fingerprints of the dragon fish were obtained by different methods from the green, red and gold varieties grown in a Singapore fish farm to determine which method was most suitable in providing information on genetic variability. Because a DNA fingerprint is a pattern made up of DNA fragments that are resolved by electrophoresis, each individual has its own unique fingerprint due to a genetic make-up different from another individual. Thus, genetic variability was best studied by developing DNA fingerprints.Firstly, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were obtained. DNA fragments formed by cleavage with nine restriction endonucleases used singly were hybridized individually to four non-radioactively labelled probes to give RFLPs. The RFLPs for each variety were similar and genomic DNA from each variety had many binding sites to the probes. This made differentiating RFLPs specific to individual varieties difficult. Secondly, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints were developed. DNA fragments that were resolved on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel were hybridized to seven arbitrary primers used singly. RAPD fingerprints for each variety were different for each primer tested. The similarity index indicated low genetic variability between varieties. Lastly, DNA was screened for microsatellite loci which refer to short tandem repeats of two or three bases. The occurrence of other microsatellite loci, their chromosome location and frequency is being investigated while primers have been designed to detect more loci by the polymerase chain reaction. As this method provides undisputed and reproducible evidence of relatedness and stock identification, and can be applied for long-term management of domesticated populations through pedigree construction and evaluation of heterozygosity, it is the preferred choice to determine genetic variability 相似文献
现场围隔通过围隔水体建立一个相对封闭的生态系,与周围水体没有交换。使用现场围隔始于20世纪60年代,经过几十年的发展,其结构和功能得到了不同程度的改进和完善,已成为研究水域生态的有效工具,主要用于污染生态学、养殖生态学方面的研究。现场围隔主体结构包括围隔幔、固定支架和围隔幔支架等,附属设备包括防雨罩、电动机、浮力装置和叶轮等,大型围隔容积>100m3,中型围隔容积10~100m3,小型围隔容积1~10m3。通过在目的水域现场开展围隔试验,从而模拟自然水域生态环境,能够大大缩小试验条件和自然环境的差异,使试验结果更加科学,针对性更加明显。现场围隔发展方向是多样化、实用化。 相似文献