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Summary Most dihaploids derived from cv. Pentland Crown had higher yields, when expressed as percentages of their parent's yield, than did those of cv. Record. Some genes of Pentland Crown may have a greater additive effect on yield than those of Record but there may also be differences in deleterious recessives which are expressed in their dihaploids. The frequency distributions of specific gravities and sprout lengths of the dihaploids were similar for both cultivars. Some genes may have an additive effect on specific gravity but the small sprout lengths of dihaploids may be due to their often weak constitution caused by the expression of deleterious genes. The distribution of foliage blight (Phytophthora infestans) resistance in dihaploids of resistant tetraploids indicates that multiplex genes may determine the resistances in the parents.
Zusammenfassung Ertrag, mittleres Knollengewicht und die Knollenzahl pro Pflanze von Dihaploiden der Sorten Pentland Crown und Record (Abb. 1,2 und 3) zeigen, dass sich Unterschiede (signifikant für Ertrag und mittleres Knollengewicht,P<0,01) zwischen beiden Sorten ergeben k?nnen, wenn der Ertrag und seine Komponenten genetisch determiniert waren. Die meisten Dihaploiden von Record hatten weniger als 10% der Ertr?ge ihrer Eltern, w?hrend die Ertr?ge der meisten Dihaploiden von Pentland Crown zwischen 20 und 50% schwankten. Ein betr?chtlicher Teil von Pentland Crown-Dihaploiden hatten h?here als modale Werte für mittleres Knollengewicht und mittlere Knollenzahl pro Pflanze. Mehrere Gene von Pentland Crown und ihrer Dihaploiden dürften deshalb additive Einflüsse auf den Ertrag und seine Komponenten haben. Deshalb dürfte von diesen Klonen eine signifikante generelle Kombinationsf?higkeit (GCA) für diese Eigenschaften erwartet werden, wenn sie bei der Züchtung verwendet werden. Erste Daten von tetraploiden Nachkommen von dihaploid × tetraploid-Kreuzungen (siehe Tabelle I mit der Herkunft des Materials) zeigen jedoch, dass solche GCA-Effekte nicht wesentlich waren. Dies k?nnte so sein, weil die spezifische Kombinationsf?higkeit wichtiger war oder weil Unterschiede in Zahl und St?rke von nachteiligen Genen, die vorher bei den Sorten verborgen waren, vorhanden waren. Tabelle 2 zeigt die Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen Ertrag, mittlerer Knollenzahl, mittlerem Knollengewicht, spezifischem Gewicht und Keiml?nge für Dihaploide von Pentland Crown und Record. Dabei ergaben sich signifikante Korrelationen zwischen Ertrag und seinen Komponenten, aber keine signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen Knollenzahl und mittleren Knollengewicht. Einige Dihaploide hatten ein h?heres spezifisches Gewicht als ihre tetraploiden Eltern. Die spezifischen Gewichte der Dihaploiden waren um ein Mittel verteilt, welches ann?hernd gleich mit dem der Eltern beider Sorten (Abb. 4) war; vermutlich waren sowohl additive als auch nicht-additive Effekte für die Determinierung des spezifischen Gewichtes von beiden Eltern erforderlich. Die Keiml?ngen dihaploider Knollen waren durchweg gering (Abb. 5), dies dürfte auf die Anwesenheit nachteiliger rezessiver Gene zurückzuführen sein, welche die oft nur schwachen Konstitutionen von Dihaploiden beider Sorten kennzeichnen. Genetische Unterschiede zwischen Sorten, welche anderenfalls als unterschiedliche dihaploide Variationsmuster bezeichnet worden w?ren. k?nnten deshalb maskiert gewesen sein. Hohe Grade an quantitativer Resistenz gegenüber Krautf?ule (Phytophthora infestans) in den meisten Dihaploiden von zwei resistenten Tetraploiden zeigten, dass einige dominante Gene, die die Resistenz bestimmen, multipel sein k?nnten (Abb. 6). Zus?tzlich zur Informationssteigerung über die genetische Determinierung landwirtschaftlich wichtiger Merkmale in Tetraploiden ist die Produktion von Dihaploiden eine Methode zur ?nderung von Gen-Verbindungen ohne Einführung von fremden genetischem Material. Es k?nnten mehr erwünschte Gen-Kombinationen ermittelt werden, die als Resultat für Kartoffel-Züchtungsprogramme ausgebeutet werden k?nnten.

Résumé Le rendement, le poids moyen de tubercules et le nombre de tubercules par plante des diplo?des de Pentland Crown et Record (fig. 1, 2 et 3) montrent qu'il peut y avoir des différences (significatives pour le rendement et le poids moyen de tubercule,P<0.01) entre les deux variétés, du fait que les composantes du rendement étaient déterminées. La plupart des diplo?des de Record ont des rendements inférieurs de 10% à ceux de leurs parents, alors que les diplo?des de Pentland Crown donnent des rendements compris entre 20 et 50%. Une proportion assez grande de diplo?des de Pentland Crown a un poids moyen de tubercules et un nombre moyen de tubercules par plante plus élevés que les valeurs modales correspondantes. Quelques gênes de Pentland Crown et de diplo?des issus de cette variété peuvent avoir par conséquent un effet positif sur le rendement et ses composantes; ces cl?nes pourraient en définitive permettre des combinaisons générales pour les caractères utilisés en sélection. Des résultats préliminaires sur tétraplo?des obtenus à partir de croisements diplo?des × tétraplo?des (tableau 1) ont montré cependant que de tels effets de combinaisons générales n'étaient pas importants. Ceci est d? peut être du fait que l'aptitude spécifique à la combinaison est plus importante ou qu'il y a eu des différences dans le nombre et l'ampleur des gênes défavorables, masqués au départ dans les variétés. Le tableau 2 donne les coefficients de corrélation entre le rendement, le nombre moyen de tubercules, le poids moyen de tubercules, le poids spécifique et la longueur des germes pour les diplo?des de Pentland Crown et Record. Des corrélations significatives ont été observées entre le rendement et ses composantes mais pas entre le nombre de tubercules et leur poids moyen. Quelques diplo?des ont des poids spécifiques plus élevés que ceux de leurs parents tétraplo?des. Pour chaque variété, les poids spécifiques des diplo?des ont une distribution par rapport à la moyenne à peu près semblable à celle de leurs parents (fig. 4) et les effets génétiques additifs et non-additifs sont probablement importants dans la détermination du poids spécifique pour chaque parent. Les germes des tubercules diplo?des sont généralement courts (fig. 5) et ceci provient sans doute de la présence de gênes récessifs défavorables qui déterminent des constitutions souvent chétives des diplo?des de ces deux variétés. Les différences génétiques entre les variétés peuvent par conséquent être marquées, alors qu'elles auraient été mises en évidence par des exemples de variation entre différents diplo?des. De hauts niveaux de résistance quantitative au mildiou du feuillage (Phytophthora infestans) obtenus avec la plupart des diplo?des provenant de deux tétraplo?des résistants au mildiou indiquent que certains gènes dominants gouvernant la résistance peuvent être multipliés (fig. 6). Afin de mieux conna?tre la détermination génétique des caractères agronomiques importants des tétraplo?des, la production de diplo?des est une méthode d'association de gènes remaniés, sans l'introduction de matériel génétique étranger. Davantage de combinaisons de gènes souhaitables peuvent être identifiées afin d'être exploitées dans un programme de sélection de pommes de terre.

Expression of hollow heart, a physiological disorder in potato, is controlled by both genotype and environment. Development of high levels of resistance in cultivars would reduce economic yield losses that occur under conditions that promote hollow heart. This experiment was conducted to study hollow heart in segregating populations from parents in a breeding program. Nine families were planted in a replicated trial under dryland conditions and five of those families were also grown at an irrigated location under conditions favoring the expression of hollow heart. As expected, positive correlations between hollow heart and both mean yield and tuber weight were detected; correlations between hollow heart and tuber number were negative. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed on these yield traits to determine the independent contribution of each to the overall results. The highest levels of hollow heart were found in families with susceptible parents, but susceptible clones were obtained in families with two resistant parents. Regardless of the type of cross, selection of clones with large tubers increased the probability of selecting for susceptibility to hollow heart.  相似文献   

During two consecutive years 17 unselected families of diploid potatoes in comparison to their parents and standard cultivars were assessed for glucose content in tubers. Glucose content was evaluated using Potato Test Strips in tubers stored at 10 C, 4 C, and 4 C followed by reconditioning at 18 C. Distribution of glucose content in families indicated that the trait is inherited in a polygenic way. Transgressive individuals in families in comparison to respective parents were found in all treatments applied. Maternal effect on glucose content in tubers was found in one out of three tested families after cold storage (4 C) and the same families after reconditioning. Analysis of variance showed significant influence of year on the trait. Significance of GCA and SCA showed that both additive effects and genetic interactions are involved in determining of glucose content in tubers in all applied treatments. It was found that glucotests can be recommended for evaluation of chipping ability in early stages of selection.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out withSolanum phureja germplasm which had been selected for tuberization response under W. European growing conditions. Selected clones and seedling (true potato seed; TPS) families ofS. phureja were raised in the field and tubers assessed for yield, tuber number, skin colour, size, shape and cooking characteristics. Some families had low within-family variances for cooked flesh hardness and some appeared as uniform for tuber size and shape as the selectedS. phureja clones. Skin colours of the tubers within TPS families were often assorted. The commercial potential ofS. phureja as a possible TPS-derived crop is discussed, as its self-incompatibility makes possible the cheap production of true potato seed.  相似文献   

Species of Trichocomaceae occur commonly and are important to both industry and medicine. They are associated with food spoilage and mycotoxin production and can occur in the indoor environment, causing health hazards by the formation of β-glucans, mycotoxins and surface proteins. Some species are opportunistic pathogens, while others are exploited in biotechnology for the production of enzymes, antibiotics and other products. Penicillium belongs phylogenetically to Trichocomaceae and more than 250 species are currently accepted in this genus. In this study, we investigated the relationship of Penicillium to other genera of Trichocomaceae and studied in detail the phylogeny of the genus itself. In order to study these relationships, partial RPB1, RPB2 (RNA polymerase II genes), Tsr1 (putative ribosome biogenesis protein) and Cct8 (putative chaperonin complex component TCP-1) gene sequences were obtained. The Trichocomaceae are divided in three separate families: Aspergillaceae, Thermoascaceae and Trichocomaceae. The Aspergillaceae are characterised by the formation flask-shaped or cylindrical phialides, asci produced inside cleistothecia or surrounded by Hülle cells and mainly ascospores with a furrow or slit, while the Trichocomaceae are defined by the formation of lanceolate phialides, asci borne within a tuft or layer of loose hyphae and ascospores lacking a slit. Thermoascus and Paecilomyces, both members of Thermoascaceae, also form ascospores lacking a furrow or slit, but are differentiated from Trichocomaceae by the production of asci from croziers and their thermotolerant or thermophilic nature. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Penicillium is polyphyletic. The genus is re-defined and a monophyletic genus for both anamorphs and teleomorphs is created (Penicillium sensu stricto). The genera Thysanophora, Eupenicillium, Chromocleista, Hemicarpenteles and Torulomyces belong in Penicilliums. str. and new combinations for the species belonging to these genera are proposed. Analysis of Penicillium below genus rank revealed the presence of 25 clades. A new classification system including both anamorph and teleomorph species is proposed and these 25 clades are treated here as sections. An overview of species belonging to each section is presented. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New sections, all in Penicillium: sect. Sclerotiora Houbraken & Samson, sect. Charlesia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Thysanophora Houbraken & Samson,sect. Ochrosalmonea Houbraken & Samson, sect. Cinnamopurpurea Houbraken & Samson, Fracta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Stolkia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Gracilenta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Citrina Houbraken & Samson, sect. Turbata Houbraken & Samson, sect. Paradoxa Houbraken & Samson, sect. Canescentia Houbraken & Samson. New combinations:Penicillium asymmetricum (Subramanian & Sudha) Houbraken & Samson, P. bovifimosum (Tuthill & Frisvad) Houbraken & Samson, P. glaucoalbidum (Desmazières) Houbraken & Samson, P. laeve (K. Ando & Manoch) Houbraken & Samson, P. longisporum (Kendrick) Houbraken & Samson, P. malachiteum (Yaguchi & Udagawa) Houbraken & Samson, P. ovatum (K. Ando & Nawawi) Houbraken & Samson, P. parviverrucosum (K. Ando & Pitt) Houbraken & Samson, P. saturniforme (Wang & Zhuang) Houbraken & Samson, P. taiwanense (Matsushima) Houbraken & Samson. New names:Penicillium coniferophilum Houbraken & Samson, P. hennebertii Houbraken & Samson, P. melanostipe Houbraken & Samson, P. porphyreum Houbraken & Samson.  相似文献   

Two North Dakota breeding clones, ND860-2 and ND2221-6 accumulate very little reducing sugar in low temperature storage and will produce acceptably colored chips with little reconditioning. Progeny from diallel crosses of ND860-2, ND2221-6, Norchip and Kennebec were evaluated for reducing sugar and total sugar accumulation after 100 days of cold storage (3–4°C). Crosses of the North Dakota clones with Norchip or Kennebec produced families whose distributions were skewed towards the high parent with respect to reducing sugar values; about 2% had levels near the two low parents. Crosses between ND860-2 and ND2221-6 produced reciprocal families in which an average of 8% of the progeny had levels as low as these two parents.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of hydrogen cyanamide on sprouting of seed potato was examined using cvs Brador and Kennebec. Tuber respiration and content of polyamines were also studied. Tuber dormancy was released after 1 min treatment with 0.5–1 M concentration of the preparation. Apical dominance was also reduced; the treated tubers produced more sprouts and shoots after planting; higher concentrations and longer exposures though more effective, caused tuber injury. Tuber respiration sharply increased after treatment and the level of polyamines decreased during the first 7 days after treatment and increased again when tubers began to sprout. Since there was a marked difference in the rate of response between the cultivars, more research is required before the preparation can be advised for practical application.  相似文献   

Summary A technique is described by which families of potato seedlings can be rapidly screened for resistance to potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) in the greenhouse with a minimum expenditure of labour and bench space. Seed of different families was sown in rows in four replicated blocks and the seedlings produced were exposed to viruliferousMyzus persicae when very young. Symptoms resembling those typical of secondary infection with PLRV developed within a few weks and families with few affected seedlings compared with the susceptible control were classed as resistant. Tests done at different times with similar sets of families gave similar results. Applying infectiveM. persicae by shaking heavily colonised potato shoots above the seedlings was more effective and far less time consuming than transferring them individually by hand using a fine paint brush.  相似文献   

Economical and environmental conditions in the south of Italy suggest that the direct utilization of TPS, as propagation material for potatoes, could be worth exploring. Thus, it is important to identify the most appropriate breeding scheme to enhance productivity and uniformity of the progeny. For this purpose 44 TPS families deriving from different breeding schemes and emphasizing different levels of heterozygosity were tested for yield at two locations in the U.S.A. and one in Italy. The results indicate the superiority of the 4x progeny from 4x X 2x crosses as a family group, and in the frequency of high yielding individual families in all locations. The 4x X 2x family group outyielded the OP progeny group by 45%, 79% and 114% at Hancock, Rhinelander (U.S.A.) and in Italy, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as a source of markers for use in investigations in potato genetics. Segregation of 18 loci in diploidSolanum goniocalyx xS. phureja and 12 loci in tetraploidS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum ×S. tuberosum ssp.andigena families fitted Mendelian and tetrasomic ratios, respectively. Eight loci in the diploid progeny were arranged in three linkage groups. Segregations of these markers fitting expected ratios indicate that they can be effectively used in potato genetics, breeding and evolution.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to compare the tuber yields, vegetative vigor and uniformity of seedling transplants obtained from different breeding methods. Twenty hybrid families from different groups of crosses involving 4x clones and 2x Phureja-haploid Tuberosum hybrids; 4x × 4x, 4x × 2x (FDR), 4x × (4x × 2x), and (4x × 2x) × (4x × 2x) and eleven open pollinated families from 4x clones, and 4x hybrids from 4x × 2x crosses were compared in a replicated yield trial. Families from 4x × 2x (FDR) crosses were the highest yielding among the hybrid groups having approximately twice the yield of the open pollinated 4x clones. They also were the best group in relation to plant vigor and uniformity. Based on these results, it appears that a good breeding scheme for high-yielding and uniform progeny from true potato seeds is the 4x × 2x hybridization method where the male parent is capable of producing 2n pollen via a first division restitution mechanism.  相似文献   

Four different sets of true potato seed (TPS) families, representing a total of 262 hybrids derived from intermating tetraploid clones were evaluated in three different locations in Peru. Significant differences were observed among families in tuber yield, uniformity and transplant survival rate in the field. Several families produced an average tuber yield of more than 1.0 kg per plant, with a tuber uniformity of some families approaching that of standard varieties. Hybrid TPS families gave higher tuber yields and more uniform tubers than families from open-pollination. On the basis of an observed family-environment interaction for tuber yield, it is suggested that locally adapted cultivars or advanced selections should be used as parents to generate TPS progenies for specific areas.  相似文献   

Potato microtubers were treated with rindite to investigate the effect on dormancy breaking. Postharvest application of rindite by fumigation with 2 ml rindite for 48 hr or 4ml for 24 hr significantly reduced the dormancy period of potato microtubers using a 32 x 15 x 17 cm tightly sealed plastic box. Approximately 2 weeks after the treatments microtubers of all cultivars, Atlantic, Superior, Lemhi Russet, Red Dale and Kennebec started to sprout. The efficiency of the treatments were the greatest for the cv. Lemhi Russet, intermediate for cv. Superior and least for cv. Red Dale. In all cultivars of potato microtubers, more decay was observed the earlier rindite treatment occurred after harvesting, therefore potato microtubers should be treated with rindite at least 2 weeks after harvest when the skin of microtubers is mature. The data indicates that the dormancy of potato microtubers with well-matured skin can be effectively broken with an optimum treatment of rindite.  相似文献   

Summary 0.4 μmol/l naphtalenacetic acid (NAA) stimulated early root formation and caused highly significant increases in numbers of rooted plantlets (from 55 to 74%) when potato meristem tips were cultured in a medium supplemented with gibberellic acid (GA). When the medium lacked GA, 0.1 μmol/l NAA induced complete development in about 30% of the explants. Higher concentrations inhibited root and shoot growth and induced conspicuous callus formation, both in the presence and absence of GA. Low NAA concentrations were thus useful in obtaining accelerated and more uniform development in the potato meristem tip population.  相似文献   

Summary Successive generations of open pollinated (OP) true potato seed (TPS) families represent a low-cost planting material. This study was conducted to determine whether inbreeding occurred during two successive OP generations and, if so, whether it adversely affected the performance of transplant families from true seed. Potato seedling transplants from 4x×2x hybrid, OP1, OP2, S1 and S2 families were compared for plant vigour, flowering, pollen stainability, OP fruit set, tuber yield and specific gravity. Hybrids were consistently superior, while S2 families were inferior. The performance of OP1, OP2 and S1 families did not differ significantly for most traits. The accumulation of inbreeding in successive OP generations was limited by reduced OP seed production on selfed plants; thus, a synthetic TPS variety propagated by open pollination may be feasible. Paper no. 3162 from the Department of Genetics, University of Madison.  相似文献   

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