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Linseed ( Linum usitatissimum L.) stems, which contain bast fibres, make up a considerable part of the linseed biomass, but are considered a by-product of no value. The feasibility of cultivating existing linseed cultivars and breeding lines for dual-purpose use of stem and seed was studied in 1995–97 in Jokioinen, Finland. Finnish linseed cv. Helmi was compared with 10 linseed genotypes and one flax cultivar for stem yield, ratio of stem yield to seed yield, and plant stand height and density. The stem yield of cv. Helmi averaged 1317 kg dry matter ha-1. Significantly higher stem yields were produced by breeding lines Bor 15 and Bor 18 and cvs Gold Merchant, Norlin and Martta. The cv. Helmi produced lower stem yield than seed yield while breeding lines Bor 15 and Bor 18 and cvs Gold Merchant and Martta yielded more stem than seeds. The difference in the ratio of stem yield to seed yield between them and cv. Helmi was statistically significant. The mean plant stand height was 60.3 cm and the final plant density 594 plants m-2. No relationship was found between stem yield and height or density. Within 2 days of seed threshing, stems of early maturing Finnish genotypes dried up in the field to nearly 15 % moisture content, even in the middle of September (1996). The early maturing breeding lines Bor 15 and Bor 18, with their significantly higher stem yields relative to cv. Helmi, are recommended for dual-purpose use.  相似文献   

对4个工业大麻品种的产量性状和纤维品质性状进行对应分析。结果表明,在本试验范围内,影响大麻纤维产量的主要性状是鲜茎重和干皮重;影响大麻纤维品质的性状主要是纤维支数、断裂功和含胶率,其次是断裂强度和断裂伸长率;汾麻3号较其余品种具有明显的纤维产量高和纤维支数高的特点。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted with 10 deep‐water rice varieties (nine traditional and one improved), viz. Amona, Maguri, Rangoli, Kakua, Panikakua, Deoribao, Moimonsingia, Duatkalam, Dalbao and PJNB‐96‐10, to study their physiological performance, grain‐quality characters and yield. Among the cultivars, significant variations were recorded in plant height, root length, number of internode, tiller number, number of ear‐bearing tillers, panicle length, panicle weight, number of spikelets per panicle and filled grain percentage. The highest number of spikelets per panicle (199), filled grain percentage (95 %) and grain yield (4.32 t ha?1) were recorded in Maguribao. The highest grain length was recorded in PNJB‐96‐10 (9.5 mm), whereas highest grain thickness was observed in Duatkalam (2.8 mm). Glutelin was the most dominant fraction of protein in all the tested cultivars. Maguribao showed the highest glutelin content (26.7 mg g?1 dry weight), whereas Panikakua showed the highest amylose (24.45 %) and crude fat (4.64 %) content. Differences were also recorded among cultivars in fibre, ash and iron content in grain. Maguribao was found to have superior physiological traits for growth and hence may be considered for inclusion in deep‐water rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Growth and yield responses to plant density (6.75 × 104, 9.75 × 104 and 12.75 × 104 plants ha–1) and stage of transplanting (30, 35 and 40 days after sowing) of winter oilseed rape cultivar HO 605 were investigated in two field trials in the 1996/97 and 1997/98 growing seasons at Zhejiang University Farm, Huajiachi Campus, China. Results revealed a progressive decrease in leaf area per plant in response to increasing plant density and delayed transplanting, though leaf area m–2 and leaf area index were higher in high-density plants. Number of effective branches and pod per branch decreased with increasing plant density and delayed transplanting. There were no significant differences in the mean seed weight among treatments. Although the average number of seeds per pod was significantly lower for high-density plants and delayed transplanting, the economically highest seed yields were realized in relatively high-density plants. Seed oil content was negatively affected by increasing plant density, but no significant differences were observed with delayed transplanting. The highest seed yields of 1730.7 and 1748.1 kg ha–1 with no significant differences were observed for plant densities of 9.75 × 104 and 12.75 × 104 plants ha–1, respectively, transplanted at 35 and 30 days after sowing.  相似文献   

The yield F per area can be expressed multiplicatively by using yield components. For the most simple case of including only two yield components one obtains: F = X1− X2 with X1= number of plants per area (= plant density) and X2= mean yield per plant.
For normal variables X1 and X2 the phenotypic yield stability of F, which has been measured quantitatively by the variance V(F) of F, can be explicitly expressed dependent on 1) the component means, 2) the component variances and 3) the correlation between the two components. V(F), therefore, depends on 5 parameters.
For many applications the use of the coefficient of variation v of F instead of the variance itself may be advantageous, v can be explicitly expressed dependent on 1) the coefficients of variation of the yield components and 2) the correlation between the components, v, therefore, depends on 3 parameters.
The different conditions leading to the same phenotypic yield stability can be investigated by using these explicit expressions for V(F) and v.
The main purpose of the present paper is the application of these theoretical models and results to the data of an extensive field trial with winter-rape, which has been performed for 5 years with 4 plant densities and 3 row distances.
For the lowest plant density (40 plants/m2) there results a very good agreement between the theoretically expected and the experimentally obtained values for the phenotypic stability of yield per area. But, for the higher plant densities this result don't hold true. Possible causes and explanations are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The effect of very high sowing rates on establishment year dry matter (DM) yield and stand persistence of irrigated lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) was studied. Two cultivars ('Peace' and 'Apollo II') were sown in 1986 at two row spacings and six sowing rates from 5.6 to 50.4 kg ha−1. Established seedling density (Sd) increased linearly with sowing rate (R):Sd= 24.1R. Establishment year DM yield increased at sowing rates from 5.6 to 16.8 kg ha−1, levelled off as sowing rate increased to 33.6 ka ha−1, and then decreased as sowing rate increased further. Thus, there was a broad optimum sowing rate that gave a maximum sowing year DM yield. Percent plant survival to the third year (1988) decreased with increasing sowing rate so that plant densities became similar for sowing rates greater than 16.8 kg ha−1. Within the range 5.6 to 16.8 kg ha−1, increasing sowing rate increased stand persistence measured as 1988 plant density; however, a corresponding increase in DM yield was not obtained. For all full-production years, DM yield was independent of sowing rate. Sowing rate did not affect three chemical measures of forage quality.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of stem elongation ability in rice was studied in parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of six crosses. Segregation analysis indicated dominance for stem elongation ability. Estimation of genetic parameters under epistatic model indicated more than one locus control stem elongation ability and both additive and nonadditive gene effects were important. Epistatic effects were predominant over additive and dominance effects with an important role of duplicate type of epistasis. The occurrence of significant additive and additive x additive types of genetic variation and the moderately high broad sense heritability indicated the possibility of selection for an increased manifestation of stem elongation ability.  相似文献   

不同环境条件下水稻生育期和株高的QTL分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用籼稻品种窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻品种京系17(JX17)为亲本构建的加倍单倍体(doubled haploid, DH)群体及其分子连锁图谱,在5个环境中对生育期和株高进行QTL比较分析。结果表明,共检测到10个QTL,两种环境以上能重复检出的QTL9个,这些QTL在不同的环境中的加性效应方向一致,但遗传效应差异较大;其中没有1个QTL在5种环境  相似文献   

控制水稻株高的QTL定位及环境互作分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为水稻的基因水平研究提供了重要的平台,利用由小穗小粒型品种‘密阳46’和大穗大粒型品种FJCD建立的一个包含130个家系F10的重组自交系群体,分别在武夷山和莆田环境下测定其株高,进行QTL定位及环境互作分析。武夷山环境下检测到2个加性QTL,位于1、2号染色体上,其中主效qPH-2-5解释了26.2%的表型变异;莆田环境下检测到4个加性QTL,分别位于2、2、2、6号染色体上,共解释了20.61%的表型变异。经过GE互作分析,2个背景QTL存在显著的加性×环境互作效应,共解释了17.36%的表型变异。此研究从一定程度上揭示了株高的数量遗传规律,同时为株高分子育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

影响籼稻品种产量水平的主要根系性状   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
2001和2002年,在群体水培条件下分别以国内外不同年代育成的籼稻代表品种(品系)88个和122个为供试材料,抽穗期测定12个有关根系形态性状和根系活力,成熟期测定产量、冠根比等,采用组内最小平方和的动态聚类方法对供试籼稻品种的产量进行聚类,研究不同产量类型籼稻品种根系有关性状的差异以及影响籼稻品种产量水平的主  相似文献   

甜荞极易倒伏, 而株高和茎粗是影响甜荞倒伏的重要性状。以高秆健壮品种酉荞2号和矮秆纤细品种乌克兰大粒荞为亲本配制正、反交组合, P1、P2、F1、B1、B2和F2群体株高和茎粗的遗传分析表明, 株高和茎粗的最适遗传模型均为2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因模型。株高正交组合中2对主基因加性效应均为-1.39, 显性效应分别为-6.59和-7.91, B1、B2和F2群体主基因遗传率分别是45.73%、63.49%和81.12%, 多基因遗传率分别是27.41%、0.95%和0; 反交组合中2对主基因加性效应值均为-1.63, 显性效应分别为-7.03和-4.19, B1、B2和F2群体中主基因遗传率是41.51%、66.18%和81.81%, 多基因遗传率分别是11.19%、0和0。茎粗正交组合中2对主基因加性效应均为0.03, 显性效应分别为-0.50和-0.08, B1、B2和F2群体中主基因遗传率分别是37.26%、48.80%和72.10%, 多基因遗传率分别是11.18%、0和0; 反交组合中2对主基因加性效应均为-0.15, 显性效应分别为-0.30和-0.16, B1、B2和F2群体中主基因遗传率是76.22%、47.12%和82.51%, 多基因遗传率分别为0、14.53%和0。可见, 株高的主基因+多基因遗传率在80%以上, 可在低世代进行选择; 茎粗的主基因+多基因遗传率在80%以下, 采取合理的栽培措施可以提高荞麦抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   

种植密度与留叶枝对棉花产量和早熟性的互作效应   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为实现合理密植与叶枝利用的有机结合,研究了种植密度与整枝对棉花产量和早熟性的影响。结果表明,密度和整枝对棉花产量有显著的互作效应。去叶枝情况下,以低密度(3.00株.m-2)的产量最低,中高密度(5.25~7.50株.m-2)的产量较高;留叶枝条件下,以中低密度(3.00~5.25株.m-2)的产量较高,高密度(7.50~9.75株.m-2)的产量较低。去叶枝条件下,中密度(5.25株.m-2)比低密度皮棉增产9.7%,而留叶枝条件下,低密度与中密度的产量相当,比高密度(9.75株.m-2)增产15.3%。密度与留叶枝可以单独或协同影响生物产量、经济系数和产量结构,对皮棉产量有显著的互作效应。低密度条件下保留叶枝似可弥补密度不足引起的产量损失,而中、高密度条件下,去叶枝仍有益处。  相似文献   

水稻生育期对籽粒产量及品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
明确水稻生育期与产量、品质的关系,对水稻高产优质育种和合理栽培措施的制定,具有重要的意义。本文以晚粳宁111和春江302经遮光(短日照)处理后获得的不同生育期水稻植株为材料,分析其产量和米质指标。结果表明,生育期152 d以上时,对产量无显著影响,而生育期短于152 d时,产量与生育期间呈极显著正相关;成熟期群体干物质积累量随生育期变化的趋势与产量表现基本一致。不同稻米的长度、宽度、蛋白质含量以及淀粉消减值,均以中等偏短生育期(131~132 d)最小,大于或小于131~132 d,均会使上述指标值增加;两品种直链淀粉含量亦有相似的趋势,只是其最低值分别对应132和137 d的生育期;各处理稻米淀粉的崩解值变化与消减值趋势相反。对垩白粒率、垩白度及糊化温度,各处理均呈随生育期延长而降低的趋势;生育期变化对碾米品质影响总体上较小。  相似文献   

花生出仁率、株高等性状都对产量有重要影响, 鉴定出仁率和株高相关的主效QTL, 分析QTL的加性、上位性及其与环境的互作效应以及出仁率与株高之间的遗传关系, 有助于加快花生分子育种研究进程。本研究以远杂9102×徐州68-4构建的RIL群体为材料, 在4个环境中调查出仁率和株高等表型性状, 相关性分析结果表明, 4个环境中, 出仁率与株高均存在极显著负相关。利用前期构建的高密度遗传图谱, 通过QTLNetwork 2.0软件对出仁率和株高进行QTL定位分析, 检测到13个具加性效应的出仁率QTL, 8个具加性效应的株高QTL, 其中, 2个与出仁率相关的主效QTL (qSPA05.2qSPA09.1)和1个与株高相关的主效QTL (qPHA09.1)至少能在3个环境下被重复检测到。还检测到11对上位性QTL, 包括出仁率6对和株高5对, 与环境之间均存在互作效应。比较QTL在连锁群上的位置发现, 在A09染色体Ad91I24-AGGS2492区间同时检测到稳定的出仁率主效QTL (qSPA09.1)和株高主效QTL (qPHA09.1)。通过条件QTL排除该位点株高的效应后, 出仁率加性效应贡献率从14.37%下降到5.50%, 表明qSPA09.1qPHA09.1为同一位点, 同时控制株高和出仁率。  相似文献   

化学打顶对棉花群体容量的拓展效应   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
以常规人工打顶为对照,在大田条件下设置不同种植密度(18万、22.5万和27万株·hm-2),研究化学打顶对棉株形态、群体器官数量和经济产量等的影响.结果表明,化学打顶棉花株高显著高于人工打顶,平均高出17%,中上部果枝显著变短,尤其是上部果枝平均比人工打顶短75%.冠层中部透光率平均提高约13%.在相同密度条件下,化...  相似文献   

水稻株高及其构成因素数量性状基因座位的分子标记定位   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
林鸿宣  庄杰云 《作物学报》1996,22(3):257-263
应用具有89个标记位点的F2群体的RFLP图谱,对控制水稻株高及其构成因素的数量性状基因座位进行定位等研究。共定位了32个QTLs,其中涉及株高的有7个、穗长3个、第一节间长有2个、第二节间长和第三节间长各3个、第四节间长有6个、节间数和第一节间干重各有4个。  相似文献   

摘 要:天优华占由中国水稻研究所等多家科研单位选育而成新品种,米质优良,达到国家一级标准。因而,对于天优华占最佳氮肥用量和种植密度的研究及其高产机理的探讨,可为该品种在金华地区的大面积推广提供理论支持。以晚稻天优华占为材料,研究不同氮肥用量(0、120、165、210kg/hm2)和栽插密度(22.5万/hm2和16.5万/hm2)对水稻产量的影响,探索其最佳的栽培方式。结果表明:不同栽插密度下,不同施肥水平间天优华占产量水平差异较大。两种栽培密度下,天优华占的产量都随着氮肥用量的增加而增加。相同施氮水平,以高密度处理产量较高。高密度和低密度下,均以高肥区产量水平最高,分别达到7 464.3、6 534.8 kg/hm2。通过此研究发现,天优华占最佳栽插密度为22.5万/hm2,每1 hm2施用氮肥210 kg比较适宜。  相似文献   

G. Jeannin  G. Hahne 《Plant Breeding》1991,107(4):280-287
Immature zygotic embryos of the sunflower inbred line ‘Ha 300’, cultivated on a modified MS medium containing 6-benzyladenine and a high amount of sucrose, regenerated fertile plants via direct somatic embryogenesis. Plant regeneration from immature sunflower embryos is generally characterized by a relatively high experimental variability resulting from the interactions of multiple factors. We present here a study of some of the factors acting on the donor plants and their influence on the capacity to regenerate plants. Repeated experiments during a 2-year period with greenhouse-grown as well as field-grown plants led to the following conclusions: (i) The use of pesticides, unavoidable in the greenhouse, is compatible with routine regeneration of fertile plants, (ii) The plant growth retardants tested were useful for the production of healthy plants in the greenhouse and had no effect on the regeneration capacity.  相似文献   

利用42条RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)随机扩增引物分析工业大麻品种“火麻一号”组成的雄性或雌性DNA池(DNA pools),结果显示,引物OPV-08扩增得到一条大小为869bp与工业大麻雄性相关的特异条带。根据测序结果,合成了两条SCAR(Sequence Characterized Amplified Region)标记引物,该SCAR标记不仅可以对工业大麻雌雄异株材料花期已知性别的雌雄植株进行准确鉴定,还可以对幼苗期未知性别的大麻雌雄植株进行鉴定;也可对雌雄同株材料可能出现的雄化进行早期鉴定。这不仅为工业大麻早期性别鉴定提供基础,且为减少雌雄同株材料的雄化提供支撑。  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus application on growth and yield of rice under saline conditions was studied in a set of two experiments, one in nutrient and the other in soil culture. In experiment 1, the effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on the growth and ionic relations of four rice cultivars, varying in salt tolerance and phosphorus use efficiency, grown in nutrient solution with and without 50 mol m?3 NaCl was measured in a 2 week trial. The growth of all rice cultivars was affected to different degrees due to external P, in the presence of salt. External P, concentration up to 100 μM in the presence of NaCl caused stimulation of all growth parameters (shoot, root, tillering capacity), above this concentration P, had an inhibitory effect. Salt-induced P toxicity was exhibited at a much lower P, concentration (10 μM) by the salt sensitive cultivar. Increasing the supply of phosphorus (from 1 to 100 μM Pi) to the saline medium tended to decrease the concentrations of Na1 and CI in all cultivars except IR 1561. Shoot concentrations of these saline ions were much lower in the salt tolerant and moderately salt tolerant rice cultivars. Shoot P and Zn concentrations showed an increasing trend in the presence of external P, and salt in the rooting nr -idium but most strikingly P: Zn ratio was lower in salt tolerant and moderately salt tolerant cultivars. Significantly higher concentrations of Na+, P and CI, and lower concentrations of Zn, were determined in the shoots of salt sensitive cultivars when exposed to salt stress in the presence of Pi Results were confirmed in naturally salt-affected soils of two different types (saline-sodic and saline) where paddy yield of NIAB 6 (salt tolerant) and IR 1561 (salt sensitive) showed improvement through moderate phosphorus supply (18 kg P ha?1).  相似文献   

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