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The humoral response of cattle to ovalbumin (OA), a nonenvironmental well-defined antigen, was studied. During 9 weeks of aerosolization, weekly serum and nasal secretion concentrations of immunoglobulin (Ig)G1, IgG2, IgM, IgA, and IgE were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for OA specific antibody. Data from 3 calves given aerosol OA were compared and contrasted with data from 3 calves given aerosol saline solution and 1 calf given parenteral OA. The presence of cytotropic (skin sensitizing) antibody was evaluated during weeks 6 and 9 by direct skin testing with OA. A humoral response was induced in all 3 calves given aerosol OA. Serum IgG1 and IgG2 titers reached a maximum of 64,000 and 2,000, respectively, in calves given aerosol OA compared with 521,000 and 16,000, respectively, in the calf given parenteral OA. The ELISA did not detect an OA-specific IgM response. In contrast, all 3 calves given aerosol OA had serum IgA concentrations that increased to a peak by week 9. The mean IgA absorbance value for the 3 calves given aerosol OA was slightly greater than 5 times that of the calf given parenteral OA. Similarly, nasal secretions from calves given aerosolized OA had absorbance values that were 15-fold greater than that from the calf given parenteral OA. Calves given aerosol OA had antigen-specific IgE responses during weeks 6 to 8. The ELISA results were compared with results of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis tests. The presence of skin-sensitizing antibody was indicated by positive skin tests in the calves given aerosol OA and the calf given parenteral OA by week 9.  相似文献   

Influence of supplemental Se on humoral immune response was measured in 60 weaned beef calves with marginal blood Se status. Calves were fed a Se-deficient diet consisting of corn silage, corn grain, and soybean meal. Blood Se concentrations, primary and secondary humoral immune responses to hen egg lysozyme inoculation, and weight gain were determined in a 70-day trial. Calves fed 20 mg of Se/kg of mineral mixture ad libitum had lower antibody responses (P less than 0.02), compared with calves fed 20 mg of Se/kg of mineral mixture and given 0.1 mg of Se and 0.22 IU of vitamin E/kg of body weight, IM, or with calves fed 80, 120, 160, or 200 mg of Se/kg of mineral mixture. Calves fed 80, 120, 160, or 200 mg of Se/kg of mineral mixture had higher (P less than 0.001) blood Se concentrations on day 70, compared with calves fed 20 mg of Se/kg of mineral mixture and given 0.1 mg of Se and 0.22 IU of vitamin E/kg of body weight, IM. Selenium supplementation had no effect on weight gain.  相似文献   

Biomarker responses to weaning stress in beef calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study objective was to investigate the physiological effects of weaning on beef calves and identify a panel of blood-based welfare biomarkers. On the day (d) of weaning (d 0), 16 spring-born, single-suckled, beef bull calves that previously grazed with their dams at pasture, were assigned to one of two treatments: (1) control (n = 8), calves were loose-housed with their dam, (2) weaned (n = 8), calves were abruptly separated from their dam and loose-housed. Jugular blood was collected on d −4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 relative to weaning (d 0) and assayed for inflammatory and steroid variables. Total leukocyte counts were measured in whole blood. It is concluded that neutrophil number is a robust biomarker of stress and that plasma CXCL8 is a sensitive indicator of stress in weaned and control calves. In future studies, these two biomarkers should be central to the characterisation of stress responses.  相似文献   

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is an acute disease caused by Moraxella bovis (Mb). Several factors may predispose animals to an IBK outbreak; one commonly observed is infection with bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1). The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of BHV-1 virus infection and its relation with clinical cases of IBK in weaned calves from a beef herd with a high prevalence of lesions caused by Mb. Sampling was carried out in six stages and included conjunctival swabs for isolating Mb as well as blood samples for identifying antibodies specific for BHV-1. A score for IBK lesions after observing each eye was determined. The findings of this study showed a high prevalence of BHV-1 virus infection (100% of animals were infected at the end of the trial); 67% of animals were culture-positive for Mb, but low rates of clinical IBK (19% of calves affected) were detected at the end of the trial. These results suggest that infection with BHV-1 did not predispose these animals to IBK, and that Mb infection produced clinical and subclinical disease in the absence of BHV-1 co-infection.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of injectable trace minerals on humoral responses of calves receiving a viral vaccination. Beef steer calves (n = 99; average BW = 316 ± 4.2 kg), seronegative for bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhea virus, genotypes 1 and 2 (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2), were sourced from 2 locations. All calves, except 15 non-vaccinated (sentinel) calves, received a single dose of a multivalent modified live vaccine (Titanium 5; AgriLabs, St. Joseph, MO) containing BHV-1, BVDV-1, BVDV-2, bovine parainfluenza virus type 3, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Among the vaccinated calves, 2 treatments were concurrently and randomly applied on the basis of initial serum Se status and BW, including 1) injectable trace mineral supplement (ITM; n = 42; 7 mL subcutaneous.; MultiMin, Fort Collins, CO) containing 15, 40, 10, and 5 mg/mL of Cu, Zn, Mn (all as disodium EDTA salts), and Se (as Na selenite) or 2) saline-injected control (Control; n = 42). As a measure of humoral immunity, neutralizing antibody titers were measured on d 0, 14, 30, 60, and 90, relative to vaccine administration. All calves were seronegative for each of the 3 viruses on d 0, and sentinel calves remained seronegative throughout the study. Serum mineral concentrations were evaluated on d 0 and 14. No differences (P ≥ 0.30) in serum Cu, Zn, Mn, or Se were observed between treatments on d 0. Control steers experienced a decrease (P < 0.001) in serum Zn and Se, and ITM steers had an increase (P = 0.007) in serum Cu on d 14 relative to initial d 0 values. On d 14, serum Zn and Se concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in ITM compared with Control steers. Vaccinated calves experienced marked increases in neutralizing antibody titers by d 30 following vaccine administration. Calves receiving ITM at the time of vaccination experienced greater (P ≤ 0.003) neutralizing antibody titers to BHV-1 on d 14, 30, and 60 compared with Control. These results demonstrate that the injectable trace mineral formulation evaluated in this study, administered concurrently to viral vaccination, does not impair humoral immune responses in beef calves. Further, concurrent administration of ITM and BHV-1 vaccine may enhance the production of neutralizing antibodies to BHV-1 in previously na?ve beef calves.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to examine the acute phase response, as measured by the acute phase proteins (APP) haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA) and fibrinogen, in calves infected with lungworm, Dictyocaulus vivparus. In addition, eosinophil counts were analysed. Three different dose models were used in 3 separate experiments: 1) 250 D. viviparus infective third stage larvae (L3) once daily for 2 consecutive days, II) 100 D. viviparus L3 once daily for 5 consecutive days, and III) 2000 L3 once. All 3 dose regimes induced elevated levels of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen, although there was considerable variation both between and within experiments. A significant increase was observed in all 3 APP at one or several time points in experiment I and III, whereas in experiment II, the only significant elevation was observed for fibrinogen at one occasion. The eosinophil numbers were significantly elevated in all 3 experiments. The results show that lungworm infection can induce an acute phase response, which can be monitored by the selected APP. Elevated APP levels in combination with high numbers of eosinophils in an animal with respiratory disease may be used as an indicator of lung worm infection, and help the clinician to decide on treatment. However, high numbers of eosinophils and low levels of APP do not exclude a diagnosis of lungworm. Thus, lungworm infection may not be detected if measurements of APP are used to assess calf health in herds or individual animals.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old crossbred calf was examined as representative of a herd of calves experiencing dyspnea and death, with few other clinical signs of illness. Physical examination of the calf identified pleural and peritoneal effusion and poor body condition. The calf did not respond to supportive treatment, and necropsy of it and another calf from the herd identified congestive heart failure as the cause of death. Gossypol toxicosis was the cause of congestive heart failure in this herd; the source of the toxin was a cottonseed meal and cottonseed hull ration fed by the owner.  相似文献   

Plasma analysis for albumin, total bilirubin, and total protein values and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), arginase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activities was used for the early and quantitative diagnosis of experimental Fasciola hepatica infections in beef calves. Calves were infected on 3 occasions with 1,000 (n = 5), 100 (n = 5), or 10 (n = 4) metacercariae for a total infective dose of 3,000, 300, or 30, respectively. Albendazole (15 mg/kg of body weight) was administered to 7 infected calves on postinfection (initial) week (PIW) 13. All calves were euthanatized and necropsied on PIW 16 for the determination of fluke infections. Plasma constituents were determined weekly. Significant (P less than 0.05) increases in AST activity occurred as early as PIW 4 and GGT activity at PIW 9, as compared with that in noninfected controls. Fluke burden-related differences were observed in GGT activity from PIW 9 onward. Increases in AST activity reflected parenchymal liver damage, whereas increases in GGT reflected hepatobiliary damage; therefore, differentiation could be made between the migratory and ductal phases of the infection. There was no correlation between arginase activity and fluke infection. As compared with fecal examination results, plasma enzyme analysis gave an earlier and semiquantitative indication of F hepatica infection in experimentally infected calves. Although increases in these plasma constituents were not definitely diagnostic of fascioliasis, useful information on the size of the fluke burden and progress of the disease process could be obtained by these methods. Plasma enzyme analyses of AST and GGT were not indicative of chemotherapeutic success or failure when calves with mature F hepatica (14 weeks old) infections were treated.  相似文献   

Some systemic responses to single-dose infection with 10 000Haemonchus contortus infective larvae were examined in sheep already shown to have protective immunity against the parasite. The major haematological finding was a neutrophil leukocytosis that occurred after the infections became patent but not during the pre-patent period. There was no definitive eosinophilia and no discernible change in the erythrocyte parameters. Systemic hyperthermia was not conclusively evident during the pre-patent period. Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to measure the secondary anti-helminth antibody response in serum during the pre-patent period when the establishment of patent infection is resisted. These ELISAs employed preparations from adult worms to represent the parasitic stages of the worm, preparations from infective larvae to represent the pre-parasitic stages of the worm, and exsheathing fluid, which is the soluble material obtained whenH. contortus larvae undergo ecdysis and transform from the pre-parasitic to the parasitic phase. Antibody responses to the three preparations differed qualitatively, indicating the presence of three different but perhaps overlapping sets of antigens. The three peaks in antibody against exsheathing fluid may reflect the pulses of antigen delivered to sheep as the parasite undergoes its three moults within the host.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetate  相似文献   

Objective To measure the plasma cortisol response in calves dehorned by four different methods (scoop, guillotine shears, saw, embryotomy wire) for 9 h after dehorning.
Design A physiological study with controls.
Procedure Horn amputation was carried out on calves restrained manually in a race.
Results The four methods of dehorning provoked similarly increased cortisol responses which lasted for 6 h. During the first hour after dehorning the plasma cortisol concentrations were similar to those following ACTH injection. The overall cortisol response to control handling was about 30% of the responses to dehorning.
Conclusions The similarity of the cortisol responses produced by the four methods of dehorning suggests that the distress experienced by calves following dehorning by amputation is similar regardless of method used.  相似文献   

Indicator traits associated with disease resiliency would be useful to improve the health and welfare of feedlot cattle. A post hoc analysis of data collected previously (Kayser et al., 2019a) was conducted to investigate differences in immunologic, physiologic, and behavioral responses of steers (N = 36, initial BW = 386 ± 24 kg) that had differential haptoglobin (HPT) responses to an experimentally induced challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica (MH). Rumen temperature, DMI, and feeding behavior data were collected continuously, and serial blood samples were collected following the MH challenge. Retrospectively, it was determined that 9 of the 18 MH-challenged steers mounted a minimal HPT response, despite having similar leukocyte and temperature responses to other MH-challenged steers with a greater HPT response. Our objective was to examine differences in behavioral and physiological responses between MH-challenged HPT responsive (RES; n = 9), MH-challenged HPT nonresponsive (NON; n = 9), and phosphate-buffered saline-inoculated controls (CON; n = 18). Additionally, 1H NMR analysis was conducted to determine whether the HPT-responsive phenotype affected serum metabolite profiles. The RES steers had lesser (P < 0.05) cortisol concentrations than NON and CON steers. The magnitude of the increases in neutrophil concentrations and rumen temperature, and the reduction in DMI following the MH challenge were greatest (P < 0.05) in RES steers. Univariate analysis of serum metabolites indicated differences between RES, NON, and CON steers following the MH challenge; however, multivariate analysis revealed no difference between HPT-responsive phenotypes. Prior to the MH challenge, RES steers had longer (P < 0.05) head down and bunk visit durations, slower eating rates (P < 0.01) and greater (P < 0.05) daily variances in bunk visit frequency and head down duration compared with NON steers, suggesting that feeding behavior patterns were associated with the HPT-responsive phenotype. During the 28-d postchallenge period, RES steers had decreased (P < 0.05) final BW, tended (P = 0.06) to have lesser DMI, and had greater (P < 0.05) daily variances in head down and bunk visit durations compared with NON steers, which may have been attributed to their greater acute-phase protein response to the MH challenge. These results indicate that the HPT-responsive phenotype affected feeding behavior patterns and may be associated with disease resiliency in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Daily changes in serum gastrin and pepsinogen concentration have been studied during two types of infection with Ostertagia ostertagi in calves. In a first experiment two calves were trickle infected (10 times 10,000 L3 Ostertagia) and two animals received a single infection of 100,000 L3 Ostertagia. Gastrin and pepsinogen changes are discussed in relation to adult wormburdens. The second experiment involved 8 calves and was designed to investigate pepsinogen and gastrin changes following a challenge infection in previously sensitized calves. The high dosed group was infected with 5,000 L3 O. ostertagi during 30 days, the low dosed group received 500 L3 O. ostertagi and group 3 served as uninfected control. At day 41 post infection all animals were treated with oxfendazole and on day 61 challenged with 100,000 L3 O. ostertagi. Only in the high dosed group a distinct pepsinogen and gastrin reaction was noticed. Both parameters dropped to almost preinfection levels after treatment. Two days post challenge a moderate rise (+/- 1,000 mU tyr) of the pepsinogen concentration was observed in the previously infected animals and gastrin showed a temporary slight increase in several animals 8 to 10 days post challenge. The effect of treatment and challenge infection is discussed in relation to gastrin and pepsinogen changes and immunity.  相似文献   

This experiment evaluated the impacts of administering a bovine appeasing substance (BAS) to beef calves at weaning on their performance, physiological responses, and behavior during a 42-d preconditioning program. Eighty calves (40 heifers and 40 steers; 90% British × 10% Nellore) were weaned at 233 ± 2 d of age (day 0); ranked by sex, weaning age, and body weight (BW); and assigned to receive BAS (IRSEA Group, Quartier Salignan, France; n = 40) or placebo (diethylene glycol monoethyl ether; CON; n = 40). Treatments (5 mL) were topically applied to the nuchal skin area of each animal following dam separation. Within treatment, calves were allocated to one of eight drylot pens (four pens per treatment; pen being the experimental unit) and received a free-choice total mixed ration (TMR) from day 0 to 42, intake of which was assessed daily. Live behavior observations were conducted on days 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. Temperament was assessed and blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture on days −21, 0, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 42. Hair samples were collected from the tail switch on days 0, 14, 28, and 42. Calves were vaccinated against bovine respiratory disease viruses on days −21 and 0. Average daily gain from day 0 to 42 did not differ between treatments (P = 0.57) but was greater (P = 0.05) in BAS vs. CON calves from day 0 to 28. Intake of TMR was greater (P = 0.05) during the first week for BAS vs. CON calves (treatment × week; P = 0.08). The mean proportion of calves feeding simultaneously and performance of social and play behaviors were greater (P ≤ 0.05) for BAS vs. CON calves. Escape attempts were greater (P < 0.01) for BAS vs. CON calves on day 1 (treatment × day; P = 0.03). Exit velocity was greater (P = 0.04) for CON vs. BAS calves on day 14 and tended (P = 0.10) to be greater for CON vs. BAS calves on day 7 (treatment × day; P = 0.03). Mean plasma concentrations of haptoglobin were greater (P = 0.02) in CON vs. BAS calves. Hair cortisol concentrations were greater (P = 0.05) in CON vs. BAS calves on day 14 (treatment × day; P = 0.03). Mean serum concentrations of antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus were greater (P = 0.02) in BAS vs. CON calves. Collectively, BAS administration to beef calves at weaning alleviated stress-induced physiological reactions, improved temperament evaluated via chute exit velocity, enhanced humoral immunity acquired from vaccination, and appeared to have accelerated adaptation to novel management scheme and environment.  相似文献   

Two beef calves, with a history of anorexia and absence of feces, were dehydrated and bloated on presentation. Intestinal obstruction was suspected based on clinical and laboratory findings. Hairballs obstructing the small intestine were removed surgically and the calves recovered. Intestinal obstruction due to hairballs has not been described before.  相似文献   

Intracutaneous injection of a crude supernatant fraction from homogenised Salmonella typhimurium SVA 44 (O 4, 5, 12) or S dublin SVA 47 (O 9, 12) elicited highly significant (P less than 0.005) double skin-fold thickness increases in calves spontaneously infected with salmonella and verified as excretors. The use of isolated structurally defined outer membrane components from salmonella bacteria established that the delayed skin reactions could be elicited by either the lipopolysaccharide which contains O-antigenic polysaccharide chains homologous to the infecting strain, or an outer membrane protein fraction (porin). The porin preparation gave rise to skin reactions regardless of which salmonella serotype the calf was infected with. Histological examination of biopsy material indicated a delayed skin reaction. No such reactions were seen in biopsies from control calves. The use of lipopolysaccharide permitted a salmonella serogroup specific skin test although the endotoxic side effects were marked in doses above 50 micrograms. Purified O-antigen specific polysaccharides devoid of lipid A from S typhimurium (O 4, 12) or S enteritidis (O 9, 12) failed however to elicit skin reactions. Infected calves had humoral antibody titres against the O antigen of the infecting strain which were significantly (P less than 0.005) higher than those found in control calves.  相似文献   

Haemophilus somnus is an important cause of bovine respiratory disease and septicemia with all it's sequelae. The role of immune responses in protection and immunopathogenesis is not well understood. We showed that infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) 6 days before H. somnus increased clinical scores and levels of IgE antibody to H. somnus over that of infection with H. somnus alone. To determine whether antigenic specificity of IgE responses differed from IgG responses, Western blots were done with sera from the infected calves, at 0 time and at 21 days post infection. Thus each calf was its own control. IgG antibodies recognized primarily a 40 kDa outer membrane protein (OMP) in whole cell H. somnus preparations and a 270 kDa immunoglobulin binding protein (IgBPs) in culture supernatants but generally not the 41 kDa major OMP (MOMP). IgE antibodies recognized primarily the 41 kDa MOMP in whole cell pellet preparations. Results were consistent among calves. With culture supernatants, IgE antibodies recognized both the 270 kDa IgBPs and the MOMP. Since some H. somnus strains from asymptomatic carriers (including strain 129Pt), do not have IgBPs and express a truncated MOMP (33 kDa rather than 41 kDa), reaction of strain 129Pt cells with serum from calves infected with H. somnus or BRSV and H. somnus was studied. IgE did not react with the truncated MOMP even at much lower (1:100) dilutions than in Western blots with virulent strain 2336 (serum dilution of 1:500). Reactions of IgE with the 40 and 78 kDa antigens in strain 129Pt were noted but since the major reactivities with the IgBPs and the MOMP were not detected, this strain may be useful for inducing protective rather than immunopathogenic responses.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of early calf weaning from both primiparous and multiparous beef cows on hay intake and measures of performance. Over two consecutive years, 96 Brahman × British cows (48 cows/year) and their calves were stratified by parity and calving date and randomly assigned to one of two weaning treatments (n = 24 cows/weaning treatment; 12 primiparous and 12 multiparous). Weaning treatments consisted of normal-weaned (calf remaining with cow throughout the study) or early weaned (calves removed from cow at 86 ± 5 days of age). An estrus synchronization and fixed-timed artificial insemination protocol (CO-Synch + CIDR) was applied to all cows at 21 days after early weaning. Following fixed-timed artificial insemination, cows were put onto bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures (3 pastures/treatment; 4 cows/pasture) for a 60-day period to evaluate voluntary hay intake. During this time, cows were provided free-choice access to grass hay (‘Florona’ stargrass; Cynodon nlemfuensis) and 2.3 kg per head daily of a urea-fortified molasses supplement. Hay intake was determined by subtracting the dried weight of residual hay from the amount offered over the 60-day evaluation period. Cow body weight and body condition score were measured on day 0 and 60. Immediately following the hay intake determination period, all cows were grouped by weaning treatment and exposed to mature Angus bulls for 21 days. Pregnancy determination to artificial insemination and natural service was determined by transrectal utrasonography on two occasions conducted 60 days after artificial insemination and again 40 days after bull removal. Multiparous cows had greater hay dry matter intake (P < 0.001), body weight (P < 0.001), and body condition score (P < 0.001) than primiparous cows throughout the study. Overall, early weaning resulted in greater than a 16% decrease (P < 0.01) in hay dry matter intake, irrespective of parity. Early-weaned cows had greater (P < 0.01) body weight and body condition score than normal-weaned cows on day 60, but not day 0. Pregnancy rate to artificial insemination was greater (P < 0.01) for multiparous compared to primiparous cows. There was a weaning treatment × parity interaction for overall pregnancy rate, whereas early-weaned primiparous, but not multiparous, cows had a greater (P < 0.05) overall pregnancy rate compared to their normal-weaned contemporaries. These data imply that early calf weaning (90 days of age) will increase body weight and body condition in both multiparous and primiparous cows; however, early-weaning provides a greater advantage to overall pregnancy rate when applied to primiparous versus multiparous cows.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a combination viral vaccine containing modified-live bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) would protect calves from infection with a recent field isolate of BHV-1. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: Sixty 4- to 6-month-old beef calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were inoculated with a placebo 42 and 20 days prior to challenge (group 1; n = 10) or with the combination vaccine 42 and 20 days prior to challenge (group 2; 10), 146 and 126 days prior to challenge (group 3; 10), 117 and 96 days prior to challenge (group 4; 10), 86 and 65 days prior to challenge (group 5; 10), or 126 days prior to challenge (group 6; 10). All calves were challenged with BHV-1 via aerosol. Clinical signs, immune responses, and nasal shedding of virus were monitored for 14 days after challenge. RESULTS: Vaccination elicited increases in BHV-1-specific IgG antibody titers. Challenge with BHV-1 resulted in mild respiratory tract disease in all groups, but vaccinated calves had less severe signs of clinical disease. Extent and duration of nasal BHV-1 shedding following challenge was significantly lower in vaccinated calves than in control calves. In calves that received 2 doses of the vaccine, the degree of protection varied with the interval between the last vaccination and challenge, as evidenced by increases in risk of clinical signs and extent and duration of viral shedding. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that this combination vaccine provided protection from infection with virulent BHV-1 and significantly reduced nasal shedding of the virus for at least 126 days after vaccination.  相似文献   

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