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Digital terrain modeling was used to evaluate landscape-level spatial variation of soil C and N storage and site productivity in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) stands. Soil C and N storage were measured in samples from surface soils (0–25 cm depth) of 29 Japanese cedar stands in the 205-ha Myougodani watershed, Toyama Prefecture. The site index (C. japonica tree height at age 40 years) was used as a measure of forest productivity. Seven terrain attributes (elevation, slope gradient, aspect, profile curvature, plan curvature, openness, and wetness index) were calculated from a digital elevation model. Soil C and N storage were negatively correlated with slope gradient and positively correlated with openness. Variation in the site index was closely related to the wetness index. The prediction models using terrain attributes as explanatory variables explained 50% of the variability in soil C storage, 53% of the variability in soil N storage, and 75% of the variability in site index. This result demonstrated that this technique is useful for estimating the spatial distribution of soil properties and productivity in forest landscapes. On the other hand, there was no correlation between site index and soil C and N storage. Use of the prediction models in a geographic information system revealed that the spatial distribution of forest productivity differed considerably from those of soil C and N storage.  相似文献   

We constructed sugi site index models using digital-terrain-analysis-based environmental factors for Miyazaki Prefecture. We selected 18 sugi plantation stands which were pure, undisturbed, and over 40 years old, planted with the same sugi-cutting cultivar, and managed by normal forest operations. The dominant tree in each stand was felled for stem analysis. Site index, defined here as dominant tree height at 40 years old, was estimated by stem analysis for each stand. Five types of DEMs were used: 100- and 50-m resolution derived from DEMs published by the Geographical Survey Institute, and 50-, 25-, and 12.5-m resolution derived from digital contour map manually generated from a 1:25,000 topographic map. A total of 14 indices categorized into solar radiation index, wetness index, and topographic exposure index were used to model the site index by multiple linear regression analysis. Through model selection procedures, the best-fitted site index models were selected for each type of DEM. The most precise model was that of the 12.5-m-resolution DEM (R 2 = 0.692), following the model of the published 50-m-resolution DEM (R 2 = 0.665). Site productivity of sugi was severely limited by direct solar radiation. Soil wetness also affected sugi site productivity; however, it can only be represented using a high-resolution DEM derived from fine-scale data. Our results suggest that the 50-m-resolution DEM published by the Geographical Survey Institute can be used for site index modeling.  相似文献   

Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) are common species for plantation forestry in Japan. Cypress is conventionally planted on sites of low fertility whereas for cedar high fertility sites are used. Objectives of this study were to compare the productivities of cypress and cedar plantations grown on adjacent sites where common properties of soils, such as pH values and C and N contents, were similar, and to relate the N cycling at their site with productivities. The stem diameter of trees, aboveground litter production and fine root biomass were measured as indices of forest productivity. Parameters of N cycling included pools of total N and mineral N (ammonium + nitrate), annual N leaching, and potentially mineralizable N. The radial stem increment of the two tree species was similar. However, cedar site had higher total basal area and annual basal increment than cypress site reflecting higher tree density on the cedar site. Aboveground litter, fine root biomass, soil organic matter, and N turnover were higher on the cedar site than on the cypress site. However, litter production and fine root biomass per unit basal area was greater at the cypress site. Phenological pattern of stem growth and periodical litter production were similar for both species during the study period (1992–2000), but showed distinct annual variations caused by the fluctuation in the ambient temperature and precipitation. Mineral N content and the N mineralization potential were greater on the cedar site, indicating greater N availability and higher total tree productivity at the cedar site than those at the cypress site. When provided with more space in the canopy to expand more needles and in the soil to develop more fine roots to exploit sufficient resources, the individual cypress trees have the potential to grow faster. On fertile site and at lower tree density, thicker logs of cypress might be yielded.  相似文献   

An allometric model of the maximum size–density relationship between mean stem surface area and stand density is proposed, and is fitted to data for even-aged pure stands of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.). To derive the model, the biomass density was defined as the ratio of the mean stem surface area to the side area of an imaginary column, of which radius and height were equal to the radius of the mean area occupied by a tree and mean tree height, respectively. According to the model, the slope of the maximum size–density relationship on logarithmic coordinates can be estimated from the allometric power relationships of mean tree height and biomass density to mean stem surface area. The resulting slope was −1.089 for the cedar and −0.974 for the cypress. The estimated maximum size–density relationship corresponded well with the combinations of mean stem surface area and stand density for the overcrowded stands of cedar and cypress. The steeper slope for cedar was attributed to the allocation of more resources to height growth compared to cypress. The maximum total stem surface area was approximated to be 1.483 ha/ha for cedar and 0.949 ha/ha for cypress stands. The difference in the maximum total stem surface area between the two species was produced by the characteristics related to tree height and stem biomass packing into space already occupied.  相似文献   

We analyzed data from 28 long-term experimental monitoring plots installed in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan to examine how site productivity and thinning practices relate to culmination in stand growth. Site productivity and thinning practices in the plots were evaluated by site index (dominant tree height at 40-years old) and by cumulative thinning rate (cumulative thinning volume divided by cumulative gross production during the entire period of measurement). Culmination of stand growth was evaluated by culmination age of the mean annual increment (MAI) and its maximum value (Max MAI). Max MAI for the mean annual gross increment (MAIgross) and mean annual net increment (MAInet) increased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAIgross decreased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAInet decreased with increasing site index. Additionally, culmination age for MAInet increased with increasing cumulative thinning rate in sites with a high site index (>19.3 m) but not in those with a low site index (<19.3 m). These results indicate that thinning extends the culmination age without changing Max MAInet under high site productivity. Therefore, thinning increases total net yield in sites with high productivity based on a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

Our goal was to predict the spatial distribution of canopy species composition in secondary deciduous hardwood forests at a fine spatial resolution, based on climatic and topographical factors using a geographic information system. We studied secondary forests on Mt. Gozu, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Canopy species composition was investigated in 100 sample plots within the study area. A digital elevation model (DEM) was created, and topographical, hydrological, and light factors were calculated using the DEM. Climatic factors were interpolated by kriging. The five major species used as response variables were Fagus crenata, Quercus serrata, Quercus crispula, Magnolia obovata, and Castanea crenata. We prepared three possible explanatory variable sets: climatic variables only, both climatic and topographic variables, and topographic variables only. Multivariate regression trees were derived, and the accuracy of predicting the major species composition was tested. The multivariate regression trees derived from the climatic variable set and from the climatic and topographic variable set had better accuracy than the regression tree derived from the topographic variable set. In the regression tree generated by the climatic and topographic variable set, the warmth index was the principal explanatory variable in classifying forest types, followed by topographic factors. This regression tree would be preferable to the other two regression trees for the prediction of canopy species composition.  相似文献   

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is an important tree species for temperate agroforestry in the United States for timber, nuts, wildlife, and abrasives. Predictions of forestland productivity are needed for proper species selection in tree planting. Potential productivity can be estimated for non-forested areas and agricultural croplands by relating site quality to site and soil characteristics. Our study measured the growth potential of black walnut in natural stands. We looked at over 210 stands on unglaciated soils in southeastern Kansas with the site index at 50 years ranging from 9.1 to 26.8 m. Numerous environmental factors were evaluated, including: site, soil chemical, and soil physical properties. These environmental factors were related to tree height at the standard age of 50 years. Simple correlation and multiple regression analyses were run with the site index using over 60 variables of soil and topographic characteristics. Understory competition had no effect on site index. Chemical characteristics had a slight effect on site index. We explained 73 % of the variation in site index with just two variables; depth to a restrictive layer (DRL) and soil type. DRL is a good predictor of walnut productivity.  相似文献   

In managed rangelands periods of low primary productivity determine troughs of forage availability, constraining animal production year-round. Although alternative tools to increase forage availability during critical seasons exists, most of them are unaffordable and short-lived in marginal areas. We explore the potential benefits of deciduous tree plantations favoring winter forage productivity by comparing aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) patterns in herbaceous understory to tree plantations and natural grasslands in the Pampas (Argentina). These temperate subhumid grasslands are characterized by the coexistence of winter species, mainly C3 grasses of the native genera Stipa, Piptochaetium, and Bromus and the exotic genera Lolium and Festuca) and summer species (mainly C4 grasses of the native genera Paspalum, Bothriochloa, and Stenotaphrum) that replace each other throughout the seasons, with domination of the latter. We hypothesize that the natural decoupling of growing seasons between winter deciduous trees and winter grasses could provide the basis for the sustainable promotion of winter forage. We measured ANPP on two 23-year-old Populus deltoides plantations and their understory and compared them with adjacent open grasslands. Afforested stands had 55–75% higher annual ANPP than their non-afforested neighbors, with trees contributing ~70% to total ANPP. Herbaceous canopies beneath plantations achieved about half of the ANPP observed in non-afforested situations with a contrasting seasonal distribution associated with shifts from C4 to C3 grass dominance. Winter ANPP, the most critical source of forage in these grazing systems, was similar or higher in the herbaceous understory of tree plantations to that on their non-afforested counterparts, suggesting that mixed systems involving deciduous trees and understory pastures are a valid and viable option in the region.  相似文献   

In this study, I developed a nonlinear mixed-effects model based on the Richards curve that describes the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. I fitted the model to data from 29 long-term experimental monitoring plots in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan. Simulations using the model on high-productivity sites and at moderate thinning intensities indicated that net yields after ca. 80 years were lower in unthinned stands than in thinned stands; in other cases, such as at younger ages and at sites with low and average productivities, net yields were similar for each thinning intensity (including no thinning). These results could be attributed to the fact that the net current annual increment in stand volume (CAInet) in the thinned stands exceeded that of the unthinned stands after a certain age (the “inversion” age) and to the negative correlation between site productivity and the inversion age. In addition, I found that a single rescaled growth curve was capable of describing the growth in stand volume at sites with different thinning histories and site productivities. This rescaled curve simply and clearly explained the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. The existence of a single curve suggests that the positive effect of thinning on stand volume growth does not depend on site productivity, but it will require patient measurements over longer periods to reveal a positive effect at sites with low productivity.  相似文献   

Forest recruitment is the outcome of local- and regional-scale factors such as disturbances and climate. The relative importance of local- and regional-scale factors will determine the spatial scale at which temporal pulses of recruitment occur. In seasonal tropical forests, where the annual dry-season is a critical bottleneck to seedling survival, multi-year periods of relatively cool, wet dry seasons may be required for successful tree recruitment. Consequently, when such conditions are present, region-wide synchronisation of recruitment may occur. To examine the case for regional synchronisation of forest dynamics in the seasonal tropical pine forests of northern Thailand, we investigated forest age structures at three spatial scales: stand, site and region. We compared forest age structures with instrumental climatic records beginning in 1902. We found significant statistical evidence of synchronous recruitment at the stand- and site-scales, but not at the regional-scale. While correlations between recruitment and climate were not statistically significant, recruitment success was often linked to favourable climatic conditions. For example, recruitment at all sites was associated with multi-year periods of cool-wet dry seasons. The lack of significant correlations between recruitment and climate appears to reflect complex interactions among local disturbance history, regional climate variability and pine recruitment.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable evaluation of site suitability for the cultivation of selected species and availability of potential timber yield information is vital for the assessment of afforestation projects. This study examined the relationship between site index and environmental factors in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) plantations in the province of Firenze (central Italy). The aim was to predict site index by readily measurable factors. The influence of climatic (temperature and rainfall), topographic (elevation, aspect, topographical exposure, etc.) and soil (pH, texture, etc.) on Douglas-fir site index was evaluated by multiple regression analysis exploiting data from 71 plots distributed across the study area. Approximately 58% of the observed site index variation is explained by annual rainfall, water surplus, clay content, calcium-carbonate content and east–west component of aspect. Climatic factors directly related to water balance have a greater influence on the productivity of examined Douglas-fir plantations than examined topographic and soil factors. Results of the study are ecologically sound and of practical value for field foresters, with reference to the study area. The precision of the model may be only indicative for assessing site index for single sites. At a landscape mapping level, estimate reliability is quite appropriate.  相似文献   

立地质量评价和林分生产力预估对于树种选择、森林经营决策至关重要。目前常利用优势高直接估测立地指数以评价同龄纯林立地生产力,而对于混交林、异龄林、无林地以及随时间不断变化的立地则很难用该方法进行立地质量评价,往往通过立地指数—环境因子模型模拟,应用环境因子预测立地指数。文中简述了环境因子与立地指数关系研究概况,从研究尺度、数据来源、关键环境因子选择、预测模型及其拟合评价等方面进行综述,并讨论和展望了立地指数—环境因子的未来研究重点,以期为我国人工林立地质量评价和科学经营提供参考。  相似文献   

We estimated the aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in five self-thinning jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in Wood Buffalo National Park, NWT, Canada. The stands (11 to ca.175 years old) were selected to examine the relationship between stand density and tree size and its effect on carbon dynamics. Aboveground litterfall was collected from each stand from 1997 to 2012. Stand biomass was estimated by measuring tree size every 5 years and estimating the individual mass using allometric relationships. ANPP was then estimated by summing the litterfall mass, dead stem mass increment and stand biomass increment. We determined the proportional contribution of each organ to the total litter and the seasonal pattern of needle litterfall. There was a lower turnover rate of aboveground biomass in older stands than younger stands. The ANPP increased in the youngest stand (<30 years old) showed a decreasing trend in stands >50 years old. The maximum ANPP was estimated to be ca. 500?g m?2 year?1 in dry matter, which was found in 30–50 year-old stands.  相似文献   

Effective adaptation of forest management practices to climate change will require a good understanding of the ecological and climatic factors influencing tree sensitivities and responses to climate. Using tree-ring data collected from 33 stands of mature interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) spanning a wide climatic range in British Columbia (BC), Canada, we present an approach combining high-resolution spatiotemporal climate data with traditional dendroecological analyses to quantify relationships between population climate-growth sensitivity and provenance (i.e., seed-source origin) climate. Key results showed that Douglas-fir climate-growth sensitivities were strongly linked to provenance climate and varied in coherent patterns across climatic gradients. Climate-growth sensitivities and responses were sometimes opposite between provenances from disparate climates. Perhaps most importantly, our results showed that Douglas-fir productivity across most of its range was sensitive to moisture limitations, and this sensitivity increased strongly with decreasing provenance mean annual precipitation and increasing heat-moisture index. Using geographic information systems, we visualize the link between provenance mean annual precipitation and climatic sensitivity of Douglas-fir across BC to identify “high risk” populations. By understanding the link between biological responses and climate, forest managers may be able to spatially identify sensitive populations using spatiotemporal climate data.  相似文献   

Although decline of Aleppo pine was observed long ago and several climatic and biotic factors have been previously associated with this complex process, site factors involved in this decline remain poorly understood. The objective of the work described here was to identify site factors associated with canopy condition. Canopy condition was estimated both by a visual estimation of defoliation, and by an indirect estimation of leaf area index (LAI) and other stand‐ and light‐related parameters through the analysis of hemispherical photographs. A high percentage of damaged trees (81%) along with high levels of defoliation in plots (up to 53%) and trees (up to 85%) were recorded. Regression models showed that the site factors associated with defoliation were basal area, age, crown depth and elevation, while those associated with LAI were diameter at breast height, tree density and canopy openness. Analysis of hemispherical photographs proved to be a useful method for LAI estimation, but not for estimation of defoliation due to heterogeneous defoliation patterns caused by fungal pathogens detected in the study area. Soils and climatic conditions were common to all plots, so their influence could not be tested, but poor soil conditions and climatic restraints are known in this area, including low soil productivity, frequent summer droughts and high numbers of frost days. The results obtained suggest that several factors were associated with the decline of Pinus halepensis, including age, basal area, canopy openness, diameter, height and tree density. These factors can influence canopy condition, and thus, they might be acting as predisposing factors for the decline. The modulation of these factors is possible if suitable forest management strategies are applied, which could lead to a decrease of the decline incidence.  相似文献   

This investigation of three Abies alba stands differing in stem density (338–715 per ha) and vertical structure (one-storeyed or multi-layered) explored the relations between distance from neighbouring tree stems and local canopy openness and selected topsoil properties. The null hypothesis was that in relatively densely stocked forests of close–random stem distribution topsoil morphology, pH and moisture do not differ in inter-crown and under-crown patches. In three plots 1.1 ha in area, soil samples were taken in a square grid 5.0 × 5.0 m and analysed using semivariogram estimation and spatial autocorrelation. The local configuration of trees around the sampled locations was characterised using hemispheral photography and a local stand density index based on tree locations and diameters. The largest portion of the total variation in the soil variables analysed (68–100%) was attributable to small-scale variation in scales <5 m. In all stands, irrespective of density and vertical structure, local stand density/canopy openness correlated positively/negatively with ectohumus layer thickness but negatively/positively with upper soil pH and moisture. Variation in the local configuration of trees explained up to 17% of the total variation in organic horizon thickness, up to 22–29% in topsoil pH (depending on the horizon) and up to 19–27% in topsoil moisture. The results indicate that even in stands of random tree patterning, stem neighbourhood and small-scale variation in canopy density may contribute significantly to topsoil heterogeneity and potentially affect the functioning and structure of forest floor vegetation.  相似文献   

中国林业绿色全要素生产率时空分异及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中运用非期望产出超效率SBM-Malmquist指数模型,测算2005—2016年中国30个省份林业绿色全要素生产率变动状况,并采用泰尔指数和Tobit回归模型分析林业绿色全要素生产率时空分异及其影响因素。研究发现:2005—2016年中国林业绿色全要素生产率年均增长1.53%,2016年增长高达13.44%,高质量发展态势明显,其增长是效率变化和技术进步共同推动的结果。林业绿色全要素生产率增长呈现空间非均衡特征,整体上呈现出“东南高、西北低”的空间集聚格局,与“胡焕庸线”高度吻合。林业绿色全要素生产率总体区域差异主要源于区域内差异,但区域间差异的影响逐步扩大。在林业绿色全要素生产率影响因素中,灾害影响程度起阻碍作用,政府财政支持力度、经济发展水平和员工工资状况起促进作用。  相似文献   

Forest decline: modeling the effect of climate in tree rings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree rings provide an historical record of forest growth that reflects changes with time in site factors including, competition, tree and stand age, fire and other disturbances, and climate. Statistical methods can be used to factor out climatic influences on radial growth to yield a climate response model that can indicate whether declines in forest productivity are related to the modeled climatic variables or to other influences such as atmospheric pollutants. A general method, based on ordinary least squares, is presented for creating climatic response models for forest decline studies. The crux of the method is model verification, whereby the time-stability of the model is tested before it is used to forecast tree-ring variations during a period of decline. Three studies are described that employ monthly mean temperatures to predict tree-ring indices in declining red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) stands in the Appalachian Mountains of North America. The results indicate that, since 1960, red spruce trees at most of the sites sampled have undergone a period of growth decline that is unrelated to changes in mean monthly temperature. However, an association between annual ring width and unusual departures from the mean summer and winter temperatures during both present and past periods of decline suggests that climatic effects are implicated to some degree in the current decline.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of stem and needle production and total aboveground net primary production (ANPP) were studied at the tree and stand level along four chronosequences of Siberian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests differing in site quality (poor lichen type or the more fertile Vaccinium type) and in frequency of surface fires (unburned, moderately burned (fire return interval of approximately 40 years), or heavily burned (fire return interval of approximately 25 years)). The maximum range of variability in aboveground production was quantified for: (1) possible long-term changes in site quality; (2) stand age; (3) non-stand-replacing, recurring surface fires; and (4) interannual climate variability. For (1) and (2), total ANPP was low in the lichen-type chronosequence, reached a maximum of 170 g C m(-2) year(-1) after 100 years and decreased to 100 g C m(-2) year(-1) in older stands. Maximum ANPP in the Vaccinium-type chronosequence was 340 g C m(-2) year(-1) and occurred earlier in the 53-year-old stand than in the other stands. Along the lichen-type chronosequences, peak ANPP was paralleled by maximum carbon allocation to stem growth. (3) In mature trees, damage by recurrent surface fires decreased stem growth by 17 +/- 19% over a 10-year period relative to pre-fire values. At longer timescales, ANPP was hardly affected by fire-related differences in mortality. (4) Needle- plus stem-NPP, reconstructed for a 3-year period, varied within a range of 15 g C m(-2) year(-1) in the lichen-type stands and 35 g C m(-2) year(-1) in the Vaccinium-type stands. For the same period, the coefficient of variance was higher for needle-NPP (20 +/- 10%) than for stem-NPP (12 +/- 7%). Needle- and stem-NPP did not covary in time. Most 30-year time series of stem-NPP at the tree level exhibited strong autocorrelation. In older trees, stem-NPP was positively correlated with growing season precipitation. Thus, the factors driving variability in ANPP ranked according to their maximum influence as: stand age (controlled by the frequency of stand-replacing fires) > site quality > growth depression because of surface fire damage approximately equal age-related reduction in ANPP > interannual variability approximately equal long-term effects of fire (stand density reduction). In lichen-type forests, we found that ANPP at the landscape level declined sharply when the interval between stand-replacing fires was less than 120 years, illustrating that fire strongly influences ANPP of boreal Scots pine forests.  相似文献   


Key message

Bark thickness was shown to vary between regions, stands, and trees. Bark thickness prediction equations of different model complexity can be suggested depending on the purpose of application. Site and stand conditions, which influence variation of growth rate to a large extent, seem to have a strong influence on bark thickness, with better site quality leading to smaller relative bark thickness.


For many applications in forestry and forest science, local or regional species-specific bark thickness equations are used to estimate inside-bark diameters with outside-bark diameter measurements.


The objectives of this study were (1) to assess variation in bark thickness due to tree and stand factors in two Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) datasets from different time periods, (2) to compare and evaluate alternative established model forms for estimating bark thickness, and (3) to assess spatial variation in bark thickness to estimate the effects of environmental factors on bark thickness.


Different bark thickness models were chosen from the literature and compared for their predictive quality for new measurements and a dataset from the 1970s. Mixed-effect modelling was applied to account for the hierarchical data structure, and generalized additive mixed models were used to analyse spatial effects and the influence of climatic factors, such as precipitation and temperature.


A strong positional autocorrelation of bark thickness within trees and within plots could be shown. Bark thickness was smaller in the new data compared to the measurements from the 1970s. The variation between stands could not be explained by the tested environmental factors, but tree age had a strong positive effect on bark thickness.


In the study region, the variation of site productivity and individual growth rate seem to have a strong influence on bark thickness, whereas no significant effect of large scale climatic factors could be found.

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