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Zusammenfassung Im Winter 1981/82 wurden in der Umgebung Osnabrücks (Niedersachsen) 43 Vogelnester von 4 unterschiedlichen Standorten im Labor auf ihren Insekten- und Spinnenbestand analysiert. Das aktive Aufsuchen von Vogelnestern als kleinklimatisch günstige Überwinterungsorte war bei vielen Arten mit einem Straten- und Biotopwechsel verbunden. Bei folgenden Spinnenarten konnten erstmals winterreife Imagines nachgewiesen werden:Lathys humilis (Blackwall),Theridion tinctum (Walckenaer),Poeciloneta globosa (Wider) unPityohyphantes phrygianus (Koch). Die Naturschutz-Bedeutung verlassener Vogelnester als attraktive Refugien überwinternder Arthropoden wird diskutiert.
Bird's nests as winterhabitats for insects and spiders
During the winter of 1981/82 159 insects and 263 spiders in 43 nests were collected in surroundings of Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, GFR. With the choice of bird's nests as suitable micro-climatic hibernation-quarters many species combined a change of strata and biotop. Among the spiders four species with hibernating adults were found for the first time:Lathys humilis (Blackwall),Theridon tinctum (Walckenaer),Poeciloneta globosa (Wider), andPityohyphantes phrygianus (Koch). The importance of bird's nests as attractive places for hibernating arthropods is discussed from the view of nature conservation.

Zusammenfassung Die Gesamt-Peroxidase-Aktivit?t in grünen, optisch gesunden Nadeln der Fichte (Picea abies L.) wurde im Freiland am Standort “Postturm” (Forstamt Farchau/Ratzeburg) in Tages- und Langzeitkinetiken und bei kurzfristigen Schadstoffspitzenwerten von SO2 und Ozon untersucht. Parallel hierzu wurde der Wasserhaushalt der Nadeln, die Klimabedingungen und Lichtintensit?ten erfa?t. Unter kontrollierten Bedingungen erfolgte eine Behandlung mit Einzelschadgasen sowie eine Kombinationsbegasung von SO2 und NO2 auf die POD-Aktivit?t in Nadeln eines Fichtenklons. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? die POD-Aktivit?t Schwankungen unterworfen ist, jedoch keine signifikanten Aktivit?ts?nderungen in Abh?ngigkeit von der Schadgasbelastung zeigt. Die Untersuchungen führen zu dem Ergebnis, da? die Gesamt-POD-Aktivit?t im überstand des Gewebehomogenats von Fichtennadeln als Indikator für eine Umweltbelastung mit Schadgasen ungeeignet ist, da die Aktivit?t dieses Enzyms von zu vielen Faktoren abh?ngig ist.
Activity of peroxidase in spruce needles in presence of gaseous pollutants in the field and under controlled conditions
Summary The activity of soluble peroxidase (POD, EC in green needles of about 100-year-old trees of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) at the location “Postturm” near Ratzeburg, Northern Germany, was studied in relation to transitory increased concentrations of gaseous air pollutants (SO2 up to 260 ppb in winter, and O3 up to 130 ppb in summer). Significant changes of POD activity in response to pollution could not be observed. POD activity did not show diurnal variation, but seasonal changes, and changes in response to sunlight (sun needles versus shade needles) and in relation to needle age were observed as well as great variation between individual trees. Moreover, seven-year-old cloned spruce trees were exposed to SO2, O3 and NO2 in growth chambers under simulated climatic outdoor conditions. Consistent with the field studies no changes in POD activity in response to the gaseous pollutants could be observed, although the concentrations applied were higher than in the field. It is, therefore, concluded that the activity of soluble POD is not a suitable indicator for the tested gaseous pollutants.

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The effect of different concentrations of fluorine on the chloroplast pigments of Poplar, Elder and Lilac occurring in the field. An important aim when studying the effects of pollutants is to find methods indicating very early injury. The concentrations of the chlorophylls a and b and of the carotinoids in leaves of Populus canadensis Moe., Sambucus nigra L., and Syringa vulgaris were measured. When affected by fluoride-ions the leaves of P. canadensis show significant loss of the three pigments. The two other species seem to be more resistant.  相似文献   

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Emulsifiable formulation of pirimiphos-methyl and malathion were applied to wheat, barley and maize at rates of 5, 10 and 15 ppm. The treated grains were stored under warehouse storage conditions and the residual effeciency of both insecticides on treated grains were estimated at zero-time, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks by using of bioassay tests on 4th instar larvae ofTrogoderma granarium (Everts) and 14-day-old adults ofTribolium confusum (Duval). Results indicated that the residual effeciency of the insecticides used varied according to the storage period, sort of stored grains, type and rate of insecticide applied. The insect species was also influenced. Pirimiphos-methyl residues seemed to be more persistent than that of malathion on all treated grains. The effeciency of the insecticidal deposit varied between the different cereals being less on barley than on maize and this than on wheat. BesidesTribolium confusum appeared to be more susceptible to both insecticides thanTrogoderma granarium. Pirimiphos-methyl proved to be suitable substitute to malathion as grain protectant against possible malathionresistant strains of stored grain insects.  相似文献   

Insects in childish play and education There is reported on nursery-rhymes on lady-bird and cockchafer, on using beetles or butterflies flattered by aband as play works, holding crickets, katylids, anf cicades in cages, hunting katylids and dragonflies, laters by means of spiderwebs in aring like bound willow twig, and other plays of children in whole the world. The childhood memoirs of some German poets on insects are stimulating to fight against noxious insects, in collecting insects and researching their life, and in hindering from shaking on death insects without reason. Such education is very need for understanding pest control and environment protection actions. Therefore it is an important task for applied entomology.  相似文献   

A view is given on German, English, French and Spanish sayings which concern insects and arachnoids. They predominantly express a negative attitude of men towards these animals.  相似文献   

During the application ofBacillus thuringiensis for control of pest insects in forestry and agriculture not only wood or target crops are treated with viable spores, but also the air and soil will be contaminated. The fate of these spores is especially relevant with regard to residues and protection of drinking water supply. Concerning the ecology ofB. thuringiensis experimental results are discussed in connection with informations on the natural level of bacterial contaminations of plants, air, soil and water. On this base, however, no arguments could be obtained concerning a risk assessment on human health or environmental pollution in connection with application of commercial preparations ofB. thuringiensis at recommended doses, even not in water catchment areas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es ist offensichtlich schwer, ja gefährlich, bei einem Gegenstand dieser Art endgültige Schlußfolgerungen zu ziehen. Immerhin ist von der Theorie wie von den Vorgängen, die beide hier erörtert worden sind, genug bekannt, um gewisse Winke zu geben:I. Örtlich begrenzt auftretende gegen ein Insektizid resistente Stämme müssen sich nicht notwendigerweise weiter verbreiten, denn:a) wenn die Behandlung nicht allgemein ist, kann Rückentwicklung durch natürliche Populationen stattfinden;b) ein gegen Insektizide resistenter Stamm muß nicht notwendigerweise anderen Umweltbedingungen so gut angepaßt oder so fruchtbar sein, daß nicht bei Abwesenheit des Insektizids die natürliche Population die Tendenz hat, früher oder später zum früheren Zustand zurückzukehren, besonders wenn Berührung mit unbehandelten Populationen möglich ist.II. Wenn es sich nicht um eine Veränderung genetischer Faktoren handelt, wie z. B. das Auftreten einer Mutation, wird sich ein bestimmter Widerstandszustand einstellen, mit welchem man in einigen Fällen durch erhöhte Dosierung, Häufigkeit und größere Sorgfältigkeit der Behandlungen fertig werden kann.III. In isolierten Bezirken, in welchen sehr intensive und sorgfältige Schädlingsbekämpfungs-Maßnahmen vorgenommen worden sind, werden am ehesten resistente Stämme auftreten.IV. Bei unterschwelligen Dosen besteht die Möglichkeit individueller Anpassung.formerly Officer-in-Charge, Fumigation Laboratory, Canada Department of Agriculture, Montreal, P. Q. and new Senior Officer, Fumigation Research Unit, Science Service Laboratory, Canada Department of Agriculture, London, OntarioEine Ubersetzung von Contribution No. 78 from the Plant Protection Division, Science Service, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. Der englische Original-Artikel erschien in den September-und Oktober-Heften 1949 von PEST CONTROL. Um die Ausführungen auf das Laufende zu bringen, hat der Verfasser (im September 1950) einiges geändert und zugefügt.  相似文献   

The effect of different concentrations of fluorine on the content of chlorophylls a and b in poplar leaves. The concentrations of the chlorophylls a and b and of the fluoride ions in poplar leaves were measured regularly from May to September 1974. The concentration of F increased steadily whereas the concentration of the chlorophylls decreased by 30% compared to first appearance of the leaves. The content of F- to that of chlorophyll a and b cannot be correlated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde das Ph?nomen von Paarungspl?tzen beiApis mellifica beschrieben. Diese befinden sich Jahr für Jahr an derselben. Lokalit?t und werden bei bestimmter Witterung und Tageszeit von ♂ ♂ aus vorwiegend 2–4 km Entfernung beflogen. Der Einflu? der Paarungsbiologie auf die Genetik wurde erw?hnt.
Summary In collaboration with his brother Prof. Dr. F.Ruttner the author has through a decade been concerned with the phenomenon of mating places ofApis mellifica. Honeybees are very sensitive to injurious effects of inbreeding, and it would seem that the existence of assembly places of drones is an effective preventative. Flight behaviour of drones 1. Assembly places of drones exist and remain in the same, narrowly restricted, locality year after year. 2. Flying from the hive to the assembly places drones cover distances of 200 m – 7 km., sometimes even greater ones. The places most frequently visited are about 3 km. from the hive. 3. Flight tracks tend to follow the valleys or to be directed towards a mountain col (towards strong UV-irradiation on the horizon). 4. This is equally true for steep mountain valleys. Assembly places of drones were found in mountain gaps at an altitude of 1400 m., 800 m. above the valley bottom. They were visited from both sides of the mountain. 5. Assembly places are visited by drones even when there are no queens present. 6. Queens are not pursued beyond the assembly area, but it is likely that matings also take place on the flight tracks. 7. Drones from colonies newly introduced into the flight area behave, even on the first day, in a manner similar to those from established colonies. Sexual behaviour of the queen 1. In the hive or near the ground a young queen is not attractive to drones. Copulation occurs only in free flight. 2. The queen tries to reach an assembly place about 1–2 km distant, where drones from different parts of a fairly extensive area congregate. 3. Drones visiting a certain assembly place are drawn from a area extending over 50–150 km2, which in our part of the country is bound to contain a fair number of colonies, (Average for the whole of Austria about 5 colonies per km2.)

Dr Franz Berger, Biologische Station Lunz am Seem, zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet

Vortrag auf dem 4. Südtiroler Entomologentag, Sept. 1973 in Dietenheim  相似文献   

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