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Predicting male fertility on non‐invasive sperm traits is of big importance to human and animal reproduction strategies. Combining the wide range of parameters monitored by computer‐assisted sperm analysis (CASA) with some molecular traits (e.g. mtDNA content) may help to identify markers of the male fertility. The aim of this study was to characterize variation in the mtDNA copy number in equine sperm and to investigate whether mtDNA content is correlated with quality traits of stallion spermatozoa and the age of the male. Ejaculates collected from 53 fertile stallions were divided into four age groups (3–5, 6–10, 11–14 and >15 years) and were subjected to a complex investigation including conventional analysis, CASA, flow cytometry and mtDNA content (real‐time PCR). The mean (±SD) number of mtDNA copies equalled 14 ± 9 and varied from 3 to 64. Considering the great number of sperm parameters monitored in this study, only few of them were correlated with the mtDNA content: ejaculate volume (a positive correlation), the amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH; a negative correlation) and the high mitochondrial activity index (a negative correlation). The stallion age was not correlated with the mtDNA copy number. This study provides the first set of data on mtDNA content in equine sperm and confirms phenomena previously described for humans and dog on associations between sperm mtDNA content and selected motility parameters monitored by the CASA. Basing our study on spermatozoa from fertile stallions could however limit the extent of detected associations.  相似文献   

光照对马岗鹅季节性繁殖活动和内分泌的调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了光照对马岗鹅季节性繁殖活动和内分泌的调控。在整个试验期(2004.01.13-12.18)对照组接受自然光照,处理组接受人工控制的长短光照处理。在非繁殖期(4-7月份),对照组公母鹅血浆PRL浓度升高,LH浓度和公鹅睾酮水平降低,鹅换羽;在繁殖期(8-3月份),公母鹅血浆PRL水平下降,LH浓度和公鹅睾酮水平则上升。在处理组,延长光照均使公母鹅PRL浓度升高,LH浓度和公鹅睾酮水平降低,鹅群进入休产期并换羽;缩短光照则降低PRL水平,促进LH分泌和公鹅睾酮水平上升,鹅群进入繁殖期。整个试验阶段,两组中公鹅甲状腺素T3水平均无明显季节性变化,处理组和对照组母鹅平均产蛋48.8和26.3枚,前者比后者高85.6%。试验结果表明,长光照抑制,短光照促进马岗鹅繁殖活动,光照通过调节PRL和LH的分泌调控马岗鹅繁殖活动的季节性变化。  相似文献   

In all mammalian species studied thus far, fertilization results in a series of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) increases, referred to as oscillations, responsible for driving oocyte activation and embryonic development. Current evidence supports the notion that sperm-borne phospholipase C zeta (PLCZ) is responsible for the initiation of these [Ca2+]i oscillations. Although this appears to be a highly conserved mechanism for oocyte activation, differences in PLCZ sequence, activity, and expression do exist among different species. Herein, we summarize the information supporting PLCZ as the oocyte-activating factor in mammals and present our current knowledge regarding the characterization of this protein in the horse. The equine sequence yielded a protein of high relative [Ca2+]i-releasing activity. Equine PLCZ was expressed over the head region overlying the acrosome, equatorial segment, connecting piece between the head and midpiece, and on the principal piece of the flagellum of stallion sperm. Equine PLCZ expressed both over the head and tail sperm regions was catalytically active, with the latter representing a characteristic unique to the horse. We also present preliminary data in subfertile stallions displaying PLCZ expression defects, although further research is required to establish a clear association between these defects and fertility problems in the horse. In summary, the information presented raises the questions of whether equine PLCZ could play diverse roles in sperm physiology and/or become a marker for the evaluation of stallion fertility, both of which are worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

The reproductive efficiency of stabled domestic stallions is often lower than what could be expected from observations in feral herds. In the wild, stallions typically live with mares in harem bands, with other stallions in bachelor bands, or occasionally in mixed-sex transitional bands. We, therefore, argue that permanent contact with mares may increase reproductive efficiency of stallions suffering from low libido and/or fertility. We also provide a summary of our present knowledge of natural conditions, management, and husbandry of domestic stallions, and of intra- and intersexual behavioral interactions in horses.  相似文献   

In the non‐breeding season, LH release is reduced via dopaminergic systems in the ram. On the other hand, our previous studies demonstrated an opioidergic inhibition of LH release in stallions outside the breeding season. Thus, in the present study we investigated the dopaminergic regulation of LH and prolactin secretion in stallions, considering interactions between dopamine and opioids. To achieve this, stallions (n=8) were treated with the dopamine antagonist sulpiride (0.6 mg/kg), the opioid antagonist naloxone (0.5 mg/kg), sulpiride plus naloxone or saline in December, March and June. Two hours after the respective treatments, they received a GnRH agonist. Sulpiride induced a significant prolactin release which was most pronounced in December, indicating seasonal variations in the inhibition of prolactin secretion by dopaminergic systems. Prolactin concentrations were not changed by naloxone. Neither during nor outside the breeding season, a dopaminergic regulation of LH release could be demonstrated. In contrast, naloxone caused a significant (p < 0.05) LH release, confirming an opioidergic inhibition of LH release. In conclusion, opioidergic regulation of LH and dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin secretion undergo seasonal changes. Neither during nor outside the breeding season, dopaminergic effects on LH release exist in the stallion.  相似文献   

近年来,菟丝子在临床上经常用于治疗生殖内分泌类疾病,且作用效果显著。菟丝子是旋花科植物,具有毒副作用小、无耐药性、富含多种营养物质、成本低廉等优点,是纯天然的药用植物。菟丝子总黄酮是菟丝子中最有效的成分,具有止泻、滋补肝肾、益精壮阳和安胎等功效,不仅对雌雄动物生殖内分泌活动有调节作用,还对免疫、心脑血管等多个系统具有药理作用。动物的生殖内分泌活动主要由下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴调控,包括生殖激素的分泌以及精子的发生、卵泡的发育,对动物生殖繁育起着重要作用。绝大多数动物的生殖内分泌疾病都与下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴所调节的生殖激素以及生殖器官的发育状态有关,生殖激素可以通过直接或间接作用引起下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴功能性障碍疾病。鉴于目前经济动物禁用激素类药物,因此迫切需要研究安全有效低毒的中草药的作用及其机理,为其广泛应用奠定基础。文章介绍了菟丝子总黄酮主要的药理作用,并详细阐述了菟丝子总黄酮对下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴不同级内分泌活动的调控作用,为今后进一步研究菟丝子总黄酮对下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴调控的作用靶点和作用机理提供参考。  相似文献   

为探明受精蛋在孵化过程中的抑菌机制,本研究对不同孵化阶段,受精蛋与非受精蛋抗肠炎沙门菌性进行了比较研究.利用1×10<'5> cfu/mL Salmonella Enteritidis(SE)菌悬液浸泡接种受精蛋与非受精蛋,测定蛋壳与壳膜、蛋清、蛋黄在不同孵化时间SE的侵染情况.结果表明:孵化第4天,受精蛋蛋壳与壳膜、蛋清比非受精蛋抗肠炎沙门菌活性强(P<0.05),两种鸡蛋蛋黄样本均未受到侵染;第8、12天,两种鸡蛋3个部位肠炎沙门菌的侵染情况没有显著性差异(P>0.05);第17天,受精蛋蛋壳与壳膜、蛋黄抗肠炎沙门菌活性显著高于非受精蛋(P<0.05),此时受精蛋鸡胚的漂洗物肠炎沙门菌阳性率为13.78%,非受精蛋蛋清肠炎沙门菌阳性率为45.16%.  相似文献   

雌酮主动免疫对美利奴母羊发情产羔和生殖内分泌的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20头母羊在配种季节开始前6周和3周,用雌酮免疫原免疫2次(E组),13头不作处理为对照(C组)。免疫不影响母羊正常发情,可使母羊产羔率由115.38%提高到156.25%,发情当天的LH水平显著提高(3.06±0.61对1.93±0.88miu/ml);发情周期黄体期的孕酮水平亦增加,周期12天时差异显著(9.31±3.53对3.71±0.92ng/ml);整个发情周期内E组的睾酮水平显著高于C组,而17β-雌二醇水平两组间无差异。  相似文献   

To evaluate factors contributing to fertility of thoroughbred mares, data from 3743 oestrous periods of 2385 mares were collected on a large thoroughbred farm in Ireland. Fourteen stallions (mean age 8.3 years; range 4–15 years) had bred 2385 mares (mean age 9.4 years; range 3–24 years). Maiden mares accounted for 12%, mares with a foal at foot for 64%, and barren, slipped or rested mares for 24% of the total. The mean pregnancy rate per cycle was 67.8% (68.6% in year 1 and 66.9% in year 2). Backward stepwise multivariable logistic regression analysis was utilized to develop two models to evaluate mare factors, including mare age, reproductive status, month of foaling, dystocia, month of cover, foal heat, cycle number, treatments, walk‐in status and stallion factors including stallion identity, stallion age, shuttle status, time elapsed between covers and high stallion usage on the per cycle pregnancy rate and pregnancy loss. Old age (p < 0.001) and cover within 20 days post‐partum (p < 0.003) were associated with lowered pregnancy rates. High mare age (p < 0.05) and barren, slipped or rested reproductive status (p = 0.05) increased the likelihood of pregnancy loss. Uterine inflammation or infection, if appropriately treated, did not affect fertility. Only high usage of stallions (used more than 21 times in previous week) was associated with lowered (p = 0.009) pregnancy rates. However, shuttle stallions were more likely to have increased (p = 0.035) pregnancy survival, perhaps reflecting a bias in stallion selection. In conclusion, mare age exerted the greatest influence on fertility; nonetheless, thoroughbreds can be effectively managed to achieve high reproductive performance in a commercial setting.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate acute endocrine effects as well as histological changes in testicular parenchyma induced by the contraceptive compound RTI‐4587‐073(l). Six miniature stallions were used in this experiment. The treatment group (n = 3) received one oral dose of 12.5 mg/kg of RTI‐4587‐073(l), and the control group (n = 3) received placebo only. The stallions' baseline parameters (semen, testicular dimensions, endocrine values) were collected and recorded for 5 weeks before treatment and for 6 weeks after treatment. Multiple blood samples were collected for endocrine analysis. Testicular biopsies were obtained before treatment, 1 day after treatment and every other week after treatment. Ultrasound exams were performed to monitor the dimensions of the stallions' testes. All stallions were castrated 6 weeks after treatment. Sperm numbers, motility and percentage of morphologically normal sperm decreased (p < 0.05), while the number of immature germ cells increased in ejaculates from treated animals (p < 0.05). Serum concentrations of inhibin and follicle‐stimulating hormone did not change. Testosterone concentrations initially transiently decreased (p < 0.05) after administration of RTI‐4587‐073(l), and increased several days later (p < 0.05). Testicular content of testosterone and estradiol 17‐β was lower in treated stallions than in control stallions on Day 1 after treatment (p < 0.05). Severe disorganization of the seminiferous tubules, significant loss of immature germ cells and complete depletion of elongated spermatids were observed in testicular biopsies obtained from treated stallions 1 day, 2 and 4 weeks after treatment. These changes were still present in the testicular samples taken from treated stallions after castration. The results of this study confirmed that RTI‐4587‐073(l) has antispermatogenic effects in stallions. Furthermore, we concluded that this compound causes acute sloughing of immature germ cells from the seminiferous tubules. RTI‐4587‐073(l) has significant but transient effects on Leydig cell function in stallions.  相似文献   

妊娠是指一个受精卵从母体的输卵管下行到子宫 ,并在子宫内定植并维持胚胎发育完全直到分娩的全过程。在整个妊娠的过程中 ,内分泌的调控起着重要作用 ,它们包括妊娠识别、妊娠建立、胚胎的附植、妊娠的维持和胚胎的发育。通过各种激素和信号物质协同作用 ,使整个妊娠过程中母体对胎儿的免疫排斥受到抑制[1] 。深入研究其机理有利于人们在生产上对动物的繁殖活动进行更有效的控制。本文综合了近几年来在妊娠内分泌调控上的研究进展。1 妊娠识别和建立在妊娠的早期 ,孕体在子宫内必须产生某些信号物质 ,以抑制黄体的溶解和母体的免疫排斥[2 …  相似文献   

妊娠期间是动物内分泌最为活跃的阶段之一,体内的各种和生殖相关的激素和信号物质都随之发生变化,除了神经肽类和类固醇激素外,特别是母体和孕体分泌的一些生物活性因子。它们对妊娠都有着特殊重要的意义。深入了解它们在妊娠过程中调控机理,将有利于在生产和科研上进一步的应用。  相似文献   

牛磺酸在动物内分泌系统中的生理作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛磺酸是一种含硫条件性必需氨基酸,对机体生长发育、繁殖、免疫机能等有重要的营养和生理作用。研究表明,机体缺乏牛磺酸时,内分泌系统功能发生障碍,导致各种内分泌疾病发病率上升,包括甲状腺功能亢进、生殖功能退化、糖尿病、肾脏疾病等内分泌疾病,阻碍机体正常的生长与发育,严重影响畜牧养殖业。近年来,关于牛磺酸对内分泌系统作用的研究并不多,临床上的应用上更不多见。论文对牛磺酸在下丘脑-垂体、甲状腺、肾上腺、性腺、胰岛等器官的内分泌作用进行综述,为牛磺酸在畜牧生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

 Tektins是一个纤毛和鞭毛轴丝中与微管相关的蛋白家族,影响精子鞭毛的运动性,与雄性动物生殖密切关联。论文简要介绍了精子鞭毛的超微结构和运动方式以及Tektins家族成员在雄性动物生殖方面的生物学功能。  相似文献   

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