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A study was conducted to determine ammonium nitrogen uptake by cherrybark oak and overcup oak as affected by soil redox conditions. Seedlings of the two species were grown in laboratory microcosms for 60 days in soil suspensions incubated at three separate Eh levels (+560, +340, and + 175 mV). In both species, uptake of added 15N labeled nitrogen (N) (NH4Cl) and photosynthesis activity decreased with decreasing soil redox potentials. Net photosynthesis in cherrybark oak decreased by 72.9 and 100% in response to the +340 and + 175 mV treatments as compared to control plants, respectively. Similarly, net photosynthetic rates were reduced by 53.7 and 65.8% in overcup oak under + 340 and + 175 mV treatments, respectively. A significant correlation between net photosynthesis and leaf 15N content was found in cherrybark oak (r=0.866, P=0.01) but not in overcup oak (r=0.648, p>0.05). However, in overcup oak, the correlation between net photosynthesis and total leaf N content was significant (r=0.911, P=0.01). Maximum 15N uptake was measured at the highest soil redox level (+560 mV). Uptake of 15N in cherrybark oak decreased from a maximum of 1.83 mg under aerated (+560 mV) treatment to 0.11 mg under reduced conditions (+175 mV). Similarly, 15N uptake in overcup oak decreased from 2.37 mg under the + 560 mV treatment to 0.28 mg under + 175 mV treatment. Greater uptake of soil and fertilizer nitrogen was measured under the soil redox conditions in which adequate plant growth was recorded. Moderately reducing soil redox conditions (+340 and + 175 mV) adversely affected both plant nitrogen uptake and net photosynthetic activities of the two species.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse study on three podzol soils with pH values of 5.4–5.6, liming to pH 7.6 or higher decreased the Fe concentration of pea plant tissues from 47 to 42 ppm. In the case of barley, liming the soil increased the mean tissue Fe concentration from 104 to 119 ppm at pH 7.6 and to 107 ppm at pH 7.7. Field experiments on wheat, oats, alfalfa, and timothy showed that Mn applied to the soil or as foliar spray did not affect the Fe concentration of cereal or forage plant tissues. Liming did not affect the Fe concentration of cereal kernels but on a few locations it increased the Fe concentration of the boot stage tissue. The Fe concentration in oats was higher than that in wheat. Based on the results of a survey, it was found that forage legumes contained more Fe than did timothy. The survey also showed that a few Fe values in timothy and cereals would be considered low, although Fe deficiency has not been experienced in this region. A number of the samples would be in the deficiency range from the animal nutrition standpoint.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations in the soil and crop uptake from incorporated green manure and urea in flooded rice was studied in field experiments. Release of plant-available nitrogen (NH4 +-N) from green manure was slightly delayed compared with that from prilled urea (PU) because Sesbania rostrata L. and Aeschynomene afraspera L. released the N gradually after their decomposition, whereas N became available immediately after PU application. Exchangeable NH4 +-N concentration in soil peaked at 163 mg kg–1 in the transplanted rice (TPR) and 198 mg kg—1 in broadcast-seeded rice (BSR) at 0 and 1 week after PU application. Broadcast-seeded rice depleted NH4 +-N faster than did TPR because of the crop‘s vigorous growth in the former during the early stage. Soil solution NH4 +-N followed a similar trend to that of soil NH4 +-N. Incorporation of S. rostrata and A. afraspera increased the concentration of P, K+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ in soil solution more than did the application of PU. However, zinc concentration decreased in all treatments. Both PU and green manure increased the N status of the rice plants and enhanced the uptake of P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn by the rice crop. This suggests that application of green manures improves the uptake of these nutrients by the crop. The highest apparent N recovery was obtained with PU followed by green manure. Received: 11 November 1996  相似文献   


Lime induced depression of exchangeable Mg had been observed previously and it was postulated that yield decreases, which frequently occur at high pH levels may in some instances be due to Mg deficiency. This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of pH on exchangeable Mg in a wide range of acid soils and to determine the effects on recovery of Mg by corn (Zea mays L.) in the greenhouse. Treatments consisted of five pH levels, three P levels, and three Mg levels. Soil Mg was extracted with two neutral salt solutions and double acid. Salt extractable Mg decreased markedly at near neutral pH values, but double acid extractable Mg remained essentially unchanged. In several of the soils where yields were depressed at the highest pH levels, plant Mg content was also significantly lower. However, yield depressions were not ameliorated by Mg applications and could not be ascribed to induced Mg deficiency. Decreased plant uptake of Mg at both low and high pH levels was considered to have resulted from competitive effects between Mg and Al. The evidence suggested that salt extractable Mg did not accurately reflect plant availability.

Because soil reaction has profound effects on the availability of aluminum and many elements essential to plants, liming should be practiced primarily to optimize the utilization of the nutrient resources of soil. While pH values near neutrality are regarded as optimal in many areas of the world, particularly where legumes have traditionally been part of the rotational system, yield depressions have sometimes been reported at such pH levels on highly weathered acid soils of tropical and subtropical origin.  相似文献   

We evaluated six lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes with contrasting responses to increasing Fe2+ concentrations under conditions of both low (0.3 kPa) and high (2.4 kPa) vapor pressure deficit. Dry atmospheric conditions generally enhanced transpiration with concomitant increases in Fe uptake and leaf bronzing. Some resistant genotypes were able to limit the water loss by transpiration under higher Fe concentrations thus attenuating negative effects associated with increased Fe2+ translocation at high vapor pressure deficit.  相似文献   

豫东潮土区大蒜氮磷钾推荐施肥研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过大蒜氮肥用量和丰缺指标多点田间试验研究,采用Excel进行统计分析,建立不同氮肥用量与产量的效应函数,推荐大蒜氮肥用量369.9 kg/hm2;以土壤中速效磷、速效钾养分的测定值及其相对产量拟合回归方程,再以相对产量的55%、75%、80%、90%划分土壤养分丰缺指标,同时结合大蒜的目标产量,进行磷、钾施肥量的推荐,分别为200、300 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

水稻土中铁氧化还原循环的光照水分效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水稻土中铁的氧化还原循环与CO2和CH4排放关系密切。采用恒温厌氧培养试验分别在黑暗、光照条件下研究了不同水分状况对水稻土中铁氧化还原过程、水溶性碳含量及CO2和CH4排放的影响。结果表明,水分和光照是调控土壤铁氧化还原过程及其耦合的碳转化过程的关键环境因子。避光时增加含水量缩短铁还原最大速率出现的时间,促进CH4排放。光照条件下含水量小于50%时增加含水量可促进亚铁的再氧化,大于50%时则抑制了亚铁的再氧化。避光时增加含水量可增加体系的水溶性无机碳含量(WSIC),WSIC与CH4的排放存在显著正相关关系。光照可显著降低体系的WSIC,降低幅度随含水量的增加而增大。在含水量25%~200%范围内,光照可使CO2和CH4排放量分别降低95.80%和96.08%。  相似文献   

While the reduction of nitrate‐N, Mn(III,IV), Fe(III), and sulfate‐S in soil has been studied intensively in the laboratory, field research has received only limited attention. This study investigated the relationship between redox potential (EH) measured in bulk soil and concentrations of nitrate, Mn2+, Fe2+, and sulfate in the soil solution of two Gleysols differing in drainage status from the Marsh area of Schleswig‐Holstein, Northern Germany. The soils are silty‐sandy and developed from calcareous marine sediments. Redox potentials were monitored weekly with permanently installed Pt electrodes, and soil solution was obtained biweekly by ceramic suction cups from 10, 30, 60, and 150 cm depth over one year. Median EH at 10, 30, 60, and 150 cm depths was 470, 410, 410, and 20 mV in the drained soil and 500, 480, 30, and –170 mV in the undrained soil, respectively. A decrease in EH below critical values was accompanied in the soil solutions (pH 7.4 to 7.8) by disappearance of nitrate below 0 to 200 mV, appearance of Mn2+ below 350 mV, and Fe2+ below 0 to 50 mV. Both metals disappeared from soil solution after aeration. In the sulfide‐bearing environment of the 150 cm depth of the undrained soil, however, the sulfate concentrations were highest at such EH values at which sulfate should be unstable. This discrepancy was reflected in the fact that at this depth bulk soil EH was about 400 mV lower than soil solution EH (250 mV). When investigating the dynamics of nitrate, Mn, and Fe in soils, bulk soil EH provides semi‐quantitative information in terms of critical EH ranges. However, in sulfidic soil environments the interpretation of EH measured in bulk soil is uncertain.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), vermicompost and phosphate sources on the growth and nutrients uptake by lettuce, a greenhouse experiments was conducted. Treatments consisted of PGPR (Pseudomonas fluorescens) (with and without inoculation), vermicompost (0 and 1% w/w) and phosphate sources (control, rock phosphate (RP), tricalcium phosphate and triple super phosphate (TSP) at 25 mg P kg?1 level). Biological fertilizers, RP and TSP significantly increased shoot dry matter (SDM) and some measured nutrients uptake. Co-application of PGPR and RP, in non-vermicompost treatments significantly increased SDM, shoot nitrogen, phosphorus (P), potassium, zinc and manganese uptake rates. Shoot P uptake had no significant difference between TSP and RP treatments. Co-application of PGPR, vermicompost and TSP significantly decreased SDM, which may be due to the P toxic levels in the plant aerial parts and/or the inhibition of the bacterial activities in the rhizosphere soil.  相似文献   

长江中下游粮食主产区25年来稻田土壤养分演变特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
【目的】目前我国的水稻产量约占粮食总产量的一半以上,面积占耕地总面积的30%,为了探明我国水稻土土壤养分和肥力的演变特征,科学合理地指导稻田土壤养分管理和施肥,本文对长江中下游水稻主产区20世纪80年代以来国家水稻土长期动态监测数据进行了整理分析。【方法】利用时间趋势分析和中值分析的方法对长江中下游地区稻田土壤养分随时间的变化趋势进行了分析,分别总结了土壤有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)的含量以及土壤p H在不同监测时期的演变特征和总体变化趋势;用统计分析得出不同监测时期施肥量的变化情况;运用主成分分析的方法对上述6大肥力指标对该区土壤综合肥力属性的年代变化趋势所产生的作用和影响进行了分析,得出不同监测时期土壤肥力主要贡献因子和限制性因子的变异情况。【结果】1)我国长江中下游地区稻田土壤有机质、全氮和碱解氮含量与监测初期相比均略有升高,其中有机质含量从监测中期到监测后期上升趋势明显(P0.05),碱解氮从监测初期到中期也呈显著性增加趋势(P0.05);2)监测25年来,土壤有效磷含量从12.4 mg/kg增加到12.9 mg/kg,土壤速效钾含量总体上呈稳中有升的变化趋势,与监测初期相比,监测中期和监测后期的速效钾含量分别增加了13.9 mg/kg和17.9 mg/kg;3)土壤p H值总体呈缓慢降低的趋势,下降了0.37个单位,表明在当前的施肥和田间管理措施下我国水稻土存在一定的酸化趋势;4)土壤全氮、碱解氮与有机质含量变化存在显著的正相关关系(P0.01),且变化趋势基本一致;5)与监测初期相比,20 25年后水稻土土壤肥力主要贡献因子由全氮、碱解氮和有机质转变为全氮、碱解氮和速效钾,主要限制因素从有效磷和速效钾含量的缺乏转向p H值的逐渐降低。【结论】在农民习惯的耕作施肥管理条件下,该地区稻田土壤养分含量基本呈上升趋势,说明土壤肥力总体上得到了改善;但土壤p H在一定程度上已显现出对土壤肥力的限制性作用,所导致的酸化趋势需要关注。另外,从农田养分平衡管理的角度看,土壤速效钾和有效磷仍然是该区稻田持续生产和农业持续发展的重要影响因素,在施肥过程中对钾与磷的投入仍需加强,而氮肥施用量需要合理控制。  相似文献   

铁膜对水稻根表面电化学性质和氮磷钾短期吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过水培试验研究了水稻根表铁膜对根表电化学性质、根表对NH4+、K+和磷酸根吸附和吸收的影响。结果表明,铁膜降低根表阳离子交换量,使根表zeta电位绝对值减小,说明根表负电荷数量减少。与对照相比,铁膜抑制了水稻根表对NH4+和K+的吸附,但促进了其对磷酸根的吸附。6 h培养实验结果表明,铁膜使水稻对NH4+、K+、H2PO4-的吸收速率分别降低了21.1%、42.7%、59.1%。因此,作为物理、化学屏障或者临时储存库,铁膜抑制了水稻对大量营养元素的短期吸收。  相似文献   

不同氮肥配施方法下稻草还田短期效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为探索适宜稻草还田量及配合稻草还田的N、P肥施用方法,通过盆栽试验,采用树脂法和传统化学法相结合,研究了不同N肥配施方法下稻草还田对土壤N、P养分及水稻生长的短期影响。结果表明:稻草还田短期内可降低土壤氨氮浓度,提高土壤有效磷浓度,抑制水稻生长;稻草还田的这3种效应都随稻草水平的增加而加强,但不同N肥配施下无差异。稻草还田后易引起水稻铁中毒,因此稻草还田量不宜过多;稻草还田后除需多施N、P肥外,还需通过排水等措施以解决其铁毒效应。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对红壤性水稻土产量及基础地力的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
利用长期定位施肥试验并结合盆栽试验,研究长期不同施肥模式对双季稻产量和土壤基础地力的影响,并分析水稻产量和肥料贡献率对土壤不同基础地力的响应。结果表明:长期施用氮磷钾肥(NPK)或氮磷钾肥配施稻草(NPKS)有利于双季稻产量的增加。NPK处理的早稻产量、晚稻产量和年总产量分别较对照(CK)处理增产100.7%、67.0%和81.9%,NPKS处理分别增产113.8%、77.7%和93.7%。CK处理早稻基础地力产量随试验年限的增加呈极显著下降趋势(p0.01),晚稻基础地力产量在试验的前9年随年限增加呈极显著下降(p0.01),之后基本维持稳定。长期施用氮磷钾肥或氮磷钾肥配施稻草有利于土壤基础地力的提升。土壤基础地力产量和基础地力贡献率均表现为NPKSNPKCK。NPK和NPKS处理早稻基础地力产量分别较CK提高38.5%和68.1%,晚稻分别提高25.8%和49.0%。NPK和NPKS处理早稻基础地力贡献率分别较CK提高21.4%和54.9%,晚稻分别提高12.8%和22.8%。无论施肥或不施肥,早晚稻产量均随土壤基础地力产量提高而增加;肥料对早晚稻产量贡献率随基础地力产量提高而极显著降低。土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾是影响土壤基础地力的主要养分因子,土壤全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有效磷对土壤基础地力也产生重要影响。  相似文献   

不同施肥方式对水稻产量、吸氮特性和土壤氮转化的影响   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
采用15N示踪研究了盆栽条件下,不同施肥方式对水稻产量、吸氮特性和土壤氮转化的影响。结果表明,等氮磷钾量条件下,有机无机肥料一次性基施,有利于氮素向稻谷转移,其增产效果高于单施化肥,且具有氮利用率高、损失少、土壤残留多和省时省工等特点,是兼顾高产和地力保持的施肥方法。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted in which four varieties of soybean (Glycine max L.) and three varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) were grown in a calcareous soil with and without soil applied FeEDDHA (0 and 2 mg Fe/kg soil). Soil applications of FeEDDHA increased Fe concentrations and reduced Mn concentrations in all varieties of soybean and eliminated Mn toxicity symptoms in Corsoy soybeans. Soil applications of FeEDDHA did not increase Fe uptake or affect Mn uptake into sorghum leaves. This study tends to support the hypothesis that there are distinct plant mechanisms between dicots and graminaceous species for the uptake of Fe, and that these mechanisms have a direct effect on Mn availability for plant uptake.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and phosphorus (P) source on the uptake of major nutrients by Acacia mangium seedlings, three P sources were used: (1) Gafsa phosphate rock (GPR), (2) China phosphate rock (CPR), and (3) triple superphosphate (TSP). The plant samples were analyzed at 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, and 135 days after planting (DAP) for their N, P, K, Ca, and Mg contents. The uptake of these nutrients was significantly influenced by AM inoculation. Nutrient use efficiency in the AM-inoculated seedlings was also significantly higher than that in uninoculated seedlings. The effect of P sources on the uptake of these nutrients decreased in the order of TSP>GPR>CPR>control. There was a significant (P<0.05) interaction effect of AM and P source on P and K uptake by A. mangium. The uptake of P and K by mycorrhizal seedlings supplemented with TSP was significantly higher than that provided with other sources of P treatments. As a natural and cheaper P source, GPR might be used in combination with AM for growing A. mangium seedlings on degraded tin tailings.  相似文献   

长期施用绿肥对红壤稻田水稻产量和土壤养分的影响   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:39  
通过对26年长期定位试验结果的统计分析,结果表明:绿肥与化肥长期配合施用有利于水稻稳产增产,减少化肥的使用量,提高化肥NPK养分的农学利用效率达60%以上。26年水稻平均产量以OM3处理(紫云英+猪粪)最高,比CK增产64.47%,比NPK处理增产6.86%;其化肥养分农学效率为16.33kg/kg,比NPK处理化肥养分农学效率高118.9%。绿肥与化肥长期配合施用土壤有机质、全氮和全磷均有所积累,积累的量与肥料施用量及有机肥种类相关,以紫云英+猪粪处理最优。土壤钾素均表现亏缺,土壤全钾和速效钾均低于试验前,亏缺幅度最小的是紫云英+稻草处理,其土壤全钾和速效钾分别比对照高4.28%和13.94%。通过对土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾与水稻产量关性分析,相关系数最高的为土壤全钾(r=0.808**),说明缺钾已成为限制红壤稻田高产的主要肥力因子。  相似文献   

【目的】蚯蚓和丛枝菌根真菌处于不同的营养级,但在促进植物生长和提高土壤肥力等方面却都发挥着积极作用。单独对土壤微生物或土壤动物的研究较多,但对土壤微生物与土壤动物之间相互作用的研究很少。因此研究它们对土壤和植物生长的作用可为挖掘土壤生物的潜力和提高土壤生物肥力提供依据。【方法】采用盆栽试验,研究了蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida)与丛枝菌根真菌(Rhizophagus irregularis)互作对甘薯生长和养分吸收的影响。试验采用两因素完全随机试验设计,分为接种和不接种菌根真菌及添加和不添加蚯蚓。试验共4个处理: 不加菌根和蚯蚓(CK); 接种菌根真菌(AM); 添加蚯蚓(E); 添加蚯蚓和菌根真菌(E+AM),每个处理4次重复。调查了甘薯养分吸收、 根系形态及土壤养分变化,采用Canoco4.5软件对土壤生物与植物对应关系进行RDA (redundancy analysis)分析。【结果】接种菌根真菌显著提高了甘薯地上和地下部生物量(P0.05),而添加蚯蚓的处理仅提高了甘薯地上部生物量。同时添加蚯蚓和菌根的处理显著提高了甘薯地上地下部生物量,并且高于其他三个处理(P0.05)。与对照相比,接种菌根真菌显著提高了土壤磷酸酶活性(P0.01),增幅近一倍; 同时提高了土壤磷的植物有效性,土壤有效磷含量下降了30%左右。添加蚯蚓后土壤脲酶活性从5.45 mg NH+4-N/g显著增加到8.71 mg NH+4-N/g,土壤碱解氮的含量从5.82 mg/kg显著增加到6.89 mg/kg (P0.05)。RDA分析表明蚯蚓菌根互作对甘薯地上和地下部氮磷含量、 根表面积、 根体积、 根平均直径和根尖数均存在显著的正交互效应。蚯蚓菌根互作通过调控土壤酶和改变土壤养分有效性促进甘薯对土壤氮磷养分的吸收。【结论】蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida)通过调控土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶增加了土壤中氮磷的有效性从而促进甘薯地上部生长。丛枝菌根真菌(Rhizophagus irregularis)通过调控土壤磷酸酶和增加植株地上地下部吸磷量从而促进甘薯生长。添加蚯蚓或接种菌根真菌均能增加根系吸收面积和根体积从而促进甘薯对养分的吸收。蚯蚓和菌根真菌相互作用通过调控土壤酶和改变土壤养分有效性以及促进根系发育从而互补的促进甘薯养分吸收和生长。  相似文献   

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