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Blood serum glutathione peroxidase activity and blood selenium concentration were measured in blood samples from pigs subjected to experimentally induced selenium deficiency and dietary selenium supplementation on graded levels. A highly significant correlation between blood selenium and serum GSH-Px activity in pigs, especially in selenium deficient pigs, was demonstrated. There was also a strong relationship between blood selenium concentration and serum GSH-Px activity in pigs receiving dietary selenium at graded levels. Serum GSH-Px activity exhibited an excellent close-response relationship to dietary selenium. Linear regression analysis showed that the increased serum GSH-Px activity was a function of the dietary selenium concentration. The fitness of serum in monitoring slight changes of the selenium status of pigs with help of the estimation of GSH-Px activity was discussed. The measurement of serum GSH-Px activity seems to provide a useful and rapid means for defining selenium requirements and for identifying selenium deficiency in growing pigs.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and selenium concentrations among several components in the blood of dairy cows was examined. Approximately 98% of the GSH-Px activity in peripheral blood was associated with the erythrocytes when enzyme activity was expressed as units per milliliter of blood. The GSH-Px activity expressed per cell was approximately fourfold greater for peripheral leukocytes than for erythrocytes. The cellular component contained a greater proportion (approx 73%) of whole blood selenium than did the plasma. A positive linear relationship (r = 0.958) between blood GSH-Px activity and blood selenium concentrations was found in dairy cattle under practical field conditions.  相似文献   

Blood glutathione peroxidase activity and selenium levels were found to correlate well, indicating that glutathione peroxidase activity can be used to assess blood selenium levels in beef cattle. The glutathione peroxidase activity of blood is less stable than is the selenium concentration but when blood was stored at 4 degrees C, the glutathione peroxidase activity remained constant for seven days.  相似文献   

Twenty mature geldings, averaging 535 kg, were used to determine the influence of dietary selenium (Se) on the blood levels of Se and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (SeGSH-Px) activity in the horse. Horses were randomly assigned within breed to four treatments consisting of five horses each and fed a basal diet containing .06 ppm of naturally occurring Se. Diets were supplemented with .05, .10 and .20 ppm Se, as sodium selenite. Blood was drawn for 2 wk before, and for 12 wk following, the inclusion of supplement Se in the diets. Whole blood and plasma Se concentrations and plasma SeGSH-Px activities were determined from all blood samples. Selenium concentrations in plasma and whole blood increased linearly from wk 1 to wk 5 and 6, respectively, in Se-supplemented horses. After these times, no significant changes in Se concentration were observed in Se-supplemented or in unsupplemented horses throughout the remainder of the 12-wk trial. Plasma Se reached plateaus of .10 to .11, .12 to .14, and .13 to .14 micrograms/ml in horses supplemented with .05, .10 and .20 ppm Se, respectively. Whole blood Se reached plateaus of .16 to .18, .19 to .21, and .17 to .18 micrograms/ml in horses supplemented with .05, .10 and .20 ppm Se, respectively. Plasma SeGSH-Px activity was not significantly affected by dietary treatment. Therefore, this enzyme was not a good indicator of dietary Se in these mature horses.  相似文献   

The erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity and blood selenium have been investigated in swine fed a Se deficient diet with, and without, selenium supplementation. A highly significant correlation (r = 0.90) between erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase and blood selenium was found.  相似文献   

The levels of selenium (Se) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in the blood of sheep, cows and pigs under farm conditions were examined. Sheep appear to form two distinct groups, namely high Se and GPX and low Se and GPX. The high group gave ranges of 133-249 ng/ml and 77-179 iu/g Hb for blood Se and GPX respectively, while the low group showed levels of 21-67 ng/ml and 2-20 iu/g Hb. Overall sheep blood showed a high correlation between Se and GPX (r = 0-92, P less than 0-001). Cow bloods formed one group, all having low Se and GPX levels except for a single outlier. Omitting this animal, the overall ranges were 9-72 ng/ml and 6-36 iu/g Hb for Se and GPX respectively. Blood Se and GPX activity were significantly correlated (r = 0-59, P less than 0-001). Pigs formed a single group also, with the difference that while their blood Se was high, the corresponding blood GPX activities were relatively low. Overall ranges were 93-193 ng/ml and 17-69 iu/g Hb for Se and GPX respectively. Correlation between blood Se level and GPX activity in this species was not significant (r = 0-27, P more than 0-1).  相似文献   

In cows from 15 dairy herds (n = 210), serum selenium (Se) concentrations ranged from 0.021 to 0.789 microgram/ml, whereas 0.05 to 0.40 microgram/ml is the reported range for adequate serum Se concentrations in cattle. Serum Se concentrations of dairy cattle appeared to follow a geographic distribution pattern. On the basis of herd mean serum Se concentrations, adequate serum Se concentrations were found in cattle from only 1 of 5 herds grazing forage in the geographic area classified as Se deficient for cattle. Adequate mean serum Se concentrations were found in cattle from 4 of 5 herds located in geographic areas described as having variable forage Se concentrations (Se-marginal areas). Of the 10 herds from these 2 areas, there were only 2 herds in which 95% of the cattle had serum Se concentrations in the Se-adequate range (0.05 to 0.40 microgram/ml). In 2 selected neighboring farms in the Se-deficient area, cattle in 1 herd had adequate serum Se concentrations and cattle in the other herd had less than adequate serum Se concentrations (less than 0.05 microgram/ml). Therefore, more cattle are at risk of developing Se-deficiency disease than is commonly believed and forage of neighboring farms may have different Se concentrations. Serum Se concentrations (up to 0.789 microgram/ml) correlated with glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity; this serum Se concentration (0.789 microgram/ml) is approximately 6.2 times higher than previously reported in dairy cattle. Therefore, RBC glutathione peroxidase activity may be useful in determining the diagnosis of chronic Se toxicosis.  相似文献   

The reliability of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity as an indicator of selenium status in livestock is discussed. Based on this measurement, a survey is described of the biological selenium status of sheep on each of 329 farms in Britain. Results showed that 47 per cent of these farms were probably unable to provide grazing livestock with sufficient selenium to maintain blood levels greater than 0.075 microgram per ml. Increased selenium deficiency from the increasing use of home grown feeds as a major constituent of livestock rations may be causally related to the increase of white muscle disease and other selenium responsive diseases in Britain.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the relationships between blood selenium (Se) concentrations or glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px), and milk Se concentrations in dairy cows. METHODS: Seventy-two Friesian dairy cows were either untreated or injected with 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg Se/kg liveweight as barium selenate (BaSeO4) formulations, resulting in 6 groups of animals with mean blood Se concentrations that varied from 212 to 2272 nmol/l. Milk samples were collected on Days 104 and 188, and blood samples were collected prior to treatment and on Days 41, 76, 104, 188, 244, and 292 after Se injection. RESULTS: Significant quadratic relationships between blood Se and milk Se concentrations, as well as blood GSH-Px activity and milk Se concentrations, were evident at Days 104 and 188. Using combined data, these were represented by the equations: milk Se = 27.3 + 0.073 blood Se -0.00001 (blood Se)2; R2=0.79, p<0.005, and; milk Se = 34.8 + 4.99 GSH-Px -0.068 (GSHPx)2; R2=0.79, p<0.005. CONCLUSIONS: The Se status of dairy cows can be assessed from milk Se concentrations. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Bulk-tank milk Se concentrations could be evaluated as a method to assess the Se status of dairy herds.  相似文献   

The relationship between in vitro erythrocyte 75Se uptake (75Se uptake) and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (EGSHPx) activity was examined in weaner sheep during periods of selenium depletion and repletion, to determine whether 75Se uptake was better correlated than EGSHPx activity to the development of weaner nutritional myopathy. In the 2 trials conducted, only 3 of 45 Merino wether weaners developed clinical myopathy and histological lesions in skeletal muscles. The 75Se uptake values and EGSHPx activities in these 3 sheep were no different from those in the unaffected sheep. There was a significant negative correlation between 75Se uptake values and EGSHPx activities over the entire period of the trials. It could not be demonstrated that 75Se uptake was any better correlated than EGSHPx activity to the development of nutritional myopathy, and it was concluded that EGSHPx activity indicated selenium status better than 75Se uptake in weaner sheep.  相似文献   

Pigs from sows fed a diet deficient in Se and low in vitamin E were fed a Torula yeast diet supplemented with 100 IU dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate/kg of diet. Dietary treatments were levels of supplemental Se of 0, .025, .050, .075 or .100 ppm. Some death loss occurred in pigs receiving no supplemental Se at approximately 5 wk of age. Autopsy revealed liver and heart lesions typical of vitamin E-Se deficiency. Selenium supplement had no significant effect on average daily gain, feed intake or gain to feed ratio for the 4-wk experiment. Selenium status of pigs was determined by serum Se concentration and serum glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity. Serum Se increased linearly (P less than .01) with increasing supplemental Se. Serum GSH-Px activity increased linearly (P less than .01) and quadratically (P less than .05) with increasing supplemental Se. With time, the level of serum Se and GSH-Px activity decreased in unsupplemental pigs, but increased in pigs fed diets supplemented with Se and resulted in significant interactions (P less than .01) between dietary Se level and time on experiment. The correlation between serum Se concentration and GSH-Px activity was .81 (P less than .01).  相似文献   

This study measured the effect on glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and selenium (Se) in whole blood and plasma associated with subcutaneous Se injections in beef heifers fed organic or inorganic Se. Heifers (n = 120) were randomly divided into 2 groups, 1 of which received subcutaneous Se injections. Both groups were given the same total mixed ration with 3 mg of organic or inorganic Se daily. Until week 2, heifers that had received Se injections showed higher concentrations of plasma Se and GSH-Px and whole blood Se (P < 0.001) than those having had no injections. Concentrations of plasma Se and GSH-Px were higher in the group receiving organic Se than the group receiving inorganic Se. Whole blood GSH-Px concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.001) throughout a 12-week period but were not affected by Se source. Combination of Se injections and supplementation could help maintain normal Se and GSH-Px blood status in beef heifers during the first few weeks in the feedlot.  相似文献   

Blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) levels in 709 normal dromedary camels (442 females and 267 males) were assessed in the Canary Islands. All animals were intensively reared, and three different nutritional systems were evaluated, depending on selenium content of the diet. Mean GSH-Px level in the total population was 288.5+/-157.2 IU x g(-1) Hb. Reference ranges were estimated and enzymatic activities below 51 IU x g(-1) Hb were considered inadequate. GSH-Px activities obtained in females (298.1+/-155.7 IU x g(-1) Hb) were significantly (P = 0.037) higher than in males (272.6+/-157.2 IU x g(-1) Hb). When age groups were compared, only males between 6 and 12 months old exhibited significantly lower mean GSH-Px (P = 0.006) than females. A high correlation (r = 0.88) between serum selenium concentration and blood GSH-Px activity was estimated, and the regression equation was y = 2.5101x + 42.423. Selenium content of the diet above 0.1 mg x kg(-1) DM seems to supply adequate selenium requirements for dromedaries under intensive husbandry.  相似文献   

Blood seleno‐dependent glutathione peroxidase (SeGPX ) activity is widely used as a metabolic indicator of systemic antioxidative status despite inconsistent responses in the literature. This study aimed to compare SeGPX activity profiles in different blood fractions, expressed with different reference units, and assess their impact on interpretation of results. Two studies on selenium (Se) metabolism in gilts, including long‐term and peri‐oestrus SeGPX activity profiles, were submitted to analysis of variance with double repeated measures, after data set standardization. Differences between studies were experimental period (three post‐pubertal oestrus or five post‐pubertal oestrus +30 days of gestation) and sample type (whole blood or blood plasma). No difference was observed between whole‐blood long‐term profiles (three oestrus) for SeGPX activity/mg haemoglobin (SeGPX hb) vs. SeGPX activity/ml whole blood (SeGPX wb; p = 0.29). No long‐term difference was observed in whole blood between profiles according to dietary Se provision (basal and dietary Se‐supplemented groups; p ≥ 0.12). Blood plasma long‐term profiles (five oestrus + 30 days gestation) for SeGPX /mg blood plasma protein (SeGPX pro) were different from SeGPX /ml blood plasma (SeGPX pla) according or not to Se provision (p ≤ 0.007 and p < 0.001 respectively). However, regardless of Se provision (p ≥ 0.80), when excluding gestation from the model, blood plasma profiles were similar. During the peri‐oestrus period (day ?4 to +3), regardless of Se provision, SeGPX activity profiles differed according to reference units in both studies (p < 0.001). However, considering Se provision, similar profiles were observed in whole blood and blood plasma (p ≥ 0.27) for basal Se groups, whereas in Se‐supplemented groups they differed for both sample types (p ≤ 0.02). In conclusion, reference units influence interpretation of SeGPX activity according to physiological state. During oxidative stress periods, this effect depends upon dietary Se provision.  相似文献   

Ten Merino ewes were given a single Permasel pellet (containing 5% of elementary selenium) orally and examined for the release of selenium in the reticulum by determining glutathione enzyme activity of the whole blood haemolysate over a period of 12 months. As compared to the controls, the treated ewes exhibited a significant elevation in glutathione peroxidase activity for 8 months, indicating an acceptable persistence of the product tested.  相似文献   

The selenium (Se) concentration of paired blood and serum samples from cattle was determined by 2 methods: 1) atomic absorption spectroscopy using hydride generation (HG-AAS), and 2) inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy using hydride generation (ICP). Samples from 327 cattle were analyzed by HG-AAS, and samples from 344 cattle were analyzed by ICP. The data were examined by linear regression analysis, and the technique of inverse prediction was utilized to determine prediction intervals for estimating blood Se concentration from known serum Se concentration. The correlation coefficients, by simple linear regression of serum Se on blood Se, were 0.79 (r2 = 0.62) and 0.88 (r2 = 0.77) for the HG-AAS data and the ICP data, respectively. For the HG-AAS data, the inverse prediction formula for estimating blood Se when serum Se is known, at the 95% prediction interval, was [formula; see text]. For the ICP data, the inverse prediction formula for estimating blood Se when serum Se is known, at the 95% prediction interval, was [formula; see text]. The prediction intervals were quite wide, and the accuracy of estimating blood Se from a known serum Se was not useful for diagnostic purposes. The use of serum Se concentration to assess nutritional status of cattle with respect to Se does not appear to be appropriate.  相似文献   

Serum vitamin E and blood glutathione peroxidase values were determined in 40 horses with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of degenerative myeloencephalopathy and in 49 age-matched control horses with normal neurologic function. Significant differences were not detected in serum vitamin E or blood glutathione peroxidase values between horses affected with degenerative myeloencephalopathy and control horses. These findings fail to support a reported role of vitamin E deficiency as a cause of equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy.  相似文献   

To identify a simple method for assessing the selenium demand in cattle, the relationship between selenium content in whole blood and the concentration of the selenium containing enzyme glutathione peroxidase (EC; GSH-Px) in red blood cells was studied. On six farms with suspected low soil selenium content, blood samples were collected from groups of calves, yearlings and adults at the end of the housing period and of the grazing period. The data obtained showed a highly significant correlation between the parameters mentioned: GSH-Px (U/g Hb) = 3.261 * Se (micrograms/kg) - 40.553. In growing animals there was a decline in Se supply with age, followed by a gradual recovery in heifers. This was most pronounced on some sandy soils and on peat soil. Seasonal effects could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

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