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OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations between the bacteriology and aspects of history, clinical presentation, outcome and pathology of lower respiratory tract disease of 34 horses. PROCEDURE: Detailed aerobic and anaerobic bacteriological investigations were performed on clinical specimens from horses with pneumonia, lung abscessation and necrotic pneumonia with or without pleurisy in an attempt to identify those bacteria that might contribute to the initiation and progression of infection. RESULTS: Bacteria were cultured from 33 of the 34 horses. In ten cases, only aerobic/facultatively anaerobic isolates were cultured while aerobic/facultatively anaerobic bacteria and obligately anaerobic bacteria were isolated in the other 23 cases. Moderate to large numbers of anaerobic bacteria were isolated only when the estimated duration of illness was at least five days. Bacteria were not cultured from 12 of the pleural fluid samples but were always cultured from pulmonary samples (either transtracheal aspirates from live horses or pulmonary lesions at necropsy). Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus was isolated in the three cases where only one bacterial species was cultured. In the other 30 cases, multiple species were isolated. These included most often and in greatest numbers, Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus, Pasteurellaceae, Escherichia coli, anaerobic cocci, Eubacterium fossor, Bacteroides tectum, Prevotella heparinolytica, Fusobacterium spp, and pigmented members of the genera Prevotella and Porphyromonas. Aerobic/facultatively anaerobic organisms were isolated from 97% of horses, while obligately anaerobic organisms were cultured from 68% of horses. CONCLUSION: There was no association between the isolation of any specific bacterium and the outcome of disease. However, obligately anaerobic bacteria (such as anaerobic cocci, Bacteroides tectum, P heparinolytica and Fusobacterium spp) and the facultatively anaerobic species Escherichia coli, were recovered more commonly from horses that died or were euthanased than from those that survived. There was an association between failure of horses to recover from pleuropneumonia and delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment.  相似文献   

Pulmonary parenchymal tissues from 6 healthy horses and from 9 horses with chronic bronchiolitis were evaluated by use of an indirect immunofluorescent technique. In horses of both groups, the diffuse interstitial immunofluorescence was most intense for immunoglobulin (Ig)G, moderate for IgA, and minimal for IgM. Intensity of fluorescence was increased markedly in diseased lungs exposed to anti-IgA and anti-IgG. Around small bronchi and large bronchioles of healthy horses, IgA-containing cells generally were more numerous than were IgG-Fc fragment (Fc)-containing cells; in small bronchioles, however, IgA-containing cells and IgG (Fc)-containing cells were identified with approximately equal frequency. Immunoglobulin-containing cell types usually were located in the lamina propria and submucosa of airways, with occasional Ig-containing cells seen interepithelially and intraluminally; IgG (T)- and IgM-containing plasma cells were observed infrequently in the same regions. The number of Ig-containing cells became fewer as the diameter of the airway decreased; therefore, at the level of the terminal bronchiole, Ig-containing cells only were observed occasionally. This pattern of Ig-containing cell distribution was similar in horses with chronic bronchiolitis; however, horses with chronic bronchiolitis had more IgA-containing cells forming perivascular and peribronchiolar cuffs than did healthy horses. The number of IgG (Fc)-containing lymphocytes and non-Ig-stainable lymphocytes also were higher in horses with chronic bronchiolitis than in healthy horses, but the number did not approach the magnitude of that observed for IgA-containing cells. One horse had deposits of complement C3 and IgG (Fc) within alveolar septa.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of respiratory diseases in horses can be difficult due to the nonspecific nature of the clinical signs, which overlap between the different diseases. Cytological examination of the respiratory secretions is a helpful diagnostic tool that, when combined with clinical features and other diagnostic techniques, has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy significantly. This review article should help readers to become familiar with the cytology of the normal respiratory tract and with the cytopathological abnormalities associated with common respiratory disorders in horses.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated from nasopharyngeal swabs and tracheal washings taken from Thoroughbred horses in training at three of four separate stables that were sampled during investigations into respiratory disease. The growth of Strep pneumoniae in culture was enhanced by an environment enriched with carbon dioxide. In one stable, five of 15 horses that were sampled repeatedly were found to carry the organism for at least four months. There was an apparent association between lower respiratory tract inflammatory disease and heavy growths (10(6) to 10(8) colony forming units/ml) predominantly of Strep pneumoniae or of that organism together with large numbers of Strep zooepidemicus obtained from tracheal washings. Twelve strains of Strep pneumoniae isolated from three stables were all of capsule Type 3. Only one strain, which was of capsule Type 9, was isolated from nose and throat swabs taken from 32 staff working in one of the stables and suggested an absence of cross infection between horses and their handlers in this instance.  相似文献   

The surface features of the lower respiratory tract of 20 clinically normal horses of different ages and types were studied with scanning electron microscopy. Parallel light microscopical and transmission electron microscopical studies were also carried out. The ciliary carpet was virtually complete from the trachea to the lobar bronchi. In small bronchi, ciliation was less complete allowing numerous non-ciliated mucous cells to become obvious. The terminal bronchioles, populated mainly by non-ciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells, had an abrupt junction with alveolar ducts. Interalveolar pores were common particularly in older horses.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Confinement of horses with their heads elevated for periods up to 24 hours was used to evaluate the extent and the effects of bacterial contamination of the equine lower respiratory tract. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in bacterial numbers (up to 109 colony forming units/mL in transtracheal aspirate derived samples) occurred within 6 or 12 hours in most horses. Pasteurella/Actinobacillus spp and Streptococcus spp were most commonly isolated. Lowering of the head for 30 minutes every 6 hours to facilitate postural drainage did not prevent multiplication of organisms to levels equivalent to those achieved by horses where the head was elevated for 24 hours. When horses were released from confinement and heads were no longer maintained in an elevated position, clearance of accumulated secretions and bacteria occurred within 8 to 12 hours. Thus, confinement with the head elevated resulted in significant bacterial contamination and multiplication within the lower respiratory tract during a period often encountered in routine management procedures, such as transportation. The clearance of accumulated secretions occurred over a prolonged period after release from such confinement.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas were isolated from two of 43 nasal swabs taken from live horses, and from one of 28 tracheal swabs taken from slaughtered horses. The slaughtered horse that yielded mycoplasmas had no gross pathological changes in the respiratory tract, but the nasal isolations were made from horses with rhinitis. The three mycoplasmas could be distinguished by cultural characteristics, and probably they represent three different species.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Mycoplasma hyosynoviae at different locations of the upper respiratory tract and tonsils of pigs was investigated in herds with problems of arthritis apparently caused by this microorganism. The isolation of M. hyosynoviae was facilitated by the use of a medium selectively suppressing the growth of Mycoplasma hyorhinis. M. hyosynoviae was cultured from 106 of 178 tonsils of slaughterhouse pigs from 8 herds but could not be isolated from the mucosa of the nasal cavity or the oral-pharyngeal area of 100 living, 10-20 weeks old pigs in 5 of the herds. The value of the selective principles in the medium appears from the circumstance that 86 of the 106 isolates were obtained despite the presence of M. hyorhinis. It is concluded that the tonsil is a reservoir for M. hyosynoviae and is probably the location of choice for an easy demonstration of the presence of this mycoplasma in a pig herd.  相似文献   

Antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria isolated from nasal swabs and lungs of pigs, to 16 commonly used antibiotics, was determined by disc diffusion test. beta-lactams showed the best activity against Streptococcus suis (S. suis) (> 99% of susceptible strains). The lowest sensitivity of S. suis was evidenced to: tylosin, tetracycline and neomycin (50%, 40% and 25%, respectively). Isolates of Escherichia coli (E. coli) demonstrated the highest susceptibility to cephalosporin (85% strains), gentamicin and norfloxacin (over 74%). The lowest susceptibility of E. coli was demonstrated to tiamulin and penicillin (11.3% and 1.9%, respectively). Over 80% of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) strains were susceptible to all antibiotics tested. The highest resistance of App, but demonstrated by below 20% of tested isolates only, was evidenced to neomycin and LxS. Isolates of Pasteurella multocida (Pm), Haemophilus parasuis (Hps) and Arcanobacterium pyogenes (A. pyogenes) were highly susceptible to the most antibiotics included in the analysis. The comparison of the in vitro susceptibility of pathogens to the chemotherapeutics used on Polish farms for the therapy of bacterial infection of pigs within the last five years and the last 10 years, showed an increasing percent of E. coli and S. suis strains resistant to commonly used antibiotics. It is also shown that Pm, Hps, App and A. pyogenes isolates were continuously susceptible to the most chemotherapeutics applied.  相似文献   

Data on the growth of Thoroughbred yearlings for an 8 year period were examined. Body weight and metacarpal circumferential growth were adversely affected during threeunusually severe winters. Growth in height was not affected.  相似文献   

The entire population data for Thoroughbred horses in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico registered with the Jockey Club of America were utilized to study the effect of stallion book size, age of mare and age of stallion on live foal percentage for the 1987 and 1988 breeding seasons. There were 17,260 stallions bred to 179,009 mares, with a resulting overall live foaling rate of 58.1%. There was an increase in live foal percentage as book size increased (P<0.001) and a decrease in live foal percentage as mare age increased (P<0.0001). Stallion age had no effect on live foal percentage.  相似文献   

The surface characteristics of the lower respiratory tract of two groups of cattle were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Group A comprised six one-week-old calves and group B four adult cows. None of the animals had overt respiratory disease or gross morphological evidence of pulmonary lesions. The trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of the cranial and the caudal lobes of the right lung were examined. In both groups the luminal surface of the trachea and large bronchi were completely covered by cilia, apparently forming an efficient mucociliary escalator. In the adult animals there were some patchy areas in the trachea and large bronchi devoid of ciliated cells; these were considered abnormal. In the bronchi, non-ciliated cells, mainly mucus-secreting, were not easily identified unless they were discharging secretion. In small bronchi, non-ciliated cells were more evident and easily seen. The bronchioles had many non-ciliated cells and very few ciliated cells capable of forming a complete carpet for a mucociliary escalator. Types 1 and 2 alveolar epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages were identified in both groups. Pores of Kohn were found in the alveolar walls in all animals.  相似文献   

A series of 31 thoroughbreds and 18 non-thoroughbreds was examined post mortem to assess what bacteria might be present in the lower respiratory tract, and to assess their significance by correlating the bacteriological findings with histological changes in the lung. The distal trachea and seven representative lung sites were swabbed in each case. Sixty-six per cent of the sites were sterile with remaining sites producing scanty growths of mainly coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Anaerobes, mainly Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides oralis, were only recovered on enrichment media and were isolated more frequently from the right lung than the left. More bacterial species were isolated from thoroughbreds than non-thoroughbreds. Significant inflammation was absent in the majority of lungs examined and this correlated well with the large percentage of sterile sites and low number of potential pathogens. The results indicate that the lower respiratory tract of horses is normally sterile or may contain small numbers of bacteria of low pathogenicity. Chlamydia and respiratory viruses were not isolated from any horse.  相似文献   

Twenty four normal, confined mares were unable to lower their heads for 24 or 48 h. In 21 mares this resulted in increases in the proportion of neutrophils and/or numbers of bacteria in transtracheal aspirates. In eight mares the changes in tracheal washes were accompanied by clinical evidence of mild respiratory disease. In three additional cases respiratory signs were accompanied by systemic illness. These changes reversed once the mares were able to lower their heads. Haematological changes (absolute neutrophilia and/or hyperfibrinogenamia) were mild and occurred more commonly in horses restrained for 48 h. The results suggest that keeping the heads of healthy horses raised leads to an increased bacterial burden in their tracheobronchial secretions. These changes appeared to be related to head posture effects and not simply confinement in stocks. These findings give further weight to the theory that postural drainage may facilitate clearance of bacteria from the tracheobronchial tree. The possible relevance of such findings to post-transportation pneumonia in horses is discussed.  相似文献   

The investigation involved 1035 Thoroughbred horses aged 3–8 years and raised in Italy. Eighty trainers were interviewed on the occurrence of anomalous behaviour. The incidence of cribbing, weaving and stall-walking in the horses was 2.4, 2.5 and 2.5%, respectively. The incidence of behavioural defects in families containing identified anomalous horses (“probands”) was much higher than in the surveyed population: 30% for cribbing, 26% for weaving and 13% for stall-walking. This would suggest the involvement of a genetic component in the three vices, but due to the limited data available it was not possible to ascertain the inheritance patterns. Imitation of mares by foals was excluded as a main cause of the vices.  相似文献   

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