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The nutrient losses of corn containing 0–30% damaged kernels that occurred during alkaline cooking into tortillas were examined. Samples from different stages during processing were tested for chemical composition and protein fractionation. The most prevalent type of kernel damage was mechanical, followed in decreasing order by molds, insects, heat, and rodent damage. Corn with higher content of damaged kernels was susceptible to overcooking, resulting in cracked or fully open nixtamal kernels and sticky masa that were difficult to handle during processing. Nutrient losses increased with increasing levels of kernel damage. Most nutrient losses from sound corn kernels occurred during washing as the pericarp and attached solids were removed. During simmering, damaged corn kernels were fully cooked into physically opened kernels with more nutrients being extracted into the water. About 15% of total solids and 50% of both crude fiber and fat were lost during cooking of corn with 30% kernel damage. The greatest losses were consistently observed for albumins and globulins from both sound and damaged kernels at all stages of cooking. Appropriate control of kernel damage level is required to improve yield of product with consistent quality. The susceptibility to overcooking of excessively damaged corn increases the complexity to consistently meet product quality specifications. Excess dry matter losses in the cooking liquor can significantly increase the risk of environmental contamination and cost of sewage water treatment.  相似文献   

Corn hybrids were compared to determine the fate of recombinant Bt protein (CRY1Ab from Bacillus thuringiensis) in coproducts from dry grind and wet‐milled corn during production of fuel ethanol. Two pairs of Bt and non‐Bt hybrids were wet milled, and each fraction was examined for the presence of the Bt protein. Bt protein was found in the germ, gluten, and fiber fractions of Bt hybrids. In addition, one set of Bt and non‐Bt hybrids were treated by the dry‐grind ethanol process and Bt protein was monitored during each step of the process. The Bt protein was not detected after liquefaction. Subsequent experiments determined that the Bt protein is rapidly denatured at liquefaction temperatures. Finally, five hybrids were compared for ethanol yield after dry grinding. Analysis of fermentation data with an F‐test revealed the percent of total starch available for conversion into ethanol varied significantly among the hybrids (P < 0.002), indicating ethanol yield is not exclusively dependent on starch content. No difference, however, was observed between Bt and non‐Bt corn hybrids for either ethanol productivity or yield.  相似文献   

Kernels of two carotenoid‐rich cultivars, sweet corn Jingtian 5 and field corn Suyu 29, were compared in terms of carotenoid composition during corn kernel development. The results showed that eight principal carotenoids were characterized by HPLC with diode array detection and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry with a C30 column. During kernel development, there was a similar trend in the change of total carotenoids for both corn cultivars, and the variation of individual carotenoids was also somewhat similar; violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, α‐cryptoxanthin, and β‐cryptoxanthin contents had upward trends, whereas neoxanthin content declined all the time, and α‐carotene and β‐carotene had no significant changes. However, the highest levels of the major carotenoids lutein (41.61 µg/g, dry weight) and zeaxanthin (39.59 µg/g, dry weight) obtained in field corn Suyu 29 during the milk stage were higher than those in sweet corn Jingtian 5, whereas the other individual carotenoid levels were significantly lower. Compared with the grain color, highly significant positive correlations were observed between zeaxanthin, lutein, and violaxanthin contents and deeper yellow/orange coloration indicators for field corn Suyu 29, but these relationships were weak for sweet corn Jingtian 5. Potential genetic variation might exist for carotenoid accumulation in sweet and field corn kernels.  相似文献   

Diplodiosis is a neuromycotoxicosis of cattle and sheep caused by ingestion of maize infected with the ear-rot fungus Stenocarpella (= Diplodia ) maydis . Apart from ataxia, paresis, and paralysis, the toxin is responsible for stillbirths and neonatal losses characterized by the presence of spongiform degeneration in the white matter of the brain in the offspring of dams exposed to infected maize cobs. In the present study a toxin, named diplonine, which induced neurological signs in guinea pigs resembling some of those occurring in cattle and sheep, was isolated from S. maydis cultures. Purification of diplonine was achieved by methanol extraction followed by chromatographic separation on silica gel and RP-18 stationary phases. The structure and relative configuration of diplonine were defined by analysis of NMR and MS data as (S)-2-amino-2-[(1R,2S)-1-hydroxy-2-methylcyclopropyl]acetic acid or the (S)-2-amino-2-[(1S,2R)-diastereomer.  相似文献   

The effects of alternative corn wet‐milling (intermittent milling and dynamic steeping (IMDS), gaseous SO2 and alkali wet‐milling) and dry grind ethanol (quick germ and quick fiber with chemicals) production technologies were evaluated on the yield and phytosterol composition (ferulate phytosterol esters, free phytosterols, and fatty acyl phytosterol esters) of corn germ and fiber oil and compared with the conventional wet‐milling process. Small but statistically significant effects were observed on the yield and composition of corn germ and fiber oil with these alternative milling technologies. The results showed that the germ and fiber fractions from two of the alternative wet‐milling technologies (the gaseous SO2 and the IMDS) had, for almost all of the individual phytosterol compounds, either comparable or signficantly higher yields compared with the conventional wet‐milling process. Also, both of the modified dry grind ethanol processes (the quick germ and quick fiber) with chemicals (SO2 and lactic acid) can be used as a new source of corn germ and fiber and can produce oils with high yields of phytosterols. The alkali wet‐milling process showed significantly lower yields of phytosterols compounds in germ but showed significantly higher yield of free phytosterols, fatty acyl phytosterol esters and total phytosterols in the fiber fraction.  相似文献   

The use of a renewable biomass that contains considerable amounts of starch and cellulose could provide a sugar platform for the production of numerous bioproducts. Pretreatment technologies have been developed to increase the bioconversion rate for both starch and cellulosic‐based biomass. This study investigated the effect of decortication as a pretreatment method on ethanol production from sorghum, as well as investigating its impact on quality of distillers' dry grains with solubles (DDGS). Eight sorghum hybrids with 0, 10, and 20% of their outer layers removed were used as raw materials for ethanol production. The decorticated samples were fermented to ethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Removal of germ and fiber before fermentation allowed for greater starch loading for ethanol fermentation and resulted in increased ethanol production. Ethanol yields increased as the percentage of decortication increased. The decortication process resulted in DDGS with higher protein content and lower fiber content, which may improve the feed quality.  相似文献   

The variability in commercial corn hybrids for corn fiber yields, amounts of extractable oil, and levels of individual and total phytosterol components in corn fiber oil was determined. Also, the effect of growth location on fiber yields, fiber oil content, and the levels of individual and total phytosterol compounds was determined. Significant variation was observed in the commercial hybrids for fiber yield (13.2–16.6%) and fiber oil yield (0.9–2.4%). No significant correlation was observed between fiber and oil yields. Significant variations in the commercial corn hybrids were also observed in the individual phytosterol compounds in corn fiber oil: 2.9–9.2% for ferulate phytosterol esters (FPE); 1.9–4.3% for free phytosterols (St); and 6.5–9.5% for phytosterol fatty acyl esters (St:E). Positive correlations were observed among the three phytosterol compounds in the corn fiber oil (R = 0.75 for FPE and St:E; 0.48 for St:E and St; and 0.68 for FPE and St). The effect of location on dependent variables was also significant. The same hybrids grown at different locations showed a variation (range) of 4.0–17.5% for FPE, 4.9–12.2% for St:E, and 1.95–4.45% for St. Relative ranking of hybrids with respect to phytosterol composition was consistent for almost all of the growth locations.  相似文献   

We recently reported that corn fiber oil contains high levels of three potential cholesterol-lowering phytosterol components: ferulate-phytosterol esters (FPE) (3–6 wt%), free phytosterols (1–2 wt%), and phytosterol-fatty acyl esters (7–9 wt%). A previous study also indicated that corn bran oil contained less phytosterol components than corn fiber oil. The current study was undertaken to attempt to confirm this preliminary observation using more defined conditions. Accordingly, oil was extracted from corn fiber and corn bran prepared under controlled laboratory conditions, using the same sample of corn hybrid kernels for each, and using recognized bench-scale wet-milling, and dry-milling procedures, respectively. After extraction, the chemical composition of the phytosterol components in the oil were measured. This study confirmed our previous observation—that FPE levels were higher in corn fiber oil than in corn bran oil. During industrial wet-milling, almost all of the FPE are recovered in the fiber fraction (which contains both fine and coarse fiber). During laboratory-scale wet-milling, ≈60–70% of the FPE are recovered in the coarse fiber (pericarp) and 30–40% are recovered in the fine fiber. During laboratory-scale dry-milling, <20% of the FPE are recovered in the bran (pericarp), and the rest in the grits. The recoveries of the other two phytosterol components (free phytosterols and phytosterol-fatty acyl esters) revealed a more complex distribution, with significant levels found in several of the dry- and wet-milled products.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the ability of several strains of fungi, which were isolated from the Brazilian Amazon, to solubilize calcium phosphate in vitro and to promote corn and cowpea growth under axenic conditions. Each plant species received six treatments: inoculation with strains with high solubilization index (SI) (Haematonectria ipomoeae CML 3249 and Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulate CML 3250) and control treatments: inoculation with strain that does not solubilize phosphate on Pikovskaya agar (PVK) (Acremonium polychromum FSA115), and non-inoculated treatments with high concentration of insoluble phosphate (HPins), high concentration of soluble phosphate (HPs) or low concentration of soluble phosphate (LPs). The fungi strains had SI between 1.07 cm and 2.03 cm including species without previous report in the literature of their capacity to solubilize calcium phosphate. The two phosphate-solubilizing strains promoted greater corn and cowpea root growth than the controls FSA115, HPins and LPs, to a level similar to the HPs control.  相似文献   

The effects of ground corn particle size on ethanol yield and soluble solids in thin stillage was evaluated using a 2‐L laboratory dry‐grind procedure. The procedure was optimized for grinding, liquefaction, sacchari‐fication, and fermentation parameters. The optimized procedure was reproducible with a coefficient of variation of 3.6% in ethanol yield. Five particle size distributions of ground corn were obtained using a cross‐beater mill equipped with five screens (0.5, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mm). Particle size had an effect on ethanol yield and on soluble solids concentration in thin stillage. The highest ethanol yield of 12.6 mL/100 mL of beer was achieved using a 0.5‐mm screen in the cross‐beater mill. Treatment using the 0.5‐mm mill screen resulted in soluble solids concentration of 25.1 g/L and was higher than soluble solids concentrations obtained with other screens. No differences in soluble solid concentrations were observed in samples of thin stillage obtained from 2, 3, 4, and 5‐mm screens which had a mean yield of 16.2 g/L. By optimizing particle size for maximum ethanol yield and minimum solids in thin stillage, dry‐grind corn plants could realize reduced capital and operating costs.  相似文献   

The effects of amylose, protein, and fiber contents on ethanol yields were evaluated using artificially formulated media made from commercial corn starches with different contents of amylose, corn protein, and corn fiber, as well as media made from different cereal sources including corn, sorghum, and wheat with different amylose contents. Second‐order response‐surface regression models were used to study the effects and interactions of amylose, protein, and fiber contents on ethanol yield and conversion efficiency. The results showed that the amylose content of starches had a significant (P < 0.001) effect on ethanol conversion efficiency. No significant effect of protein content on ethanol production was observed. Fiber did not show a significant effect on ethanol fermentation either. Conversion efficiencies increased as the amylose content decreased, especially when the amylose content was >35%. The reduced quadratic model fits the conversion efficiency data better than the full quadratic model does. Fermentation tests on mashes made from corn, sorghum, and wheat samples with different amylose contents confirmed the adverse effect of amylose content on fermentation efficiency. High‐temperature cooking with agitation significantly increased the conversion efficiencies on mashes made from high‐amylose (35–70%) ground corn and starches. A cooking temperature of ≥160°C was needed on high‐amylose corn and starches to obtain a conversion efficiency equal to that of normal corn and starch.  相似文献   

浮萍对稻田田面水中氮素转化与可溶性氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浮萍是稻田田面水中大量存在的典型水生植物,本试验采用室内培养的方法,以采自浙江省嘉兴市双桥农场的青紫泥水稻土为例,探讨了不同初始密度的浮萍对稻田施尿素后田面水尿素水解及可溶性氮浓度的影响。结果表明,浮萍可明显加快田面水尿素态氮的水解过程,对照、低浓度浮萍(D1)和高浓度浮萍(D2)处理中尿素水解速率常数k分别为0.02,0.03,0、04/h;试验前期,浮萍将大量的铵态氮(NH4^+-N)吸收同化后储存于体内.而从第12天(D2处理)和15天(D1处理)开始,由于浮萍的释氮作用导致田面水中NH4^+-N浓度逐步回升,同时硝态氮(NO3^--N)浓度也明显增加,说明浮萍在田面水氮索浓度较高时可大量积累氮索而浓度较低时可以向田面水中释放氮素,这有利于降低施肥初期田面水氮素流失潜能和保证施肥后期作物的氮营养供应。  相似文献   

为探究“稻转旱”的土地利用变化对区域氮素流失的影响,以三峡库区渠溪小流域为研究对象,利用土地利用转移矩阵揭示了该流域2001—2019年的土地利用变化,基于输出系数模型并利用流域氮负荷实测数据进行模型参数修订后,对该流域2001年和2019年氮负荷进行了估算并比较。结果表明:该流域2001—2019年土地利用总体演变趋势为水稻田向旱地转化、旱地向林地转化,且以“稻转旱”为主。这种演变使流域氮素流失增加,2019年相对于2001年氮流失量增加了26%,平均每公顷氮流失量增加了约7.8 kg。这种变化表明在农业结构调整时应考虑到水稻田对面源污染物氮素良好的净化拦截作用,控制其面积的缩减以及在小流域氮素输移关键节点上的布局。  相似文献   

缓苏过程中玉米颗粒内部水分分布的数学模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在平面直角坐标下,利用有限元方法,对玉米颗粒在缓苏过程中的含水量变化进行了数学模拟。玉米颗粒在75℃的热风温度下干燥2小时,然后进行密闭保温缓苏,结果表明:随着缓苏时间的增加,玉米颗粒中心部位的含水量缓慢下降,表面的含水量增加较快,只有次中间部位的含水量变化较小。在玉米颗粒内部,粉质胚乳的平均含水量呈下降的趋势,而角质胚乳和胚的平均含水量是增加的。  相似文献   

The addition of six acids (organic and inorganic) and four sulfite compounds (including gaseous SO2) during the conventional corn wet‐milling steeping process of two yellow dent corn hybrids were evaluated for the effect on corn fiber yield, corn fiber oil yield, and the composition of three phytosterol compounds (ferulate phytosterol esters [FPE], free phytosterols [St], and phytosterol fatty acyl esters [St:E]) in the corn fiber oil. No significant effect of different sulfite compounds and acids were observed on corn fiber yields. However, a significant effect was observed on corn fiber oil yield and the composition of corn fiber oil for phytosterol compounds. Three of the sulfite compounds (including gaseous SO2) caused very little effect on the levels of phytosterol compounds compared with the control sample (corn steeped with sodium metabisulfite and lactic acid). However, for one hybrid, ammonium sulfite gave a significantly higher yield of FPE and St:E and had no effect on the yield of St. For the other hybrid, it gave a significantly higher yield of FPE and had no effect on the yield of St and St:E compared with the control sample. This indicates that the effect of these sulfite compounds on yields of these phytosterol compounds in corn fiber oil is probably hybrid‐dependent. No significant effect of acids was observed on corn fiber yields, but significant effects were observed on corn fiber oil yields and yields of phytosterol compounds in the corn fiber oil. The effect also seems to be hybrid‐dependent because different acids affected the two hybrids differently. Overall, it seems that weak acids have a positive effect on increasing the individual phytosterol compounds in the corn fiber. When comparing the effect of experimental acids and sulfites on the two hybrids, acids have a more positive effect than sulfites in increasing the yield of phytosterol compounds in corn fiber oil.  相似文献   


Yellow foxtail [Setaria pumila syn. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv.] competitive influence on corn (Zea mays L.) growth and yield was investigated at Brookings, South Dakota, and Morris, Minnesota, in 1995 and 1996. Yellow foxtail was seeded at different densities, and at Morris, two levels of nitrogen (N) were applied. Corn biomass measured at V‐6 or V‐8, silking, and harvest and grain yield were correlated negatively to foxtail biomass and density, but the loss differed between years and sites. Nitrogen increased corn growth and decreased yield loss. Defining a single foxtail density or biomass that resulted in a maximum yield loss of 10% was not possible. The most conservative estimate was 3 yellow foxtail plants m?2 or 24 g m?2 of yellow foxtail biomass, but ranged up to 55 plants m?2 and 256 g m?2 when weather conditions and N were optimal.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) status of corn plants influences yield performance through adjustment of yield components. Physiological function of corn pollen produced under N-stressed conditions has not drawn enough attention in genotype selection and breeding programs. The object of this study was to assess effects of N nutrition of the pollen donor on kernel set and yield components of the pollen recipient in a field trial by using a restricted pollination procedure. Pollen from plants receiving 0 and 240 kg N ha?1 was manually applied to plants receiving 0, 80, 160, and 240 kg N ha? 1 during silk emergence. The high rate of N fertilizer applied to the pollen donor significantly increased kernel number, kernel weight, harvest index, and aboveground biomass in the pollen recipient. The effect of N nutrition of the pollen donor was similar at all N levels that were applied to the pollen recipient so the interaction was not significant for any of the variables.  相似文献   

Fifty‐one samples of shelled corn were rewetted to 21% wb moisture content (MC) and evaluated for susceptibility to fungal invasion using ergosterol measurements and a test kit that measures carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution. The sample attributes measured were percent germination, electrolyte leakage after soaking in deionized water, percent fines, and percent kernel infection. The difference in ergosterol content before and after incubation at 24°C was used as the standard measure of fungal growth. Differences in CO2 evolution among the samples were consistent with expectations for fungal growth based on storage history. The coefficients of determination (r2) for the linear regression of ergosterol difference with CO2 kit readings were 0.46–0.60. All were statistically significant (α = 0.001) and r2 values were slightly greater when four high‐oil corn samples were removed. These results indicate that the CO2 test can be used to assess fungal susceptibility of rewetted shelled corn, which may also be indicative of its susceptibility before rewetting. The linear regressions of kernel attributes with ergosterol difference (48 < n < 51) that were statistically significant included percent germination, r2 = 0.49 (α = 0.001); electrolyte leakage, r2 = 0.27 (α = 0.001); and percent fines determined with a 4.76‐mm sieve, r2 = 0.12 (α = 0.05).  相似文献   

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