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为了构建能够同时防控鸡肝炎-心包积液综合征(HHS)和包涵体肝炎(IBH)的新型疫苗,本研究利用禽腺病毒4型(FAdV-4)中国流行株CH/HNJZ/2015的反向遗传操作技术,将禽腺病毒8b型(FAdV-8b)中国流行株的全长Fiber基因插入至FAdV-4基因组中1 966 bp自然缺失区,构建感染性克隆并拯救出重组病毒rHNJZ-Fiber/FAdV8b,利用PCR、Western blot和间接免疫荧光试验对重组病毒rHNJZ-Fiber/FAdV8b进行鉴定。结果表明,FAdV-8b的Fiber基因得以准确插入,Fiber蛋白正确并稳定表达,重组病毒rHNJZ-Fiber/FAdV8b具有良好的遗传稳定性,在细胞中具有与亲本毒株相似的高滴度生长特性和复制动态。本研究构建的表达FAdV-8b中国流行株Fiber基因的重组FAdV-4将为同时研发HHS和IBH的有效疫苗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Objective Fowl adenoviruses (FAdVs) cause inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in chickens. In this study, clinical cases of IBH from Australian broiler flocks were screened for the presence and genotype of FAdVs. Methods Twenty‐six IBH cases from commercial poultry farms were screened. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with high‐resolution melt (HRM) curve analysis (PCR/HRM genotyping) was used to determine the presence and genotype of FAdVs. For comparison, field isolates were also assessed by virus microneutralisation and nucleotide sequence analysis of the hexon loop 1 (Hex L1) gene. PCR detection of chicken anaemia virus (CAV) and infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was also employed. Results FAdV‐8b and FAdV‐11 were identified in 13 cases each. In one case, FAdV‐1 was also identified. Cross‐neutralisation was observed between the FAdV‐11 field strain and the reference FAdV‐2 and 11 antisera, a result also seen with the type 2 and 11 reference FAdVs. Field strains 1 and 8b were neutralised only by their respective type antisera. The FAdV‐8b field strain was identical to the Australian FAdV vaccine strain (type 8b) in the Hex L1 region. The Hex L1 sequence of the FAdV‐11 field strain had the highest identity to FAdV‐11 (93.2%) and FAdV‐2 (92.7%) reference strains. In the five cases tested for CAV and IBDV, neither virus was detected. The evidence suggested the presence of sufficient antibodies against CAV and IBD in the parent flocks and there was no indication of immunosuppression caused by these viruses. Conclusion These results indicate that PCR/HRM genotyping is a reliable diagnostic method for FAdV identification and is more rapid than virus neutralisation and direct sequence analysis. Furthermore, they suggest that IBH in Australian broiler flocks is a primary disease resulting from two alternative FAdV strains from different species.  相似文献   

Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and broiler (Gallus domesticus) chicks were inoculated experimentally with IBH virus (avian adenovirus-1) derived from quails to determine its pathogenicity. Quail chicks were inoculated by the intraperitoneal route at 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 weeks of age. Lesions were encountered most frequently in the liver, kidneys and lungs. These included pale, swollen and mottled liver, swollen nephrotic kidneys, and congested and pneumonic lungs. The lesions were severe in birds inoculated at 5 weeks of age. Large basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were seen in hepatocytes and occasionally in the renal epithelium. The results showed that this isolate is pathogenic for quails above 3 weeks of age. Broiler chicks were inoculated at 4 weeks of age by the intraperitoneal route. The lesions produced in these chicks were similar to those of adenovirus-induced inclusion body hepatitis. Viral antigen was also demonstrated by dot-ELISA in suspensions of liver tissue from both quail and broiler chicks.Abbreviations AAF amnio-allantoic fluid - AAV avian adenovirus - DPI days post inoculation - EID50 dose infective for 50% of embryos - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - IBH inclusion body hepatitis - INIBs intranuclear inclusion bodies - NAF normal allantoic fluid  相似文献   

本实验从河北地区疑似流感发病猪体内分离到一株病毒,经鉴定为H9N2亚型猪流感(SIV)病毒.将该分离株经滴鼻、点眼途径感染小鼠,观察临床症状和病理变化,同时对血凝素(HA)、神经氨酸酶(NA)、核蛋白(NP)和基质蛋白基因(M)进行克隆和序列测定,与GenBank中登录的相关序列进行比对并绘制系统发育进化树.致病性结果显示:感染小鼠出现精神不振,体重下降,并引起以弥漫性肺泡损伤为主的临床症状和病理变化.序列分析结果显示:该分离株与禽流感病毒(AW) A/chicken/Hebei/4/2008 (H9N2)(简称CK/HB/4/08)参考株的HA、NA、NP和M基因的核苷酸序列和推导的氨基酸序列的同源性最高.HA蛋白的裂解位点序列为PARSSR↓GLF,属于低致病性流感病毒的裂解位点.HA、NP、NA和M基因的遗传进化分析均显示该分离株与AIV的CK/HB/4/08株位于同一分支,具有较近的亲缘关系;由此推测该分离株可能是由CK/HB/4/08演化而来,并在跨物种传播的过程中发生了部分变异.  相似文献   

鸡包涵体肝炎病毒DNA探针的制备及其原位杂交的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用限制酶HirdⅢ和Ecorl双切鸡包涵体肝炎六邻体蛋白基因片段重组质粒,得到大小636bp的基因片段,用地高辛标记制备DNA探针,其灵敏度为0.1~0.3ng/μL。用该探针对感染鸡包涵体肝炎病毒的雏鸡肝组织进行原位杂交,结果表明病毒经口感染后12h肝细胞内出现病毒的复制,3~7d时病毒复制明显,9~16d病毒复制减弱。原位杂交表明鸡包涵体肝炎病毒主要定位于核内,同时也可进入胞浆中。地高辛标记鸡包涵体肝炎病毒DNA探针对检测该病毒DNA的灵敏度高,特异性强,操作方便,该探针可用于本病的分子病理学研究和特异性诊断。  相似文献   

免疫鸡群中分离的H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的分子特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究浙江省禽流感病毒(AIV)的流行病学情况,本实验应用鸡胚传代方法从AIV疫苗免疫鸡群中表现典型呼吸症状的产蛋鸡体内分离1株H9N2亚型AIV A/Chicken/Jiande/01/2009(H9N2)。氨基酸序列分析显示,HA受体结合位点出现了人流感病毒结合位点226L,M基因出现S31N的突变。遗传进化分析显示,A/Chicken/Jiande/01/2009的M基因和PB2基因属于G1-Like谱系,HA基因、NA基因和NS基因属于Ck/BJ/1/94-Like分支,而NP基因、PA基因和PB1基因属于Ck/SH/F/98-Like谱系。这些资料表明,A/Chicken/Jiande/01/2009(H9N2)为一株重排病毒。  相似文献   

Fowl adenoviruses D and E (FAdV-D and E) can cause inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in commercial chicken flocks. Recently, IBH outbreaks have been increasingly reported in different regions of Iran, particularly in broiler farms. The present study was conducted to perform, for the first time, a complete genome characterization of a FAdV isolate from an IBH outbreak in Iran. Briefly, liver samples were collected from affected broiler flocks and following viral DNA extraction and confirming by PCR technique; one positive sample was selected from an affected flock to conduct a complete genome sequencing. The current FAdV, named "Fowl_Adenovirus_D_isolate_iran/UT-Kiaee_2018", was placed into FAdV-11 serotype (D species). According to the complete genome sequence analysis, UT-Kiaee had high homology with Chinese and Canadian FAdV. The partial sequence of the hexon gene revealed that UT-Kiaee shared 100% identity with previous Iranian FAdVs. The present study was the first to report full genome FAdV in Iran and complete the puzzle of molecular epidemiology of FAdV in Iran through determining the possible origin of Iranian FAdvs, which are the causative agents of recent IBH outbreaks in Iran.  相似文献   

为了解东北边境地区野猪及放养杂交野猪群体猪戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染情况,于2015—2018年在吉林省、黑龙江省的中朝、中俄边境和内蒙古自治区境内加格达奇周边地区采集6月龄以上杂交野猪血清、粪便或肛拭子样品共520份,采集野猪血清和粪便样品共248份。ELISA检测、RT-nPCR检测、全基因组测序、同源性及进化分析结果显示,杂交野猪和野猪感染HEV的血清抗体总阳性率为34.1%(136/399);核酸总阳性率为1.56%(12/771),12份核酸阳性样品均来自杂交野猪,病毒基因组ORF2部分核苷酸序列同源性为85.4%~100.0%,属于基因4型,4a、4b亚型。对4a亚型的1份阳性样品(LJG-18)进行病毒全基因组扩增测序,其核苷酸序列与日本的人源毒株JKO-ChiSai98C同源性最高,为94.9%,与吉林省猪源毒株Ch-S-1同源性为90.2%。结果表明:东北边境地区放养杂交野猪群具有较高的HEV血清抗体阳性率,HEV流行毒株以4a亚型为主。本试验针对我国野猪及放养杂交野猪群体开展猪戊型肝炎流行病学调查,为该病的流行情况提供了新的科学数据,对我国养猪业健康发展和公共卫生安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV) is the primary causative agent of Hepatitis–Splenomegaly (HS) syndrome in chickens. Recently, a genetically unique strain of avian HEV, designated avian HEV-VA, was recovered from healthy chickens in Virginia. The objective of this study was to experimentally compare the pathogenicity of the prototype strain recovered from a chicken with HS syndrome and the avian HEV-VA strain in specific-pathogen-free chickens. An infectious stock of the avian HEV-VA strain was first generated and its infectivity titer determined in chickens. For the comparative pathogenesis study, 54 chickens of 6-week-old were assigned to 3 groups of 18 chickens each. The group 1 chickens were each intravenously inoculated with 5 × 102.5 50% chicken infectious dose of the prototype strain. The group 2 received the same dose of the avian HEV-VA strain, and the group 3 served as negative controls. Six chickens from each group were necropsied at 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-inoculation (wpi). Most chickens in both inoculated groups seroconverted by 3 wpi, and the mean anti-avian HEV antibody titers were higher for the prototype strain group than the avian HEV-VA strain group. There was no significant difference in the patterns of viremia and fecal virus shedding. Blood analyte profiles did not differ between treatment groups except for serum creatine phosphokinase levels which were higher for prototype avian HEV group than avian HEV-VA group. The hepatic lesion score was higher for the prototype strain group than the other two groups. The results indicateded that the avian HEV-VA strain is only slightly attenuated compared to the prototype strain, suggesting that the full spectrum of HS syndrome is likely associated with other co-factors.  相似文献   

为探明包涵体肝炎引起蛋鸡免疫抑制和生殖系统发育障碍的内分泌机制 ,给 60日龄青年蛋鸡口服感染包涵体肝炎 型腺病毒建立鸡包涵体肝炎模型 ,定期跖静脉采血 ,测定血清中甲状腺激素 ( T3、T4)、皮质醇和雌二醇水平。结果显示 ,感染鸡血清 T4水平极显著降低 ,T3呈升高趋势 ,血清皮质醇水平极显著升高 ,雌二醇水平于感染后 1周呈一过性升高 ,之后极显著降低  相似文献   

Duck adenovirus (Cornell strain) was propagated in duck and chicken embryo cells at 37.5 C and at 40 C. In duck cells, virus levels, as indicated by HA titers, peaked earlier at 40 C than at 37.5 C. High titers were eventually observed in duck cells at both temperatures. In chicken embryo fibroblasts, no titers were observed at 37.5 C, whereas low titers were observed at 40 C. Evidence of virus propagation was not detected in chicken embryo liver and kidney cells.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BoDV) is a neurotropic virus that causes several infections in humans and neurological diseases in a wide range of animals worldwide. BoDV-1 has been molecularly and serologically detected in many domestic and wild animals in Japan; however, the genetic diversity of this virus and the origin of its infection are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated BoDV-1 infection and genetic diversity in samples collected from animals in Hokkaido between 2006 and 2020. The analysis was performed by focusing on the P region of BoDV-1 for virus detection. The presence of BoDV-1 RNA was observed in samples of brain tissue and various organs derived from persistently infected cattle. Moreover, after inoculation, BoDV-positive brains were isolated from neonatal rats. The gene sequences of the P region of BoDV obtained from the rat brain were in the same cluster as the P region of the virus isolated from the original bovine. Thus, genetic variation in BoDV-1 was extremely low. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that BoDV-1 isolates obtained in this study were part of the same cluster, which suggested that BoDV-1 of the same cluster was widespread among animals in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

广西某养殖场130日龄父母代种鸡发生临床肿瘤样病变和死亡,对病鸡采用病理解剖、组织病理学观察、PCR检测、病毒分离以及分离株重要基因的序列测定和病原鉴定。结果显示:病鸡的心脏、肝脏、脾脏等部位表现有肿瘤样病变; PCR检测及病毒分离培养有J亚群禽白血病病毒(avian leukosis virus subgroup J,ALV-J)和马立克病病毒(Marek's disease virus,MDV)的感染; ALV-J分离株env基因的序列与10株ALV-J参考株的核苷酸相似性为87. 2%~97. 7%,与ALV A-E亚型参考株的相似性为53. 5%~54. 7%;与ALV-J英国原型株HPRS-103的env基因糖基化位点进行分析比较,部分糖基化位点发生了改变; MDV分离株meq基因序列与8株MDV参考株的核苷酸相似性为98. 7%~99. 4%,分离株在第71~80位氨基酸发生突变,符合国内强毒分离株的特征。结果说明:该鸡群为ALV-J和MDV的混合感染。  相似文献   

本试验根据猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)基因组GP5蛋白的免疫原性,将PRRSV河北分离株GP5基因的表达盒克隆到犬1型腺病毒的感染性基因组的复制非必需区内,转染MDCK细胞,获得了重组病毒,免疫新生仔猪,分别在免疫后0~12周采集血清,通过ELISA检测证明,猪体同时产生了针对犬1型腺病毒和PRRSVGP5的抗体.说明GP5-重组犬1型腺病毒具有作为蓝耳病疫苗的潜力.  相似文献   

We characterized Influenza A/H5N1 virus that caused the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in chickens in Bhutan in 2010. The virus was highly virulent to chicken, killing them within two days of the experimental inoculation with an intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI) of 2.88. For genetic and phylogenetic analyses, complete genome sequencing of 4 viral isolates was carried out. The isolates revealed multiple basic amino acids at their hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site, similar to other "Qinghai-like" H5N1 isolates. The receptor-binding site of HA molecule contained avian-like amino acids ((222)Q and (224)G). The isolates also contained amino acid residue K at position 627 of the PB2 protein, and other markers in NS 1 and PB1 proteins, highlighting the risk to mammals. However, the isolates were sensitive to influenza drugs presently available in the market. The sequence analysis indicated that the Bhutan viruses shared 99.1-100% nucleotide homology in all the eight genes among themselves and 2010 chicken isolate from Bangladesh (A/chicken/Bangladesh/1151-11/2010) indicating common progenitor virus. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Bhutan isolates belonged to sub-clade 2.2.3 (EMA 3) and shared common progenitor virus with the 2010 Bangladesh virus. Based on the evidence of phylogeny and molecular markers, it could be concluded that the outbreaks in Bhutan and Bangladesh in 2010 were due to independent introductions of the virus probably through migratory birds.  相似文献   

Theileria equi (T. equi) is an obligate intra- and extra-erythrocytic parasite that causes equine theileriosis (ET) in equids. Equine theileriosis is considered a notifiable disease of global significance, a major constraint to the international movement of horses, and endemic in many countries. This disease may be difficult to diagnose, as it can produce variable and nonspecific clinical signs. A cross-sectional study was designed for the molecular characterisation of T. equi and to investigate the associated risk factors of ET accompanied by its consequences on haematological and sero-biochemical parameters. A convenience sampling of 500 blood samples were collected from ET suspect horses from January to December 2017. PCR was performed on all blood samples targeting the 18S rRNA gene of T. equi followed by sequencing; 9% animals tested positive with confirmed sequences. The isolates of this study showed high homology with Cuban, Russian and Brazilian isolates of T. equi (accession numbers KY111762.2 , MG551915.1 and KY952237.1 , respectively). Based on multivariate analysis, the principal risk factors consisted of absence of dogs on the premises and presence of tick infestation. The haemato-biochemical parameters showed a decrease in granulocytes and erythrocytes, and an increase in lymphocytes, monocytes, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean platelet volume, glucose, phosphorus and aspartate aminotransferase in positive horses. This is the first study which identified ET in Punjab (Pakistan) using molecular techniques and risk factors together with the haemato-biochemical variations in horses.  相似文献   

为探讨鸡包涵体肝炎病毒( I B H V)引起免疫抑制的机理,给 1 周龄雏鸡经口感染鸡Ⅷ型腺病毒,观察了感染后不同时间血液淋巴细胞转化率、 R B C C3b 受体花环率和 R B C I C 花环率的动态变化。结果表明,淋巴细胞转化率和 R B C C3 b 受体花环率于感染后 3 d 开始下降,至 9 d 降至最低,显著低于对照组( P < 001); R B C I C 花环率于感染后 5 d 开始升高,至 11 d 达最高,显著高于对照组( P < 001)。证实 I B H V 能够引起淋巴细胞和红细胞免疫功能降低。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿是世界最重要的豆科牧草之一,干旱是影响其产量和地理分布的关键瓶颈。在紫花苜蓿响应干旱胁迫过程中,转录因子发挥着重要的调控作用。TCP(teosinte branchesd 1/cycloidea/pro-liferating cell factors)为植物特有的转录因子,在植物生长、发育、响应逆境胁迫中都具有重要的生物学功能。截至目前,该基因家族在紫花苜蓿中的分布以及响应干旱胁迫的生物学功能仍未见报道。因此,为进一步挖掘紫花苜蓿中响应干旱胁迫功能基因,本研究利用生物信息学方法在全基因组水平对TCP基因家族进行了鉴定,并对其系统进化、基因结构、染色体定位、共线性分析以及干旱胁迫下的表达模式进行了分析。结果表明,紫花苜蓿基因组中共鉴定出40个MsTCP基因,不均匀地分布于20条染色体上,其中包括17对旁系同源基因对,且都是基因片段复制事件。系统发育和保守结构域分析发现,MsTCP基因可以分为2个大分支和3个亚家族(PCF, CIN与CYC/TB1),同一分支中的成员具有相同氨基酸数目的TCP结构域,同亚家族中的成员具有相似的保守基序与基因结构。此外,通过分析紫花苜蓿响应干旱转录组数据共鉴定出4个可能与紫花苜蓿响应干旱胁迫有关的MsTCP基因(MsTCP23,MsTCP27,MsTCP29,MsTCP33)。qRT-PCR结果进一步表明PEG模拟干旱胁迫处理后,这4个基因的表达量在根和叶中均显著上调,进一步确定了这些基因的确响应紫花苜蓿干旱胁迫。该研究为后期深入解析紫花苜蓿响应干旱胁迫理论以及通过基因工程技术创制高抗旱紫花苜蓿新种质奠定基础。  相似文献   

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