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参与式方法在小额信贷扶贫项目中的全程运用是项目可持续开展的基本保证,参与式农村评估法是设计小额信贷扶贫项目活动的基础依据。用参与式方法选择承贷农户是小额信贷扶贫项目管理的重点,建立参与式农户信誉体系是小额信贷扶贫项目的核心,坚持小额信贷制度是参与式项目管理的关键。  相似文献   

从授之以鱼到授之以渔,从输血到造血,从救济式扶贫到参与式扶贫开发,甘肃省近年来在静宁县和秦安县积极推行参与式扶贫模式,不仅激发了扶贫开发工作的活力,更是极大地激发了农民群众的积极性和创造力,这一新的扶贫方式以极强的生命力,在甘肃大地上生根、开花、结果。甘肃省将参与式的思路和方法应用于扶贫工作中,包括:让农民参与开发项目的选择和实施、资金的管理,以及检查和验收等全过程,并接受农民群众的监督。甘肃省实施的参与式扶贫开发模式已从2001年初的3个村,推广到目前的223个村。 过去,扶贫项目都是由上级政府决定,…  相似文献   

参与式方法是近些年来国际组织实施援助项目时开发的一种新的工作方法,现已在发展中国家广泛应用,我国的云南、四川、江西等省也正在使用这种方法。山西省中德林业技术合作项目于2000年3月正式开始实施“在使用土地和森林中发展贯彻参与式方法项目”。通过二年来的实践表明,参与式方法是扶贫工作的有效方法。  相似文献   

参与式方法在小额信贷扶贫项目中的全程运用是项目可持续开展的基本保证,参与式农村评估法是设计小额信贷扶贫项目活动的基础依据.用参与式方法选择承贷农户是小额信贷扶贫项目管理的重点,建立参与式农户信誉体系是小额信贷扶贫项目的核心,坚持小额信贷制度是参与式项目管理的关键.  相似文献   

本文介绍了参与式扶贫思路对乡镇政府工作的影响.参与式扶贫思路在乡镇的成功实践,证明了应用该思路实施农村扶贫和推进农村经济可持续发展的有效性,及其在农村减贫致富中的推动作用.  相似文献   

在农村发展领域中,参与式方法越来越受到重视,并从中国开展参与性方法活跃的西南地区,逐步推广到中部地区,本介绍了霍山中荷扶贫项目运用参与式方法在山区扶贫建设中所起的重要作用,项目的实施为中国的山区开发和扶贫工作提供了可以借鉴的模式和信息。  相似文献   

甘肃省近来探索出了一种以人为本以村为单位的扶贫模式,即“参与式整村推进扶贫”模式,其特点是由贫困户全程参与项目的选择、实施、管理和监督,政府则以政策引导和技术支持为主。“参与式整村推进扶贫”是一项综合性扶贫工程,它以村级社会、经济、文化的全面发展为目标,在建设内容上以发展经济和增加贫困人口的收入为中心,力求山、水、田、林路综合治理,教育、文化、卫生和社区精神文明共同发展。通过“参与式整村推进扶贫”  相似文献   

由世界银行支持,国家财政部实施的财政参与式村级扶贫开发项目最近在云南省巍山县正式启动。与以往的扶贫方式相比,财政参与式扶贫最大的特点就是由农民自己决定扶贫开发的具体活动。项目组在项目实施的巍山县安尔村进行了逐户调查之后列出了16项扶贫开发项目,并在随后召开的村民大会上,由村民们对这些项目进行了表决。表决结果表明,分列1至6位的项目依次是:修筑公路、饲养山羊、恢复水毁农田、建设输水沟渠和人畜饮水池。项目组宣布,由村民们选出的这6个项目就是今后安尔村扶贫开发中的重点实施项目。云南省巍山县是全国实施财政参…  相似文献   

参与式土地利用规划活动的几点经验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要介绍了山西省“在使用土地和森林中发展和贯彻参与方法”项目的活动,通过举例分析了参与式方法在参与式土地利用规划活动中的作用和对当地社区群众的影响。  相似文献   

参与式农村评估作为一种新的调查方法引入到中国的农村扶贫、自然资源管理、农村健康等项目已有多年,并积累了丰富的经验。本以中荷扶贫项目农民自助组织的典型案例,介绍在该项目中建立以农民为主体的农村经济自助组织应用参与式农村评估方法的实践,以及在实践中对于参与式的再认识。  相似文献   

能力建设是参与式项目中的一项主要内容,也是参与式项目能否成功的关键.本文以山西省中德林业技术合作项目"在使用土地和森林中发展和贯彻参与式方法(PAAF)"为例,对参与式林业项目中能力建设的主要内容进行了阐述.  相似文献   

农村妇女在PAAF项目中的参与和作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田敏 《林业与社会》2005,13(4):14-23
本文对第一、二期中德技术合作项目实施过程中农村妇女的参与及其作用进行了分析.PAAF项目的实施对当地农村社会性别分工,农民的传统观念以及农村妇女在家庭及社会地位产生了深刻的影响.项目通过参与式方法及参与式农村评估的运用,激发和调动了男、女村民参与项目的积极性,增强了妇女参与决策的意识.通过对农村男、女村民的培训,提高了农村妇女的能力和地位,使当地农村妇女为项目的顺利实施做出了贡献.  相似文献   

何文 《林业与社会》2005,13(1):13-19
本通过对扶贫发展工作可持续性的反思,认为在农村社区的发展工作中,农民、政府和专家的参与和投入缺一不可,农村发展工作需要三的全过程参与。特别强调农民是农村发展的主体,是农村发展的原动力,农民需要参与到社区发展的决策管理过程中去。政府和专家必要的政策、法律和技术支持是农村发展的重要保障。建立起农民、政府和专家三之间和谐的互动关系有助于农村社会全面的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Application of participatory approaches in governmental forestry projects is a bran-new forestry design method. The purpose is to plan the utilization of land correctly, and to determine planting sites, planting species, participating households and management models, based on the projects' requirements and the farmers' demands. Participatory approaches are now practiced in some of the counties in Land Conversion Project. The paper presents the significance and necessity of practicing community mechanism and participatory approach in governmental forestry projects. The author consider that in case the participatory approach of community forestry is widely applied in the governmental forestry projects and activities, the enthusiasm of rural communities and farmers to plant and to protect forest will be inspired, and it is an undoubted drive to sustainable utilization of forest resources. The author also discusses the possibility of applying participatory approaches in the planning stage of Land Conversio  相似文献   

The encroachment rate in forests in Bangladesh is high and increasing — accelerated by rural poverty and the demand for dwelling space and forest products — causing environmental degradation as well as loss of forest cover and productivity. The forests are managed by the Forest Department, although a substantial area of marginal land belongs to other semi-public agencies including Roads and Highways and the Water Development Board. This marginal land has been left unused or underutilized. In contrast, nongovernmental organizations have an appropriate accessibility and technology disseminating ability to utilize this land in reducing poverty and enhancing rural livelihood, and have been highly active and successful in rehabilitating encroached forests. NGOs have added a new dimension to forest management, which has ensured community participation and protection of the forests, both planted and natural. This study evaluates the social forestry activities of four large NGOs, namely BRAC, Proshika, Caritas and CARE-Bangladesh, as well as national social forestry activities. By adopting a common partnership between public and private authority, property right conflicts have been resolved and rural livelihoods enhanced, and scope has been created for utilizing marginal land. The NGO partnership has been effective in reducing poverty and improving livelihoods. As an outcome of this common partnership, 33,472 km of roadside planting and 53,430 ha of reforestation activities have been carried out during the last two decades.  相似文献   

自然保护区周边地区管理的策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析国内外自然保护区功能分区的基础上,提出自然保护区周边地区是“位于保护区边界外一定距离内的区域”,实施周边地区管理的理论基础是可持续理论和参与式农村发展理论,实践周边地区管理是以地方政府为主导、各利益相关群体是主体;周边地区管理计划既是一个独立的区域综合发展计划,又是保护区综合管理的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

森林小组运用参与式方法的实践回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林小组是云南省PRA网最大的小组.文中介绍了该小组应用和实践参与式调查方法方面的主要活动,回顾了森林小组应用参与式方法所开展林业调研项目,对该小组今后的发展方向提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to the question of whether and how community forestry links with poverty reduction in the mountainous regions in developing countries. Household-based community forestry was first implemented in Yunnan and spread over other parts of China in the 1980s. In this forestry management system, rural households are the main actors. Household forestry is a form of small-scale community forestry and suits the rural areas of China, where social overhead capital and skilled human resources are lacking. Community forestry has played a remarkable role in guiding and facilitating rural poverty alleviation in Huoshan County, Anhui Province. This paper describes how the community forestry project in Huoshan County has helped the farmers improve their livelihoods through the creation of a forestry model involving science and technology demonstration households and independent farmers’ organisations. The sustainable poverty alleviation model developed in Huoshan has proved to be effective in poverty alleviation and environmental protection, featuring the participatory forestry components of the project, namely household forestry, science and technology demonstration households, and independent farmers’ organisations. With technological and financial aid from government, the local farmers were able and willing to establish this small-scale forestry management system, planting fast-growing multiple-use tree species with substantial economic benefits.  相似文献   

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