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2003-2005年对保山市大麦蚕豆不同行比间作模式下斑潜蝇发生危害规律进行调查研究。结果表明,大麦蚕豆行比为1:4的种植模式对斑潜蝇控制作用明显高于其他种植模式,该模式斑潜蝇的虫情指数最低,为11.90%,与净种蚕豆比,虫情指数降低了3.83%;相对防效最高,达24.35%。在大麦蚕豆间作试验中,大麦蚕豆行比为1:4的模式为控制斑潜蝇的最佳种植模式。  相似文献   

为探讨旱地增效模式,进行生姜套种玉米试验。结果以6行生姜套种1行玉米为最佳,假茎数、株高、单株重和小区产量都是最高,单产比对照增产达16.38%,差异达极显著,并多收了613元/667m^2鲜玉米。  相似文献   

张运胜 《作物杂志》1995,11(4):27-28
棉茬蚕豆高产栽培途径张运胜(湖南省安乡县农业局415600)间作、套种是在我国国情下发展食用豆类(包括蚕豆)的一条重要途经,蚕豆与棉花套种这种方式在长江流域秋播蚕豆有悠久历史,尤其是在棉花生育后期套播蚕豆,在蚕豆收获后再栽营养钵棉花,两种作物的季节矛...  相似文献   

为了探索在我省中部地区棉麦套种双丰收的经验,我系栽培组棉花科研组教师与工农兵学员在保定地区安国县伍仁桥公社中送大队与当地群众结合搞了两年试验。一、两种两收试验1974年棉花与矮秆齐大麦套种,获得亩产大麦306斤,棉花159斤。今年小麦红蚰包锈病严重,千粒重低,每亩实收小麦338.4斤,棉花可望收到200斤。  相似文献   

近几年来,冬作免耕栽培在不少地区已进行了程度不同的试验研究,其增产、省本的趋势基本一致。实行免耕栽培后,对麦子后期生长有否影响;免耕麦比翻耕麦是提前衰老还是提早成熟;特别是连续几年免耕栽培对土壤理化性的影响问题众说纷纭。针对上述争论,我们在连续6年冬作免耕栽培技术的研究基础上作了定位试验,经4年的试验对比、考察分析结果表明:免耕与翻耕土壤理化性无显著差异,植株的叶绿素含量虽有提前降低趋势,但不影响灌浆速度及干物质积累。在辅之相应的技术措施条件下,免耕麦还是有一定的增产、提早成熟等内在潜力。同时,实行免耕栽培还能防治水土流失,保持良好的土壤理化性状。经9年的冬作免耕栽培对比试验结果表明,免耕麦平均亩产237.8公斤,比翻耕麦平均亩产223.3公斤增产6.49%;免耕蚕豆平均亩产128公斤,比翻耕蚕豆平均亩产110.4公斤增产15.9%;免耕油菜平均亩产128.3公斤,比翻耕油菜平均亩产112.3公斤,增产14.3%。同时考察了后茬早稻产量,免耕田早稻平均亩产433.6公斤,翻耕田早稻平均亩产431.1公斤,两者基本持平。从上述增产数据可知,冬作免耕栽培的增产效果是明显的,还具有省工、节本、缓和季节矛盾等作用。然而,在生产实践中也发现了一些问题和存在着争论,如免耕麦容易造成后期植株落黄快,免耕栽培会引起土壤的养分下降,理化性状变劣等,为明确上述问题,我们特设计本试验。  相似文献   

临蚕5号是甘肃省临夏州农科所选育的高产稳产、大粒、抗逆力强的春蚕豆新品种,组合是和政/英175//青海3号,1998年甘肃省农作物品种审定委员会审定。产量表现1989~1990年品系鉴定试验比对照临夏大蚕豆增产12%~15.3%。1991年~1992年品比试验比对照增产26.5%和23.5%;1993年较临蚕2号增产21.5%。1994~1995年在甘肃省13个点次区试产量3500kg/hm2,较对照增产11.5%。1996~1997年甘肃省12个点次生产试验产量4000kg/hm2,比对照增产21.2%。1998年示范面积9233hm2。特征特性春性,生育期150天。株高110~165cm。有效分枝1…  相似文献   

本文根据1988~1986年的试验资料,分析了不同种植密度和种植方式对蚕豆产量、有关生理指标、群体结构及光能分布的影响。证明在安宁河流域太粒型蚕豆播种的最适密度为亩基本亩15000~18750株,该群体结构较亩基本亩8333株的增产30%以上。宽窄行种植比等行种植增产10~40%,以33厘米和20厘米的宽窄行效果最好。最适种植密度和宽窄行播种增产的原因是提高了蚕豆中后期叶面积指数,增大光合势和净同化率,使群体光能分布均匀,改良收获指数,提高了光能利用率。本文还利用大田切片法对不同种植密度和不同种植方式蚕豆群体结构和光能分布进行了比较. 近年来,国内外对蚕豆种植密度和种植方式作了一些研究,但不同地区差异极大,Pandey等试验证明蚕豆田由11.1株/平方米增至133.2株/平方米,生物产量和经济产量几乎成直线增加。上海农学院试验发现超过15株/早方米产量下降。在种植方式方面,张成昌等提出,蚕豆以宽窄行种植比等行种植增产15.9~39.3%;上海农学院试验认为以宽行窄株距条点播为好。可见,最佳密度和方式受地区和品种影响极大。地处西南高原的安宁河流域,有成片种植蚕豆并以收获籽粒为种植目的的历史,但历年来产量徘徊在亩产75公斤左右,低产原因之一是种植密度和方式不合理,因而寻求适合本地最佳种植方式和密度,是生产上需要解决的问题之一。本文根据1983~1986年三年的试验资料,分析了不同密度和方式对蚕豆产量、有关生理指标、群体结构及光能分布的影响。  相似文献   

大蒜、花生是宁陵县的优势作物.近几年,为了提高种植效益,该县采用地膜覆盖大蒜套种花生栽培模式,平均蒜头产量22500 kg/hm2,蒜薹产量4500 kg/hm2,花生荚果产量5400 kg/hm2,经济效益6.75万元/hm2左右.该栽培模式为大蒜优质高产提供了良好的生长环境,一级商品蒜占90%左右,增产蒜头30%左右,增产蒜薹20%左右;使花生的播种期比麦垅套种提前15~20 d,比麦后直播提前30~40 d,收获期提前10~15 d,增加花生荚果产量20~30%.其栽培技术如下:  相似文献   

针对桑园土地冬季闲置问题,基于《耕作学》理论技术,将羊肚菌大田栽培技术与桑树规范栽培技术有机融合,利用桑树宽行土地栽培羊肚菌,构建冬季闲置宽行地栽培羊肚菌的川东北丘陵区桑园套种羊肚菌模式。研究集成了桑园“中平棚套小拱棚,平棚遮阳、拱棚提温保湿,宽行冬闲地种菌”的川东北丘陵区桑园套种羊肚菌技术,丰富了耕作学和羊肚菌栽培学内容。连续3年桑园套种羊肚菌技术试验示范结果表明,鲜羊肚菌每年单产平均为0.23 kg/m2,桑园每年新增栽培利润平均为14.55元/m2,该技术可高效提升桑园综合效益。  相似文献   

本研究以大豆、玉米、蚕(豌)豆、番薯和马铃薯等常见旱粮作物为研究对象,通过大量的试验研究和组装创新,探索出包括"浙贝母/鲜食春玉米-鲜食秋大豆"旱地新三熟种植模式、"蚕豆/春玉米-夏玉米-秋马铃薯"一年四熟模式、"春马铃薯-水稻-秋马铃薯"高效种植模式、"迷你番薯-迷你番薯-蔬菜"一年三熟模式、"大麦/春大豆-晚稻"一年三熟模式、"棉田套种豌豆"节本增效技术和"大棚番茄套种甜玉米"种植模式等一系列的鲜食旱粮作物新型的高效种植制度和高产栽培技术。通过粮经结合、水旱轮作、单作套种和秸杆等废弃物的资源化利用等模式与鲜食旱粮生产有机结合起来,不仅大大提高了有限耕地的复种指数,还进一步提高了旱粮作物的产量、品质和种植效益,实现了农业生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The construction process of anchor,fiber concrete and its mechanical principle of interaction with surrounding rocks is studied by field tests from the view of researching stability of single layer tunneling lining. The mechanical properties of single layer lining in the practical application of tunnel engineering are measured. On the basis of this study,the mechanism of single layer tunnel lining is discussed,which is finally applied to the engineering practice,formatting a set of theoretical support for the design method of single layer lining. Studies found that close effect between fiber reinforced concrete and rock is well,which shows that the single layer lining design method to ensure quality and safety proposed in this paper is feasible,and construction characteristic of retaining structure is reliable. The method can be widely applied in engineering practice,and has remarkable economic benefit and social benefit.  相似文献   

In this paper,the ring shell lining with annularly verticalwalls made contact with the surrounding rock is considered as a combinationstructure formed of ring shell,inner and outer annular barrels on elastic fo-undation.The complex equation and its solutions of ring shell under deadload of lining and vertical and horizontal surrounding rock pressures are de-rived by the method of complex function.The governing equation and itssolution of the barrels on elastic foundation are also derived by theory ofcylindrical shell.And then,the ring shell lining is assembled by the subst-ructures by means of compatibility conditions of internal forces and defor-mations between them.In the paper,all formulas for the practical computa-tion in engineering are derived,the numerical examples are given and theeffects of the parameters of the lining on the work behaviours of lining alsoare discussed preliminarily  相似文献   

In process of the tunnel construction throw New Austrian Tunnelling Method, the result of smoothwall blasting to rock tunnel is not good, there are more and more cavities produced behind the lining. On the basis of engineering project, this paper makes the three-dimensional elastic-plastic analysis throw numerical simulation, discusses the stress-strain behavior of primary support when there is a different size of rectangle cavity behind the lining. In addition the safety factor of tunnel is calculated with cavity based on the strength reduction finit element method. This factor is compared with the factor of health tunnel. The stability of tunnel structure system is estimated through the linear regression analysis between stress of lining and safety factor.  相似文献   

Based on the elastic foundation beam,the control differential equation of tunnel lining is worked out,according to the theory of Saint-Venant,the predominance equation about the center angle to the crack space is established, then the crack space of tunnel lining under the loads can be worked out and according to the crack space,the crack width can be calculated.  相似文献   

Tunnel portal section mostly faces unfavorable geologic and topographical conditions, such as broken surrounding rock, shallow and unsymmetrical loadings. The current Chinese code for design of road tunnel provides the load calculation method of tunnel under unsymmetrical. However, according to the mechanic and deformation characteristics of the tunnel lining on site, the assumption is not suitable for the shallow tunnel under unsymmetrical loadings in broken surrounding rock. Therefore, through engineering case analysis and results of three-dimensional numerical analysis, the failure mechanism of shallow tunnel under unsymmetrical loadings in broken surrounding rock is presented firstly, that is, deep buried side broken surrounding rocks slump down after excavation and squeeze the lining, which makes the lining deform outward and bear passive earth pressure. Through the failure mechanism, the surrounding rock mainly includes slumping area and passive area. Then the corresponding formulas are deduced based on limit equilibrium theory. Finally, a case study is adopted to verify the feasibility of the new method. It is show that the new method is more reasonable than the method of current code.  相似文献   

According to the characteristics of interfacial stress between surrounding rock and shotcrete support, mechanical model of composite curved beame for support system of tunnel surrounding rock and shotcrete lining was established, considering the interfacial deformation coordination and the effects of bearing arch of surrounding rock. Then from static equilibrium of two differential elements, the differential equations for the radial displacement of composite curved beam were obtained. All analytic formulas of both interfacial stress and internal forces between surrounding rock and shotcrete lining by arbitrary distribution load were derived. And thus the mechanical condition of interface zone and the stress concentration position were obtained, which is convenient to assess the stability of surrounding rock and predict the safety. Finally, the analysis of tunnel project excavated by bench method showed that shotcrete lining made the formation of compressive stress zone in surrounding rock by transferring stress from the interface between surrounding rock and shotcrete, which is beneficial to improve the stability of surrounding rock.  相似文献   

Combined with thedesign precept of Cai-Yuan highway tunnel 2 in Chongqing,stress state,time ffectiveness and rupture mechanism of rock near the bounda-ries of the tunnel and the second lining in jointed rock mass arc studied with model tests.The results show that shotcretc-bolt support betters mechanical properties of the periphey rock of the tunnel,and increases the capacity of anti-deformation.The second lining also has the action of supporting structure.  相似文献   

Although the constitutive model for geomaterial damage has developed significantly, there is still dispute regarding the synthesis mode of stress and strain for the complexus theory of geomaterials damage. The synthesis mode of stress and strain for the complexus theory of geomaterials damage was studied in depth in light of the basic concepts of continuum mechanics. A general synthesis mode of stress and strain for the complexus theory of geomaterials damagmall. The amount of sampling could sharply decrease by using the dual sampling method. During the comparison, the supporting role exaggeration of the line element, which is used in the FEM model to simulate the initial lining and rock bolt, was found by FEM simulation. The lining element reaction forces which were greater than usual were reported in FEM analysis results. Deeply Buried Tunnel Reliability Analysis was developed on the platform of ANSYS.  相似文献   

The application of lock-up clutch slip control balances the fuel economy and drivability, and greatly improves the performance of hydraulic automatic transmission. The structure of the lock-up clutch and the friction material of lock-up clutch lining are discussed, a detailed research on varying characteristic due to engaging time during the lock-up clutch engagement is developed, too. By applying the slip control, lower fuel consumption is achieved.  相似文献   

The melt of smelting reduction with iron bath Possessed high oxidizability andlow basicity. This paper studied the erosion rate and extent of molten slag and iron on different kindsrefractories and the micro-structure changing.It was shown that the main factor of corrosion liningwas the reaction between melt and oxide existing in lining.The serious zone was the interfacebetween slag and iron bath and slag surface. The greater the concentration of iron oxide,the higherthe erosion rate is.So is the temperature.  相似文献   

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